Good Afternoon! Can I help you?
Yes! I came about...
Of course! The newspaper advertisement
You were quick! What is your name?
Have you ever done work like this?
I have done something similar
I will show you the house. This can be your room
But you will spend most of your time with my sister
Its for the best
I know. The house has not been cleaned properly
Since the last staff disappeared
What do you mean? They disappeared?
Exactly. One day they were here and the next they were gone.
They didn't even collect their pay slip
That is very strange
Strange things sometimes happen in this house
That explains the newspaper ad
We need an assistant who is honest and hardworking
Im not scared of work
And I am honest
That is good
I don't know why we keep this piano
I don't want you touching this piano
I don't want anyone touching this piano
I understand
It is better if no one comes in this room. Ever.
I can't stand noise in my house
And it does not help my sisters condition
I don't think it is necessary to show me the rest of the house
What do you mean? Of course it is necessary.
You need to know where each room is.
And the furniture
We keep this house in darkness
The light does not help my sisters condition
Do you understand
Pietra! It is time to wake up
Who are you?
This is Luiza. She will take care of you
Are you a doctor?
No! But I will take care of you.
I will help you
You two should go to the kitchen. Pietra should eat.
I don't like this food
Its different
Its my first day
You tell me what meals you like. And I will make them
You wont leave me?
No! I have only just arrived
You won't disappear like the others.
Of course not
When they disappeared, she changed
She? Who do you mean?
My sister. She is insane
I don't think so
You don't know! She is insane
Thats enough. You have said enough
Luiza, come here. I need to speak to you.
Do you know what this is?
It is the letter I was going to send to the newspaper. About the advertisement
Yes. The advertisement you said you saw in the newspaper
The letter was never sent
Can you explain what you are doing here?
When you opened the door I was going to explain
I was walking and I thought the the house might have work
So you have worked in a house like this before?
You might think this is a little strange but I have worked in this exact house.
But it was long ago.
How convenient. So you know the house?
But Luiza, if your work with us is going to work I don't want you Listening to my sister.
Pietra is sick
She imagines things and makes up stories
It will be better for everyone if you ignore what she says
Yes. I understand
If you want to know the truth,
It really happened
She is insane
Luiza, bring me a coffee and something for my headache
Don't listen to my sister
She is ill
Is everything alright? Pietra why are you crying?
I wasn't crying
I heard you crying
I did not cry
Was it you? What happened?
No, I did not cry either
She was with me all the time and did not cry
Stop joking with me. I know someone was crying
We are not joking with you
I heard someone crying. It must have been either of you
I must have been Rebecca
Rebecca? Who is Rebecca? Stop this nonsense
She was here. A few moments ago. Its the truth.
She just left the room.
Luiza! Luiza! Wake up!
It was Rebecca!
Pietra! Go back to sleep.
Luiza! Look!
Why did you open the curtains?
It was Rebecca!
She's been doing it all night!
She keeps opening the curtains
Please stop this
You are lying
I will tell you sister
I am not lying. It is the truth
Rebecca! Come out from behind the curtains
Pietra! Stop this. I need to sleep
Alright! I will close the curtains
Luiza! Tell Rebecca to stop opening the curtains
Get out of my bed. Both of you
This is our bed
No! That is my bed
Stop doing that voice
It is not me doing that voice
Rebecca! You better stop this. I will tell my sister. She will make you leave
No you won't! I will tell my dad
Pietra! Stop this nonsense. Please
I am not doing anything
Rebecca, touch Luizas cheek, so that she knows you are real
What is going on. Who screamed?
Nothing happened. Its ok!
It was Rebecca!
I have told you to stop this nonsense
And you Luiza! Screaming in the middle of the night!
Sorry! It was a bad dream!
Come with me!
You sleep now!
And no more Rebecca!
You are here to help!
You are not going to help my sister by screaming in the night!
Stop causing panic!
Im sorry
Get back to bed
I don't want this to happen again
Good morning Mari. Can I bring you a coffee?
No Luiza! I don't want a coffee.
I want you and my sister to stop running around
I am trying to read and I can't with all this noise
My sister needs rest
But Mari...
What was all that noise?
It must have been Rebecca
No more talk about Rebecca
It's the truth. She just went into the music room
Where are they? Where did they go?
Rebecca went there. The woman went there
The old woman went to the kitchen
What are you saying?
They are everywhere
They say that this is their house
Try to keep calm
There is someone in my house
Someone messing with my mind
Slamming doors and windows
The house is old
The doors make noises
The winds squeal through the windows
It was not just a door
I heard voices
There is someone in the house
Look Mari!
Not now Pietra!
I did a drawing
This is woman, Rebecca and the old lady
What are the numbers?
Its the number of times I have seen them
Luiza, I need you to search the house
Check the rooms, and the corridors
Check the garden, everywhere
I need these people out of my house before nightfall
Look Mari, she scares me
She looks at me and calls me.
Stop this. Stop lying
I am not lying
She asks me questions
What does she ask?
She scares me
I need you to stop this nonsense
I didnt do anything
You keep lying and inventing
I did not lie
I am serious! Enough
I don't want to hear anymore
I should not have shouted at her
You lost your patience. It is understandable
Even so, I feel guilty
She will understand
I hope so. I will check on her
You don't understand
I was in the music room
It was empty
I had closed the piano
When I returned it was open
Maybe you should take you medication
You don't believe
You don't need to say anything
I know what I saw and felt
There was a presence
From another world
Something that does not want to rest
I believe
These things happen
It is strange
Sometimes the world of the living
Can cross with the dead
That is not possible
God would not allow that to happen
The living and dead will only meet at the end of time
It is written in the bible
Sometimes we do not have all the answers
I don't know what to do
I think I know what need to be done
I think I know how to solve this problem
You know?
You know nothing. You only just arrived
You know nothing about me nor my sister
Calm down Mari
It was you in the Music room
You are always creeping around the house
I want you out of my house. Today
But its the middle of the night
I want you out, collect your things and go
Where are you going?
Your sister is making me leave
You cannot leave me
She told me to leave right now
You cannot leave me
She will go insane again
She will hurt me again
She cannot hurt you anymore
She has already done all the things she could do
Go on. Get out of my house
I don't want to see you again
Pietra wants me to stay
What she wants is not important. She is sick
Now go. I will take care of her from now on. Go
I told you to leave
You need to accept who you are
No. You are not welcome here
You can only rest once you accept what you did
Enough. Go away
It would be best for everyone
Go away
Ask Pietra
She will tell you
Ask Pietra
You will know the truth
Only then will you be able to rest
Pietra, do you have anything to tell me?
What Luiza told you is the truth
You hurt me
And then you hurt yourself
You need to accept
Check the news if you want
But you need to accept
And you need to stop lying
You don't need to argue
You should check the news
You will discover the truth
Girl murders sister and commits suicide. Police investigate
It can't be true
I am not dead
Do not fear death
If you do not accept, you will never escape this world
It would be best for everyone
When you accept what you did
And what you really are
For more infomation >> Rebecca - Filme de suspense - Duration: 32:37.-------------------------------------------
4 SINAIS de que você já conheceu alguém em vida passada - Duration: 2:23.
EN VIVO: Toma de posesión de AMLO como presidente de México - Duration: 4:05:57.
SILVA - Milhões de Vozes (Acústico) - Duration: 2:44.
Révision de mon KRIEGHOFF K-80 / My KRIEGHOFF K80 Annual service by RAPHAEL RATHIER - Duration: 17:29.
01/12/2018 11:17 (R. Álvaro Gomes de Castro, 343 - Porto Seco Pirajá, Salvador - BA, 41233-005,) - Duration: 3:31.
1. Calendrier de l'Avent - Noël est tout autour /French cover - Billy Mack - Christmas is all around - Duration: 1:48.
El mensaje que dio AMLO a los empresarios durante su toma de protesta - Duration: 4:14.
Respetar la autonomía del Banco de México, que haya estado de derecho, reglas claras, crecimiento económico y confianza son algunos de los compromisos que hizo Andrés Manuel López Obrador, con empresarios nacionales y extranjeros, en su primer discurso como Presidente de México en la Cámara de Diputados
Insistió en que no se gastará más de lo que ingrese a la hacienda pública, además de que se respetarán los contratos suscritos por los gobiernos anteriores, pero advirtió que "ya no habrá mayor corrupción ni influyentismo en negociaciones con empresas particulares"
"Las inversiones de accionistas nacionales y extranjeros estarán seguras y se crearán condiciones hasta para obtener buenos rendimientos, porque en México habrá honestidad, estado de derecho, reglas claras, crecimiento económico y habrá confianza", afirmó
Te recomendamos: AMLO toma de protesta: en vivo y minuto a minuto De la alegría al desánimo
las caras de Peña en investidura de AMLO El Presidente de México reiteró también que se respetará la autonomía del Banco de México y a que en un periodo de tres años estarán funcionando las dos pistas que se construirán en la Base Militar de Santa Lucía
"En tres años estará funcionando, me canso ganso, además del actual, el nuevo aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México", dijo mientras era vitoreada por algunos legisladores
López Obrador dijo que ya se está elaborando el presupuesto del año próximo y "gracias a los ahorros que obtendremos con el combate a la corrupción y con la aplicación de las medidas de austeridad, se incrementará la inversión pública para fortalecer la industria petrolera y la industria eléctrica"
Vamos impulsar proyectos productivos con inversión pública y privada, nacional y extranjera, estos proyectos se crearán como cortinas de desarrollo de sur a norte del país, para retener a los mexicanos en sus lugares de origen
"Queremos que la migración sea optativa no obligatoria", afirmó. Finalmente dijo que a partir de enero entrará en vigor la zona libre de la frontera norte a lo largo de los 3 mil 180 kilómetros de frontera con Estados Unidos
"Esta franja, de 25 kilómetros de ancho, se convertirá en la zona libre más grande del mundo
Ahí se cobrarán los mismos impuestos y costarán lo mismo los energéticos que en California, en Arizona, Nuevo México y Texas, de la Unión Americana, en otras palabras, en esa franja se reducirá el IVA del 16 al 8 por ciento, el ISR bajará a 20 por ciento, la gasolina, el gas y la electricidad costarán menos que en el resto del país y se aumentará al doble el salario mínimo
Ésta será la última cortina de desarrollo para contener con trabajo y bienestar a nuestros compatriotas en el territorio nacional", aseveró
Al ser increpado por la fracción parlamentaria del PAN, cuyos diputados exhibieron pancartas solicitando que baje el precio de la gasolina, López Obrador dijo que esto sólo será posible hasta que se concluya su programa de construcción y rehabilitación de refinerías en el país, no sin antes recordarles que fue ese partido uno de los que impulso la liberalización del precio de los combustibles
"Ahora resulta que los que aumentaron el precio a las gasolinas están pidiendo que baje
Hago el compromiso responsable que pronto, muy pronto, cuando terminemos la refinería que vamos a construir en México y se rehabiliten seis refinerías va a bajar el precio de la gasolina y de todos los combustibles", dijo
Más del tema. "Despacito" suena en el Zócalo para celebrar a AMLO La toma de protesta de AMLO en imágenes MCM
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