Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

Hello, ARMY from around the world.

I am your host, worldwide handsome Jin of BTS.

We've got some news for you that has just arrived.

As we are recording this, BTS will provide full coverage of

their album "Love Yourself: Answer" to ARMY.

So let's check it out.

Jin! We're over here!

All right. Please say hello, BTS.

2, 3. Bangtan! Hello, we are BTS.

We are back.

- We're finally doing this comeback live. - Comeback! - Yeah.

We are back. We are back, everyone.

- Before we start talking about the album. - Yes.

BTS is wrapping up "Love Yourself" series which has continued for two and a half years.

I'm sure you all feel something special about it.

- Jungkook. - Yes.

- I just called your name. - OK.

Jungkook, please tell us how you feel.

- You said you just called my name. - No, not actually.

Please tell us how you feel.

First off, Love Your...

We have reached the finale of "Love Yourself" series

with "Love Yourself: Answer".

The finale of the series is finally here.

We started in March 2016 and we concluded it after two years and five months.

I feel proud and sad at the same time.

Proud and sad.

We all tried our best, so I think we created a meaningful album series.

I hope ARMYs feel the same way about the album.

Please check it out and send us your love and support.

Thank you for your answer.

I'm glad that we have concluded this "Love Yourself" series.

Let's give ourselves a round of applause.

Good job, guys.

- Good job! - RM. - Yes.

You said you worked on the album hoping that you can fully enjoy

- with our fans. - You bet.

That reminds me of the first performance of "IDOL" in our concert a few days ago.

I could see everyone was enjoying it together.

So I got all hyped up.

- Did you prepared it? - No, I just winged it.

- Really? You winged it? - Yes, I did.

- Nice. - What about you, RM?


I think I was so excited on the first day of our concert.

Yes, you were.

That was because we revealed it for the first time.

It was really fun.

- Thankfully it didn't rain. It ended successfully. - Right.

ARMYs came with the fan chant memorized just one day after the release.

And they sang along to the lyrics.

So I enjoyed the concert without any time to be nervous.

Like I said before the release of the album, we got to enjoy the festival with our fans.

- Yeah. - So I feel great.

The energy of the concert still hasn't gone away.

ARMYs, you are the best.

- ARMYs really are the best. - They rock.

- It's time to talk about our title song "IDOL". - Right. - Yeah.

Our title track "IDOL" is very upbeat.

I got this microphone.

It's lighting up and all.

Right. The message of "IDOL" is no matter what others say, I'm myself

and I love myself.

Did you all know that?

- Of course. - Of course we know.

- Love myself, love yourself. - That's right.

Right. We blended African-inspired beats and chants of traditional Korean "gugak" music.

Supported by a trap groove and electronic dance music elements

it sounds both Korean and global.

Round of applause.

- All the good things are in it. - That's right.

We have to talk about the choreography.

The African Gwara Gwara dance is part of the choreography.

I think this dance is very easy to follow.

It also has elements of talchum (dance with a mask) and samul nori (percussion).

- Hope you like our song "IDOL". - OK.

All right.

Come to think of it, the main character of the last trailer of the "Love Yourself" series was Jin.

You played the piano in the concert.

- Piano? I did. - I've never seen you play the piano before.

When did you practice?

I learned the piano for the first time in my life for the concert.

How did you like it?

- We all have microphones already. - Do we need that microphone?

- It's pretty. - That's for you, Jin. - All right.

- You're the MC after all. - Thank you.

I learned how to play the piano. It was cool when it made those noises.

Since I don't know much about piano,

I tried to learn the exact positions and timing,

with the help of Slow Rabbit who wrote the song.

He helped me with the hand positions.

- You practiced? - I practiced. - Chords.

Did you learn it perfectly?

- Indeed I did. - Please show us soon.

- Show us. - Show us how you play the piano.

When we practice our title song, we usually record a dance practice video.

Is there going to be "Epiphany" dance practice video?

I recorded a piano practice video.

- Jin said he couldn't fake playing the piano in front of the fans. - Right.

- That was part of the choreography. - Yeah, it is.

- I didn't want to fake it. - You didn't want to fake it?

I began practicing three weeks before the concert.

Good job.

- Thank you. - All right.

- OK. - Now Jin. - Yes.

Please sing a little bit of "Epiphany".

Let's sing it.

It's lighting up.

I think there were some drunk guys here.

I love the song, Jin.

- It'd be a shame if I'm the only one singing. - Right.

In this album, like in the album "WINGS",

- it includes all of the members' solo tracks. - Yeah.

These solo tracks are intertwined with each other, playing the role of

- representing 4 steps of storyline. - That's right.

I'm in charge of "conclusion".

- J-Hope. What about you? - Me?

- "Beginning" for me. - Didn't he just smell it? (pun)

Energy (pun).

- I see. - The beginning.

Taehyung, what about you?

You know.

- Right. I know. - I think that is that.

- Taehyung. - You seemed to have no idea.

- I do know. "Turn". - Turn.

- Sounds yummy ("Jeon" means Korean pancakes). - Suga. - Yes.

You look handsome today.

Show your handsome face.

That's so out of the blue.

- What was your role, Suga? - I smelled (pun).

- Just as I expected. - I thought you'd said that, so I tried to pass.

- What was yours, Jimin? - Development.

I see. What about you, Namjoon?

- What is that? - Development. - Oh, is it?

- What does that have to do with "development"? - Development!

- I'm annoyed. - Neck slice? - Development.

I'm sorry. Jungkook, what about you?

- Introduction for me. - Right.

So we all had different roles.

I will give each of you some time to promote your solo track.

You can promote your solo song for 100 seconds.

Shall we start with Jungkook?

All right.

We are given only 100 seconds?

I think that is more than enough.

- In our own style? - Yes.

- OK. - Is there nothing prepared?

Of course there is something prepared. Trust me.

- Do you believe in me? - We do.

You do. I see.

Let's get started.

What did you prepare?

- Since I'm the MC... - You have to say, "Start".

I prepared something amazing.

Are you the MC and DJ?

- I'm a DJ. - What is that speaker?

- Here we go. - Start!

First off, "Euphoria"

was revealed as a video, and it hadn't been included in our album.

- Right. - Yeah.

The video didn't reveal the full track.

The song was played in the video.

But this time, the song is officially released.

- A round of applause. - Nice.


I think the song describes the tingling feelings in the beginning of a new romance.

My young and fresh voice.

- I think you all know that. - Are you showing off?

Yes, I am.

- Yes, you're young. - Along with those elements,

I can say that the song is good enough to satisfy myself and ARMY.

Since it's Track 1 of the album,

I made a lot of edits. I worked hard on this one.

Please sing a little bit.

There it is. Show the choreography of this part.

Let's go!

Jungkook, Jungkook!

Let's dance together.

Nice, Jungkook!

- Jungkook! - That guy looks drunk.

Jungkook, you got 20 seconds left.

- You have 10 seconds. - You've shown too much.

10, 9,


- We can do a lot of things for 100 seconds. - That's right.

- Indeed. - I actually participated in this.

This scenario. How do you call it?

- You mean the script? - I took part in writing the script.

I suggested that we give you 100 seconds each.

- OK. - He's always lying. - Good job.

Next up, Namjoon.

It's Namjoon's turn.

- Nope. - It's my turn. - J-Hope.

He even played "Seesaw".

- Jin, you have to put them in order. - Right.

- I'm in charge of the "beginning". - You don't know J-Hope's solo song?

Let me introduce my solo track.

- Please start when the music starts. - "Just Dance".

- "Just Dance". - What kind of song is it?

This song is amazing.

["Just Dance"] 100 seconds starts now.

I'm your hope, J-Hope, everyone.

My solo track is "Just Dance".

"Just Dance" is literally

- just dance. - Just dance.

I thought about dancing.

- Just dance. - I compared the feelings

when you fall in love to the act of dancing.

I expressed the love and excitement

when I first started dancing.

- How was it? Did you feel excited? - I loved it.

- I felt excited. - When I first started working on the song,

I thought a lot of performance.

I put emphasis on the performance when I made the song.

So there are lots of fun elements.

I hope you'll focus on that when you listen to the song.

I hope you enjoy my solo track in our concert, everyone.

I know our concert is over in Korea.

But our tour is coming up.

Would you like to take a trip to come to our concert?

Sounds great.

- All right. That's about my solo track "Just Dance". - J-Hope, here it comes.

Here it comes, J-Hope!


- So cool. - Just following my body.


Let's go!

- That was my solo song. Hope you like it. - So cool.

Very nice explanation, J-Hope.



- My solo track is "Serendipity". - Right.

The song received enormous love.

["Serendipity"] Right.

Khalid said he liked it this morning.

- DJ Khalid! - Isn't he younger than you?

- Not that Khalid. - Different person.

- Isn't he younger than you? - Yes.

As you can hear, the lyrics and emotions of the song are young and fresh.

- It's charming and sweet. - Right.

- I think you will... - This song never gets old.

It's because someone amazing wrote the lyrics.

- Seriously, this song never gets old. - You mean my solo song gets old?

- What about my solo song? - It's too soon to get old.

Jungkook, your song is the truth (word play).

- Is it the truth? - Truth? That's a punch line.

Hang on. We shouldn't interrupt Jimin.

There's not much to talk about, actually.

- It's just... - Really?

- It's because he's that confident. - Right.

I hope you will listen to it

when you want to fall in love or when you think of me.

- Jimin, here we go. - Let's go.

Let's go.


So cool.

That was so cool, Jimin.

- Time is up. - That was really cool.

- Time's up! - It's like the k-pop dance contest.

- Next. - Who is next? - It's me.

- The second chapter. - Namjoon.

- The second chapter. - Love.

He's going to go for "Love".

He doesn't know the songs.

["Love"] - He doesn't know. - No, the titles are...

- You lost 10 seconds. - "Trivia" is all they have.

There's something important.

- "Love" is on right now. - I'm sorry.

- Please lower the volume. - 13 seconds have gone by already.

My solo song, "Love".

It represents the beauty of Korean.

The words "human" and "love" in Korean sound very similar,

so that's how I started to write this song.

There's a square in the word "human" when you write it in Korean.

And if you love someone, the corners get rounder

and then if a person sits on that circle,

it becomes "love" in Korean.

- That's what my song is about. - Wow, how did you come up with that?

The words "live" and "love" are similar

- so I thought it would work out. - He must be a genius.

I made this song to enjoy with everyone so we can all feel happiness together.

This song is perfect for everyone to sing along.

It was made to be sung all together.

- He must be a genius. - So please sing along.

There's only 2 special effects on stage for this song.

The first one is the camera.

And the second one is BTS.

The most expensive one.

- The one that required the most budget. - It's time for them to see it live.

Namjoon, your solo dance.

- Yeah. - That's it.

All right.

- I'm done. - The lyrics are so beautiful.

That's right.

- Yeah, the song is so great. - It really is.

Now the third section.

The beginning of the third section.

- V. - "Singularity". - Yes.

My solo song, "Singularity" was

an intro song to "Tear" which was introduced

- in our album "LOVE YOURSELF" in May. - It was shocking.

["Singularity"] The music video is out too.

I tried to express how someone discovers that they've been lying all about

their true self in exchange for love.

- Is it a good match with my voice? - It's awesome.

Yes. And our friend Gallant did a cover performance.

Our friend Gallant.

- With his groove. - Yeah.

- He was so awesome. - I was amazed.

Out of all the solo songs,

- mine is probably the most dramatic. - Yes.

It's a dramatic song.

Then your choreography please.

- You have one. - Yes.

For the first time ever, I tried doing an individual performance.

- Was it all right? - It was cool. - Please show them.

- Please show them yourself. - It blew me away.

- I still don't get how he does that. - Do that part where you scratch... - Here we go.


Here comes the mask. Here comes the mask part.

Isn't that a mask?


The choreography is not easy.

It's like watching a musical.

- So cool. - Great.

That's the kind of song it is.

I still have 13 second left. So there it is.

And next up is Suga.

Another song in the third section.

This song is amazing. It's a masterpiece.

- "Seesaw". - It's my favorite song.

"Seesaw" is my favorite out of the solos.

- Out of Suga's solos. - It's a masterpiece.

["Seesaw"] I'll introduce BTS's "Seesaw".

It was the most popular song at the concert.

I showed my true self that was in hiding up until now through "Seesaw".

What true self?

When the song was first released, a lot of our fans went, "huh? He's such a good singer".

That's enough.

And at the concert, they were like, "huh? He's a pretty good dancer too".

To be honest, I was aiming to get 1st place on music charts when

I was writing this song.

But that has changed a bit.

Now if you search for "Seesaw",

you see "Trivia".

But it didn't in the beginning.

So when I typed "Seesaw" as soon as it was released

it didn't automatically show up.

So it didn't make it first place on music charts.


- I think it's good enough to be first place. - So you think the reason is because it doesn't

- automatically show on search engines. - Sure.

That's important.

People play the top songs on streaming sites, and they go like, "what is this song"?

- You should show them the choreography. - They have to see this one.

Show them "Seesaw". "Seesaw".

- Like "Seesaw". - To the right.


It was fun.

- Good. - Yoongi... - It's over.

- Time's over. - You have to move on to the next song.

I danced next to Suga during our concert rehearsal.

And Suga is a great dancer.

- In a cute way. - Please search "Seesaw" now and then.

Let's watch a video clip now.

- VCR. - VCR please. - Let's go. - Here we go.

Welcome to the set of the MV shooting of BTS.

Here we go.

This is the title song of the album "Answer"

which is the last part of the "LOVE YOURSELF" series.

It all boils down to this. No matter what word describes me,

what matters most is that I'm myself.

And there can be many versions of me, like this.

This is how I feel.

We're on the set of the "IDOL" MV shoot.

It's supposed to be really hot today.

I don't get hot.

Let's fight.

We came back soon because you all said that you missed us so much.

- Yoohoo. - Hoo.

Isn't the set pretty?

We've been so busy since the morning, but I think the MV will turn out great.

[MV of "IDOL"] I think the MV will be great.


This is the cutest outfit of all.

I wanted to wear some glasses too

but I stopped myself.

It's a group dancing scene.

The most important scene in the MV.

We have to do really well.

The choreography is awesome.

It's probably the hardest choreography we've ever had to do.

The concept is like a traditional Korean folk dance.

The traditional Korean vibe?

If you take a close look, the choreography

is like this.

This is the highlight of the dance.

Go back and forth like this.

We've always had hard choreography but if feels like it's being upgraded every time.

I can't wait to see how much harder it will get in the future.

We'll have to look forward to the next choreography.

Comeback JK.

[The choreography] To be honest, when we were first practicing,

we wondered if singing live while dancing this choreography

would even be possible because it requires a lot of energy.

[But] It's our responsibility to keep working on it and making it work somehow.


How are we supposed to do freestyle?

- Let's go. - Thank you.

Good work everyone.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

It's the 3rd MV shoot.

The concept of today is "Jimin and his bodyguards".

I've never used a fan for singing before.

Does it look OK?

V's hair color looks yummy.

[Like a lollipop] Like lollipop.

The choreography is amazing.

And we're going to show you a variety of performances

so I hope you'll enjoy it.

- Good. - That's right.

["IDOL"] We're done with the MV shooting.

- A long 3 days. - Yes.

I have a feeling "IDOL" is going to be a huge hit.

I heard the MV is really unique this time.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Please look forward to it

and please show your support for "IDOL".

- "IDOL" fighting. - Fighting.

- We're "IDOL". - We're BTS.

Hello, we're "IDOL".

Bye bye.

[The final section of "LOVE YOURSELF"]

- Did you watch the video everyone? - Yeah!

Hello ARMY fans, it's Achasan drubby V

and Hawaiian drubby Jungkook.

- Drubby games with Akko and Hakko. - Here we go.

Drubby games with Akko and Hakko?

- Yes. - Akko for Achasan drubby.

- And Hakko for Hawaiian drubby. - Hawaiian drubby games.

- That's why it's Drubby games with Akko and Hakko. - Yes.

- Drubby games with Akko and Hakko. - The members on my side is team Akko.

And the ones next to Jungkook are members of the Hakko team.

What is the first game?

Can I guess?

Is it the telepathy game?

- That's what I thought too! - Yeah.

- Exactly. - Telepathy? - Yeah. - That's right.

- It's the telepathy game everyone. - That's right.

Before we start the game, we have to set the penalty.

I wonder what the penalty will be.

I am holding some of the penalties we have to do.

- I see. - Let's try Hallasan instead of Ahchasan.

We'll look first.


Are you not going to tell us?

It's unique.

- Are you not going to tell us? - That's right. Only we get to see.

I wonder who will win.


Then can you explain the telepathy game, J-Hope?

Are you broken?

- J-Hope, please explain... - Something's odd.

All right. I'll explain the game.

First of all, you must select a leader.

A quiz leader.

And the leader has to read out the other team's questions.

For example, if J-Hope is the Akko team's leader and if Suga is the Hakko team leader,

Suga will read out the questions for J-Hope.

And J-Hope will read the questions out for Suga.

The questions will be shown on the monitors in front of us.

And the team members have to guess

whether their leader will answer correctly or not

and hold up O or X.

So it doesn't matter whether or not the leader get

The members must guess if the leader will answer correctly or not.

That is what matters in this game.

So if I'm supposed to answer a question

the team members have to guess if I can answer correctly or not.


- Whether you get it correct or wrong? - Yes.

- So we have to guess whether you'll answer correctly or not? - Yes, that's right.

- Nice game. - That's what we'll play.

- Do we need a "for example"? - Yes a little.

- Do you need some? - Yes. - Please show us.

Let's say that I'm up to answer.

Answer them.

- Like this. - Like this...

Where is the O and the X? Is it not here?

- Here is the O and X. - Where?

- Here's one. - All right.

For example, question please.

In Suga's solo song, "Trivial : Seesaw", the final part of "LOVE YOURSELF",

the word "seesaw" appears 20 times.

And I decide on O or X.

But if I think, "it's not 20 times",

"it's 19 times".

Then I hold up X.

But I... I'm on your team.

And if I think J-Hope will be wrong, then I hold up X, right?

Yes that's right. I you think J-Hope will b wrong, hold up X.

Hold up X if you think I'll be wrong.

- And if you think J-Hope is going to be right, go ahead and hold up O. - Yes. - Right.

Pleas tell us the answer. How many times does the word "seesaw" appear?

- I don't know. - X! X! It's 19 times. - 19 times.

19 times, then I got it right. Then...

- If he has X up he's... - RM is wrong. - Yes, this team lost.

- Right. - They missed this question.

- This is how you play. Did you all get t? - He got the question right.

- So you should have held up O. - I'm sure our ARMY fans understood.

- Yes, we did. - Now let's play our game.

Does the Hakko team go first or does the Akko team go first?

- Shall we do rock, paper, scissors, V? - OK.

There's an order for everything.

- Team Akko can go first. - Team Akko, go ahead.

- Team Akko first. - No, let's have the Team Akko go first.

- The younger team goes first. - We won. - OK, we go first. The leader should step up.

- Who is the leader? - Yes.

- Oh yeah, I'm on Akko team. - OK.

Let's try and guess if he'll get it right or wrong.

- Question! V, please read. - Among songs included in the album of

"LOVE YOURSELF Answer," two songs have titles only in Korean.

Let's close eyes.

Please choose O or X.

- Team members, close your eyes. - Let's guess whether he says correctly.

- Please guess what he said. - What's the title of this album?

- Sorry? - Sorry? - "IDOL".

- He's asking it... - Why is he doing this?

What's he doing now?

All right.

Please choose O or X.

- Let's see. - Did you choose?

Please raise your panel. 1, 2, 3.

Not you, but Taehyung.

- I don't have anything to hold up. - Stay still. Taehyung will say first.

- The answer is... - You'll guess after he puts his panel down. - Okay.

1, 2, 3!

- I see. - Please put it down. - May we open our eyes? - Yes.

- Now... - Yes.

- Please guess. - We need to guess whether he answered correctly or not. - Yes.

1, 2, 3.

- I don't think he didn't answer correctly. - He didn't. - Even we're on the same team?

- Oh... - The answer is...

- The answer is... - Let's see whether he said the correct answer. - It's X.

Then, he was wrong.

- Wrong. - Wrong. - Then, we got 1 point. - Right. - You should've raised O. - Nope.

- They held up X. - X. - They got 1 point.

- So... - Did you raise O? - They raised X.

- It's so confusing. - X is the right answer. - What did you hold?

- I held X. So, they got 1 point as they held X. - That's...

- No. - Then, we were wrong.

- We thought you guessed wrong. - You didn't understand. - Did you raise X? - Yes.

- This team thought you would say the wrong answer. - It's wrong.

you said a wrong answer. Then, this team was wrong.

- You said ... - Correctly. You said the correct answer.

It's not good for you.

- It's not good for us! - Really? - What?

- You were wrong. - What he said doesn't matter. We need to guess right.

- You don't understand rules. - Give us a question.

- I told you so. - I see. We were wrong.

- Jungkook, go forward. - May I go?

- Yes. - Now you understand?

- Yes. - No. This team's turn.

- Taehyung should not go forward. - Okay. - Another member's turn. - Why are you going?

- Another member... - Right, your turn.

- Here we go. - Jimin. - Did you understand the rules? - Okay.

- Can we talk together? - Sure. - About what?

- Next question. - I'll guess. - Okay.

- Now you said a wrong answer. - I want to see. - Next question. - Close your eyes.

Close your eyes, V.

- BTS music video... - BTS! - You need to read it.

There are four BTS music videos that hit over 400 million views.

If it's true, raise O. Otherwise, raise X.

- 1. - 400 million...

- Four songs that hit more than 400 million views. - 2, 3!

- I see. - Okay, please put it down.

- Shall we open our eyes? - Please guess Jimin answered correctly.

- May I open my eyes? - Yes.

Please show the answer.

- No, no. - No.

Oh, my.

We should guess...

whether he answered correctly or not.

I don't know whether it's right or wrong.

- We don't know it either. - Let's check it out.

Please raise your panel.

- We... - Let's guess whether he said correctly.

- Let's guess first and see the answer. - Okay.

- He would've said the wrong answer. - Wrong. - I know.

- Can't you guess this? - Do you know the answer?

- I'm sure that Jimin would know. - Right. - Really?

Then, I'll trust you.

It's not about us guessing it.

We can guess whether Jimin was right or wrong.

You need to show O. Because you believe Jimin said correctly.

This friend... What should we do?

I think he doesn't understand the rules of this game.

- Let's see the answer. - O!

It's X.

Jimin, did you say the correct answer?

- I bet he was wrong. - I did!

- You did? - Taehyung, I believed you.

Everyone, you'll get 1 point if you guess correctly.

- Do we get 1 point? - Yes, you had 1 point.

- Anyways, we answered correctly. - What did we do?

How many questions do we have?

- Five. - Five per each team. - Good.

- Next. - Good, good.

- Next. - Jin!

Everyone, close your eyes.

The 3rd question.

Four members wore caps on V LIVE when we promised for Makgeoli.

O or X.

- I can't remember. - This... - Two.

- Three. - We came after finishing the schedule.

- Please put it down. - Please, Jin.

Now you may open your eyes and guess.

- You know I'm smart. - You can't guess it right!

- You can't. - I know how many wore caps.

- Do you know? - I counted when I closed my eyes.

- You love BTS a lot. - How many?

- Three. - Three? - Three?

- Then, Jin... - What do you think, did he guess it right?


- Right, he can't. - X? - X.

- I see. - Will you say X?

- We'll go with X. - You don't trust Jin.

Please show the answer!

- It's likely for him to guess wrong. - O!

- Did he answer correctly? - Oh, I forgot myself.

Actually, it doesn't matter.

Jin, did he guess correctly?

Did I guess correctly or did you guess correctly?

What matters is your answer.

- What did you hold up? - X. - You said X.

- Nope. He's holding O. - O. - O?

- Then, you said the right answer. - He answered correctly.

- We were wrong. - We are wrong. - Why did you do that?

- Go back to your seat. - I didn't count myself.

So, this team missed the question.

- It's too hard. - Your turn.

- It's hard for those who don't understand rules to play. - I'll do it well.

- I will say the correct answer. - Give me that.

- My throat starts hurting. - I'll raise O. - Okay.

The 4th question is...

In the first scene of "IDOL" music video, RM is the only one who appears.

- O or X. This is too easy. - It's easy.

- It's giving points to the team. - 1, 2, 3.


You need to raise your panel.

- Please understand rules! - Okay.

- It's not something you can say, Jin. - 1, 2, 3.

- Okay. - Please put it down.

- I'll raise my head. - You should know this.

- We think... - I guess he said a wrong answer.

- He guessed right. - Nope.

- He did it correctly. - Let's trust him. - No.

- He guessed it correctly. - Do you not know the answer?

- He would know if he's the only one. - Jimin, do as you want.

- Right. - It's important. The first scene. - The first scene.

After Big Hit is seen.

- That's the first scene. - No!

The logo of Big Hit appears in the first scene.

- The next scene after the logo is shown. - The next scene.

- Oh, it's frustrating. - Nobody thinks it's the logo scene.

- Frustrating. - Let's see what he said.

- 1, 2. - I'm sure he said O.

- 3! - He guessed right. - He did.

- The answer is X. - Right.

I told you so!

- What? - We got it right. - Did we?

- We got 1 point. - Idiot.

- Sorry. - It's okay. I admit.

- Do we have 5 questions? - This is the last one.

Frustrated V's turn.

- Taehyung? - I'll relieve your frustrations.

I think I can answer correctly.

- Here we go. - Jungkook, please read the question.

Suga is the owner of a rider jacket displayed at the BTS exhibition "Today".

- Answer. 1, 2, 3. - This is....

- Jimin and I know the answer. - Hurry up.

- I see. Please put it down. - All right.

- Okay. - You can't change.

- May I open the eyes? - Please choose one.

- 1, 2, 3. - This. - Okay.

- May I open my eyes? - Yes. Put it down please.

- Hang on. - I think I can guess right.

Whether he guessed right or wrong matters.

- Yes. I know what he said. - Really?

- Yes. - Okay, let's go.

- 1. - Taehyung didn't say a correct answer. - Right.

I bet he raised O.

- I think so, too. - 1, 2, 3!

Taehyung, what did you say?

It's the correct answer.

- Wrong. - Taehyung, what did you show?

- Taehyung showed X, correctly. - How did he do that? Amazing.

- He changed it. - Wasn't it Suga's?

No, it was Jimin's.

- You didn't know that. - I knew. It wasn't Suga's.

There's a story about the jacket.

- Based on its history, it belongs to Suga. - 201...

- Then, it's the answer. - But the last owner is... - He gave it.

- The last owner is Jimin. - It's Jimin.

Suga bought the rider jacket,

- It smells bad, I bet. - gave it to me,

- Then, he gave it... - I gave the rider jacket

to Jimin, saying "It would look great on you".

Didn't you buy it in 2011?

- B something? - Discolored rider jacket.

- I wore it for 3 years. - Right.

I took good care of it.

- It's not dirty and doesn't smell bad. - So, you got 2 points.

- Did we? - Yes, you got 2 points.

You're really bad at this.

- Team Hakko's representative, come here. - Team Hakko.

- The question... - I still don't understand what this game is about.

- We'll close our eyes. - Yes.

Why is it so difficult?

Let me read a question.

Question no.1. "Ulssu" comes up 10 times in "IDOL".

O or X. Jungkook, please raise it.

- 1, 2, 3. - "Ulssu, I like it!"

He raised the answer. Others, please guess.

- We don't have the panel. - Please give one.

- "Ulssu". - He may guess correctly.

- I think he said a wrong answer. - I think so.

- Let's raise X. - Okay, X. - Okay.

- 1, 2, 3. - X.

I'm 100% sure that Jungkook said a wrong answer.

- Jungkook. - I guessed right!

Then, you were wrong.

You didn't understand yet?

It's so hard to understand the rules.

What he says doesn't matter.

- You... - It's meaningless whether you did it right.

I said the right answer, so it felt like we got it right.

Our telepathy doesn't work at all.

May I do this again? Or...

There are 5 questions.

- 2, 2, and 1. - Let's hurry up.

Our telepathy is not working.

Question no.2. The shortest song in "LOVE YOURSELF Answer" is "I'm Fine".

O or X. Jungkook, please.

- This is easy. - 1, 2, 3.

- It's easy. - Easy. - Okay.

- I think we can guess right. - Sure. - O.

- The answer is O. - They showed O.

I think Jungkook said the right answer.

- Let's see. - Jungkook, telepathy.


You should've sent it before. Not now.

- Too late. - 1.

The answer is... 1, 2, 3!

The answer is X.

- My song is the shortest? - Did you answer correctly?

- I guess so. - I said a right answer.

I thought "I'm Fine" was the shortest song.

Why do you react slowly?

I don't know whether it's right or wrong.

- I don't understand the rules. - Now we got 1 point. - 1 point.

- Already? - Here we go. - Let's go!

- If you don't know this... - Close your eyes.

Question no.3. The 55th episode is the latest one of "Run BTS" on V LIVE.

O or X. Suga, please.

- You should know this. - Suga was the host in most episodes.

- If he doesn't know, he has no conscience. - Suga, what's your answer?

- Suga is famous for having no conscience. - He raised his answer.

The rest of you, please open your eyes.

- I think it's a preview. - Let's guess whether he said correctly.

- Suga, look at my eyes. - His nickname is No-conscious Suga.

- No point of doing this now. - Oh, my. - This? Okay. - Okay.

- I got telepathy. - I'm sure he answered incorrectly.

- Wrong. - Please show your answer. 1, 2, 3.

You think Suga said a wrong answer. The answer is...

- X. - I was wrong.

- Were you wrong? What did you say? - I was wrong.

- I raised O. - Oh!

I expected you would show X and I answered incorrectly.

- Good. - Let's go.

Everyone, look at us. We have telepathy.

- This. - This is teamwork.

- 2 points already? - Tie? - Next.

Okay, question no.4.

J-Hope uploaded a dance practice video clip of "IDOL" on social media.

I know the answer.

- Suga, show your answer. - You can't be wrong. - 1, 2, 3.

- Okay. - Let's move on.

- Please raise your answer. 1, 2, 3. - O. I bet he said a correct answer.

You said O. What's the answer?

This is too easy.

Everyone, let's promote our new song.

This is "IDOL" challenge reported by the Ellen Show.

We're having "IDOL" challenge. Please participate a lot.

- Please show your support! - Here we go!

- Next. - J-Hope. - I need to do that.

- Please go back to your seat. - Come out. - May I do this?

Your era is over.

- They won already. - Right, they got 3 points.

No, still the points...

- Okay. - Because we have other games, too.

Only one member holds an orange folding fan in the music video of "IDOL".

- This... - Please close your eyes. - This... - Let's do this.

1, 2, 3. Too easy.

- He raised the answer. - I bet he knows it.

1, 2, 3.

- Hope will say it correctly. - O. You think Hope answered correctly.

What's the answer? 1, 2, 3.

- He said a correct answer! - Right? Nice!

- I think we have 4 members. The combination was not good. - Too easy.

You didn't understand the rules first.

Right, I still don't know what we need to do in this game.

So, you lost.

Team Hakko won in the telepathy quiz.


- Let's move on to the next game. - We can't lose anymore. - Congrats.

The 2nd game is...

- the croquis match. - Croquis match.

- This time... - We're progressing very fast.

RM, please read the rules of this game.

Okay, good.

Croquis is a rough sketch based on movements or features.

I'm not good at this.

It's like a sort of drawing.

Please listen carefully to the rules of this game.

Each team will choose a point dance of our title song.

The drawing team will sit there

and the dancing team will stand.

Each team will draw for 15 seconds.

The team who draws the point choreography better will win.

- Okay. - Good.

1 points per 1 question?

The losing team in the quiz game will draw first.

The losing team goes first.

- So, you'll draw first. - Right.

- Right, we'll. - So, we need to strike a pose.

It's a team match but individuals will take turns.

Members will stand in a line to strike poses.

When 15 seconds pass, go out of the line. The order is up to you.

The last member will draw two members.

I read it and I don't understand. But, let's get started.

- For two, give 30 seconds. - Right, 30 seconds.

- Sure, 30 seconds for 2. - Right!

Members... How can we do this?

Lets' do this. Namjoon will draw Hope.

- Okay. - I will draw Suga.

Jimin will draw Jungkook.

- It's up to each team. - Right. - Let's make a pair.


Losing team will draw first. Decide who will go first.

- We need to decide the pose. - Right.

- Let's say "You, get out". - Okay.

- Then... - Starting with V.

Let the one who's good at drawing go first.

Jimin, please show an example.

- Taehyung is good at this. - Really?

I'm worse. But I'll go first.

Each team will decide a part of "IDOL" point choreography.

Jimin, please go back to your seat.

I'll be standing here.

- May I go first? - Yes.

Point choreography.

- J-Hope will strike a pose. - Please decide one in 30 seconds.

Jimin will draw it.

- I'll draw... - 15 seconds.

- I will draw Hope. - Right. - In 15 seconds.

J-Hope, did you decide a pose?

- J-Hope? - Okay.

- Did you? - Why do I look on the screen?

- He needs to cover his eyes. - Right.


- Why does he need to cover his eyes? - Why? I need to draw.

Oh, my. I guess you don't know why we're doing this.

- Why do we do this on V LIVE? - How can he draw closing his eyes?

- It's for our comeback. - Shall we go?

Here we go.

J-Hope, pose! 15 seconds!

Don't move.

- Hope, will it be okay? - 3, 4, 5, 6. - Who will count 15 seconds?

- 7, 8, 9, 10. - It's hard to draw.

- Is it our point choreography? - 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

In fact, it's a part of this.


- Time is up. - Next, Taehyung. - Yes.

- Here we go. - You won't show what you drew?

- It's on the screen, too. - It was on air.

- Okay. - It was on the screen. - May I do this?

- Taehyung, here we go. - Taehyung, you need to sit down.

- Taehyung needs to sit. - Right. - We'll do that. - Suga will be the next one.

The next one will draw. Not Jimin.

Here we go.

- You don't understand rules. - Here we go.

1, 2, 3, go!

- Do we have such a choreography? In "IDOL?" - What's that?

- What's this? - What is this? - I've never seen this.

- It looks like "Don't push". - 7, 8, 9, 10. - I want to hear his explanation.

11, 11, 11, 11, 11.

- 14. - Then, this.

- It was detail-oriented. - We raise only one hand.

No, we put down two hands and raise one hand.


- Detail-oriented. - Way to go.

- This one is... - Jungkook, next.

He has a good sense.

- Jungkook! - Choose something difficult to draw.

Something like... what?

There are many things. Jungkook, your picture is amazing.

Your face is getting darker.

Jungkook, why did you wear your mic on the outside?

It's fashionable.

We usually wear the line inside the shirt.

- Why did he do like this? - For fashion. - How can he do that?

- It's for fashion. Let me do this. - Okay.

1, 2, 3.

- That's... - There's a part like that. - Really?

- Sure, I instantly knew it. - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. - Now I see.

- 11, 12, 13. - Is it a game character?

- 14, 15! - This... - Okay, done.

- Then, we do this. - Right.

- All right. - What's this?

- Didn't you draw a game character? - The last member is... Right.

- Please point one. - Me?

- One. - Me?

- Hope, please do that. - Hope. - Don't we do that 3 times?

- 3 times? - 4 times? - 4 times.

- Please choose the last member. - The one who draws well.

- I think Suga has a good sense. - Suga.

- Please choose something difficult. - Here we go.

Here we go.

- All right. - Okay.

- Do we have such dance? - What's that?

This, for the introduction part.

- Isn't it from "Fake Love?" - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

- 11, 12. - You're bad at drawing.

- 13, 14, 15. - I think I'm doing it well.

- After that, we do this. - Hey, he's better than you.

- Much better than you. - Right?

- Namjoon is so poor at drawing. - I do better than Jin.

Namjoon is a terrible painter.

So, they finished drawing.

- We're going to draw, and compare the two team's. - Right.

- Let's compete. - We'll give a sketchpad. - Namjoon, please show yours.

They'll point out.

I am not talented in drawing.

- Namjoon will go first. - May I draw first, Jungkook?

- Yes. - Jungkook is the best one. - I'm not. I'm not good at drawing.

- Jungkook is the best one. - Let's go. - We're the same.

- Jungkook took an art class. - When? - Jungkook did.

- Then... - Namjoon, please pose for us.

- We need to change the seats. - Right.

- We need to change seats. - Right. - Yes.

Bring a chair.

Bring a chair. We need one more sitting cushion.

I can sit on the floor.

Let's go.

Please do that.

- Are you ready? - Okay.

1, 2, 3.

- It's a bit difficult. - 3, 4, 5.

6, 7, 8, 9.

- He looks like Keith Haring's artwork. - 11, 12, 13. - Done.

14, time's up!

What did he draw?

- It looks like a piece of art. - Like Keith Haring's work.

- He's terrible at drawing. - It's an artwork.

- Okay. - Suga's turn. - It wasn't easy, I guess.

- Will you go last? - No, no. - Good.

Who's turn?

Taehyung, please come out.

I created a piece of art.

It's something amazing. A piece of art.

What's your pose, Taehyung?

1, 2, 3.

- 1, 2, 3, 4. - He does this move like this.

- You need to move your hips. - 5, 6, 7, 8. - That makes a difference.

- It's not easy. - 10, 12.

- 14, 15. - Taehyung looks sexy. - You can take more time.

- Very sexy. - 14, 15. Time is up.

- Jimin, don't tell a lie. - You'll have minus 1 point.

- What's wrong? - Look. I drew his pose precisely.

We need to give a penalty.

- But he did it well. - Because he tried to cheat.

- Then, give us a yellow card. - Sorry? - Yellow card. - I see. I'll do an easy one.

- Okay. - Pose that's easy to draw. - Suga did it well. - Right.

He precisely drew, the left foot and the right foot.

It's going to be harder When it's weird.

- I'll show an easy one. - 1, 2, 3.

- What's this? - What is it? - Isn't it too easy?

- Can it be easier than that? - Please count. - 4, 5.

6, 7, 8.

- For a croquis, you can't move. - 9, 10.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

- Good. - Why does he have 3 hands?

- What's this move? - This one? - Isn't it creepy? It has 3 hands.

- 3 hands? Where? - I think I'm the best painter of our team. - It's not a hand?

- No. - You? - Let's go!

- You're the best painter? - Yeah. Let's go!

- Suga is the best painter. - Jin, please strike an innovative pose.

I think Suga is the best one.

1, 2, 3.

Does he lower his head like this?

- This is... - He looks like a crane. - Good. - 7.

- 8, 8, 10, 11, 12... - It's not easy.

13, 14, 15!

He's so good at this.

- His drawing is detail-oriented. - Shoulders! - It's a piece of art. - Meticulous.

Let's compare our sketches.

- Shall we compare one by one? - Yes.

- Starting with the team. As you opened your sketchpad. - Shall we?

- You should've brought ours! Why did you bring this? - Let's judge cool-headedly.

- Our first movement. - Scripts.

- Give our sketchpad, please. - RM, the first model. Please come out.

- Which pose did you strike? - Me?

It's terrible. That's too bad.

Isn't it the same? Please come forward, to make a comparison.

Let's judge cool-headedly.

Please post to the camera.

It's identical.

- I don't know whether it's a human or not. - Objectively. - Do you think it's identical?

- This is... - It looks like a rough sketch.

this was wrong. Legs go like this, in your drawing.

But I posed like this.

- Good. - But it's a bit different.

- This... - I think we can't get a point.

- Who will be our judge? - He's not good at drawing.

- All right. - J-Hope, please stand up.

- No, we'll seeing theirs. - No.

- Let's continue. - One by one? - Who was the 2nd one? - Taehyung.

- Taehyung did like this. - Please show it to the camera.


- It is similar. - The left hand, the right hand, and legs. - It feels nice.

- Detail-oriented. - I think it's good. - It's similar to V's pose.

- The previous one wasn't similar. This is similar. - Right.

- The previous one... - Should we give 1 point?

- We got 1 point! - It's hard to say it's a well-drawn one.

Jimin, please come out.

It's a bit creepy.

- It's like a rough sketch. - You're not good at...

Let me see.

- Jimin, please show your move. - Please.

- That's very sensuous... - This... - Isn't it similar?

- It's similar, too. - This...

- It's similar. - It's drawn hurriedly. - Similar. - No.

- It's similar. - But my arm is cut from the elbow. - No.

I drew your big sleeve.

- Did you draw that? - Yes, I did.

- That's similar. - Is my elbow so pointy like that?

- No, because it's a sketch. - All right. It's similar to the pose.

- Similar. - Similar.

- Then, Jin. - Jin. - I think he did a great job.

- Jin, I want to give 1 point. - Please show.

- Please show. - How did you draw? - Look at the shoulders.

- Please strike a pose. - Jin.

That's the same.

This is...

- Amazing. - This is the same.

- Amazing. - Hakko, got 3 points!

- This is so hilarious. - Next, Team Akko.

- Team Akko. - J-Hope, please come forward.

- It's so hilarious. - What was your pose?

- I danced to "Ulssu, I like it". - I think he deserves a point.

- It's identical. - This is...

- It's identical. - I admit.

- It's the same. - The arm reaches his foot, though.

But it deserves a point.

- Staff members say okay. - All right.

They got a point. Next.

- Who's turn? - Me.


- How do you think? - It's the same. - This is identical to the pose.

- We admit it. - Right. - Pass.

- There's no depth in the sketch. - He did it well.

We can't help but giving a point .

Jungkook, when you put hands in front of a cam, you'll see hands only.

- We should admit this. - Out-focusing. - Let's admit. - Sure.

- Next. - It'll be interesting.

- This... How can it be... - I don't know who drew this.

- It's similar. - X. Not okay.

X, X.

It's not the same at all.

- You're too mean. - It's not identical. - The staff said X.

- You should've drawn legs in a prettier way. - Next.

- It's like a game character. - Next. What was your pose? - Next.

I did like this.

- Namjoon drew this very well. - It's identical. - Right.

- It's the same. - What's that? - It's the same. - Identical.

Right, it's identical.

- Okay! - Did we get 3 points?

- It's a tie. What should we do? - 3:3. What should we do?

- But we got more points in the telepathy quiz. - Right.

We won, I guess.

- BTS. - Hakko. - Hakko.

- Team Hakko won. - Team Hakko won, of course.

- Admit. - We won the previous game.

- Agreed. - The game result is...

6:5. Team Hakko won!

- Didn't we have a punishment? - Yes, there was.

But we won't show the punishment now.

When will you announce it?

- Please name the one at the last place. - Rather than giving a punishment,

the winning team will have a prize.

- Really? - Yes. - What prize is it?

It will be disclosed later.

- What does it mean? - It's not in the script.

- Some time later... - Later?

So, the game is over.

- Let's calm down and wrap this up. - Okay.

- I see. - Everyone... - Let's sit down in a line.

- LOVE YOURSELF. - Let's gather up.

I hope we become close to each other.

It's time to wrap this up.

Our comeback live show is always distracting.

- 57 minutes have passed. - Right.

I don't know what this is about... Is it about our comeback?

- Or is it "Run BTS?" - Last time,

we didn't introduce our albums on a show to introduce an album.

- We introduced our album. - Right, we did. - Right.

What's more important is... It's okay as long as our fans like it.

- Right. - Right. - Did you have a great time?

Thank you for your cheers.

I forgot what to say.

This is our first V LIVE show after having a concert.

- We always had a preview. - Right.

- So, it felt so fresh. - Right.

- Did you enjoy it? - I enjoyed it a lot.

- Right. - We used to be on V LIVE before releasing our album.

Then, we couldn't sing our new song on V LIVE

and it was hard to talk about our new album.

Since we went live after our songs and the album came out,

- we felt more comfortable. - Right. - Right.

- I liked it. - Right.

I realize that we came back as we do this on V LIVE.

- Now, everyone.... - There's something important. - Everyone.

- We made a promise. - Yes.

- In fact... - 10 million followers on V LIVE.

We have 10 million followers on V LIVE.

Didn't we make a promise for that?

- See? The trophy. - You can see the trophy there.

- We're the only band. - Right, the only one trophy in Korea.

- Right, I promised to show my abs for 10 million followers. - J-Hope!

Let me tell you again, I'm sorry. I did my best

but it's not easy to have six-pack on my abs.

Jungkook and Jimin who have six-pack,

- I have it without exercising. - I don't have it.

I realize they're amazing.

I will be careful about what to say in the future.

- Hope and I shared a room. - Yes.

He exercised at the gym every morning.

- Really? - He did.

But it wasn't good enough to have perfect abs.

- You can make it someday. - Right.

Please act cute to ARMY who is disappointed.

To make an apology.


Hope is sorry. I won't say such things.

He's so cute! They'll be happy!

- I'm sure it will make them happy. - Sure.

- It's so cute. - Right, so cute.

- He's cute. - You need to be careful about what to say.

Be careful about what to say. Don't recklessly say or behave.

When you promised to show your abs when reaching 10 million followers,

I promised to take off my pants when we have 100 million followers.

Everyone, please! Don't!

We'll pay more attention to V LIVE.

- Let's participate in the V LIVE contents with love and care. - Yes.

- I wish V LIVE good success. - Right!


Fans are giving a lot of support to our new album.

Thank you very much.

I was so glad to see you again, following our concert.

- I love you, ARMY! - Why are you blushing?

- Why are your ears so red? - I got attention.

- A celebrity blushes when he gets attention. - I do, when I get attention.

- He may do that. - Even though it's an evening on weekdays,

did we do this after the soccer game?

- I don't know. - It was back-to-back.

Despite that, many fans watched us. Thank you very much.

ARMY... Where is it? ARMY...

- You're the best! - You're the best!

Please check out "Seesaw".

- Please check it out. - Promote "Seesaw".

- Type it on the portal sites. - To be the first place.

- Let's win no.1! - "Seesaw?" Suddenly?

We have "IDOL!" Don't say that!

Hello, I'm V.

- Isn't it out of the context? - We'll see you on music shows.

Please wait for us.

If you wait for us, we'll be back to you soon.

ARMY, love you!

Thank you!

- He prepared a lot. - Now...

- we're going to start a tour. - Yes. - Right.

We're going to visit ARMY around the world.

We'll see you soon.

Please look forward to our tour. Give a lot of support, too.

We'll see you soon.

What's the punishment of the losing team?

It'll be disclosed later.

- We won't disclose it today? - Everyone, please guess.

What's that? It's so out of the blue.

All right. Please guess it.

What? What?

Let me read that!

- This is nothing... - Please show it to us.

Let me read it!

- Can we show it now? - No, no. - No.

Let me see that.

- Everyone, it's too sad to finish this. - Right.

We'd like to show "IDOL" dance choreography before our comeback this week.

Which part do you want to show?

- Of course... - We're having this challenge.

- Right. - Right. - I want to show that part together.

- Let's do that. - Let's say bye while doing this.

- Please gather sitting cushions. - Okay.

Why? Why?

- Jin... - Jin reacted but no camera pointed at him. - Go back to your seat.

- He wasn't captured by the camera. - It's okay.

Everyone, come here.

- Music... - Go behind. - Jin, don't dance too fast.

I'll dance slowly.

- "Jin, don't dance fast". - Music, please. - Let's go further.

- Go further. - Further? Okay.

My honey tea.

I got it on my hair.


- What's this? - Please play it at the right time.

- It was too sudden. - Since it's time to go home...

Please point at my face while you're preparing the song.

- Please play it 1 second ahead... - 5 seconds.

Music, please!


"IDOL" challenge!

- Bye. - We are BTS!


For more infomation >> بث بانقتان : خلف كواليس Answer [مترجم] شغل الترجمة [BTS news : Behind The Answer [ENG Sub - Duration: 1:03:03.


LFC NEWS : Jurgen Klopp opens up on difficult situation for Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson - Duration: 1:19.

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp addressed

the media yesterday ahead of his side's

Premier League clash with Leicester City

today and opened up on the discussions

that he has shared with Jordan Henderson

regarding the cloud captain's role in

the team this season as quoted by the

expressed thg 28 year old came back to

Anfield late this summer having played a

key role in England's World Cup campaign

in Russia and unfortunately for him the

Reds current midfield trip are all

firing on all cylinders that Henderson

will be desperate to be back and

involved as soon as possible and Klopp

told reporters how he has discussed the

matter with the former Sunderland dates

on more than one occasion as quoted by

the expressive course as it's difficult

for him as captain but Handel is such an

important player to us and he knows that

we had talks about that

For more infomation >> LFC NEWS : Jurgen Klopp opens up on difficult situation for Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson - Duration: 1:19.


LFC NEWS : Barcelona owe Liverpool £4.4m after add on in Philippe Coutinho's move is met - Duration: 2:01.

Liverpool certainly haven't missed

Philippe Coutinho the Brazilian left and

filled for Barcelona in a 142 million

pound deal in January after he made

clear his desire to leave but the Reds

have been just fine without him they

reached the final of the Champions

League and spent wisely in the summer

although they failed to land Nabal

fecker who was viewed as a direct

replacement for Coutinho Jurgen Klopp

had other needs in the transfer window

the Liverpool boss signed a quality

goalkeeper in a listen Becker and added

depth in attack by bringing in certain

Shaqiri Navy cheetahs moved to Liverpool

was confirmed before captain hos

departure but Clough improved his

midfield options further by signing sub

info the move has worked out well for

captain ho to Barcelona to Liverpool 4.4

pounds the 26 year old has made a fast

start to life at the Camp Nou scoring 11

goals and winning La Liga and the Copa

del Rey his 142 million pounds transfer

actually included a basic fee of 106

million pounds plus an extra 36 million

pounds and variables and Barcelona must

now start to pay those in extra fees the

BLA grande Liverpool's 17 million pounds

for Captain hose first one Hut the

additional payments will certainly come

in handy at Liverpool the Reds have

money to spend they showed that by

spending more than 150 million pounds in

the summer but extra income will help if

cloth feels the need to strengthen his


For more infomation >> LFC NEWS : Barcelona owe Liverpool £4.4m after add on in Philippe Coutinho's move is met - Duration: 2:01.


சற்றுமுன் நடிகர் சிம்பு வீட்டில் குவிந்த போலீஸ் அதிர்ச்சியில் ரசிகர்கள் | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> சற்றுமுன் நடிகர் சிம்பு வீட்டில் குவிந்த போலீஸ் அதிர்ச்சியில் ரசிகர்கள் | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:58.


Celtic news: Moussa Dembele reveals why Lyon transfer went down to the wire - Duration: 3:02.

 Dembele made a last-minute move to Lyon on Friday after Celtic reluctantly accepted a £19

7m offer for the 22-year-old. And at the Groupama Stadium he will be eager to replicate the form which saw him net 51 goals in 94 appearances for the Hoops

 Celtic were determined not to lose Dembele with Leigh Griffiths, Odsonne Edouard and Mikey Johnston the only other forwards in Brendan Rodgers' squad

 But they ended up sanctioning a deal as the clock ticked down on deadline day and the former Fulham ace returned to his homeland

 Celtic ended up failing to replace Dembele directly, but he says their desire to do so was what held up his switch

 "I'm glad to be here," Dembele said, after being presented at Lyon on Saturday. "Thank you to the president and to OL [Lyon] for believing in me, for trusting in me

 "I definitely wanted to come to OL. "Celtic needed to find a replacement before finalising the deal

 "I was determined to come to Lyon… It was hard. "I gave everything and in the end, it paid off

" Dembele went on to explain why he ended his two-year stint at Celtic to link up with Lyon

 And he revealed a number of his international colleagues were in touch to talk up the move

 "OL are a big club, a historic club that will make me improve as a player," Dembele added

 "Their project suits me and we will do a great job together. "Everyone knows that OL know how to develop attackers

 "I play with a lot of the Lyon guys with the France U21s. "They all told me to come

 "I'm a goal scorer, it's my main characteristic. "But I can also put myself in service of the collective

 "Pressure is a part of football, you have to know how to deal with it." Celtic, meanwhile, will play their first match without Dembele among Rodgers' ranks when they take on Rangers in Sunday's Old Firm derby

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