Les mystères de l'amour : Peter et Hélène le presque-bisou et Béatrice veut Nicolas
Ingrid sent pas Céline, elle est bien décidée à s'occuper de ce problème. Peter et Hélène déjeunent ensemble :ils se rappellent les bons souvenirs.
Hélène est contente que Peter soit là, il la protège. Peter incite Hélène à parler à Nicolas pour éviter les malentendus.
Béné et Jimmy demandent à toute la bande de passer le test de compatibilité pour Sophie. Aurélie ne veut pas le faire mais Hugo réussit à la convaincre.
Alice et Rudy sont ensemble toujours amoureux à l'abri dans un hôtel srilankais. Sauf que Rudy aperçoit les hommes à travers la fenêtre, ils décident de tenter de s'enfuir.
Laly vient voir John et Pierre : elle leur demande du champagne …mais ils leur disent qu'ils ont tout jeté.
La période d'abstinence est terminée, Laly veut fêter le fait qu'elle a droit à l'amour. Laly a décidé de choisir l'un d'entre eux.
Ingrid et Audrey viennent rendre visite à Bruno Vales, chacune prend du bon temps avec lui.
Hélène veut parler à Nicolas demain car ce soir c'est l'anniversaire de José, elle ne veut pas gâcher la fête. Hélène invite Peter, il hésite mais finit par accepter pour être aux côtés d'Hélène.
Franck a décidé de se réinstaller à Paris, il est en train de prendre toutes ses affaires. Béné est contente.
Peter et Hélène se baladent, ils se remémorent plein de souvenirs. Peter est prêt à embrasser Hélène mais celle-ci dit qu'elle n'a pas le droit.
Bruno est déçu qu'Ingrid le partage avec Audrey…il pensait plus compter pour Ingrid. Bruno a l'impression d'être un sex toy.
Bruno dit à Ingrid qu'il l'aime…elle dit qu'elle sait et c'est pour ça qu'il doit faire tout ce qu'elle lui demande.
Fanny rencontre un vif succès après son concert, elle signe de nombreux autographes. Christian prend des nouvelles de Fanny auprès d'Alex.
Christian dit à Eric Fava qu'il a appris à le connaître et il l'aime beaucoup. Fava lui dit que c'est pareil et désormais il est même plus jaloux.
Laly donne un défi à Pierre et John, celui qui réussira à séduire Béné (qui est célibataire) sera celui qu'elle gardera.
Béatrice et Nicolas vont préparer le garage pour la fête de José. Béatrice demande son avis à Nicolas sur sa relation à 3.
Il pense qu'à terme ça va être compliqué. Béatrice propose à Nicolas de les rejoindre… mais ce dernier décline et dit qu'il est amoureux d'Hélène.
Rudy a pensé au fait qu'Alice a une puce de localisation…du coup ils décident d'aller dans un sous sol profond où il n'y aura plus de transmission.
Alors que Fanny et Alex vont dîner, un homme essaie d'embrasser Fanny…. Alex s'en prend aux hommes mais l'un sort un couteau. Fanny va-t-elle être blessée?
A suivre le prochain épisode les mystères de l'amour 19×12 en diffusion le dimanche 9 décembre 2018 sur TMC.
N'hésitez pas à rejoindre le forum les mystères de l'amour où tous les fans se retrouvent.
For more infomation >> Les mystères de l'amour : Peter et Hélène le presque-bisou et Béatrice veut Nicolas - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
Los Renos Se Enfermaron | En La Víspera De Navidad | HiDino Canciones Para Niños - Duration: 2:24.
FELIZ DÍA DE TU MUERTE 2 (2019) - Trailer #1 Oficial Subt en Español [HD] Terror Movie - Duration: 2:40.
Attention (meme idea original yo cancion de Charlie Puth) - Duration: 0:21.
"Video to Life" Secret Exposed - David Copperfield Magic Trick Revealed - Duration: 13:31.
This illusion is named "VIideo to Life".
It was created by David Copperfield in 1985 for a series of CBS called the magic of David
It is so called because the images of the video that are projected on the box will charge
life, and they will leave the video to the real world.
Now in the middle of the execution David will open the box to show that it is completely
I'm trying to find an answer, That grid inside the box calls me
a lot of attention.
For the second time he will open the box and we will return to see the grid, I wonder if there is
the possibility that we are facing a optical illusion, and also about the possibility of
that people are there and we can not watch.
Although my assumption was true, that's not true explains how they all got there, because
we have seen the empty box at the beginning of the act.
... what we will see at the end of the trick will throw all these assumptions to the ground.
Maybe it would have been possible hide people in that box.
But what about the elephant?
This is going to need another explanation ..
To discover this illusion we are going to reconstruct everything the stage to see from inside of
the box to the outside up and down and around to check how our senses
they can be easily confused, and we will confirm as faith in reason can help us
see what would otherwise be invisible.
Guided solely by reason, there are many
the thinkers of today, have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to know the truth and that
every attempt to find it is vain.
But science still believes that it is possible to understand the universe rationally, this already
It is an act of faith.
Having faith means trusting something, but this Trust can not be blind,
You need reasons.
Science needs to believe that our weighing can access in some way, even if
limited, to the reality of the universe.
The other way is the absurd where everything and nothing is worth it.
This means that to get to know of something the first step is: to have faith,
believe that knowing the truth is possible.
We are at a crucial moment in history, we face the difficult reality of
recognize that we are practically blind of birth, then or resign ourselves
to remain that way and we proclaim ourselves gods.
Actually, we will let whoever has the enough power to do it.
Or we wake up from the illusion of believing that only cold rationality can lead us
to the true.
As we know there are colors that our eyes can not perceive, you have to think
what are the reasons that our reason can not understand Maybe we should look for a
Balance between Reason and Heart and expand the spectrum of what is reasonable, to be able to find
the foundation that makes us believe again in the only thing that we should never have doubted:
that Good, Justice, Beauty and The Truth Exists
This act is inspired by various tricks classics, where the magician interacts with
a screen to make the projected objects in it they come alive.
Technology has allowed us to perfect this act and make it increasingly surprising.
The secret of this type of illusion lies in the synchronization of movements between
the magician and the screen, and you must rehearse
a lot so that all movements between the actors and the screen are synchronized.
What makes this illusion special is that Cooperfileld brings the video to the real world
5 people. which undoubtedly requires a impressive coordination, and as if not
was enough with this, the trick closes with the appearance of an elephant
(R2D2) if it's a baby elephant, but the surprise effect It is very effective and leaves us impressed.
It should also be noted that the elephant should not coordinate no movement between the screen
and reality.
It simply appears inside the box.
If we get demanding we will perceive the LAG between video and real life.
Now let's go to the most incredible and, let's analyze everything we can perceive, we can see
the empty box completely disassembled, apparent There can not be anyone underneath, there's
possibility that someone is hidden there.
David holds the back wall and hopes that the assistants put the insurance, then release it
Then the assistants place the box in a position surely previously coordinated.
And the act begins.
Having ruled out the possibility that the people can hide inside the box,
we only have the possibility of entering to her from another place.
Although Our vision is limited this can give us sometimes subtle clues that we can
take advantage to get closer to the truth, before to fall into hasty or absurd conclusions.
The same happens the reason, although this is limited, you can also perceive subtle clues
and seize them, before the suicide of thought which means affirming that truth does not exist.
In these images we can see a shadow very subtle on the ground that moves towards
the box, this follows what there is something like a bridge that connects to the box, and through
of that device not only the people, but an elephant could appear without being seen
inside the box.
Then we suspect what there is a bridge and through that bridge the assistants retire the
insurance open the wall behind and everything is ready for all people, and the elephant
can enter the stage.
Look at the back wall these 6 pictures are they look a little different from the rest that's a
indication of our suspicions, it would be a door.
(R2D2) I know that if there was a bridge and a gateway people would have seen it, but
understand that if you only trust what you can See these blind. the old ones of the channel already
must have realized something, it is the same trick that the Sacred Riana used in
the "Got Talent", the link I leave it up.
David Copperfield uses the grid behind from the box to create an optical illusion
based on mirrors to make invisible the bridge.
Thus the bridge is practically undetectable at a glance for the public no matter
the angle from which you look.
Once our senses are deceived, people and even a baby elephant can appear
without being perceived.
I just have to thank them because surely when we upload the video we will have reached the
50000 subscribers, and I wanted to announce that thanks to your support as summer holidays are coming
I will go up much more content for you, I still do not know how much but we will have minimum
a weekly video
I'm going to upload a couple of videos in a couple of days that are repeated if you've already seen them
you worry is that I had to modify them a little bit for copyright.
Leave your like if you want more content and leave in the comments the topic that you would like
let's investigate
You can also leave your questions in my Instagram because I'll make a video with questions
and answers and the best ones will appear in that video.
Now, thank you very much for watching and as always I say
Wait, many, more videos.
Rafael Ilha se ausenta de atividade e Caique Aguiar dispara: "Está acostumado a não fazer nada" - Duration: 3:03.
Nagui gêné de devoir vexer une petite fille - Duration: 3:06.
Karina Sato, irmã de Sabrina, escreve depoimento emocionante após nascimento da sobrinha Zoe - Duration: 3:09.
Uomini e Donne, Tina Cipollari insulta Giulia De Lellis ma dimentica il microfono acceso - Duration: 7:32.
L2-J16 / Lorient-RC Lens (2-2) Le résumé vidéo de la rencontre - Duration: 4:56.
'Honestidad' 'GH VIP 2018': La reacción de Miriam al ver que Asraf es finalista - Duration: 2:45.
Tyson Fury en mission rachat, Deontay Wilder en quête de reconnaissance - Duration: 5:15.
Sérgio Malheiros proíbe Sophia Abrahão de aparecer no SBT e Lívia Andrade se revolta - Duration: 2:19.
Charlotte Casiraghi « mordue » de Dimitri Rassam, l'étrange raison de leur coup de coeur - Duration: 1:34.
William Bonner posa abraçado com Natasha Dantas em foto de casamento. Veja! - Duration: 4:15.
Eduardo Costa vai à Globo e pede o perdão de Fernanda Lima após humilhações - Duration: 3:03.
Geocaching - 📦 Unboxing 📦 Day 1 Advent Calendar 2018 🎄 - Duration: 5:10.
And welcome Geo subscribers in this Unboxing, the first of Unboxing
Advent Calendar from home we CacheVillage December 1 and go
24 days for daily videos of the unboxing of this calendar
the unboxing will be held every day at the same time ie 16 hours
you were 174 to complete the survey I made on DISCORD and
Facebook know what time you prefer
output video and you were 69 to respond 16h to keep pace
last year so this is what will happen I assure all they will
watch the video well after 16 hours there will be no spoilers in the
thumbnail or in the comments of Youtube so you do not tighten SPOILER
by videos last year it was a box
wood this year is a slightly larger cardboard box actually a bit
flatter aesthetically it is rather nice, but I'm interested
it's what's in it and not wait
one passes an aperture when opening
then suddenly we here congratulations you have hands
The Advent 2018 a pocket calendar to open and surprise
discover each day from 1 to 24 December to accompany you to
Christmas then in this envelope a letter
you reveal all the details of your schedule before so I
would open not at all the same we also have a note
Congratulations you have your hands Advent Calendar 2018
Talala Talala do not be evil do not destroy Geo interest
that could take your friends to the opening of this calendar
tell because you have seen before the date on the cover
So little reminder to all who would Spoiler content of this
calendar we do not do it otherwise we wish you all the DNF
so we we have a cap like that if I have a hat "Grheuu"
wants to make a Unboxing with me or maybe another guest we do
never know so I put it here a small paper of YEAAAHH
Here envelopes 24 envelopes it is big!
last year it was a bit smaller! so we'll take the
a number that is so this year I have a
second camera that will serve me to make you a little bigger plans like
the plan is wide enough I close the box not to look
other envelopes I keep very secret content
then it's gone I'm just like a kid in fact I'm all
and I can move the heavier wowowow, too many things at once too much
things at once then we have a Logbook
then here I have a camera there I have seen a Logboog
So a logbook Rite in the Rain
waterproof highly resistant to humidity is a very big his camo
finally starting direct a big buffalo color seen with camo
a good seal so it is directly to the first
December 1 Cache ready to put it starts well
it starts very well here so it is big enough you see
so it's a XS anyway but it's a big XS
yeah yeah it's a big XS and there was a small little paper
oh but it's good that it is a little a little paper then I will make you
downright picture I put you here the picture you look along
I geocaching and international day to celebrate the day
Geocaching is an opportunity for geocachers to find themselves on
Local events organized on purpose or to plan that day the
discovery of a cache that is their special at what date is this
each day annéeμ? Are you have an idea
then either (A) May 3rd anniversary of Geocaching (B) July 4th day of
US national holiday (C) February 29 which makes it even more
exceptional or (D) the third Saturday in the month of August was then
I'll play a little game I'm just not in the answer in
this video I give my 2 video so tomorrow and meanwhile say
me in the comments what you have (1) the first thought of the gift
Gift this Unboxing and (2) give me the answer ABC or D to see history
a little bit we will play together I find it rather interesting so
it was the first Unboxing of this calendar forward I
rather it starts quite satisfied BamBam live a ready cache pose
and a small game card then are we going to have a
each day it could be funny it would allow us to play together
like that at As this Unboxing, so I tell you tomorrow
Geo Subscribe for unboxing December 2 Geo Friendship
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