Hello, exotics!
I am Dana Lucia
Yes, I know, it sounds strange, but that's the correct pronunciation in Romanian.
This video will be in Romanian because you asked for it, so you'll have to activate the captions down below.
Let's start this video
we'll talk about Bosque de Chapultepec,
which means "The Forest of Chapultepec" what can you do here and the history of this place.
Let's start!
At the entrance of this forest you can find
the Kids of the Heroes Monument.
I'll tell you later the story of this monument
where you can see it in the other part.
But you can see them right when you enter the forest.
We'll continue the tour, better said we'll start the tour
getting to a local store, Starbucks, here in the Capital
at almost any part of the street there is a Starbucks,
but this one is a little more special, why?
You'll see as soon as we get there.
Getting to Starbucks, I asked for something to drink
because I'm thirsty, here in any minute can rain, snow, or sunny.
Okay, let me tell you why this Starbucks is special enough..
It's the first place from Latin America which has a
Leed certificate, which means that when it was built,
there wasn't any tree cut off and moreover,
the natural light is 100% in use,
and the design of this Starbucks is made from Mayas fabrics.
from local artists.
Mayas are the ancestors of Mexicans, but they aren't the only ones
there are also toltecas, mestizos, Spanish and Aztecas.
There are many cultures, but also many Mexicans.
Who could believe that has that much to tell?
Let's go to the Castle of Chapultepec
yes, here like anything has the name of Chapultepec,
but let me tell you that the word Chapultepec
is from Nahautl language, which means: the home of grasshoppers.
Because there are many of them on here,
and maybe you also know that Mexicans eat grasshoppers
I didn't taste it yet, but whatever, I hope one day
I'll have the courage for that.
I was at the Castle, I made the tour and now I am at the monument of the kids
And now let me tell you the history of the Castle
so you'll know why is it called like that.
Let's start with the Castle... Is the one and only real Castle from Latin America.
It was built in 1778 and was finished a year later.
It was built to be the summer house for the king from that time.
Then in 1841, it became a military school and 5-7 years later
the war between Mexico and USA begun,
which meant that when the soldiers arrived, here right where we are now, there were also students.
But right before the American soldiers arrived
the soldiers decided to lock them in,
so the won't participate in the war,
but the teens said: Why can't we participate?, and so they wanted to also participate on the war, then
the participated but unfortunately with no success, and one of them
got up right there, he got the flag and he threw himself off.
And that's the story of this monument.
After the war ended
the castle became the residence of Maximiliano I,
then it became a presidential residence for the many more presidents of the country.
Till 1939 when the president of that time
decided to become a History National Museum,
like in the present.
But that president decided to move to "La Hormiga"
that's how that was called, because it was the smallest property which that president got.
Which is called "Los Pinos"
which is now also the presidential residence
of the president.
The castle is divided into 2 parts:
the first is the military one and the other is
the area of the residence of the presidents.
The furniture being from 19-20th centuries,
The castle was built in a palace style,
which means that is was full of luxury and imposing.
I think that these are the facts about the Castle
so now we'll get to the Lake of Chapultepec
we'll get there, let's see what we can find on there.
I'm already here on the lake, but I forgot to tell you some
details about the Castle.
The entrance price is 4.7 USD
and in 1996, the year when I was born, the Castle was one of the scenes from
the movie, Romeo and Julieta, with Leonardo DiCaprio.
There were many movies made in that Castle,
but one of the most important was Romeo and Julieta.
Okay, we're here at the lake, here you can rent a boat with
5 USD.
We decided to take a boat with sculls,
there are also with pedals and actually there is a swan shape, just like in Oradea.
We'll stay here, for like an hour being in the sun,
as you can see we have the sun right now, but the sun can go out in any moment.
Some details about this park, are:
It's the biggest park from the American continent.
Yes, bigger than the Central Park from New York
like 2 times bigger.
Like 1729 acres,
yes, it pretty pretty pretty big, trust me.
It has 7 museums, amusement park, zoo, botanic garden, and many more,
and that's why it is the destination of many Mexican families
especially in the Sunday.
In the weekend there are many many many people on here,
that's why we came on Tuesday.
Here on the lake there are also organized movies, in November
a cinema, there is a very very very big screen
and there are many boats, well organized so you can watch movies.
Let me tell you that you have to have a bought ticket
with many time before so you can take place to it.
So those being said, here ends the experience from the lake,
Let's go to the last attraction which we'll make in this video
which is... it'll be better no to tell you, you'll see immediately.
As it is the second time when I row, this time I did it better,
okay, my hands are pretty red, but that's the work works.
Now we are at the last activity which we make in this video.
Which is the Museum of Anthropology.
But, we can't enter because it's already 5 PM
and it's already closed, so I'll have to make another video
about the museum from Mexico.
Maybe you didn't know but Mexico is
the second city from the world with the most museums,
So, those being said, here ends this video,
thanks for watching, I hope you liked the Romanian language,
and I'll wait for you comments about
how Romanian sounds for you,
you like it, you want more Romanian video
and what you did like else.
Let me know in the comments below.
Take care of yourself. Bye!
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