Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 30 2018

Ignazio Moser scrive ad Andrea Damante: un post rassicurante  Il post di Ignazio Moser per Andrea Damante dopo la polemica sollevata da Giulia De Lellis avrà senz'altro un sapore dolcissimo per l'ex tronista, visto che giunge in un periodo molto delicato per lui

In effetti nessuno si aspettava che Giulia avrebbe confessato tutto e che nel resoconto del suo 2018 sarebbe sbucato un riferimento indiretto al motivo per il quale si sono lasciati

Questo almeno è ciò che noi e mezzo Web abbiam capito: vedremo se ci siam sbagliati tutti o se i fatti stanno realmente così

Ad ogni modo Ignazio non è intervenuto sulla faccenda, anche perché si tratta di una situazione piuttosto delicata, ma ha voluto manifestare tutta la sua vicinanza ad Andrea mentre è in vacanza a Madonna di Campiglio in Trentino con lui, Cecilia Rodriguez e altri amici

Ignazio e Andrea, un'amicizia "nata per caso" diventata "amicizia vera"  Le parole di Ignazio sono davvero molto belle: "Un'amicizia nata per caso – così inizia Moser – un'amicizia nella quale tanti non credevano, un'amicizia che va ben oltre quello che si vede e quello che tutti pensano, un'amicizia vera!"

Si tratta insomma di un sentimento puro che lega Andrea e Ignazio da molto tempo; d'altra parte basta guardare le foto pubblicate su Instagram per accorgersi che i due sono grandi amici

E non si tratta neanche delle prime belle news che riguardano Moser: quest'ultimo infatti stanotte ha sorpreso Cecilia con un gesto che avrà emozionato senz'altro anche tutti i fan della coppia

Ignazio e la vita in Trentino: con Cecilia e Andrea divertimento assicurato  Lo stesso gesto che ha mandato in visibilio le fan di Francesco e Giulia nella giornata di oggi: l'ex della Rodriguez, che non può che tornarci in mente quando parliamo di Ignazio, ha fatto un gesto eclatante per la Salemi, e in molti avranno senza dubbio reagito con sorpresa

Un po' come quando qualche giorno fa Ignazio ha perso Cecilia per le strade del Trentino

Tra una dichiarazione d'amore e una dedica d'amicizia, tra smarrimenti e sciate e molto altro ancora non si può dire insomma che Ignazio non se la stia spassando

Vi lasciamo al post che ha scritto ad Andrea e a quello che quest'ultimo ha pubblicato sulla sua pagina Instagram:

For more infomation >> ✅ Ignazio Moser interviene dopo le parole di Giulia De Lellis: post per Andrea Damante - Duration: 3:02.


🔴 INACREDITÁVEL! SHOW de Naldo Fica Vazio e o Cantor Aceita o Cachê de R$ 5 mil - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 🔴 INACREDITÁVEL! SHOW de Naldo Fica Vazio e o Cantor Aceita o Cachê de R$ 5 mil - Duration: 2:15.


Michael Schumacher «miracle de Noël », la vérité éclate - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Michael Schumacher «miracle de Noël », la vérité éclate - Duration: 1:25.


Agujeros de Guión: INCEPTION (Origen) - Duration: 14:25.

Video chosen by patrons 2 € or more in PATREON.


After analyzing the failures plot Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, and now Inception, or origin, may seem to have something against Cristopher Nolan, but no, just the opposite.

I think a very competent director and his films very interesting and witty.

This particular seems great, but that does not mean that many of the scripts of this director are a fucking gruyere cheese. Let's see what's wrong.


The plot seems complex, but it really is simpler than it seems.

A Japanese businessman named Saito needs out of the way the owner of the rival company, Robert Fischer, and for it decides to hire Dominic Cobb,

an expert spy of mind to deploy at the opponent's an idea, to sell the company as supposedly wants his dying father.

Everyone says that implementation or inception, or origin, as they call it, is impossible. However, Cobb believes in it, mostly because it proved, with his wife Mallorie.

Well, things did not go too well for her. He killed himself and did believe that the murderer was him, and now will not let him enter the United States to see their children.

In exchange for the inception, Saito promises to move its influence to remove all the charges. I think it would be much easier to make the children move with him to another country, but good.

Cobb accepts the deal and start gathering a group of oneironauts to carry out the plan. Ariadne, the architect, Eames, the forger, Arthur, researcher and Yusuf, the chemist.


The first thing that comes to mind is ... Where do these machines so that several people can share dreams?

Why they connect intravenously? Would not it be more logical neuronal helmet or some shit like that?

During the film mentioned that it was of military origin, but already. Does the public know this? The press? The governments? We do not know hardly anything.

There is a scene where you see many people from estrangis sharing dreams, and are so hooked that your reality now is sleep. That's the whole social context that give us. End.

Cobb can not be the architect because it says that "Mal would not let him."

Ie the memory of his dead wife interferes with their dreams. That's where Ariadne, a French student who is very good architect comes.

The question that comes to mind is ... how can it be a good architect dreams?

We assume that Miles has taught him, but have you taught him secretly or has given a course in college where he studied?

Can you point at the university to become an architect of dreams? Are there career? Is backbone or optional?

Another important thing is that Ariadne creates the space where he spends the dream, but Cobb explains that people are part of your subconscious, the Cobb, and are called projections.

The subconscious of the subject also creates the safes where important information is stored.

The question here is ... Does the collective dream should not be populated by people of the subconscious of them all?

How does the machine interprets the dreamer who is and who is the main subject who want to steal or implement ideas?

To confuse these projections need to do complicated maps, mazes.

The truth is that in the film give much importance to this issue but ... not quite see the labyrinth of the locations where dreams take place.

They are perhaps the closest thing the hotel corridors, but throwing imagination. I think much more labyrinthine persecution Mombasa, which is the real world ... is assumed.

And with deus ex machina included! Curiously, it seems that Nolan called the character Ariadne because he is who helps Theseus to cross the labyrinth of Daedalus and kill the Minotaur.

Go to my other channel if you want to know more about Greek mythology.

The fact is that the extras they start to get a little violent as begin to perceive that everything is fantasy. Changes them nervous.

The funny thing is they do not seem very shocked when a city begins to fold in on itself but instead start revolutions when no one does nothing, as in the scene from the beginning.

Why the hell people have put it? How bad is the architect? Was not it better to build a more stable sleep?

Could it be because Saito knows he is in a dream, but that does not explain why in a level are calm and no other can not control.

Well know that the subject is in a dream does not seem to be an influential element in the behavior of the projections according to this scene changes only affect madmen.

What was missing the hot water? To drop the chair and to awaken it, presumably.

One criticism that has done much to the film is that in reality, when we dream, we think of worlds with parts of things we know and other Surrealists parts.

We've all dreamed of impossible things, and yet we still in that dream. Dreams are crazy bitch, and although sometimes seem very real not follow the rules of our world.

In my opinion, I think it's not bad dreams in this movie have a realistic cut, because more than dreams are worlds created by an "architect", manufactured exclusively for a purpose.

And this contrasts with the dreamy parts like limbo or elevator where Cobb keeps the memories of Mal, I think as a dream metaphor works very well.

However, there are other things I think that challenge the internal logic of the story. Let's start with the inception.

the inception

To carry out the plan our Protas go snorkeling in three layers of sleep to implant an idea to Fischer:

His father wants to sell the company and start something for himself. A complicated plan, no doubt.

Fischer will make a plane ride and a chance to sedate him during the journey and hide crew because Saito bought the entire company.

I hope the owners of the other airlines competing not do the same with Fischer.

It would suspect that all had just there with generational conflicts and desire to destroy their empires.

Upon reaching the first layer abduct him sleep. The forger will impersonate Browning intending to go implanting the idea that "does not have to follow the footsteps of his father."

The problem is that Arthur, the researcher, is passed the small detail that Fischer has been trained by some other extractor to protect their thoughts, and their projections are bundled dead.

If an untrained mind as Saito is able to distinguish dream and reality just playing a carpet ... how Fischer cosca not behind this?

And why Fischer's mental security is a bunch of armed guys and a train? WRONG: Is Cobb projection, but still no fucking sense.

It could not have been a tank? It would make more sense if suddenly strange things began to appear, but that train there is very rare.

The truth is that I imagine Nolan justifying the scene before producers as follows:

"I like trains"

It is also curious that all that first dream Saito was a hearing test or not to hire Cobb. Why the end he hires if he says he has failed?

Is there no better extractors? From what little account the film, yes, there's more. Hires him a little because, since until now does not know he can do incepciones.

Undoubtedly, the great villain of the movie is Mal, Cobb's dead wife, who always appears so random to ruin the plans of the group.

It seems that the only concerned about the issue is Ariadna, because Arthur Sweats.

And this would be a good reason for Saito Cobb did not hire because they get screwed plans and he knows, has seen in the first dream, but it seems that also perspire.

"I sweat"

"To take the ass life"

They caught a van and while they are chasing them. Then remember this scene.

"No I be afraid to dream big more, dear"

Why not think big and create a faster and resistant van with bulletproof glass and rocket launchers? And on ...

Inside the van shit deep into the second layer, the hotel.

Cobb tells Fischer is in a dream produced by his kidnappers to steal, but he will protect him.

Fischer can swallow that Cobb is a projection in his mind in charge of security but ... since when a projection can get within a dream?

I do not know the training they have received the man, but it smells a little fishy.

Now it is entering the third layer, the strength frost. Fischer believes is getting into Browning's mind to find out what's going on, but does not know who is entering his own mind.

But if there are all part of your subconscious ... you are not going to find anything that did not already know beforehand.

And once in the 3rd dream it is curious that Fischer does not recognize their full business competitor, Saito.

Perhaps Fischer is not put into the business and have never commented or last, but that Saito can not know, nor conceals just in case.

But the most tocho hole is as follows. Upon entering the icy valley, the van has problems and ends up giving a little somersault.

We see that lack of gravity moves from Arthur to layer the hotel where the guy is bundled hosts against some projections.

By the way ... go fuck up right? They could carry the same weapons as the first layer or the train appears at the hotel, that would be fun.

Following gravity ... what about the icy fortress while the van falls off the bridge? It is not affected by the lack of gravity, even a little bit.

It is assumed that the physical effects of dreamers affect the layers, and then Eames, the dreamer, is floating. Rules to take the ass.

"Fuck, man"

We see that Arthur has to change explosive and think a new way to bring down the whole team in zero gravity.

My question is ... what was exactly the kick I had to give them Yusuf? Arthur hints that jump off the bridge was part of then plan ...

It was not foreseen weightlessness? And why no chasing hundreds of projections as in previous scenes?

The answer is, of course, in that now does not suit the script because you need to mount your group Arthur kick in the elevator,

and as the movie only takes "two minutes" in sticking with a guy, remove the pumps, roll them all, take the elevator, prepare everything ...

In the end the plan goes wrong. And when I say bad I mean that evil is and is charged to Fischer, so this is trapped in limbo.

How Mal appears in the room where is Fischer and safe? Because Cobb asks Ariadne to see if there is a shortcut which is, this is what he says and that's how he learns Mal.

-Has added Eames something? -I do not think I should tell you ... if Mal finds out ...

-We do not have time for this. Have you added anything? -A ventilation system to cut through the maze.

-All right. Explain it! -Saito ...

Cobb needs to know the shortcut because ... because Diabolus ex machina, because the script has him well.

There was no need to tell, because actually those are hurry to get Eames and others, but Cobb and Ariadne.

She could have just said that there was a shortcut and radio contact Eames and and and had not screwed everything up, did not need to say anything to Cobb.


During the film, Saito is shot in the dream and say, "Well, let's kill him to wake".

No, it turns out that Cobb had kept some information. As Yusuf sedated them both, now if you are killed in the dream do not wake up and go to limbo.

How do these experts oneironauts had no idea that this could happen?

What the fuck is limbo? They define it as a dream space without building, a prison fuck you mind. This limbo is no stranger to Cobb.

He and his wife were 50 years voluntarily dream in a world built for them. Something does not fit me.

Can a normal human being with another for 50 years without anyone else? Go fucking pain in the ass.

That's to go crazy, do not do shit or missing limbs. And what is this building. Really this is all they could think of to build in 50 years?

They build a cement jungle bitch and over not want to leave. Greenpeace are not these guys.

And how you get to limbo? The film explains that get to him after dying in a dream being to the ass of sedatives.

How do they Cobb and Mal in the past? Does your machine has an integrated Limbo button or what?

Cobb implanted the girl's idea that the world was not real so we can get back to reality and be with the children, who would be bored with the host parents all day hanging to a machine.

Anyway, seeing Saito at the end of the movie, 50 years in limbo not seem to be many minutes connected in reality.

The big problem is that Mal began to believe that nothing was real, not even reality itself. At the end aunt she is thrown out the window because he believed that arouse, but no.

And you say, why the hell is in the front window? It is not known.

I think that the problem had been solved very easily. Back to limbo, reopen the safe and stop the totem. And that's it. End of problem.

In limbo Cobb and Ariadne Fischer manage to rescue, but not before losing time chitchat deck with ex-wife.

Returned to the employer to life with the defibrillator. But it is a magical defibrillator, now the guy stands up and looks as if they had shot him minutes earlier.

At the end he sees his father wanted and then super kick takes place, making all wake up in the first layer, to wait out the sedative.

Equivalent to eight days ...?

Already projections do not follow them? Why? Have you tired of shooting? What I do not so clear is why it was necessary to blow up the fortress. To wake up?

No, because the explosion elevator Arthur enough, since the limbo you can not wake them well.

After the super kick out alone is not Cobb is to look for Saito, who by the way has not seen die, so it remains to find him not knowing that has yet died.

The previous leaf blade are connecting with Fischer, who was dead, we assume that is the gateway to limbo.

But here ... how it is supposed to come Cobb? He has not been able to return to the icy fortress and connect to your mind.

And the funny thing is that waking up from limbo just had to shoot himself or defenestrarse.

Why Saito did not get anything before losing your sanity? It is also true that Cobb could have said during the discussion of the warehouse.

And why if Cobb and Ariadne reach the limbo remain aware that it is no limbo and Saito? Why wake up when a shot stick?

They should not have to wait in limbo to pass the sedative? And if they have to wait ...

What sense does shoot himself in limbo? And how it is that Saito has projections in limbo and others do not?

And a final note. The first to die is Fischer, not Saito, along with a difference of thirteen minutazos Peli.

They go first by Fischer and such, but ... should not also be more viejete?

Cobb also takes too long in the limbo to rescue Saito. I do not know, very confusing everything.


It seems that everything is over and Fischer will dismantle the empire of his father to let Saito do with monopoly.

That's ... good, bad? The film is Sweats, and us. The thing is ... when they wake up in the plane ...

¿Fischer remember anything of what happened in the dream? He has been dreaming several hours with the guys next to him ...

and one of them happens to be an entrepreneur who happens to be known ultra maximum competition, as I have said before.

And Saito seems to return to normal after being actually have been an eternity in limbo.

It does not seem to get caught up it was so bad, right? Cobb returned with their children and put the totem to turn. Obviously it is in the real world.

If Saito is out, he too, as only had to wait out the effect of the sedative.

I have read some theories that say that Cobb is in the real world because you do not alliance, its authentic totem, and that children are different actors.

I think they are two good points as well, if we listen carefully credits,

after the last scene you can hear the sound of falling totem. attentive:

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