Hello what's up? This is Alan, I am a journalist and this is Ingresse na Arte, my culture channel on YouTube.
In this video, I talk about dance performances and about Balé da Cidade de São Paulo and São Paulo Companhia de Dança.
Sometimes I wonder if dance performances are popular. Who watches the performances? Who knows dance's companies work or the dance groups' research?
I do not know any research that can give some answers about this,
however noticing that Sao Paulo Companhia de Dança's and Balé da Cidade's performances were sold out
and that Globo and Record TV, the most influential Brazilian TV stations,
have been giving space for dance through the "Dança dos Famosos" and "Dancing Brasil" TV shows,
I would say that if someone does not watch dance is only because he or she does not want to.
At the Theatro Municipal, Balé da Cidade de São Paulo, that is celebrating its 50 years of age,
thrilled the audience featuring the choreography "A Sagração da Primavera".
During the debut of this performance in Paris in 1913, the audience booed
because it did not understand the modernity of the soundtrack signed by Stravinsky and the choreography.
The same has not happen with the Balé da Cidade that excited the audience at the Theatro Municipal, whose performances were all sold out.
A detail that caught everyone's attention was a non-stop rain of rose petal, something that created an incredible visual effect.
It is also magical to see all 34 ballet dancers onstage at the same time
And it is also incredible to try to figure out where they are coming from or where they are going to disappear from the stage.
São Paulo Companhia de Dança was one of the attractions of the Alfa Theater Dance Season and showed three choreographies
including the success "14'20"", "Melhor Único Dia", by Henrique Rodovalho that this company showed for the first in Sao Paulo last June,
and "Odisseia", by French Joelle Bouvier.
In "Odisseia", it is quite beautiful to see some ballet dancer's movements with scenic elements that resemble the movements of the sea.
This is very interesting because this choreography talks about travel and refugee crisis, a huge social issue in Europe and in Venezuela nowadays.
In "Melhor Único Dia", choreographer Henrique Rodovalho, based on animal movements,
creates a choreography in which 14 ballet dancers dance next to each other as if they were talking to each other through these dance gestures.
The soundtrack is signed by Pupilo and Céu, and lighting is fundamental in this performance.
Talking again about "Odisseia", on the soundtrack there are Bach, Heitor Villa-Lobos and a poem declaimed by Maria Bethânia
And last weekend, Quasar Cia. de Dança, created by Henrique Rodovalho, returned to the stage
after two years of interrupted artistic activities. About this, I will talk in another video.
This is it. Next Tuesday, there is a new video on this channel. If you like this video, share this idea, talk to your friends about this channel
and dance with Sao Paulo Companhia de Dança, Balé da Cidade de São Paulo and Quasar Cia. de Dança. See you soon. Bye bye.
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