Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 1 2018

Khabib Nurmagomedov has thanked PSG owner Nasser Al-Khelaifi for inviting him to Wednesday's Champions League game with Liverpool

Nurmagomedov watched from the stands at the Parc des Princes as the Paris giants recorded a 2-1 win over the Reds

The 30-year-old fighter, who has not performed in the UFC since his controversial victory against Conor McGregor in October, took to Instagram on Saturday to send Al-Khelaifi a message

Alongside a photo of himself and Al-Khelaifi holding up a PSG shirt with 'Khabib 10' on the back, Nurmagomedov wrote: 'Thank you so much Brother for inviting me

It was a great game.' Nurmagomedov then appeared to invite Al-Khelaifi to his hometown by adding: 'I'm waiting for you in Dagestan

' Russian Nurmagomedov was not the only celebrity at Wednesday's game, with Mick Jagger and Leonardo Di Caprio also present

Nurmagomedov also shared a photo of himself with actor Di Caprio and wrote: 'He knows more about UFC than me


For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Khabib Nurmagomedov sends message to PSG owner Nasser Al-Khelaifi - Duration: 1:27.


Stock Market News – Nov 26-30, 2018 : S&P: 4.85%, DOW: 5.16%, NAS: 5.64%, RUS: 2.99%, FI: 4.06% - Duration: 28:46.

hello everyone and thanks for tuning in to the Financial Industry channel my

name is Brent and today we're going to be doing our weekly recap for November

26 to the 30th 2018 this is also the last week in the month for November so

we're gonna be doing our weekly or monthly recaps for m1 finance and

Merrill edge so stay tuned for that now this week's video we're gonna be going

over the main indexes going over where they went positive or negative

by how much and your today are they up or down we're gonna look at stock

futures right now everything's looking very positive ending on a very positive

note here on Friday we'll see how Saturday goes Friday President Trump

signed some trade deals with Mexico and Canada Saturday he's you know they're

gonna be discussing with China so we'll see how that kind of plays out and how

that affects Monday we're gonna take a look have some stocks that moved here up

in the after-hours and then jump into some stocks or in the news this week so

General Motors Apple Tesla Johnson & Johnson and so on couple stocks out

there in the news then we're gonna take a look at financials financials are

starting the bottom out started to bounce up this week coming off their

lows goldman sachs is one of the lowest they're in the Dow 30 we're gonna be

taking a look at home builders they've been getting wrecked energy oh yeah oil

dollar silver golden bond so if you are brand-new to the channel I do make stock

market personal finance real estate investment videos every single week so

consider subscribing and if you do have a video or content or you know an idea

of what you would like to see as far as a video let me know in the comment

section below I appreciate all your guys's feedback and reply to all of you

so let's go ahead and get into it so I did start up my Instagram page I renamed

it it's actually at financial investor 101 instead of the underscore and then I

kind of came up with my six favorite real estate investing books

number one the millionaire below sand investor number two

the ABCs of real estate investing and number you know number three really said

it rehab investing Bible those are my top three if those are if you had to

read only three books to kind of get started those would be my three you have

the whole mindset and how to do the whole process of

get it in the mindset of really said investing and how does it go about that

whole process and then real estate investing Bible with this book has been

really helpful as far as estimate and repairs what you need to repair in order

to bring up the best value in the home so as you know I've bought two

properties now I bought my three-bedroom one-bath which is completely finished

and giddy and rented out now I bought a four-bedroom two-bath which is a duplex

and that one's getting finished up it's gonna be put out for rent here soon and

I'm going through a refinancing on my three-bedroom one-bath right now so I'm

going through the whole process and I've been doing the Bur strategy where I buy

it rehab it rent it out refinance and then repeat the whole process over so

I'm gonna start posting some fun content overthrown Instagram and you know kind

of share a little bit more information over there as well as YouTube kind of

bounce in between so I purchased one item on Black Friday and this is sort of

me my wife's holiday gift you know Black Friday plus our sort of Christmas

present Christmas present we don't shop a whole lot for Christmas time we shop a

little bit for our kid but besides that we don't really buy ourselves a whole

lot items so this item here was marked at many locations for four hundred and

forty nine dollars on Black Friday if you were a veteran and you went to

Lowe's or Home Depot where you get that ten percent discount this this item

which was already on sale for 449 was able to get knocked down 10% going down

to a total of 400 $4.99 I had received a $50 gift card from work or from some

sort of an event that I got for free for winning so I applied that $50 towards

the Lowe's you know percentage as well and I knocked down the total cost to 350

$4.99 now this product normally is six hundred and ninety nine dollars and

ninety nine cents we've ran this thing this last week for the last five days

and every single day that it runs it picks up a ginormous amount of just

stuff from we have no idea you know it goes underneath the bed it goes

underneath all of our dressers and it just gets in places that we would never

have really looked to have gotten into because you know we vacuum on what we

can actually reach we don't going to make the bed we don't go and meet the

dressers and stuff so it's been a really nice kind of handy-dandy machine there

so did you guys do any Black Friday shopping let me know in the comment

section below so Apple kind of starting back up their

production of the iPhone X a few of the semiconductor companies in the past

saying that they had reportedly had production like slowing down production

of their items but Apple was reportedly starting up more iPhone X production

iPhone XR I believe was their best selling item right now as far as you

know going out the door so interesting articles that kind of check out stark

mark stock market was a bit and like overheating not really overheating but

you know October we got hammered early November we were pretty much hammered as

well fed came out believe it was Tuesday night fed came out Powell came out kind

of lining up the whole market saying that we've kind of got the markets

exactly where you want to have them as far as rates go we are just about ref

ready we're still probably gonna proceed with that December 16th rate raise but

we may end up slowing and not having three in 2018 so the stock market I

really like that now it's up to Trump to kind of go into these stock deals trade

deals on Saturday night with China and kind of wrap it up can you hit a homerun

we shall see how that affects it all on Monday and what turns out here on

Saturday that'll be something big that'll affect us I also made our video

here five stocks to buy next week going ex-dividend not really five stocks to

buy but the best dividend stocks go in ex-dividend next week our winners were

genuine parts gas information systems arthur gallagher first merchant corp and

chemical financials so those five stocks i have an article there it's all

available on my website linked in the description below to the website and the

articles right there on the first main page dow had a huge bump up here on the

28th that was on what was that 28th was wednesday so we had a huge ride up so

look at this S&P 500 they Nasdaq the Dow Jones all gained nearly two point five

percent with the Dow Jones ending up 617 points so amazing rally there as far

that was after the Fed came out and kind of said that you know he kind of worked

his way and thought you know worked his magic on the market there so teaching

your kids about money you know my kid he cleans up his room he collects laundry

around the house he puts him in the bin he takes the

storage bin to the washer and he kind of just puts it there for now

and we're having him do a bunch of little items and we pay him and he put

some money in his piggy bank and then he we have a account over have my credit

union where I work at and kids are able to come in if they put some money in

over five bucks they get like a little treasure box that they can kind of pull

something out of so we've been kind of doing this whole process of teaching our

kids about you know teaching our kid about money and I saw this over on

Instagram by Joe Money podcast and I thought that was a great kind of share

so I kind of shared that information out there if anybody else has any other tips

I'm trying to come up with a card game I see I played Monopoly with my kid he's

three years old and this kid wrecks me at it but I'm trying to come up with

maybe like a card game that I can play with them they kind of teach them about

you know finance so I thought that'd be kind of fun that makes some sort of a

game that's card base that would be kind of tailored towards a younger crowd to

kind of get them in the mindset of financial education so Friday last day

of November portfolio has been sort of brutal the last month and a half

especially with Apple Apple lost like nineteen percent I believe this month

we're gonna be doing our monthly recap my IRA holding mostly Apple just got

rekt lately Bitcoin news crypto no longer to the moon I have a really fun

little meme on this as far as where the moon's placed in comparison to the world

and where the moon is currently at and you know where bitcoins that now anyways

dj khaled floyd weather weather mayweather were charged for $500,000 for

promoting cryptocurrency without disclosing they were paid I forgot how

much they were paid they were only paid a couple you know I think the EJ Khalid

was paid 300,000 Mayweather was paid about 50,000 somewhere in that range but

they didn't disclose it whether we're promoting it so they both

got slammed by the SEC for 500,000 and here's a you know Friday President Trump

signed a trade deal with Mexico and Canada Saturday is China pal set up the

pins can Trump hit them down so that is basically it and then we did have our

index changes for the week so major rally here as far as the indexes go S&P

up 4.8 5% the Dow Jones we're gonna cover all these so we'll just cover mine

I went at 4.20 6% this week my Apple did it rally but the rest of my

portfolio did so hopefully in the next few weeks has Apple kind of gets out of

this you know the depression it'll kind of bump up and you'll see my portfolio

begin to kind of overtake these other indexes hopefully we'll see how that

plays out I think the whole Apple thing is over overdone so SP 505 they change

again up 4.8 5% back into the green up 3.2 4%

the Dow Jones this week at five point one six percent this is the winner this

week up three point three one percent now your today the Nasdaq air five day

change up five point six four percent your today up six point one nine the

Russell 2000 this was our loser this week it gained nearly three percent but

it's still a loser of the week because that had the least amount of gain your

today it's still in the negative five point one five percent the emerging

markets this week up three point three seven percent year-to-date still down

twelve point eight two they were down at some seventeen eighteen percent down for

a while so the emerging markets they were they bottom that about thirty four

dollars I know a lot of investors out there a lot of you guys in the comment

section left me comments saying hey I bought into the emerging market at that

thirty four thirty six dollar point so this is looking pretty good for you guys

out there that are holding this okay stock futures right now as we ended

Friday going into the weekend stock futures are looking very positive

president Trump signing the trade deal with Mexico and Canada we're gonna see

how this plays out here with China and that's gonna play a big part here at the

g20 summit you know how money is gonna go are we

gonna you know it's something gonna get signed is he gonna get postponed his you

know Trump can to tweet something that's kind of rocked the markets on Monday we

don't really know until it happened so well we'll see how Monday plays out so

some of the most active here in the after hour as far as leaders I see Zynga

up one point six six percent H&R Block you know it's almost tax season I'm sure

somebody's out there paya dunes and taxes up one point forty eight percent

not a whole lot of known stocks within their New York Community Bank

interesting AT&T going down slightly after hours interesting ticker symbol

there Fang Cisco moving up slightly not whole lot of movement here we had

Microsoft kind of continuing to move higher

they are on their 52-week highs they actually now hit the trillion our market

cap they closed above a trillion dollar market cap for the first time if we want

to look at it at Google it probably showed that there wasn't a whole big

celebration of I know they made a huge deal when Apple hit that trillion dollar

market cap I know it was all over the media

Verizon General Electric General Electric kind of trending back down

again that's not one I would ever suggest any investor dive into

especially at these points there's so many better stocks out there why not buy

something that is actually gonna trend in a you know you know healthier looking

stock Starbucks there Pfizer hitting two new 52 week highs coca-cola coming off

their 52-week highs Walt Disney hitting 52-week highs and micron technology kind

of coming off those lows I believe so Amazon this week made some huge reports

here on Monday so look at that up five point two eight percent so Amazon

announced that shoppers preferred shopping on the web so their sales were

hired by some twenty four percent so huge nice uptick for Apple at five point

two eight percent Wednesday again up six point zero nine percent forgot what

happened on Wednesday I don't believe that's when they announced their

locations of New York and Michigan I thought that was already announced in

the past week so I don't have anything as far as in my head where you know

where the six percent came from they may have done some sort of a cure I think

there was a merger or some sort of a talk out see no I don't see a whole lot

here as far as what may have cost them the boost here oh that may have been

general Powell just coming out on the after-hours there and discussing that

they're looking to kind of slow down rate hikes that may have been that I

know there's a huge rally there on Wednesday we're gonna see that across

the board here so maybe not okay so General Motors came out on Monday also

announcing they're gonna be closing an assembly line in Canada and I think it

was four or five additional ones in North America over here in you know in

America and president Trump came out after hour saying stop it why are you

doing this and that was a big fiasco so there's some to 3,000 jobs somewhere in

between there that were just cut here in you know North America so we shall see

how this sort of plays out General Motors kind of interesting to kind of

see it continue to trend up close enough and of factories means that revenue

probably decrease but also that debt you know we'll see how this kind of plays

out I'm actually surprised that it's up for the week five point six two percent

year-to-date down seven point four two General Motors or any sort of vehicle

companies I don't see you know for General Motors Nissan Toyota basically

the United States one so General Motors and Ford and has 'la I think Tesla's

going to be kicking them later on as they're not really moving into this

whole electric vehicle and automation I know General Motors is doing some

testing down in San Francisco I believe and I think Ford is doing the same so

Apple Apple came out and they were they started off pretty well this week up one

point three five percent after hours president Trump came out saying that he

may enact some sort of a ten percent tariff on imported you know devices

imported from China and that put a lot of pressure on apple you can see a huge

dip here in the Deccan in in the after hours the uptick there as far as after I

was the way I can't think of the word right now it's 12:00 in the morning and

I'm trying to get all these words out of my head for the most part Apple is

starting to begin to Trent off those lows I saw a lot of investors buying up

lots of Apple buying it at 172 so if you did buy it on Monday if you did buy it

on Tuesday I bought some more Apple this month as well I'm not sure if I didn't

buy any this week but I bought some during the month of November so up three

point six five percent this week you're today only five point five three percent

my portfolio was hammered in October and a little bit of November so United

Technologies this one is an interesting one very similar to Triple M and there

was a big thing here kind of going on Monday they came out I believe it was

actually after hours on on Monday but they came out saying that they're gonna

be splitting up into three different companies they're gonna be slip split it

up into there elevator there air conditioning and

their aerospace companies so these are all kind of going off and splitting off

and I know another channel out there Ian PPC Ian if you don't follow him over

there he's a great Channel talks about dividends highly recommend him he made a

great video going over the his company it's his number four holding as far as

likes tacos it's his number four stock and he kind

of went over a really good process of you know what his decision is kind of

either to buy or hold it and he's gonna buy it so check him out PPC iam Tesla

they got a little bit pressured here towards the end of the week this was

what was it oh the nuttin the numbers from China

came out so China numbers came out they had only sold roughly 200 in some cars

over in China in the last month and this was a 70 70 percent decline over last

year's numbers so or was it last yeah last October so they did go down

slightly here on the news but bounced back up on Friday you know with the

whole stock market here rally kind of finishing up towards the end of the week

I don't know if a lot of stocks that kind of lost on Friday

Johnson and Johnson hitting their new 52-week highs here you can see closing

at 146 90 52 week high today was 148 75 they did pull back okay it looks like

they may have bounced here in the after-hours up now back near the 52 week

high so here at their point here 148 75 that is their 52 week I I know they hit

it this week so I've seen a lot of investors wanting this one to drop

waiting to invest in this one this is a very interesting one it it's always a

great stock to buy and hold it's really hard to find a good buying opportunity

for Johnson & Johnson when I look at this one on white charts this one very

rarely falls below its 200-day moving average and that's where I look at

stocks do they fall below that 200-day moving average to have good financial

metrics then I you know look at the rest of their data and you know kind of go

over it so Johnson & Johnson I know a lot of investors out there are wanting

to buy it but it's just too expensive staying with Walt Disney remember when

this one was only a hundred bucks it was like 97 98 dollars for the

longest time if we take a look at it year today that was a period down here

where it was actually trading for less than a hundred bucks and now they've

acquired the remaining assets as far as what is it Fox Fox mean yeah I know they

bought back a number of their assets and that's gonna be put in them for they

also unlike a portion of Hulu so they're gonna be doing some sort of media outlet

go into the 2019 I think that's gonna work really well for them I would like

to buy some Disney but right now at this price I would really like them to fall

back into that 107 dollar range I think that would be a better buying price than

right now but I don't know how this will kind of play out over the long term if

app if Walt Disney will fall back down here we can kind of see that it has

fallen hit that one twelve dollar point and

then recovered if you can come back til about 110 that would probably be the

next you know its support level here so if it's if it falls back down to about

110 that's where support level is that's probably where you would be best have

the best opportunity to buy it and then have it recover you know kind of trend

there sideways and tell some other news comes out that brings it back up face

book out up this week six point seven four percent your today this one tank 20

point three two percent now they did catch some really good news here you can

see huge loss there this is the whole analytic old cambia but I can't think of

it can bridge analytical they had the whole spiel with Russia and getting

hacked and stuff so face book came out this week saying that they're

considering charging companies to access their user day data so this is going to

be something that Mark Zuckerberg has quoted in front of the Congress as

stating that we don't really sell the data but if they do end up selling that

data that could be a very nice source of you know revenue so this is making kind

of Facebook bounce off those lows so this was an interesting point that's

just over the last three months have they broke below

yeah they had broke below 140 I've been looking at Facebook for a while I don't

really know what portfolio add it to I don't want to sell my Apple within my

IRA and I don't want to load up Facebook inside my wife's Roth IRA so I'm

torn between where I want to buy it but it's one of those stocks I'd probably

buy if I just could find out where to put it

now financials we talked about Goldman Sachs a little bit earlier it's the

lowest in the Dow Jones financials are strong to begin they're you know they're

kind of pull back this is something I like to look at every week how our

financials moving financials have been getting hammered earlier in the year but

they're starting to kind of pull off those lows here so here down for a bit

here during October hitting that $25 point you can see they're only up

slightly now at 26 97 but can they kind of continue this whole process I'm

continuing up so this week they're up three point seven three percent

year-to-date they're still down three point three seven I don't I didn't cover

any specific you know financials I know JPMorgan is up 2.7 percent actually it

may be up more let's go ahead and just look well look at JPMorgan real quick

and Goldman Sachs because I am interested it's up four point two six

percent this week and gold MIPS I typed in an extra a their goldman sachs up

0.84 so your today goldman sachs down 25.50 and i'm not recommending going out

and buying goldman sachs i don't know a whole lot about it I prefer JPMorgan and

there's other couple other financial institutions out there ticker symbols

see IFI I believe I know I've covered it in stocks like going x-division next

week these other financials have been paying out dividends for 10 plus years

20 plus years have great financials and could be better bono opportunity so JP

Morgan's only up three point nine seven percent this week and that's just

because this week too came off those lows and out of that negative

homebuilders up to point eight four percent this week down here to date

nineteen point seven seven percent so there was some news kind of coming out

here on Thursday that sales have been going to kind of slow down but this is

the same news that we hear every single month Home Builders comes out or just

the numbers from Zillow or realtor comes out saying that there's some sort of a

downside move and that causes Home Builders and these other Zillow Trillo

realtor and a few others other companies within that sector too kind

just kind of get mellowed out and kind of fall bit so interesting I don't know

if anybody else holds any homebuilders I don't know many investors that actually

hold homebuilders etf so if you do let me know in the comment section below and

be kind of interested in why you hold homebuilders and the whole mentality

behind it I prefer REITs if I'm trying to hold something with real estate

related I like to hold REITs versus buying the homebuilders so let's go take

a look at the week for no see you November the last week here so let's

kind of scroll down so if you guys would like here as I get to this area why I'm

having a hard problem there with my mouse so here Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday if you guys want to pause it read through it but basically

oil was pretty much hit for this week down point 92% it's basically kind of

training at those 52 we close now so we went from highs to lows and just about

what a month or two so here we can see our highs here back in October 2018

we're now at 52 week low so this is kind of a crazy moment they were trading

almost at $16 and they thought all the way down below 11 bucks right now so

I've seen a couple other investors out there you guys in the comments saying

hey I've been picking up oil at this price or you guys averaging into that

right now buying up some more or you guys kind of

buying this and also buying something like a Delta Airlines the kind of

average yourself out so if oil does bounce back you'll take advantage of the

oil opportunity but if oil continued to trend down lower and these airlines

continue to take advantage of that cheap oil that makes them better so you kind

of get that balance there I know another investor did that they bought Delta

Airlines and I've been buying the oil ETF so dollar this week haven't really

attracted this week I believe it did move looks like it didn't move too much

it looks like it moved up slightly 96 92 10 on 97 20 so the dollar moved up

slightly right here you'll probably expect silver and gold

to move down so silver and gold down 0.75 and down point to zero so dollar

getting stronger stock market possibly true in a rally without coming out there

saying there to be easing rate hikes possibly into

the future they're feeling comfortable where it's at trade deal possibly

getting in the works you know trade deal with Mexico in Canada signed Saturday

we'll see how that plays out but gold and silver I I know people be any

hammered in these they do really well sometimes but at the same time it's you

know over the long term even bonds I've seen a lot of people mention that they

bought into these bond funds because they had a lot of volatility within

their portfolio but now they're getting charged with all sorts of fees for these

bonds they're actually not moving it up or really help their account out they're

still losing some sort of uh they're not taking advantage of these movement in

the markets you know this week alone what we bounced up some four percent

almost three percent across the board almost three four percent five percent

in some instances so you're out there buying bonds and you're staying flat for

the week up point one five percent for your entire portfolio whereas the rest

of the markets kind of rallying so I mean at the same time October was

terrible but if you sold at you know October when your portfolio tanked ten

percent and you sold out of your entire portfolio now and now the markets

starting to bounce up in a single week up five percent that would have made up

your entire you know half your loss there for October all we need is another

rally here on Monday and your entire portfolio would have been back where

it's at you would have been capturing those dividends or you know the the

equity appreciation within your portfolio and just continued rolling on

so kannan it is interesting debacle tenure going down I mowed last week it

was three point zero one three point zero seven this week three point zero

one so ten-year starting to go lower and lower we're gonna see if it breaks below

three percent next week I think that'll be better for the markets as well prime

rate still five point two five the December 16th is when they're expecting

rate hikes I'm talking to my my lender downstairs you know I work at a credit

union so I'm refinancing in my property right

now with them they don't offer the best rates but they give me more cash I close

and I'm able to pull out roughly three thousand dollars more I don't have to

pay out three thousand dollars more and Len

fees versus if I go out there and get a loan at 5.25% I only walk away with

about $3,500 less so I'd rather have more cash in my hand versus a lower rate

because over the long term I only end up paying a few thousand dollars extra in

interest and over the time I'd rather have more cash in my pocket and my hand

at the end of closing so December 16th rates are going to be rising that may

affect the market we'll see how they kind of plays out so that is it for this

video so I hope you guys did enjoy it let me know in the comment section below

is there something you're looking forward to in December you know how is

your portfolio been I know my portfolio is pretty much I don't know where it's

at as far as start of the year I took out a lot of money out of the market

since the beginning of the year so there's been instances where I haven't

been fully tracking I know I'm positive across all my portfolio's I'm still

green I'm still up in the Roth IRA I'm still up in my IRA I'm still up on my

Roth 401k I'm still up in my thrift savings plan so I am positive for the

year I just don't know where I'm at for 2018 so that is it for this video if you

guys did like the video hit that thumbs up button below again if you're brand

new to the channel hit that subscribe button cover stock market dividends real

estate I create apps I got two free ones then in the description below one that

calculate its how much money you need to deposit weekly monthly yearly to hit

your retirement goal and the other one for dividend investors so check those

out they're both free and that is it thank you all for tuning in I will see

you next time have a great day quick disclaimer I am NOT a financial advisor

tax professional anything of the sorts all these videos are for fun and

entertainment and that is it thank you all for tuning in

I will see you next time have a great day bye

For more infomation >> Stock Market News – Nov 26-30, 2018 : S&P: 4.85%, DOW: 5.16%, NAS: 5.64%, RUS: 2.99%, FI: 4.06% - Duration: 28:46.


Arsenal news: 'These two MUST start' - Nicholas makes Tottenham demand with big Ozil claim - Duration: 2:49.

 Arsenal welcome Tottenham to the Emirates in the first north London derby of the season

 Unai Emery's side won their last Premier League outing 2-1 at Bournemouth last weekend with Emery choosing to play with three defenders at the back

 BUY PASS TO WATCH ARSENAL V TOTTENHAM FOR CHEAPEST PRICE HERE Mesut Ozil was left on the bench on that occasion, with Emery claiming the decision to leave out the German was because of the physicality and intensity of the match at the Vitality

 Nicholas can see Emery sticking with three at the back again for the visit of Tottenham

 The pundit says the match will be more intense than the Bournemouth clash and can see Ozil once again on the bench

 Nicholas wants both Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Alex Iwobi to start and would prefer to see Aaron Ramsey to Ozil

 "Yes (it will be more intense)," Nicholas said on Sky Sports. "I think it will be, being a derby, it's frantic, it's sometimes about putting in the graft and hopefully as the game unfolds the space opens up and then you get a second here and a second there and the more quality players can come through in that situation

 "But derbies are about the hard yards that you've got to put in to start the first 10-15 minutes

 "Arsenal are a slow starting team at the moment, they don't start quickly enough, we've seen enough of that

 "They went with a back three last week, I think he's tempted again with a back three

 "(Alexandre) Lacazette will probably be fit, Aubameyang has to play and I think Iwobi has to play

 "So I think it's down to a 50-50 choice between Ozil and Ramsey. "And the way it turned out last week, I might be more tempted to start with Ramsey

" Emery's side head into the fixture unbeaten in their last 18 games in all competitions

 They will leapfrog Tottenham in the table if they claim all three points.

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: 'These two MUST start' - Nicholas makes Tottenham demand with big Ozil claim - Duration: 2:49.


Man Utd news: 'If he was at United, he would be in the team' - big transfer prediction - Duration: 2:20.

 That is according to former Arsenal, Aston Villa and England forward Paul Merson

 Brooks joined Bournemouth from Sheffield United in July for a fee that could rise to £11

5million. The Wales international has made an immediate impression at the Vitality Stadium, scoring three goals and creating another in his 12 Premier League appearances

 Brooks, 21, was let go by the Manchester City academy in 2014 and joined The Blades the same summer

 Merson has been impressed by Brooks and claims the Manchester United scouts need to be looking closer to home to find talent such as his

 "A good player and good scouting, good scouting," Merson said on Sky Sports. "We were talking about scouting earlier and Man United that you don't always have to go out and buy star players

 "This lad is a very good player. "Eddie Howe saw it in him and probably thought he was going to take a little bit longer to get into the team and do what he's done

 "But I like this lad, I think he's a good player. "A big, big compliment about him is he's got a very, very good footballing brain

 "I can't talk highly enough of the lad, I think he's a very, very good player. "And fair play to the scouting at Bournemouth to find him

 "If he was at Man United now, he'd be playing, he'd be in the team. "I think he's a very special player

" Brooks was named on the bench for Bournemouth's trip to Manchester City on Sunday

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: 'If he was at United, he would be in the team' - big transfer prediction - Duration: 2:20.


Things reincarnated this week (Gamerati News Update) - Duration: 8:08.

Welcome to the weekend edition of Gamerati News Update, in which you get the full news

I prepared for each day of the week instead of the cut down 1-minute format you see on

Twitter and Facebook. Ready? Let's go!

Seeds of Wars is an RPG realm management that

proposes that you embody a powerful ruler in a new fantasy setting and enhance your

gameplay with a convenient web application. Seeds of Wars works like this: it describes

a rich fantasy campaign setting, its numerous kingdoms and their rulers. It's set in the

world of Ceres, a place to where an ancient space-faring race migrated to flee a murderous

galactic empire. Isolated from the rest of galaxy by a powerful planetary cloaking device,

called The Barrier, the world reverted to a western fantasy place, with medieval technology

and magic. Each player controls a ruler in Ceres, choosing from one of five different

types of Realm, in a political and economical simulation game. With ocasional battles between

whole armies. Seeds of Wars provides the rules for all that. But when the characters are

not sitting on their throne, they may go on an adventure, just like in traditional RPGs.

That's when you switch to Adventure Mode, using the rules system of your favourite fantasy RPG.

All that happens the GM inputs in Seeds of Wars web application, to keep track of

everything that has happened — because when rulers go on adventures, their neighboring

realms won't sit idly by. And Seeds of Wars is made so GMs don't go crazy tracking all that.

The project is on Kickstarter right now with one day to go. Help Seeds of Wars

become a reality. You'll find the link the video description.

Diced Tomatoes by Agrypelago Games is a deceptively simple recipe for fun. This board game is

a light-hearted dice rolling and pattern building game for 2, 3, or 4 players. In Diced Tomatoes,

you enter the Inaugural Tomato Growing Competition and flex your horticultural muscles in the

art of growing pomodoro. Your goal is to seed, grow, and harvest the most valuable tomatoes.

All sorts of chaos is happening in the garden so slipping your opponents the less attractive

tomato dice or any rotten pieces will most likely go unnoticed... Or will it?

Diced Tomatoes is on Kickstarter right now with two weeks to go. The base game pledge is only

$24, and that already includes shipping for the United States and Canada! And, if like

me you're very attached to your own dice, you can back at the $5 "bring your own dice"

pledge level, which gives you a full-colour print-and-play version of the game. You can

reach the project through the link in the video description.

DriveThruRPG and RPGNow will merge. Actually, RPGNow and DriveThruRPG merged back in 2006.

Since then, both sites have shared all the same tools and digital inventory. On the front

end, they looked and behaved like two separate sites, but essentially they have just been

two faces of the same place since then. In the 12 years since RPGNow and DriveThruRPG

merged, the growth of RPGNow has tapered off consistently, while DriveThruRPG has grown

strongly, year after year. They've reached the point where RPGNow rarely draws new customers

or publishers and sells only a small fraction of the volume of titles purchased on DriveThruRPG.

So, starting in February 2019, when you visit RPGNow, you'll be redirected to DriveThruRPG.

In our end, the customer end, almost nothing will change. You probably have already noticed

that, for a long while, your entire library of purchases from RPGNow mirrored on DriveThruRPG,

and you can log in to DriveThruRPG using the same account from RPGNow. With the effective

close down of RPGNow, even your old bookmarks to pages there will automatically be redirected

to the same page on DriveThruRPG. So don't worry, it's just a cosmetic change. Cool?

Modiphius Entertainment has announced a bunch of products and book sets of KULT: Divinity Lost.

It includes books, supplements and accessories, in this gorgeous remake of the cult classic

and infamous RPG originally published in Sweden by Target Games in 1991, designed by Gunilla

Jonsson and Michael Petersén. Consider this 4th edition of Kult a reboot of the whole

franchise. The whole redesign of the setting answers the question "What would Kult had

been like if it was released now instead of 1991?" It features a completely new rule-set,

and the setting is updated to present day. In KULT: Divinity Lost, you have to escape

your nightmares, strike bargains with demons, and try to stay alive in a world full of pain,

torture, and death. Keeping in line with the original edition of Kult, Divinity Lost contains

mature content and is suitable for an adult audience. You can get the RPG from Modiphius

in PDF, the regular hardcover core book or two special print editions: The "Black Edition"

that features an all-black cloth cover with the KULT name in blood red, and The Bible

Edition, which is a pocket version of the core rules in an all-text version with cover

in black leather imitation with gold foil lettering plus gold foil page edging.

There's much more than that: there are two key supplements, a GM screen, special dice set,

reference deck, archetype bundle, and even a set of tarot cards.

Check the link in the video description

to see the full length of this special release from Modiphius.

Chaosium is giving us a deeper look into the horrors that lie down under in Call of Cthulhu:

Terror Australis. Australia was originally, yet briefly, described in the new edition

of Masks of Nyarlathotep, which includes the Australia chapter that was omitted from the

first Masks of Nyarlathotep published in 1984. In the Land Down Under, investigators will

come face-to-face with supernatural forces that have endured for longer than humanity

has existed. It's a land of adventure, danger, and ageless wisdom — a perfect setting for

Call of Cthulhu! The 304-page hardcover book includes Australian History and Geography,

resources for 1920s Australia, Australian Cities, "Alcheringa" (a chapter that focuses

on how to incorporate the wisdom and learning stemming from Aboriginal cultural traditions

into games), The Mythos in Australia, and the scenarios "Long Way From Home" and "Black

Water, White Death". The physical book will be released sometime in 2019, but the

PDF is already available. Its price tag is $21.99, and here's the kicker: if you buy

the PDF from Chaosium (link in the video description) you'll get a coupon for the full price of

the PDF off the cost of the physical book when it is released.

Every company shoulddo that, shouldn't they?

Wizards of the Coast is bringing back twenty

great tactical map posters from the 3rd and 4th edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

Called Dungeons & Dragons Tactical Maps Reincarnated, the twenty maps will come in a folio,

all individually folded just like in the original adventures they came with. They will all be

reprinted in the full poster format with the expected 1-inch grid for miniature play. The

adventures and miniature packs from which the maps were taken to be part in the collection

are: the miniature packs Colossal Red Dragon, Gargantuan Blue Dragon, and Legend of Drizzt

Scenario Pack; the adventures Red Hand of Doom and Fields of Ruin from 3rd edition;

Vaults of the Underdark, Orcs of Stonefang Pass, Kingdom of the Ghouls, The Book of Vile

Darkness, Death's Reach, Demon Queen's Enclave, Tomb of Horrors, Vor Rukoth, and the Dungeon

Master's Kit from 4th edition. There's no MSRP yet, but this juicy collection is expected

to hit shelves in February 2019.

That's it for this summary of the Gamerati

News Update. If you want to get the news as they happen in their one-minute format

just follow us on Twitter or Facebook. See you there and also here next week.

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