What's up everyone OJ over here from PlayerEssence welcome back to another
video today we got some awesome information for you guys so let's go
ahead and get right into it we're starting off with Tales of
Vesperia definitive edition this week's issue of Dengeki PlayStation had an
interview with Tales of Vesperia producer Yoshihito Higuchi and tells the
Vesperia definitive edition producer you skate to Misawa so they spoke about
multiple different things when it comes to it so let's go ahead and get into the
pull up points here so this was Tommy's Allah's first time working on a console
Tales game Higuchi was an observer role this time or was in an observer role
this time he gave some advice on the data end but development was smooth so
he didn't need to add much there were a lot of requests for a definitive edition
of tales Vesperia especially with the west on receiving
the xbox 360 version of the game Tamizh anwar stated that one of the big goals
of this game is to help the series go fully multi-platform and I want to talk
about that in just a bit tells a very definitive edition will be
1080p for all versions of the game the only exception to this is the switch in
handheld mode this time the concept was to bring a good game to current
platforms as it was Tommy Sawa wants the team to challenge itself for future
Tales games while the team will keep aspects of the tales of series that
should never be changed he wants to reconsider how much the series should be
changed there was some cool information that came out of this interview I
particularly liked the fact that he said this is a way for the series to go fully
multi-platform kind of going forward in the future and this is something that I
never understood with Bandai Namco and the Tales series they seem to make the
weirdest decisions on when this was going to get a Tales game this was going
to get a Tales game we're gonna take some money for a major Tales game here
from the Xbox we're going to do something only on portable ok these are
only on PlayStation they just seemed like they were so weird with how they
dictated when they were going to do exclusives or not and otherwise it was
just on PlayStation which was just always a weird thing to me I felt that
there should have been more of the games on the Xbox 360 especially because Sony
wasn't paying them anything it was just PlayStation only or PS Vita or
sometimes they had brought out like older ones on the 3ds what was the tales
of abyss it was just so scattered when they decided to do multi-platform or not
or just on a singular platform so this is a smart idea the guy that was in
there before Baba he used to always want to do things on PlayStation I know there
was that little stint that was like Tales of Symphonia but then that ended
up coming over to other systems as well but man it just seemed so weird and I
never understood it so I really like the fact with this
Tales game because there's been Tales games on all different platforms there's
been exclusive Tales games on like the Wii the PSP PS Vita all sorts of stuff
released I know there's like tales of hearts or something like that so it's
just been nuts oh this is a good idea just kind of say hey we got tells of
Vesperia you can play it on any platform right
because it's coming to pretty much everything PC ps4 Xbox one and also
switch and going forward this is what we're going to do and I think that's
really going to maximize things because the way that they did it before I don't
think that's the best way to get tales like super popular or anything like that
or more popular going forward especially looking at the sales numbers for verse
area and some of the other games up there it's not like those ones like lit
the lawn on fire being exclusives or only on PC and PlayStation 4 so I think
this is the way to do it and this could be one of the best selling tells games
out there especially considering kind of like the atmosphere that it's launching
in it's coming out early January there's a lot of great improvements and a lot of
people didn't get a chance to play tales of this bid just because of the original
way it was released and kind of what they've done and there's new cocktail
added in as well so what do you guys think about Tales of Vesperia definitive
edition and what they had to say here about trying to make the series go full
multi-platform let me know your thoughts in the comment section below all right
I'm down to the next topic here Nintendo has revealed the best-selling or more
like the most downloaded North American switch a shop games of 2018 and a lot of
these games are free-to-play we are going to start off from the bottom that
move our way to the top so at number 26 was golf story 25 was
shovel knight 24 Crash Bandicoot and same trilogy 23 darkest dungeon 22 Okami
HD 21 Donkey Kong Country tropical freeze 20 wizard of legend 19 Diablo 3
eternal collection 18 Kirby Star Allies 17 undertale 16 octopus traveler the
teen overcooked - 14 dead cells 13 Pokemon let's go Pikachu 12 Pokemon
let's go Eevee 11 Mario Tennis aces 10 soar into the top ten here Celeste
number nine Super Mario Party 8 hollow Knight 7
Minecraft 6 arena $1 that's a free-to-play game number 5 whorfin
that's also a free-to-play game number 4 which is crazy because the game just
came out and that is Super Smash Brothers ultimate number three paladin's
number 2 fallout shelter and number one fortnight so we do have a little bit of
data that we can kind of gauge from this here guys and this is interesting
because we do know that Super Smash Brothers ultimate has sold over a
million copies because they did state that developers behind warframe that 1
million people have downloaded the game in terms of warframe and that was a
couple weeks ago they said that or like a week or so ago so we already know that
Super Smash Brothers ultimate has been purchased over a million times on the
Nintendo switch a shop just been North America alone and that obviously
includes like the download codes that come with the Super Smash Brothers
ultimate bundle and all that so that's just insane to see that the game has
only been out for about three weeks yet it's got over a million downloads that's
just a lot that is a lot and of course fortnight's killing it we heard that
like in 24 hours fortnight was downloaded 2 million times or something
like that so it was nuts but fallout shelter is probably the surprising game
on here because I didn't know that many people downloaded the game even though
it was free-to-play the fact that more people downloaded it then warframe and
paladin's that's definitely interesting and pretty cool for the fallout fence I
guess that was a good fall game for this year ok I know that was unnecessary but
anyway what do you guys think about this list here for the top downloaded these
SHOP games of 2018 in North America let me know your thoughts in the comment
section below alright I'm moving on to the next topic
here blood stain the ritual of the knight development has quote reached its
peak according to Koji Igarashi so let's go
ahead and hear what he had to say here in a recent update on the Kickstarter
page so quo development has reached its peak
we are currently checking the performance of bloodstained on each
platform over we are done with enemy placement and
entering the adjustment phase but there are still many progression blocking buds
that must be taken care of wave board have already helped us improve the game
in a number of ways including creating incredible assets and lighting
placements that we're looking forward to so there you go guys blood stain ritual
tonight continuing its forever along development this game man I remember
buying this game back I think it was like 2013 or 2014 that I pledged to the
Kickstarter and the game was supposed to be out at the end 2015 or 2016 something
like that so we are going on it three plus years of delays for blood
stain ritual of the nights and I'm hoping that it was really worth it
because this game is taking way longer than anybody thought it would take to
come out I know with these Kickstarter games and based on what happened with
kogarashi I am giving them a pass here in setting that Konami doesn't really
want or hasn't been really excited to make a new Castlevania game which might
change I think that there might be something coming up you never know but
the fact that you know Coach Igarashi had to leave them and to do something
like this I mean that's just something that I've wanted cuz I'm a huge
Castlevania fans so it's just one of those things to where it can't be helped
and he needs to make sure that the game doesn't have game breaking bugs or
whatever the case is it's just I would hope for his next game it doesn't take
as long to do because they have their engine down while they're using the
Unreal Engine 4 but they kind of have the base and they can kind of build off
of what they've done so what do you guys think about blood-stained ritual the
knight development reaching its peak let me know your thoughts in the comment
section below all right I'm moving into the final topic here the Nintendo
consumer support site does mention a knee fighter costume as Super Smash
Brothers ultimate DLC so pretty much we've got stuff like this before right
where there's going to be me fighters as DLC super smash brothers for Wii U and
Nintendo 3ds there was extra content in there now over on the Nintendo customer
support site there's a page for available Smash Brothers ultimate DLC
and it specifically mentions me fighter costume as part of this downloadable
content it does state that one costume is included for 75 cents with the
release for 2019 I don't know if this is
actually going to happen with this me fighter outfit or anything like that we
do know that the xenoblade chronicles - rex outfits already in there for
fighters past people so maybe that's what this ends up being but we just have
to wait and see all we know about the DLC for Super Smash Brothers ultimate is
that there is going to be the waves of DLC 5 of them and it's within the
fighters pass outside of that there isn't any other deal see that you can
buy individually or anything like that but this Rex we fighter outfit could be
something that's just released separately or whatever the case is who
knows how the antennas gonna do it for people who don't have the fighters pass
or whatever it is but either way if it does come it does if it doesn't it
doesn't it's just a meat fighter alpha it's not anything really special or
anything like that it's just a meat fighter outfit you can already use the
meat fighters you don't need a certain outfit to use them they literally do
nothing with the outfits themselves the meat Fighters the sword men and the
gunner and all that you can just use them and use whatever outfits you unlock
so yeah we'll have to wait and see what happens that but yes that information is
up on there if you guys want to check it out so what do you guys think about all
the different information that we went over here let me know your thoughts in
the comment section below alright ninja that wraps it up for this
video here go to check out the links in description below
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splits RPG japanese and in kendo gaming news thank you so much for watching
we'll catch in for the next video peace
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