Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 29 2018

- Pray in walking?

- Meditation

in walking

you should try

- It sounds like a really boring thing for my taste

- It has philosophical principles that refer

to your ism and Chinese alchemy


the 5 elements

the 8 trigrams

free of notations

so yes... is a thing really boring

but it cleans your body and mind

- When i wanna clean my body and mind i prefer to dance all night

or put you against the wall and do all those things

- Silence

another thing that you should practice - Oscar

- Oscar?

- Yes, he was shot in an operation of the traffic yesterday afternoon

- Your ex chief?

- It says that he's in serious condition

- Cátia who are you gonna call?

to your mates who you asked not to upset you?

- You right, i better go there

you think i should go?

- I think you should do whatever you want

now nobody commands you anymore


- But?

- Do you know what this operation was about?

is there new people in the area trafficking?

- No, i don't know, seriously i really don't

but why that concern?

don't tell me it's an area that you guys also have an interest in?

- No

even we have limits

- You have limits or you know that it's a area with too much

competition and vigilance for the benefits that it brings?

- I could answer you with everything that i think

but once again you would say that i'm up to something

aren't you gonna see your friend?

For more infomation >> Susana e Cátia | EP. 175 | 28 de Julho - Duration: 2:46.



For more infomation >> EMAGREÇA DE VERDADE COM ESTE PRODUTO NATURAL! - Duration: 3:10.


mon conjoint veut se séparer. Crise de la quarantaine? pas si sûr - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> mon conjoint veut se séparer. Crise de la quarantaine? pas si sûr - Duration: 11:16.


intento de imitando el maquillaje de Somin de KARD en Ride on the wind - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> intento de imitando el maquillaje de Somin de KARD en Ride on the wind - Duration: 7:13.


Chère maman, une lettre de ton bébé qui te réveille la nuit - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Chère maman, une lettre de ton bébé qui te réveille la nuit - Duration: 7:06.


Documentos secretos do Pentágono sobre ÓVNI vazados capas de invisibilidade e buracos de minhoca - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Documentos secretos do Pentágono sobre ÓVNI vazados capas de invisibilidade e buracos de minhoca - Duration: 3:21.




Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.

On this occasion, I bring a video to the channel that many of you have asked me,

specifically, as you have read in the title of the video, I'll explain how to raise

parakeets step by step and a series of tricks and tips on breeding parakeets.

And without more ... we started!

First, we must make sure that the couple that we have is composed of a

male and a female.

In most mutations the female usually have brown or pink wax

while the male usually has the color of the blue wax.

However, as I say this does not happen at all the mutations and colors of the parakeets,

so at the end of this video and in the description I leave a link to a video

previous in which I explain in an easy way and simple how to know if a budgie is male

or female depending on their mutation, that is, of their colors and their behavior.

It is very important that our parakeets, both the male and the female have at least

one year old before its reproduction so that they are fully developed

and can face the breeding of parakeets the best possible way

Ideally, the parakeets should have between 1 and 4 years old, so they were not

neither very young nor very old, since in both cases could occur problems

in breeding, such as infertility, problems of traversed eggs, lack of experience,

death of one of the players, etc.

So as I say, always have in count the age of your parakeets before

to put them to breed and if they have less than one year or more than 4 or 5 years I recommend that

do not grow with them as there are many odds that the parakeet breeding does not develop

correctly or directly do not breed.

First of all, the parakeets should be in good conditions for breeding, that is,

we should never raise with parakeets that are sick or have recently gone through

some disease because they would be weak and breeding will mean excessive wear

that can kill them, even that the parakeets do not breed or have problems

in breeding since if they have any disease the parakeets may transmit it to their


Second, we must provide them with a good complete, rich and balanced diet

throughout the year and especially before and during breeding.

With this we will increase the zeal of the parakeets in a natural way and encourage them

to breeding since the reproduction of budgies in freedom occurs in eras

in those who have abundant food.

In addition, they must always have at their disposal Cuttlefish bone or cuttlefish bone, which will serve you

as an extra supply of calcium needed to the correct formation of the eggs and for

Keep the peak in good condition.

In the description of this video too I'll leave the link to a video in which

I explain how to prepare the cuttlefish bone before giving it to the budgies, the

multiple benefits of the cuttlefish and the different ways of giving it to our


Fruits and vegetables will also help complete your diet so it is important

that we provide fruits and vegetables to the parakeets at least two or three times a week.

The budgies usually like the apple, broccoli, cucumber, lettuce

or spinach, etc. in the description too I'll leave the link to several videos about

the fruits and vegetables that can eat parakeets

Finally, it is interesting to complement your feeding with a good breeding paste

that will provide them with a large amount of vitamins and nutrients needed to deal with

success breeding parakeets and what will that the young grow up healthy and strong.

And of course they always have at their disposal clean and fresh water that we must change daily

to avoid the appearance of bacteria that They can make the parakeet sick.

Budgies can breed and reproduce throughout the year, but it is not recommended

since the breeding is a great wear and you have to leave them time to rest

and recover.

The ideal is to make 2 times a year and as maximum one third if the parakeets want

and they enjoy good health and so, from this way they have enough time to

recover from the efforts made during breeding

Most parakeet breeders usually start breeding parakeets with the arrival

of good temperatures or when they are met a series of favorable conditions for


Generally in Spain they reproduce in spring or at the end of October and early


When these conditions are met, the parakeets will come into heat and we will notice changes in their

behavior, they are more active, they sing more often, the color of the wax will

intensifies, that is, it becomes a color brighter in the case of males and

darker in the case of females, it is more usual that we see the macho woo

to the female, they are constantly together and they even sleep next to each other, they

they feed each other, they tickle each other, etc.

In short, we will notice that the couple has accepted and wants to raise when both the

male as the female are made samples of love between them.

In the event that you want to raise parakeets In breeding cages, it is advisable that the

breeding cage of parakeets have some measures minimum of about 60 cm long and comfortable

for our parakeets.

In this way the male and female can live well and mate without any difficulty

and there will also be enough space when future offspring jump out of the nest.

Keep in mind that if conditions are met favorable for breeding and parakeets

they breed well they usually take out broods of 5-6-7 chicks so the cage should

be broad and the more space they have better, since they can fly and exercise and in

definitively they will develop better and they will have a prettier plumage.

In the case that you want to breed with parakeets in colonies, that is, breed with several couples

of parakeets in flying, you will have to keep in mind that the flyer is enough

Wide for all couples and future offspring

In this way we will avoid problems of agglomeration, attacks between parakeets that may cause

wounds, broken eggs, dead chicks, etc.

Another tip in the case of parakeet breeding in flyers would be to place double nests

that of couples, that is, if on the fly we have 5 couples of parakeets would be convenient

place 10 nests, all similar, of the same shape, at the same height and with enough

space between them to avoid problems of territoriality and that each pair of parakeets

can freely choose the nest that most like

In the market there are different types of nests for parakeet breeding, the most

usual and that most breeders of parakeets use are these types of

nests. First of all, we have this type of nest

of rectangular box that has a small hole in one of its faces so that the

budgies can enter and leave the nest without difficulty.

Also, if we open the nest we see that it has a small indentation or hollow in the base

for the female budgies to place the eggs and these do not move during their incubation.

And having this little lid on the side superior will help us to check the nest

daily to check that you do not have mites no piojillos and that the parakeet pups

are evolving favorably, do not have No anomaly or injury, check that

have a full crop that will be a sign of that the parents are feeding them correctly,


Second, they are also often used This type of nests for the breeding of parakeets.

They are nests that the parakeets accept well and they like them, although I personally prefer

the first type since they are easier to clean, allow to place it both inside

like on the outside of the cage and when arranging of the cover will allow us to access the

Inside the nest with comfort to check that all the offspring are well, ring

to the parakeets, etc.

Regardless of the type of nest you choose and the material with which it is made,

You must place it in a place that provides security, privacy and tranquility for the couple

and always avoiding putting it on the floor of the cage or flyer, since it will get dirty

more easily and the offspring would be more exposed to diseases.

My recommendation is that you place it in a site high enough but that

you can access it without any difficulty to keep a good control of the clutch.

It is also very important that the base of the nest has a good grip, that is, that is

of a material that allows our parakeets can hold on well and maintain a good balance

and stability.

With this we are going to avoid problems on its legs such as the legs of


Unlike other species such as for example canaries that use goat hair or

sisal or lovebirds that use leaf palm tree or coconut hair, the parakeets

van they need any kind of material to make the nest

But if it would be necessary to clean sporadic nest as the chicks

they are growing, with this we make sure that the nest is completely clean and we avoid

or reduce the possibility of them appearing diseases.

Before starting the breeding of parakeets we must be sure that our partner is

well adapted to the aviary, be accustomed to us and have peace of mind.

In this way we will prevent them from stressing and finally breed without difficulty.

So in the case that you have acquired or moved the parakeets, have

in mind that you must respect the process of adaptation of the parakeets to their new

home to avoid stress, and once the parakeets are adapted and the

necessary conditions we can start the breeding parakeets.

When the parakeets are completely adapted, be calm and in heat

the breeding will begin.

In principle, as I mentioned earlier we will notice that the parakeets are more active

and spend more time together tickling and signs of affection and even give of

eat, the colors of the waxy are more intense and the male begins to woo the female,

what tells us that soon if everything goes well the mating will begin and subsequently

the laying of eggs.

At this time the female will begin to enter and leave the nest more often, even reaching

to peck the entrance and the base of the nest to mold it to your liking.

About a week after that the copulation has occurred, the female will begin

the egg laying coming to put between 4 and 8 eggs per set on alternate days,

that is, a day yes and a day no.

After 6 or 7 days from the beginning of the incubation of the eggs, we can check

if the eggs are fertilized, that is, if the eggs are fertile or not and if you are

forming a parakeet inside.

If you do not know how to check correctly if an egg is fertile or fertilized,

in the description I leave the link to another video that I have in the channel in which you

I explain the correct way to find out and a trick to know if the budgie is

I live inside the egg.

The eggs will hatch approximately at 18 days from the start of

the incubation, so there will be some parakeets that are born before others because

the female lays eggs on different days, It is very common for nests to be

difference in size and plumage between brothers.

In the case of canaries, breeders use fake plastic eggs that we are replacing

as the Canary Islands lay the eggs.

When the Canary Islands have finished putting we remove all the false eggs and put them

the real eggs, getting all the babies are born the same day and have the

Same size.

In the case of budgies this technique breeding is not necessary since the chicks

of more advanced parakeets, that is, the who were born first tend to feed

his younger brothers so he does not they fall behind and usually all go forward.

If you intend to raise a budgie by hand, that is, if you want to make a papillero parakeet

you must wait for the budgie to have less a week or a week and a half of life,

since the mother when she embols them provides the necessary vitamins and nutrients

for their development and also passes them a series defenses that allow to improve the development

immunity of the little ones.

So wait for the budgies have about 10 days and then if you wish

you can remove them and raise them by hand.

Once approximately 4 or 5 have elapsed weeks and always depending on the development

that are having the chicks will begin to jump out of the nest and explore the environment.

At this time it would be interesting to place inside the cage a feeder or container

with appetizing seeds, parents will eat these seeds and the little budgies

they will learn to eat by themselves more fast since they see their parents pecking and

they instinctively and imitably do it.

Also, we can place some branch of panizo that is a seed very easy to peel

and digest for them and they also love it.

And in the same way, we can also place some fruits cut into a container,

always removing the amount of fruit or vegetables that over a few hours, to prevent

spoil and that the parakeets can take food in poor condition.

The budgies depending on their development they will learn to eat by themselves and approximately

at 6 weeks they will be completely feathered and should eat on their own,

so we could separate them from their parents.

This is a delicate moment and we should have the certainty and ensure 100% that the new

budgies know how to eat by themselves before to separate them completely from their parents.

In the event that the female starts a new put and the chicks are still sharing

the same cage, it can happen that the female get aggressive with the chicks and attack them

when approaching the nest chasing them the cage, even to bite them and provoke them

some wounds.

If this happens, we can try to put a small container inside

from the cage at the end opposite the nest, so that the chicks, if they wish, can

take refuge and sleep inside him.

If with this, the mother still continues to attack them and the little parakeets still do not know how to eat

alone, the ideal would be to separate them into another cage together with the male so that this continue

feeding them, teach them to eat and own brothers feed each other.

I hope the video serves you and you liked it, I invite you to subscribe here below

to the channel and activate the notification bell to not miss any video, over here

I leave you a very interesting video above about parakeets.

And before finishing the video I would like thank the compañera Cristina Córdoba,

of aviary Hobby Cris for collaborating in the montage of this video, since without its

help this video would not be possible, and as I always wait for you in the next video.

For more infomation >> HOW TO BREEDING BUDGIE | BREEDING OF BUDGIE STEP BY STEP - Duration: 14:45.


Infección de garganta: tratamiento natural - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Infección de garganta: tratamiento natural - Duration: 8:32.


Primeras imágenes del rey Felipe en Palma de Mallorca - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Primeras imágenes del rey Felipe en Palma de Mallorca - Duration: 7:33.


Lutte contre les coups de soleil fait le tour de Facebook - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Lutte contre les coups de soleil fait le tour de Facebook - Duration: 5:53.


Los 7 peores FRACASOS de MICROSOFT - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> Los 7 peores FRACASOS de MICROSOFT - Duration: 8:37.


🔴✅Como hacer una Mascarilla de Chocolate para Eliminar las Arrugas, Manchas y Acne Rapidamente - Duration: 5:31.

hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic applies this chocolate mask

homemade and removes wrinkles spots and acne quickly so do not go and

stay with us until the end of this video where we will be developing

this interesting topic now we go with the information

How to make a chocolate mask for what it is and its multiple benefits and

cosmetic uses simply a wonder

It will allow you to eliminate wrinkle spots and look younger radiant skin and

bright if you want to improve the skin of your face and see yourself splendid and radiant

you're going to need this amazing homemade chocolate yogurt mask and

honey for the face we share the recipe takes note and share it with your

friends ingredients half a spoonful of cocoa powder a spoonful of honey a

small pot of greek yogurt a vitamin tablet the mode

preparation and use mix well all the ingredients to form a good paste

integrated and homogeneous stored in a container with airtight lid once

elaborated homemade chocolate mask

you can apply it on the face, let it act for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with

warm water

chocolate mask for acne another variant to have a face

clean and spoiled is to make this combination you will need 2 tablespoons

of cocoa powder one tablespoon of coconut oil one tablespoon of honey

pure bee 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt mode of preparation and use once

elaborated the mask you can apply now make sure you first have

well cleaned and disposed to the skin to favor a correct absorption

in the affected area let act at least 20 minutes to achieve a better

result repeats this procedure once every 15 days

chocolate mask for wrinkles this natural remedy can also

help to conceal wrinkles or prevent their appearance these are the

ingredients you're going to need 2 tablespoons of pure honey bee 3

spoonfuls of cocoa powder half an avocado a tablespoon of cinnamon

preparation takes a tablespoon and removes the pulp of the avocado only uses

half you should puree stepping on the avocado with a fork now add the

rest of the ingredients and stir everything well until it forms a good dough

integrated application first of all try to clean your

face make sure your skin is well exfoliated so that the mask

penetrate well through the pores apply this paste on the face and neck doing

circular massages chocolate mask for spots of

face you knew that the chocolate mask can also help you with the

Facial spots so chocolate is not only an ideal resource for

Treat skin flaccidity and wrinkles keeping it firmer and hydrated

It also helps to enhance the tone of the skin and disguise those spots of the

skin that arises from exposure to the sun or from aging apply

mask of chocolate and your face will look younger bright and radiant

chocolate mask for dry skin

you have dry skin thanks to its moisturizing power chocolate can make

a lot for you if you apply this recipe for chocolate mask you will look

a silky and shining younger skin also due to its powerful action

antioxidant chocolate favors cellular regeneration this allows to sweep

with dead skin cells dry and promote the growth of new skin

all this is of great benefit prevents the premature aging of the

which are responsible free radicals has been useful this video

share this information with your family and friends in your networks

social do not forget to leave your opinion in the

comment section of this video subscribe to our channel and give me

like this is easy remedies 24 see you

in a next edition thank you very much

For more infomation >> 🔴✅Como hacer una Mascarilla de Chocolate para Eliminar las Arrugas, Manchas y Acne Rapidamente - Duration: 5:31.


How to check the balance 💲 of a Gift Card on your Xbox One - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> How to check the balance 💲 of a Gift Card on your Xbox One - Duration: 4:32.


Los Reyes reciben al presidente de Portugal - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Los Reyes reciben al presidente de Portugal - Duration: 2:23.


✅ Protagonista de O Tempo Não Para, Nicolas Prattes fala sobre rotina intensa de gravações - Duration: 2:40.

 O ator Nicolas Prattes estreia nesta terça-feira (31) como o Samuca em O Tempo Não Para, a nova novela das 19h da Globo

Protagonista do folhetim, ele encara uma rotina pesada de gravações. O trabalho corrido e digno de um protagonista, no entanto, não chega a o intimidar

 Em entrevista ao site Gshow, o ator revelou já estar acostumado. "A gente grava bastante, mas já sou um pouco cascudo em termos de rotina de gravação intensa

Gravei muito tanto em 'Malhação' quanto em 'Rock Story', então graças a Deus fui preparado para esse momento", disse ele, que ainda revelou como vem sendo interpretar o Samuca

"A cada cena, vou descobrindo uma coisa diferente. O Samuca é um cara que saiu cedo do colégio e aprendeu muito na faculdade da vida, então estou aprendendo muito com ele, assim como ele aprendeu com a vida

Está sendo muito gostoso. A gente grava e quando vê… Já acabou. A novela é leve, então fica legal fazer", disse

 Nicolas Prattes é o protagonista da novela O Tempo Não Para, na pele do personagem Samuca, e no folhetim, ele irá dispensar a personagem de Cleo Pires logo no início, após se apaixonar pelo papel de Juliana Paiva

 Sobre esse assunto, ele foi questionado na coletiva de imprensa da trama sobre como é dar esse fora em Cleo na ficção, já que ela é uma mulher bastante atraente

Foi aí que ele surpreendeu e declarou que "não foi difícil". Mas calma! Ele explicou o motivo

 "Ela é isso, uma figura que te atrai, é muito gostoso trabalhar com ela. Mas é uma coisa que acontece logo no início

Por exemplo, não aparece a gente como casal. Então é uma coisa que, pra mim, não foi difícil porque a história ajudou", explica

For more infomation >> ✅ Protagonista de O Tempo Não Para, Nicolas Prattes fala sobre rotina intensa de gravações - Duration: 2:40.


10 nombres de bares playeros - nombres para empresas - - Duration: 1:14.

10 beach snack bar names











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

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