Mueller witch hunt took dramatic new steps this week according to Politico former White
House chief of staff rents Prius has now been interviewed by the Special Counsel
team confirmation of the interview came directly from previous law William buck mr.
Priebus was voluntarily interviewed by Special Counsel Mueller's team today he
was happy to answer all of their questions Burks said this news may seem
alarming but it might just prove that Mueller is getting desperate last week it was revealed
that the special counsel team was being sued for failing to turn over
memorandum pertaining to the permitted scope of their investigation may
have accused the team of
overstepping boundaries in an effort to uncover anything negative about Trump's
team but now a year after allegations of Russian collusion began they have still
revealed nothing probably because there is nothing to find their interview with Priebus
is just their latest attempt to salvage their investigation Mueller's
investigation must end now tell us what do you think about this comment on the blank
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