Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 30 2018

hello greedy and welcome on enjoying and dieting in the same plate

we end up for something a little different because I'm not going to make a recipe but rather a challenge

what is the challenge? as you saw in the title of the video,

I will do all the sessions of my bodybuilding program at once

and all that during the night so that'll take 8-9 hours I do not know yet

I film the intro before making the video

I'm ready to go

I'm not only going to train, I'm going to eat too and you will accompany me throughout the journey

I will do 6 trainings

hamstrings/glutes, quadriceps/calves

2 workouts "pull" means back, biceps and rear delt

2 push workouts

it means chest, triceps and anterior and lateral deltoid

you will accompany me for that it is a whole new concept

I make challenges and I film them, it's innovative on my channel

tell me what you think in comments

I do not drag any more, it is already 10pm

I have an appointment there at 10:30

we end up there to begin the session

and here we have arrived and we will start with the legs

because when motivation is still present have made the legs

we start with hamstrings / glutes

we will do quadriceps after we have already done quadriceps yesterday

and we still have a lot of pain

I put you some clips

and then we meet again for the post workout of the first session

we just finished the first session legs, we did three exercises and the last two it was

the leg curl and the seated calf machine but they were caught

we will do them in the second legs session

there I eat a chicken wrap

there is 140gr of chicken cooked in it so there is a lot of protein

then we will do bench press and all the rest

we'll film you all that

I'm eating that and we'll see you later

second session finished

here we have chicken, rice and tomatoes

the real "bro meal" but I added sweet chilli sauce

to have more taste

now the session was pretty hard but we still

managed to PR on each exercise, which is not bad for a second session

we are at 3:10 of session

we still have four sessions to do,

including a shoot where I would like PR on each exercise

then the 3 sessions after we will just do the exercise properly

but without putting the weight that we put in general

in order to finish all the exercises without getting hurt

I will eat 1/3 of the dish and then we end up

to continue the training

we find ourselves in the same place that I left you with chicken, rice and tomatoes

we just finished the sweater session of which you saw some clips just before

now we are going to eat, we have still PR on all exercises

now we're only going to do the three sessions without PR

we're just going to try to pass all exercises without getting hurt

I eat that and we end up following the video

fourth session ended,

it's the second legs session, I'm HS

it's 5 o'clock in the morning so it's been 6 hours we're training

and I start to feel tired

I'm going to eat a porridge with chocolate, oatmeal and banana in it

to take some energy

we still have a push session and a sweater session but light to not get hurt

I eat the porridge and we end up to continue the session

we just finished, we did it in 7h15 and it is now 6:25 am

it was long because six sessions is really long

I will tell you the number of series and exercises I did tomorrow

I'm tired

I go home and I sleep and we meet again tomorrow for the debrief

See you tomorrow

we meet at home two days later because yesterday I was really not well

indeed, I returned at 7am in the morning

I went to bed and got up to 1pm

I woke up with

doms everywhere and the whole day long

It was getting worse and worse and in supplement of that I started to have a

torticollis, I had a sore throat, I had headaches that were untimely

and I could not move my legs anymore

I was sitting or lying all the time

I could not do anything else and not even think

so it was an overreaching flu

in fact my body was totally HS of this training so I did not know anything about the day

so I preferred to do the debrief today

I do not advise anyone to do it

it was bursting, I did exactly 100 sets and 32 exercises

for the whole body and it was silly, do not try to do it

even if you try you will see that it is very difficult mentally

and physically the next day and the days that follow

and it's a proof that overtraining exists but is very difficult to reach

because even after this training of 100 sets

I was not overtraining I had a flu and a big tiredness

this is the proof that before being overtrained you will be very tired

and maybe even risk hurting you

so that's what will prevent you from continuing to train you

and so eventually you will never overtrain or it's very very not common

so this will not be your case for most people

because before going through overtraining you should suffer what I'm going through at the moment,

a big tiredness, not knowing how to move and maybe even hurting yourself

and if still despite that you train there are chances that you

are overtrained

otherwise there is no chance that it happens

so I hope you enjoyed this video

if so, you can always hit the like button and even subscribe

see you later for another recipe or another video !!

For more infomation >> Plaisir & Diète | 8H DE TRAINING PENDANT LA NUIT !? (100 séries) | programme PPL (32 exercices) - Duration: 10:14.


Amber Heard menacée de mort, le gros reproche des fans de Johnny Depp - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Amber Heard menacée de mort, le gros reproche des fans de Johnny Depp - Duration: 1:23.


Rainha Elizabeth terá de se mudar do Palácio de Buckingham daqui a 7 anos - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Rainha Elizabeth terá de se mudar do Palácio de Buckingham daqui a 7 anos - Duration: 2:09.


Charlène de Monaco « dans une prison dorée », elle évoque l'ambiance au palais - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco « dans une prison dorée », elle évoque l'ambiance au palais - Duration: 1:29.


Culte D'action de Grâce du 30 Décembre 2018 - Duration: 1:57:57.

For more infomation >> Culte D'action de Grâce du 30 Décembre 2018 - Duration: 1:57:57.


¿Yo-ho, piratas siempre ser? Disney está preparando un reboot de Piratas del Caribe - Duration: 2:06.

Dicen que cuando las cosas no van por buen camino, lo mejor es abandonarlas o comenzarlas de nuevo y al parecer Disney optó por la segunda opción para traer de vuelta a la franquicia de Piratas del Caribe

What? De acuerdo a Deadline, Disney está analizando la posibilidad de reiniciar su franquicia que hasta el momento les había dado ganancias de poco 4

5 billones de dólares en 14 años. Según informa, el estudio tuvo una junta con Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick, los guionistas detrás de Deadpool 1 y 2, para dejarles a ellos la pesada tarea de escribir nuevamente la historia de piratas

Hasta el momento lo único claro es que de todo el equipo que conformó Piratas del Caribe, solo quedará Jerry Bruckheimer, el productor de la saga, y no se sabe si el reinicio de la franquicia traerá de vuelta al ebrio y divertido Jack Sparrow o si se tratará de una nueva historia

La franquicia de las películas protagonizadas por Johnny Depp inició en 2003 con Piratas del Caribe: La Maldición del Perla Negra, película que fue un éxito en taquillas llegando a recaudar casi los 700 millones de dólares y convirtiéndose en la cuarta más taquillera de ese año

Al filme le siguió su secuela Piratas del caribe: El Cofre de la Muerte, que rompió récords en ventas y superó a la primera película llegando hasta los 135

6 millones de dólares tan solo en su primer fin de semana y superando a cintas como Star Wars Episodio III: La Venganza de los Sith

A esas continuaron "El Fin del Mundo", que a pesar de haber alcanzado los 400 millones durante su primera semana de estreno, no logró llegarle a su antecesora… y de ahí todo fue en picada con la salida de "Navegando Aguas Misteriosas", que dejó de lado el elenco original y mantuvo únicamente a Depp y recibió críticas mixtas; y "La Venganza de Salazar", probablemente el fracaso más grande de Disney que tan solo obtuvo entre 90 y 100 millones de dólares durante su primera semana de estreno

For more infomation >> ¿Yo-ho, piratas siempre ser? Disney está preparando un reboot de Piratas del Caribe - Duration: 2:06.


Les peurs du prince Charles concernant l'avenir du bébé de Meghan Markle et du prince Harry - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Les peurs du prince Charles concernant l'avenir du bébé de Meghan Markle et du prince Harry - Duration: 1:52.


Kim Taehyung, el miembro mas maduro de BTS | #HappyDayKimTaehyung - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Kim Taehyung, el miembro mas maduro de BTS | #HappyDayKimTaehyung - Duration: 2:24.


'El Confidencial': Cristiano le pidió a la Juve el fichaje de Marcelo - EP News - Duration: 2:14.

Cristiano Ronaldo sigue ilusionado con poder jugar de nuevo junto a Marcelo. Por eso, el portugués no deja de presionar a la Juventus de Turín para que consiga el fichaje del actual jugador del Real Madrid.

Hace poco más de un mes saltó una curiosa noticia que desveló el medio italiano 'Tuttosport': Cristiano Ronaldo había llamado al jugador del Real Madrid Marcelo para que fichara por la Juventus de Turín.

Pues bien, el portugués no se ha olvidado de su amigo brasileño, con el que se mantiene en contacto, y sigue insistiendo para que cambie Madrid por Turín.

Al parecer, tal y como asegura este domingo 'El Confidencial', Cristiano sigue insistiendo en la llegada de Marcelo a la Juve, tanto que no duda en presionar a los directivos italianos para que consigan su traspaso cuanto antes.

Bien es conocida por todo el mundo la gran amistad que Cristiano Ronaldo y Marcelo compartían en el Real Madrid, un cariño entre ambos jugadores que no se ha terminado.

Pese a que el propio brasileño dejó claro ya en más de una ocasión que el Santiago Bernabéu es su casa, el interés del atacante portugués no decae.

Al parecer, siempre según el medio anteriormente citado, el delantero internacional luso, ahora goleador en Italia,

no deja de tentar a Marcelo para que cambie la Liga Española por la Serie A, pese al gran compromiso que el zaguero madridista tiene con su club.

Por su parte, pese a la insistencia de CR7, la Juventus de Turín todavía no ha dado el paso, consciente de que necesita un acuerdo con el Real Madrid para poder fichar a Marcelo sin tener que hacer frente a su elevada cláusula de rescisión.

El contrato del brasileño con el conjunto 'merengue' alcanza hasta 2022 y la tranquilidad reina en la capital española.

Los madridistas confían plenamente en el veterano defensa, que acumula nada más y nada menos que 468 partidos oficiales vestido de blanco, en los que ha podido celebrar hasta 36 goles.

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