Hello, Methuselahs! Welcome to another video by Generación V.
In this video we are going to explain the basic concepts of the game, so that you can prepare...
your first VTES game.
In order to play a VTES game, we'll need 4 to 5 players
and have the following components. Each player must have...
a deck of cards, which in turn consists of a crypt deck and a library deck.
Each player must also have 30 counters or more...
to keep track of their blood pool...
and the blood on their vampires.
In case you want your games to have a time limit, a timer...
is recommended. At tournaments,
the usual maximum time limit for a game is 2 hours. And finally,
we need an object symbolising the Edge. It can be...
any kind of object that can be easily seen by each player.
The crypt deck contains all the vampires we can play
during our game, and consists of a minimum of 12 cards,
all of which have an amber-coloured back. And it can
contain as many copies of the same vampire as we want.
Crypt cards have the following information:
The vampire's name; the clan symbol;
the expansion logo (each expansion has...
its own logo, which has no effect in the game)
The 'Advancement' icon (which indicates...
that this is the Advanced version of a vampire);
the vampire's portrait;
their Disciplines (there are two ways to present them:
either with a square or with a diamond. A square-shaped...
Discipline symbol means that the vampire has the basic level of that Discipline.
A Discipline symbol within a diamond means the vampire has the superior level of that Discipline);
the group (a game element meant...
to avoid too powerful crypts. When designing...
our crypt deck we'll have to make sure it contains
vampires either of one given group or of...
two consecutive groups);
the vampire's text box (where we'll see...
the vampire's sect and title,
if any.
Any special abilities the vampire has will also be...
listed here. Within the text box we can also find the 'Merged'...
icon. After this icon, we'll...
see the special ability this vampire will have when merged);
the vampire's capacity (i.e., the amount of blood pool
we have to transfer to a vampire in order to put it into play); and finally,
the name of the illustrator.
The library deck contains all the cards we...
(as Methuselahs) and our minions can play.
It's a deck consisting of a minimum of 60...
and a maximum of 90 cards. And like in the crypt deck,
it can contain as many copies of the same card as we please.
The card types this deck can contain
will be explained in the following videos.
Although there are many types of library cards, all of them share some
common elements, like crypt cards do.
These elements are:
The card's name,
The expansion logo, the card type
the card art (which is rectangular,
unlike for crypt cards, which is elliptical),
the requirements to play the card,
the cost (if any),
the text box (explaining what the card...
can do), and finally, the name of the illustrator.
Let's explain now several important concepts for a...
VTES game. First of all, the blood pool,
which symbolises our influence as Methuselahs. Each player...
starts the game with 30 pool (blood pool)
This pool can be used to influence vampires into play...
or to pay the cost of some cards.
Another important concept is your prey, who is
the player to your left. Whenever your prey's...
pool is reduced to 0, your prey will be ousted
from the game, and you'll gain 1 victory point
and 6 pool. Once your prey...
is ousted, you'll try to oust the new player to your left,
and so on until there are no other players remaining or until you get ousted.
And finally, there is our predator, who is
to our right, and is the player who
will try to oust us by all means.
Your goal in any VTES game is to become the Methuselah...
with the most victory points at the end of the game.
Now we are ready to prepare...
our first VTES game. First we have to...
randomly determine the seating. From 1st to 4th or 5th,
depending on the total number of players.
Then each player will sit at the table...
in ascending order, thus defining...
the first predator-prey relationships in the game.
Thereafter, we'll shuffle our crypt and library decks separately,
and offer our predator the chance to shuffle or cut them.
After our predator has decided to shuffle or cut...
our decks, we'll deal 4 cards from our crypt deck...
and place them upside down before us, thus forming our uncontrolled region.
And then we'll draw 7 cards from the top of our library deck,
thus forming our starting hand.
Once these steps have been taken, we are ready to take the first turn of a game.
And that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this video,
and see you in the next one.
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