Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 31 2018

So guys, I hope you're all okay.

Tomorrow: Greenwalk. I meet all of my followers and the team.

There is an event a little bit particular in Bruxelles.

It's organized by Would You Rea-, by, um.. I'm gonna write it down.

WouldYouReact who had this excellent idea.

The idea of an organized GreenWalk.

We're going to make a course together, pick up waste.

We're going to do it for the country, I think it's great!

Let's try to clean this place that is, for now, not really cool.

So, thank you for being here for this great GreenWalk!

We talk about Gilets Jaunes [contestation move by people] for weeks,

I hope monday, everyone will talk about Gilets Oranges thanks to you!

Why am I here ?

To pick up all waste I knocked off involontary.

I'm here for my son, okay ?

'cause I want to let a cleaner planet for him.

So, here son, dad is cleaning for you: your kids will have a cleaner planet!

We're going to pick up trash for a good example!

The point is to show that we're not the only ones to think the same thing.

Thank you a lot! Thank you so much, the temperature is around 1°C I think.

-10°C felt like Simon Herck was saying.

Alex & Corentin, raise your hand!

Corentin, Alex.

They took care everyhing, with me, beyond the mirror.

It's not easy to work with me so I try to show a positive pic.

But, on the other side, there is a real work, I'm a true bulldozer!

And they're keeping working with me!

I don't know how they did but I wanted to thank them.

Everything's about cans or tin cans : in the blue bag.

And in the white, everything else.


I just have been attacked by an old woman, she tore my bag..

It's a "jacking sac"!

- How are you gonna do ? - I'm gonna look for a new bag.


New blue bag, blue bag!

- I'm losing my pants, - Me too!

- F*cking old lady!


- There are animators that have got bags! - Animators have got bags?!

I just picked up trash!

Brrr, we're cold!

Hey did you see ? It's already pretty good!

Do you want a thong? It's free!

Are you waiting for a little girl? No problem!

Smocking is polluting !

- Wealth! - Works pays!

I'm saying that picking up trash it's not as good as we think cause

it means that Bruxelles is totally polluted!

We're pretty chocked to see all this waste and honnestly, it's a good initiative.

There are things to do.

The point isn't to pick up the all street, it's to show to people that we're doing it.

There's something crazy is when you see waste, you see everything!

Actually, there's no way to walk a meter without waste, and now you think "we're really dirty".

We let everything in the street, and plastic pieces needs 15k years to disappear.

- Bids start at 2euros for the speaker! - 5euros!

- 10!

- 17!

You picked up everything ? Well played!

It's a piece of Louis XVI period, I know about it!

Bruxelles, it's time to wake up, we need to stop, it's dirty!

Why it was important to come with kids?

'cause it's important to sensibilize them to

take care of the Earth,

be careful to the nature, animals,

We're really motivated honestly, it's good to see !

I'm really glad to do it with a such of big team.

And I hope it will be another ones. I'll be there and you will have to bee too!

Earpods, it's with cable and Airpods, without cable.

- Okay, you're teaching me something! - You will not be the only one then.

We're gonna get the half of course, you're gonna see a bridge: let the bags full of waste on it.

You go down to find an empty bag and when we're done, we'll look for what's on the bridge.

Moreover, you separate!

There even is a yard sale!

So, if you want to do a yard sale, you can take stuff, there even are shoes!

Or a brush teeth, why not, I lost mine...

I had enough soup!

It's all I threw up, there aren't empty, I still can drink!

We're gonna have a break for 5 minutes here 'cause we progressed so much that we're gonna get some other bags and give them.

You can call me "Garbage Man", I'm here to bring bags back.

We formed a new team, we met today!

I will have back pain!

I'm here for 20y et it's the first time I see people cleaning!

But it's great, I say congrats!

Donovan & SilentJill are coming. Friends, it could be a good part of the video :

we're gonna boo them like never for their late!

Okay friends, we can applause them, we were waiting for them for long!


Brussels, next time, throw up 20 or 50 euros!

"Come on property, hey hey hey!"

And I filled the bag!

I have to pee!

If you were there, and if you're watching this, remember it was great, congrats!

We pick up Cara Pils beers, everywhere! People drink!

- Are they empty? - No!

It's good, the lovely ones are there!

People call me McGyver!

We have to do this, it's important for me.

'cause I'm an ecologist at 100%.

and because we have to move our ass!

To get rid of their old furnitures, old clothes,

they prefer to take a garbage bag

to throw it above a fence.

You are assholes!

For the fun fact, George Clooney never drunk coffee in his life!

They hire people to verbalize drivers, put a lot of sanctions..

in the point of collect a max of cash.

On the other hand, they hire no one to clean streets!

Who collects the taxpayer money?

[This man was so happy we cleaned his street he offered us to drink!]

My cigaret, when I smoked it, I throw it in the bin!

If the trash is at 20m, you only have to smoke at 20m!

I found a beer, I finished it, there was a slug in it and now I'm gonna throw it out!

Smoker friend, if you want to kill your lungs okay, but not the planet please!

Jon, we're going to do a very simple thing : pick someone.

A small one!

Just tell me red or black.


Pick someone else.

Tell me, heart or diamond?

Heart, are you sure? Okay.. You're going to tell me faces or numbers?

Numbers! Okay, tell me a number, no matter.


He's gonna piss me off, I dunno if you know him..

In this pack, I returned a card...

Just one.

Friends, let's really take a few seconds to look what we did today.

We're not gonna change the planet, but we're gonna be the generation that will can change things!

Let's take a look at this and applause ourselves, really! Congrats!

Totally, after 1,05mile, 550kg of waste have been picked up, by more than 150 people!

Do the same at home. You don't need 15 celebrities and so much people to organize this :

A GreenWalk, a CleanWalk, or whatever its name,

the more important is to want to change things for the next generations...

Thank you for this amazing day!

For more infomation >> #69 : On nettoie les rues de Bruxelles | GreenWalk - Duration: 14:12.





ASMR ESCARGOTS + STUFFED MUSSELS┃y'a comme une odeur de fin 2018 dans l'air... - Duration: 10:22.

Today we're going to eat..

Some snails..


Bread and more bread

With some cherry tomatoes



I hope the party goes well for you

Thank you all for watching us on this day of celebration 🎉

As said by Sephora, we're going to eat escargots with stuffed mussels

Ready ?


Thank you Honey

For more infomation >> ASMR ESCARGOTS + STUFFED MUSSELS┃y'a comme une odeur de fin 2018 dans l'air... - Duration: 10:22.


SORPRENDENTE Lo Que Mhoni Vidente Predice para el 31 de diciembre😱🔥 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> SORPRENDENTE Lo Que Mhoni Vidente Predice para el 31 de diciembre😱🔥 - Duration: 1:25.


3 Consejos Para Cumplir tus Resoluciones De Nuevo Año - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 3 Consejos Para Cumplir tus Resoluciones De Nuevo Año - Duration: 1:09.


La evidencia secreta de la corrupción de Letizia y Felipe sale a la luz, ¿termina la monarquía? - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> La evidencia secreta de la corrupción de Letizia y Felipe sale a la luz, ¿termina la monarquía? - Duration: 11:42.


El mercado de la buena suerte en México | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> El mercado de la buena suerte en México | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.


Indignación por videos de abusos a niños inmigrantes | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Indignación por videos de abusos a niños inmigrantes | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:49.


Ultiman detalles para el Desfile de las Rosas | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Ultiman detalles para el Desfile de las Rosas | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:35.


Los riesgos de un DIU para el status migratorio | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Los riesgos de un DIU para el status migratorio | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:35.


León mató a joven en zoológico de EEUU | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> León mató a joven en zoológico de EEUU | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


2018, el año de las mujeres | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> 2018, el año de las mujeres | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:45.


aDélicieux gratin de crevettes et pommes de terre sans lait, sans gluten|Nouvelles24h614178 - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> aDélicieux gratin de crevettes et pommes de terre sans lait, sans gluten|Nouvelles24h614178 - Duration: 10:46.


✅ Giovani só quer felicidade para o ano de 2019 - Duration: 1:26.

A cor branca já é a escolhida por Giovani, da dupla com Gian, para passar o Réveillon, mas para ele não é isso que importa nesta data

"Branco não pode faltar, vamos passar o ano novo em cima do palco, fazendo o que a gente ama, isso deixa a gente muito feliz", afirmou

Para o ano de 2019, Giovani só quer ser feliz, tanto na vida pessoal, quanto profissional

"Quero continuar sendo muito feliz no amor ao lado da Carol e profissionalmente ao lado do meu irmão", disse

O cantor ainda falou que sua única promessa em 2019 é sempre rezar por todos que o acompanham

"A promessa que eu faço é ser sempre uma pessoa que acredita muito em Deus, que vive pro meu lar, minha casa e por toda essa família da gente que viaja junto, nossa banda", afirmou

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