Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

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For more infomation >> BTS GIVEAWAY + MY KPOP COLLECTION 2018 - Duration: 14:05.


On My way - Explicacion De Mi Tecnica - Duration: 17:31.

*Knocking the door*

You can pass with confidence

You will find me really clean like the sun…

It's me

*He whistle*



*Long exhale*

Let's talk about a theme that

I know you've been

asking me for a while

And go with the technique,

Ramon, can you share your technique.

Let's please the princesses, right

The eternal princesses.

I'm going to tell you why

the kind that share the technique,

It's not that I'm selfish, or anything like that.

I have two reasons,

the first one, is that

I have no fucking clue what I'm doing.

In conclusion is that I don't know

how to explain it technically,



When you sit down

everyday to do the same thing,

you get to the point you do it in a very mechanical way

You are not fully aware of what you are doing,

because is a processes

where you already have a level,

that the only thing you do is repeat it.

Technically, I never sat down and said,

"Ok! I do this, and that, and then…" no,

I just do it and it's really organic.

Now there is a series of technical aspects,

that you repeat them, and I think that


it can help you to find

your own way to do your thing.

And the second one

this is always evolving,

so if I do a video, explaining a technique,

that might change

in two days, three days, a week or month,

is something that I really don't like.

I like to share problems solutions

that every artist has in general,

and the techniques is something more

personal, of each one.

So maybe I share something

today that is useful for you,

and tomorrow I do it better,

so that content is not going to be so relevant

as the new one

So I try to focus my content in more substantial things,

hings that last in time than

technique that changes every now and then.

-STEP ONE: The idea or the Inspiration

Some people ask me, how you do to have the idea when you sit down to draw,

Is not that moment when you have an idea.

Is not like "Now, at this time of the day I sit down and start drawing,

why nothing comes to my mind, why can't do something".

Is not at that time. The creative process is something that has to be constantly in your life,

every second of it.

That's why so many artist recommend to go out to take pictures at the park,

to know and to share, because as an artist,

I think the best advice I can give you is that if you are going to do,

whatever artistic job you have,

base it your work in personal experiences,

as a human being,

since that gives you a realism,

which maybe not anyone can give,

The first step has to be the Idea,

how you get to this idea,

based in experiences you have that day or that month,

for example in this illustration,

with this girl in the subway,

I thought about everytime I have to travel in the subway,

and I see interesting people,

how they are dressed, or with their pets, some listen to music,

others talk out loud or fight in the subway.

So all these situations, to me personally, are interesting for me,

so that's why I loved to reproduce them, according to my point of view.

Is not that it always has to be based in the most realistic way,

if you want to do a movie about orcs,

if you want

but the orcs that you are doing for your movie, illustration or whatever you are doing,

has to be a reflexion of the human been, of humanity,

of what we are, because that is where the "hook" is,

you have to connect with an audience.

On the contrary, it doesn't matter how good it looks,

and how well organized is your concept or project,

if it has no personality, which is what gives life to your idea.


When you have the idea, you have to think about how you are going to project that idea on the canvas,

how you like it more, how it works more, then you investigate, according to

he things you want, the things you need

and the finish you want to achieve.

In this case I want an animation look,

like a shot of a movie, like a scene and

therefore always has shots from above or below,

because they are the most interesting for me, that's why some have noise,

some have a black line up and below,

to give the feeling to my brain that I'm working on a big project,

even if it's a lie, it makes me feel good.

Then the investigation is summarized

to that you look for what you need and you like to be able to give

a body to your idea before starting to build it.

in this case, same with the subway, I don't draw environments,

I've never drawn scenes, so drawing elements that I don't know, it's stupid,

and obviously there would be a lot of mistakes that I don't want to commit,

So I look for a series of images of the New York subway, Japan, here in Madrid,

even if I have to go out and take pictures because they will help me to build my composition.

It's important to have a good base before starting the product

otherwise you are not deleting and then seeing a failure here when you are finishing.

I remind you that the process looks very organic,

but I'm not improvising,

according to all the previous steps,

at this point I have a very clear idea in my head of what I want to print on my canvas.

And like any idea, this is subject to change,

this pose will work, perhaps this background, or the expression, all this will evolve in the process

Many of the expressions and the anatomy that I use in my art I draw them without using references at the beginning.

Since is a repetitive act tends to memorize, for example,

if you have more than 8 years drawing shoes, you will reach a point where you don't need reference

to draw it from memory.

So at the beginning I don't look for references for some problems,

since the solution is in my head.

remember that all this is summarized in solving a problem

If you can solve a problem without seeing references, Good! Do it,

but if you have more than an hour trying to make a smiling face from a superior view,

then I recommend you look for references to solve the problem.

And don't think that I always get it the first time, there are times

that neither of the two options that I have in my head suits me or convince me,

then I look for references to solve.

Now, how do you reach that level of memory.

Well the brain is a muscle and you have to train it to understand the shape of an object in three dimensions,

you that achieve with the study and repetition, until that shit is recorded in your head.

And yet see references never hurts, either before or after.

The brush I use has a texture very similar to graphite, since I like it to be a traditional style.

don't like it to be so clean and the curvature of the brush creates a feeling of dynamism,

which goes from thick to thin according to the direction of the stroke.

This style is very common in calligraphy,

I feel that it is like the line has movement.

The Line

and I don't usually redraw anything, because I don't know how to maintain the life of my sketch.

and frankly I have not studied it lately either.

I think you have to be very precise to repeat the lineart perfectly

and I don't have patience and I'm not a retailer.

So I make the line as pleasant as possible, for me

and clean enough so that the message I try to tell is understood.

Sometimes I think a lot about doing it anatomically correct, and the poses end up stiff or boring,

so I select the layer and I distort it or I use perspective to give it a little more movement.

What you see, that I flip horizontally the canvas,

often it is to be able to see the mistakes

that I'm committing in anatomy, composition, form, etc

since the eye in this case, the brain gets used to what it sees,

when you have more than an hour working, and stop seeing the errors.

. It is very common and happens to everyone.

that is why a lot of artists take breaks of several minutes between processes

and come back to see what they are missing.

So for me to using the horizontal flip resets the hard disk in a second,

is faster and better.

Well the mental hard disk, obviously.

As you can see, I don't like to zoom on the canvas.

Zoom in,

I try to keep my distance because I care more that the drawing looks good

in the distance than in the near.

that's because I for me the details are secondary

That's why in the upper right bar is the Navigator on,

it allows me to see the complete image and not get lost in unnecessary details.

To conclude most of the time it doesn't come out in an improvised way,

I need a previous,

mental planning, based on experience or ideas that have crossed in my head,

during the course of the day, week or my month,

and based on that build the principle of my art,

because "with my art I have".

Step 4 - The colors,

Well from here everything is easier. since for me, the most important thing has always been the drawing,

if the drawing works, I just have to add the rest without shitting it and if I screw it, I erase it,

what else are you going to do?

But it's important that you have the layers separated, which you can start from scratch,

with the lineart without any kind of problem.

First in a new layer, below the layer of the line,

I define the shape of the elements that I want to draw separately,

such as the silhouette of my main character,

I choose a very light gray tone, to see the lineart and I paint everything in the silhouette.

At this point I usually make some corrections in the drawing,

because when I add background I appreciate the shapes of my element,

in this case the character.

And I can see faults that I didn't see before, anatomy, perspective…

After this, inside the layer I start to add the colors, I always start with the skin color, as a base

and above the tones of the palette that I want to use.

The palette will vary according to the message or the idea that I have in my head.

At this moment the subway has always been a cold place for me,

so the colors I want to use will be blue and green- ish.

And as you can notice to the right, the sliders in the color window are in HSB

which mean Hue, Saturation and Brightness.

So when I start I look for the Saturation to be in less than 40 and the Brightness in more than 60.

Why?, well because if it is very saturated,

for me personally, it distracts me, and if it is very dark, I lose the value of the line

and also with animation is very common to work in this way.

Not so much the saturation, but the values.

And then do the corrections, I must remember that I have to add shadow

and the very dark colors will darken more and I could lose information.

Step 5 - Shadows

As I started to get bored of painting and had no idea how the shadows would go,

in a top layer in multiply mode, I chose a light gray tone and began to add it,

as most of the wagons have the lights on the ceiling,

the shadow of any element was not going to spread on the ground,

in fact it was going to keep just below each one. That's mathematics for first graders.

This is Science.

Everything that is above is going to have light and everything below is going to be dark.

that's a very bad way to explain the science of light, but in short, you have to understand

the shape of your objects in a 3D space,

to be able to give an adequate volume depending on the position of the light.

For example, the belly of the fat guy of the left, imagine that it is a balloon,

if the light is in the top, only the part under the belly will have shadow,

and it will not be a perfectly circular shadow, because

by gravity, that ball, in this case the belly, will deform down.

Apply this to the rest of the elements in the composition

simplify forms to geometric shapes

and locate them in perspectives.

Try to understand where the shadows are projected according to the location of the light.

From here to discovery channel.

The good thing about having all this separately, each layer separately,

is that I can select it and change its hue, its color and even its shape,

without affecting the base at all,

this is a very smart way to solve a problem of effective way.

Then I proceeded to paint the rest of the elements in the wagon, while still defining the shadow.

The shadow, as the colors are going to evolve as I build the elements.

None of this is 100% established, there is only one idea of how the scene should feel in my head,

and the mix of all this must have that result.

Step 6 - Details and Merge,

as you can notice at this point I take steps backwards and forwards in the process,

it is not an organized and continuous sequence.

that's because I'm looking to capture the idea I had

at the beginning and when something doesn't suit me, I try to add my general knowledge, to see the final result,

that's why I advance to the steps.

Something like giving a solution faster and possible before going to the details.

But I think that at this point I feel quite satisfied with the result.

Is bit dirty and lacks polish, but if I look up to the right, in the navigator, I see an interesting scene,

at least for me.

The final details, will be that if the cleaning of some of the elements in the drawing,

perhaps the shape of the layer where the colors are, change the colors of some of the elements

of the pieces that are very saturated or desaturated,

edit the strength and the value and the color of the values.

in this case the shadows.

And draw elements that personalize a little more each character.

That would be the details.

Then in an extra layer, I add some noise to create the sensation of television,

there is an artist called Dan LuVisi who has a tutorial, look it up in google, how to make the noise effect,

where he explains in detail step by step.

And part in another layer added with a brush similar to watercolor an effect to give this traditional touch,

I also add some corrugated paper over everything I've done,

and at the end of all a bit of chromatic aberration to make it feel like old school animation.

Well in summary this is my process, for now, I hope it serves you something,

that you improve your miserable lives a little,

practice every day the things that are important,


and remember that without study and repetition they will not come to anything.

So do the homework and see you tomorrow.

Well, that has been all for today, I hope it helps you,

if it serves you,

at least let a fucking comment on the YouTube box,

even giving thanks,

because it seems that the fingers weigh them,

I'm not doing anything, I'm not Making money with this,

but I don't even like it, I don't know why I'm doing this shit ....

*He goes Babbling*.

That disinfects more,

cleans more and does not harm,

clean us with the vater cleaner

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