Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 28 2018

Desde que empezó a convertirse en un personaje público, Isabel Pantoja siempre ha intentado proteger su intimidad para que los medios de comunicación no hablen de su vida privada o de su familia.

Aunque la cantante no ha tenido mucho éxito en cumplir su objetivo, lo cierto es que puso tanto empeño en su misión que incluso obligó a firmar a todos sus empleados un contrato de confidencialidad ;

en el que se acordó que no desvelarían ningún secreto comprometido sobre lo que ocurriera de puertas para adentro.

Dulce Delapiedra, la niñera eterna de Chabelita Pantoja, no se libró de estampar su firma sobre los documentos y se comprometió,

entre otras cláusulas, a "no revelar, difundir, publicar o contribuir a la publicación por terceras personas de cualquier dato de la vida privada,

familiar o profesional de Dª Isabel Pantoja Martín, sus hijos o relativas a la vida privada de cualesquiera de las personas que con ella conviven", según ha revelado 'El programa de Ana Rosa'.

Está claro que Delapiedra hizo caso omiso a todo lo que decía el contrato y su lengua viperina podría costarle ahora unos cuantos disgustos,

y es que a Pantoja no le ha temblado el pulso a la hora de ponerle una denuncia por todo lo que ha estado largando estas últimas semanas,

exigiéndole "los daños y perjuicios" de los que un día la niñera asumió la responsabilidad tras firmar el documento.

La vía de escape de Dulce; Sin embargo, a Delapiedra le queda un as en la manga y la babysitter podría librarse de la pagamenta si logra probar que todo lo que ha salido por su boca ha sido relativo a los hechos posteriores a 2014,

año en el que dejó de trabajar para Pantoja y que, por ende, venció su contrato de confidencialidad.

Sin duda, parece que se acerca una larga temporada de batallas y procesos judiciales que dejarán ver a la tonadillera sentada de nuevo en el banquillo, pero esta vez en el de los demandantes.

For more infomation >> Se filtran algunas cláusulas del contrato de confidencialidad que Isabel Pantoja obligó a firmar a - Duration: 2:31.


Pista De Reggaeton - Free Beat De Reggaeton 2018 - Eres Mia | Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Pista De Reggaeton - Free Beat De Reggaeton 2018 - Eres Mia | Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:22.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Mourão enterra Bolsonaro ao defender fim do 13º - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Mourão enterra Bolsonaro ao defender fim do 13º - Duration: 2:58.


Captan asalto de tres encapuchados en El Bronx | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Captan asalto de tres encapuchados en El Bronx | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : MAGNO MALTA FEZ FALSA ACUSAÇÃO DE PEDOFILIA E PROVOCOU TRAGÉDIA - Duration: 2:11.


Últimas notícia de hoje : CAOS NO BOLSONARISMO SE AGRAVA E MOURÃO É PROIBIDO DE FALAR - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : CAOS NO BOLSONARISMO SE AGRAVA E MOURÃO É PROIBIDO DE FALAR - Duration: 6:29.


Últimas notícia de hoje : POBREZA ATINGE 27,3% DA POPULAÇÃO ARGENTINA NO PRIMEIRO SEMESTRE - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : POBREZA ATINGE 27,3% DA POPULAÇÃO ARGENTINA NO PRIMEIRO SEMESTRE - Duration: 3:53.


CAT ISLAND IN JAPAN! | Ainoshima 猫島 - Duration: 8:24.

this time we are going to...

it's gonna take around 35 mins to get to the place....

So we're going to a Japanese Cat Island finally!

Let's see how many cats we can find!

So we came to this Cat Island in Japan &

This one is called Ainoshima

It's actually located in the Fukuoka Prefecture

The only way to get here is by ship

& costs around 8$

Finally we're here!

Finally made it to the Cat Island!

So hopefully we can find as many cats as we've been wishing!

cause seems there's around 400 cats living here!

so let's see how many we'll find!!!

but it's kinda cold today so

hope they don't be sleeping

maybe it could be difficult

ahh! too many!!

there's a vending machine too!

he took everything lol

hi everybody!

so we decided to include from now on this ''break time'' part on our videos

in every single trip/vlog videos specifically

this time we went to a Cat Island so

we'd like to show u guys

the variety of goods Japan has to offer for CAT'S LOVERS

it's all about cats lol

one of those goods we'd like to show is this one*

cause is the cutest one

but before it! we thought it would be nice if you guys guess what would it be about?

so the options are:





so what do you think it would be?

so the answer is!!

it's a PIGGY BANK!!! yay!

This time, I'm gonna introduce a soul food of Fukuoka

Fukuoka has a lot of typical foods but...

The most popular one is "Ramen"

"Ichiran" is well known Ramen shop by Japanese people

Ichiran also has shops in foreign countries.

The Main shop is in Fukuoka though ;)

Ichiran has unique things that other ramen shops don't have...

Let's see what they are like ;)

Chose the toppings of ramen

insert money

Push the botton that you'd like to order

Take the ticket and bring it to counter

Check the vacant seat and chose which seat you'll take

They have separated seat

Because they want you to focus on only taste of Ramen

Fill the sheet

Push the botton to order

Wait a few minutes :)

Here it comes!!

The most interesting thing is...

Is... toilet paper in the shop lol

For more infomation >> CAT ISLAND IN JAPAN! | Ainoshima 猫島 - Duration: 8:24.


Kia Stinger 3.3 V6 T-GDI AWD GT De meest uitgebreide en snelste Kia ooit !! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Stinger 3.3 V6 T-GDI AWD GT De meest uitgebreide en snelste Kia ooit !! - Duration: 1:08.


Las acrobacias increíbles de una alemana en bicicleta | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Las acrobacias increíbles de una alemana en bicicleta | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.


Caseta de madera, pintar y proteger.1 Parte mini taller - Duration: 2:46.

How about friends I'm very happy, a lot of that you are there. Welcome to a new

video of my channel, That I fixed it for Dad, this time the video that I bring

is how are we going to prepare this little house wood, to make it my future workshop

handyman we're going to fix it so much outside like inside and we'll see

in several videos ... good friends, first of all tell you that this

booth carries with me about 15 years, the truth that has not been maintained

wrong, but now we are going to give you a review considerably important

I want to turn it into my little workshop handyman, where I will record many

of my videos ....

the first thing I'm going to do with the pressure water gun is to give you a good

cleaned all the wood outside

and once I have it completely clean let it dry

about one hour.

In the next step, I'm going to apply used engine oil

to all the wood ...

this technique has already applied to you in videos previous, for example, in which you

I leave the link above, which is to mount and protect a wooden fence

or also paint and protect some beams decorative wood that I have in the

garden, when the budgies water It gets wet

and little by little I'm applying the oil to the whole house

and before you finish applying the oil I wanted to tell you that I will go up the

videos of all the things that you do to the mini workshop, such as placing

the ground, make a tool bank, do the electrical installation on led and

a spectacular interior decoration

good friends and this easy way we have finished the first part of this

great project, which is to mount my mini carving handyman ... every Friday a

more and better video we'll see you in the next video because we are made

some first handyman, goodbye.

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