Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 31 2018

Good afternoon everybody, dear friends.

We welcome you to this new video,

to this new interview made by AGEAC, with V.M. Kwen Khan Khu.

Any person who is fairly informed,

any person who has certain spiritual longings,

knows perfectly that Gnosis is a universal knowledge

and that is why it is found as the basis of all doctrines and religions of the world.

The explanation to all this is that Gnosis is a very natural functionalism

of the Consciousness and for that reason

it is found wherever there is human Consciousness.

In this sense it is important to say that

there are persons who in this gnostic development

or in this development of each and everyone's personal Consciousness

are attaining certain esoteric degrees.

We can find people with a lot of training

and certain spiritual longings,

we can find people who have already developed

some virtues or esoteric degrees

and we can find some Masters,

but it is very difficult to find a gnostic Master completely self-realised.

Today we are blessed to have here with us the V. M. Kwen Khan Khu,

who has succeeded in developing all of the potential of the Consciousness

and who has also succeeded in crystallizing Gnosis

in the most complete sense of the word within himself.

Therefore, having a gnostic Master among us in these times

is a blessing and a great opportunity.

We are therefore going to try to take advantage of the opportunity that we have

of having him here with us. Good morning, Master!

Good morning!

We thank you for this constant availability

to be with us and to answer the questions that we always ask you

and, well, we hope that your light helps us all to understand

more aspects of the doctrine.

You have spoken many times about

the importance of developing patience in this type of studies

which are linked to the development of the Consciousness,

the understanding of oneself, the aspects of life,

to understand the mystery of our own existance;

logically, sometimes these are not things that could be achieved

or could be understood in a short period of time.

It requires a maturity of the soul

and you have spoken to us many times about the necessity of being patient.

Could you explain to us a bit more if there is a way

to go faster in this understanding, in this inner change,

or is it simply a process that each one of us has to live?

Yes, it is with great pleasure that I answer this question.

Patience, speaking in phonetic Kabbala,

is a word we can split in two parts: «paz» y «ciencia» («peace» and «science»).

Therefore, they say that «patience is the staff of the wise».

because many things that have been achieved in the world of science,

in the world of arts, and generally in the world of culture and wisdom,

are the result of the tenacity and patience that those men and women

have had until reaching the goal they pursued.

Let us remember, for instance, that Christopher Columbus,

who has officially been called «discoverer of America»

−I say officially because he was not the first to have stepped on American soil

before Christopher Columbus the Vikings had been in North America,

Central America and South America

and above all in the area of the Amazon; they had been there, there is proof of

the arrival of the Vikings to the lands of the Amazon and

other areas of South America, like Peru, Argentina, etc.−

well, before Christopher Columbus could make his three trips,

he spent years insisting that different kingdoms of Europe

assist him financially,

because that implied renting ships or galleons,

equipping them with a lot of food and crews, and approximately it took

Christopher Columbus many inter-European trips,

many conversations that led nowhere, until finally

speaking with Queen Isabel the Catholic and Fernando VII

he succeeded in obtaining the financing.

The Queen financed with some jewels and

Fernando the Catholic, also financed with money and then

got the sailors from the prisons that existed in Spain at that time,

where some of them were sentenced for life

and that was the crew Christopher Columbus took with him and fulfilled his dream,

that is, to demonstrate that beyond the horizon, the Earth did not end

as it was believed in those days of 1400

that upon reaching the horizon whoever went beyond would fall into the abyss

and that the Earth was square, not round and held by four elephants

or by a gigantic turtle. These were the fantasies of science.

The same has happened with many material achievements.

In terms of spiritual things, one has to double patience

or quadruple, quintuplicate patience.

In Gnosis we say that in order to reach the Being

one has to multiply patience to infinity.

And why? Because as the ancient Greek philosophers used to say

there is no worse task that demands more sacrifices

than to know one's self.

Any worldly or material thing, even though it requires sacrifices,

well, with a little will and tenacity can be achieved;

but to become master of oneself,

to enter the maze of what is the soul, what is the psyche

and inside that maze to make light, that is not easy,

it is not like blowing and making bottles.

As Master Samael Aun Weor says:

«It is a task that requires redoubling patience every day»

that is why it is important −and here comes the good part−

that in order to develop patience we have to intensify a lot

the sense of self-observation together with meditation.

Through self-observation we realize,

for example, that in a moment of the day our psyche is very accelerated

and this is an obstacle for us to be able to see ouselves as we really are,

one cannot see what one is if the mind is traveling at 1000 km per hour

it is necessary to slow down the psyche in order to see,

our psychological processes as if they were in slow motion;

here is where meditation helps us every day

and then meditation allows patience to increase

if there is no meditation, there can be no patience,

because the mere fact of self-observing and discovering ourselves is not enough,

it is necessary to go see in detail what we have discovered,

analyse it deeply

and this is only possible with the help of meditation.

Master, we are living in complicated, difficult times.

There is this constant feeling inside all the students of Gnosis

whether we will have time or not to do something internally,

to awaken some Consciousness or eliminate some psychological aggregate

or reach a level on the path before we leave this world.

The question is: Is there an influence from the fact that times are as they are?

−possibly there will be a Third World War

that all the world is getting ready for,

no one knows the moment it will break out−

but from the point of view of inner work, does the process,

given that we are in this age so delicate for humanity not change?

Or is our work internally accelerated?

Or is our work intentionally accelerated to take more advantage of time?

Yes, I find this question very interesting.

We have always said that the process of Self-realisation

is the consequence of two forces:

one we shall call centrifugal and the other centripetal.

The centrifugal force is the one that our Inner Real Being does,

which is from the inside towards the outside, looking for us.

He wants us to be with him,

and the centripetal is the one we have to do, from the outside towards the inside,

we, through interiorization, seeking that divine particle,

that portion of divinity that we carry within

which in Gnosis is called the Being.

When these two forces meet, merge,

then it is said that the person has remained connected with the divine.

As a consequence, that person has become a Master or a Lady Master.

But, obviously, the effort of the two forces that I have mentioned is needed.

The Father, the Being, already makes his efforts,

if it wasn't for the Being many terrible things that should have happened to us

did not happen, because the Being has a lot of mercy

and even though we sometimes deserve to be

punished by the Great Law with a karma,

with an accident, with an illness, etc.

the Being sometimes persuades the lords of the Great Law

so that we are not charged for those debts. He already does his work,

he who has to do his work is the human being, he has to have longings,

−if he already has them−he has to develop them , he has to develop those longings

through practices,

through esoteric exercises that Gnosis possesses to increase the human will

to get the magnetic centers of our inner life to activate

for us to have more lucidity during meditation, etc.;

these are the efforts we have to make. But, obviously,

speaking of the three factors of the Revolution of the Consciousness

−in another interview

we talked about the urgent necessity of dying psychologically−,

here I have to add something and that is

whether we like it or not, we do not die psychologically when we want to.

We have to do our prayers, our works,

our practices, with the purpose of dissecting the I's,

analyse them in depth, comprehend them and deliver them comprehended to the Divine Mother

so that she with her superior electricity, inherent in herself, destroys them;

but it is she who determines when, how and at what moment

a certain I has to disappear within us,

and this implies negotiations between her and the Masters of Karma.

If she persuades the Masters of Karma

that she wants to help us and she asks for permission

so that she can eliminate from within us abominable psychological states,

magnificent!; if she gets permission,

then we receive the effects of the work of Stella Maris within us,

but it is not man, the human individual, who decides when he dies.

He has to make an effort in mystical death,

but the Divine Mother has the final word,

who is a part of our own Being.

Master, then

it is the Law that finally gives permission for the Is to be eliminated.

to the Divine Mother. Then we know that in order to gain merits in front of the Law

and to pay our debts we have to do good deeds,

to help others etc.

But is there anything else that can be done on the part of the soul

so that the Law be merciful

and help that soul to go faster on the path?

Yes, there is. For instance, a Master may want to advocate for a disciple

before the Great Law and pledges his word before the Lords of Karma

and then the disciple pledges, obviously

before that Master saying that he wanted to make that pledge,

the disciple has commited to cooperate on his part

this, in other words, is a pact between the Master and his disciple,

but the disciple may also make a pact with the Great Law

and propose or promise the Great Law

such and such things that he will do in favor of humanity,

strong things that deserve the applause of the Great Law.

If that disciple makes that pact

and the Law considers it viable, acceptable,

then that disciple receives a special help

because the Great Law gives special permission to his Divine Mother

so that she can act in a special way with this disciple.

Well, Master, what you are saying is very important, very interesting.

There is clearly on your part

the Venerable Masters of the Blessed White Lodge

a permanent interest in helping souls,

the brothers who are trying to live a path like this.

Is there from the Masters of the White Lodge

a special attention within the gnostic people

so that some of these persons

can try to do the most in this life?

Are you asking me if the White Lodge has some special interest

in some persons?

If at this moment it is especially helping some persons?

Yes, yes. The White Fraternity is always trying

to reap benefits from the human race,

because the human race is an experiment of what we call in Gnosis

the solar Dynasties.

Races are created in the worlds as an experiment,

metaphorically speaking, of the Sun,

that is to say, an experiment of the solar Hierarchies.

Then, obviously,

the solar Dynasties want to reap fruits from this experiment,

they want to extract a result from this creation,

the result is to transform the souls of these men or women into Beings of Light,

into Masters of the White Fraternity.

What for? Because the entire group of Masters

of every world constitute what we call

the Conscious Circle of Solar Humanity,

especially the Masters of the Direct Path

−someday we will talk about that−

and that is what forms as a whole

what we call the Eternal Cosmic Common Father.

The Eternal Cosmic Common Father is not a subject,

it is a sum of self-realized intelligences that govern the worlds

therefore they, the solar Dynasties, are the first concerned,

that this Eternal Cosmic Common Father is enlarged more each time

and that is why they are always trying to see where there are longings

to stimulate within these persons states that make them reflect

on their lives,

to urge them to look for something superior to the stupidities of each day etc., etc.

You have told us, Master, what to do to receive special help

from the Divine Law, to help us on this path.

What to do to receive special help - if we can call it that

so that the Venerable Masters of the Venerable White Lodge

help us on this path?

What qualities do they need to see

in the world of Gnostic knowledge, in the brothers of Gnosis,

what qualities do they need to see, that for them are

the fundamental basis to try to help that soul, that person more?

Yes, they need to see, above all and before all,

a quality called «repentance» in that person.

Repentance, when it is true,

then it activates within us certain forces

that link to our inner Real Being

and our inner Real Being then receives that information.

What information? That his human soul is going through a crisis,

because that crisis

is due to profound remorse that has come over him,

provoked by one of the 49 parts of the Being that in Gnosis is called Kaom.

When someone repents with sincerity

a type of alert is triggered

in the world of Atman, in the world of our Being, of our Real Being,

that is telling him:

«attention, attention, attention, your son is not well, help him».

That is when the person starts receiving that special help

necessary to abandon the sleep of the Consciousness.

The Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor says in his books that

«there is more joy in heaven for a sinner who repents

than for 1000 righteous people who do not need repentance.»

What is the Master referring to exactly?

Yes, he is referring in general terms to what you have just said.

If we want to delve deeper into this, well,

we would have to say that the profound inner Being of each one of us

is interested in the experience that he progressively acquires

through our experiences existence after existence.

If we have had terrible experiences,

monstrous at times, abominable, caused by ourselves,

these experiences remain sown in the psyche of those souls,

in the psychic apparatus of the persons

like a reserve that is there, right?

If at a certain moment, due to those accumulations or experiences

we are practically

destined to what we call in Gnosis Involution, that is,

compelled to descend into what the Greeks called the Tartarus,

the Romans called it the Avernus, the world of today calls it the underworlds,

the infra-dimensions of nature.

If at a certain moment we are about to involute,

but unexpectedly,

remorse enters us for some reason,

due to some event that occurrs in our existence,

and that succeeds in mobilizing our Real Being

and our Real Being fulfills the commitment of

gathering forces from other parts that constitute it,

that constitute him, to get us out of the sewer we are in,

and finally that man or that woman rises from the mud of the earth,

therefore it is clear that there is much more joy for a repenting demon

than for an angel who does not have much to repent for

or for a soul who does not have a lot to repent for because it has always been,

throughout its existences, that which we call:

a good man or a good woman.

But the Father does not want to lose the wisdom accumulated within that soul

who throughout the centuries has done many terrible things,

but when he repents,

those circumstances, those things, that wisdom of evil

transmutes into knowledge of good and evil.

That is why there is more joy in the heavens.

It is extraordinary to know these things, Master.

When a Master succeeds in eliminating his defects

and succeeds in getting out of all that terrible experience of the Ego, of Karma,

He knows perfectly everything that he has suffered,

all of the process of help for him from his Master, from the Law, from charity,

all of the work of the Divine Mother,

all of the work of the Father, of the intimate Christ, of the parts of the Being…

How does that Master feel after succeeding in liberating himself?

Grateful to God and to all the parts that helped him?

How does he feel in relation to this when he succeeds in getting out of the I,

in a manner of speaking?

Yes. I will tell you that, effectively, firstly,

what a Master who has succeeded in Self-realizing feels is

profound gratitude, very profound.

It is difficult to express that with words,

but first is profound gratitude.

Secondly, a huge comprehension of what it means to be self-realized

and the state he was in before.

With that comprehension he makes a terrible differentiation

between what is light and darkness,

and that makes him hang onto the Being so as not to recede anymore,

to not fall anymore. Thus, we would say that

it is gratitude to the solar Dynasties,

to his Real Being, to his Divine Mother, to the Great Law, to his Guru, on the one hand;

and on the other hand, very rich comprehension

that remains in the possession of that person, of that Master and who

does not need to make analyses to understand or comprehend how the world is

or how humanity is,

because he knows that was how he was before being self-realized.

Then that Master is in possession of a very profound comprehension

that makes him know how to place himself in the shoes of someone who is still blind.

Therefore, a true Master

with substantial comprehension of the path he has lived

will not enter into arguments with anyone about spiritual matters,

will not enter into arguments about who is more virtuous than who,

or which mastery is better than another, no,

because the comprehension allows him to understand perfectly that each Being is each Being

and each Being has its mystery to unveil

and when the mystery of one or the other or another is unveiled

or of another Real Being,

then he simply knows, comprehends that it is the same mystery of God

manifesting in a certain manner in a self-realized soul,

in another manner in another self-realized soul,

because each Being has its tonic, each Being has its Ray to which it belongs to

and deploys in that Ray.

Therefore, a Master does not go around making comparisons like

intellectual people would.

Very interesting, Master,

many thanks for this guidance and explanations.

The Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor

in one of his books, speaks of something that is a bit enigmatic and even mysterious.

He says he knows a Dhyani-Bodhisattva

who on a certain occasion made a mistake and was on the verge of involuting.

Could you shed some light on

what Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor is referring to

and if it is possible, who does it concern, who is he speaking about?

Yes, I know the situation.

It is not in the books of the Master

because it was a conversation he had

with some missionaries who were there in the living room of his house.

I do not know if this was later transcribed in what we call today The Fifth Gospel.

I give testimony of those words,

the words were the following. The Master was saying:

«I know a Dhyani-Bodhisattva - there are 7 Dhyani-Bodhisattvas,

they are the 7 planetary Logos related to our world, Earth -

and he said, this Dhyani-Bodhisattva,

after having started his spiritual path

and having already reached

what we call in Gnosis the fifth degree of the power of Fire

or the fifth Serpent risen,

he had a recurrence with a woman

and made the mistake of falling in love with that woman while being married

and he went as far as consummating the sexual act

and it turns out that this is - as you know - prohibited

in the ten Commandments of Moses as well as within the esoteric tradition.

There are two things which are not tolerated: fornication and adultery.

This was adultery.

Then, immediately, in the days following this act,

that adultery, the Bodhisattva was held accountable in the Temple of the Law.

This Bodhisattva went there animically and was judged.

The sentence was to condemn him to the abyss.

And why was the sentence so severe?

The argument of the Masters of Karma was that he was not just any Bodhisattva,

who could commit this error,

but it concerned a Dhyani-Bodhisattva

and that meant that he had a greater degree of Consciousness and more comprehension

than the ordinary Bodhisattvas.

Therefore, that behaviour was unacceptable before the Judges of the Law.

Of course, that sentence was set in motion

and the Bodhisattva returned to his physical body and frightened, terrified,

he wrote a letter to the Temple of the Great Law

addressed to the 42 Judges of the Law and to Venerable Master Anubis,

Gnosticism speaks about all this in greater depth.

He wrote that letter with blood, not ink,

and in the letter he begged for mercy

and that his path not be interrupted and that he was repentant.

Despite that letter, the Holy Tribunal said «no»,

that they did not accept the letter and that the sentence had already been pronounced.

This Bodhisattva then decided

to go to the Temple of the Great Law

and inside the Temple of the Great Law, which is in the Causal World,

he invoked the Venerable Master Aberamentho,

the one whom the world knows under the name of Jesus Christ,

the Great Kabir of Galilea, the Supreme Head of the White Lodge,

he invoked him and on his knees begged him to intervene for him before the Great Law.

Master Aberamentho then said:

«I take responsibility of the serious crime of this Dhyani-Bodhisattva

and I promise, I give my word

to help this Dhyani-Boshisattva and I know he can rise

despite this situation.»

Master Samael commented that

when the Judges of the Law heard this,

as the Law is Law and the Law is fulfilled,

they told Master Aberamentho: «Well, under your responsibility

we forgive this Dhyani-Bodhisattva, but

if he does not fulfill his promises

you will have to be accountable before this Tribunal

and you will have to pay for this crime.»

And Master Samael said that Master Aberamenthos exclaimed:

«I do not care, I take responsibility.»

And thanks to this that Dhyani-Bodhisattva was able to save himself

from entering the submerged involution in the infernal worlds

and he rose, and he became what he was, a Dhyani-Bodhisattva.

But now, instead of being fallen, he was risen.

Dhyani-Bodhisattva are the planetary Logos,

I cannot unveil the name of that Dhyani-Bodhisattva,

because I cannot, but I can say that he turned into a guiding star,

into something extraordinary. That is all.

These stories leave us speechless,

these things, so profound, are truly a mystery and at the same time,

they contain so many things that it is impressive.

Master, talking about mistakes,

what type of tolerance does the Law have, the White Lodge,

with persons like us, who are trying to live Gnosis?

What type of errors can be, let us say, assumed by them?

They already know, by the quantity of demons we have inside,

that we are going to make mistakes, that we are going do things that are wrong,

that we are going to commit errors

do they already envisage this possibility in any person like us?

Yes. Yes, one has to take into account that Cosmic Justice

rests on two pillars: one is mercy and the other is justice.

Justice without mercy is tyranny, mercy without justice is anarchy;

thus the Law is in the middle

and he knows that the human race of nowadays is very weak,

the human race of this society or that forms this society

in which we now live in,

well, frankly, it suffers many weaknesses, huge ones.

The I has become so grotesque, so strong in the human being that practically

it is the I who does things in today's society,

it is not even the person, it is the Ego of the person who is manifesting,

and we can observe this in all circles of society,

in medicine, in art, in philosophy, in religions,

in the fake mysticism, etc. Therefore, today it is said that wherever

the hand of man is involved

it is most probable that there will be disasters. In politics,

nothing more obvious these days than the action of the I in politics.

Before, according to the Royal Academy of Language,

being a politician meant «knowing art, the art of governing».

Today, being a politician means knowing the art of how to steal,

knowing how to humiliate, knowing how to ruin society,

that is the art of politics nowadays. Politics are managed by crooks,

that is, people of few scruples,

few scruples and I say this alluding to all the politicians of the world,

there is no exception.

But clearly, this is due to the mass of humanity as a whole being contaminated,

the whole world is contaminated, hence

politicians are one more part of that contaminated human mass.

And the Great Law in its mercy, then

observes us, look at us, and anyone who has symptoms of wanting to change,

well, the Law intervenes to try to help him. But we cannot forget that

there are two types of karma we can acquire:

one is the normal, ordinary karma, which is applied to us

and the other is that which receives the esoteric name of hard karma.

The first type of karma is negotiable,

it can be negotiated with the Great Law so it does not reach us

or for it to be changed to something lighter,

but hard karma is not negotiable, it is not,

it must be paid with great pain which ends in physical death.

But clearly, at the bottom of all this, there is a fundamental reason.

For example - I will tell you of situations that are not fictitious,

that have happened and continue to happen nowadays -

a woman that throws her baby from the 9th floor

because she is fed up with her husband - for example -

or with paying taxes or because she has been ill for many years

and fed up, she climbs to the ninth floor and throws her baby of a few months old,

who unquestionably dies upon reaching the ground.

This type of behavior is not normal karma, does not deserve normal karma,

this is a huge debt that in esotericism we call hard karma;

that cannot be negotiated with the Great Law because the Law would be in breach,

in complicity with the crime.

Then, there is no other remedy than applying medicine to that soul

so that it never repeats that tragedy again.

So, it is possible that the Great Law makes that mother,

or that matricide or murderer or whatever you want to call her,

be born with a deformed body which makes it impossible for her to drink or eat,

and spends 80 years like that until one day the Law lifts the hard karma

and that person dies.

Then one says, sometimes, when one sees cases like this:

«But where is God?»

«Where is the mercy of God for this soul?»

The mercy is there, God is there.

She is living that because what she did

in a previous existence or in other previous existences was very serious

and she earned a hard karma and it has to be paid.

That is what happens.

Master, changing the subject matter of the questions a bit,

you've spoken a lot about the importance of friendship.

We know that the inner work is individual, is personal,

each one of us has to do his work. But

friendship, fraternity,

what relation do they have with all this process in the personal depth of the inner work,

the repercussions that they have,

could someone develop their Consciousness simply

by living a personal path without relating to anyone,

or is it not basically the development of virtues or parts of the Being?

Could you explain this matter a little more,

of friendship related to our inner work?

Yes. Well, literature and sociology have already shown that

living like Robinson Crusoe, isolated from the world - on an island,

is absurd and practically impossible.

So, human societies are created as part of the divine plan

and within these societies are all of us, those who form them,

the people or the human conglomerate of a given country, right?

This is part - I said - of the divine plan,

because only by living in society is it possible to self-discover ourselves,

and see ourselves as we are, see our defects and our virtues,

eliminate our weaknesses and strengthen our faculties.

So it is part of the divine program

that human beings coexist socially.

Furthermore, when in a society of a "xx" era,

these human beings make alliances among themselves and succeed in

achieving transcendental things for humanity, for the rest of humankind,

of course these alliances will remain in time

and within the souls remains that bond,

and according to the Law of Return and Recurrence, when we die,

if our alliance with certain people was

for a greater good of humanity, by the Law of Recurrence

each of those who formed that alliance as they die

returns to this valley of tears, and by recurrence they reconnect

with those whom he made those alliances with.

This is magnificent, because it allows a lot of things,

it allows that every time those souls meet again

it's for good things, right?

In the same way, and by the Law of Opposites,

when we make disastrous, tenebrous alliances, like the mafia for example,

that fattens our psychological aggregates of ill will,

linked to drug trafficking, murder, etc.,

and those who form this alliance, together, will acquire karmas

and by Law of Recurrence and Return,

return to this valley of tears laden with karma

and what is worse is that, by repetition and by Law of Recurrence,

they become partners again,

and this time pehaps in a much lower spiral,

to commit more things, even worse.

So, when friendships are

directed towards something transcendental, they're magnificent, right?, magnificent.

In my personal case - I do not want to talk about myself

nor promote myself - but the friendship that fate

allowed me to share with the one who today is the Venerable Master Samael,

a thoroughly self-realized Master, a liberated Master,

the friendship that I was able to share with him in past times,

various times, in various existences, was the one that put us in contact again

by Law of Return and Recurrence

and I have been able to, thanks to heaven, get the most out of this friendship

and it was largely thanks to him that I also got

to know my Real Being and to be where I am.

That is what I can tell you.

Then a friendship can save your soul.

Yes! There is a well-known proverb which says:

«He who walks with wolves learns to howl», this in reference to bad friendships;

but we could also say the opposite:

«He who walks with angels learns how to fly»,

Right ?, so they are the two sides of the same coin.

Venerable Master, many times you've mentioned, you`ve said

in International Encounters and in many places

where you give lectures, that one of the fundamental, principal problems,

that exist and holds back our development in our inner work

is self-love. Why?

Yes, because self-love is one of our psychological aggregates

that we could say is part of the strongest that constitute the I.

Self-love is at the base

of all the other psychic aggregates that we have,

it is at the base of pride, at the base of greed, at the base of anger,

it is at the base of gluttony, at the base of envy, etc. Then of course,

we would have to say that in order to eliminate these defects that we have already mentioned

and that the Christian doctrine denominates as the seven deadly sins,

we must start from the base - that

we have to attack our own self-love very deeply,

because it is like a kind of barrier that prevents us from seeing

these aggregates as they are,

and that is the reason why we justify these defects.

Self-love is like a mirage,

it is part of the false image we have about ourselves

caused by our psychological aggregates.

But in it especially, it is like a fog

that stands between us and the psychological aggregates,

and that fog prevents us

from seeing ourselves as we are when we are possessed by an I,

by a psychological aggregate.

That is why, of course, the people in Gnosis feel

that they do not make progress, that they are stuck, stunned, confused,

but this is because they have not realized that

self-love always justifies what is incorrect, our egoic attitudes,

and that does not allow us to progress because we cannot reach the I,

because self-love is the one who reacts immediately

using arguments provided by the psychological aggregates themselves

and our mind,

which in the curent state that we have it is qualified as lunar

- not solar that gives light, but lunar, without light -;

then he who does not work on his self-love,

he who does not become an enemy of himself,

he who does not dare to go against himself

and to close his mouth and not to justify his absurdities,

he who does not dare to do so, in Gnosis is unsuccessful,

because self-love is not going to let him advance.

Master Samael says that

"before starting to take the first steps - imagine -

within the initiatory path,

before, we have to attack,

discover and attack vanity, self-consideration and self-love".

And of course this is not an ordinary thing.

Everyone is vain about being the way they are, because it is the false image

and everyone feels perfect and everybody feels justified, etc.,

everyone, at the slightest correction that someone makes

or reproach that is made, reacts with self-love, right?

If we say to somebody, "Hey, I see you have a lot of anger,"

automatically that person's self-love will say:

"Well you have more anger than me."

Of course, that person is closing up

from that moment of all possibility of self-discovery.

If we say to a woman who has prepared a meal:

"I think there was a little salt missing in the food",

an opinion: "I think there was a little salt missing" -

well that person's self-love could say :

«Next time, cook for yourself».

Of course, it is a mechanical thing, which is very embedded

within the human personality.

The worst thing is that today they raise children on the basis of self-love,

because when they are children, the parents do not stop saying to that child:

"You are the most beautiful of all, I never thought you were so wonderful,

you will become someone very important, you are the reflection of me, who is strong,

you will be stronger than me, blah, blah, blah ... », a thousand and one stupid things like that

parents repeat constantly to their children

and that starts to go in from 0 to 7 years

as part of their personality.

Conclusion: when the child has already formed his personality at the age of 7,

he will be a conceited self-concerned person, who cannot be told anything

and the worst thing is that this personality is strengthened over the years

and fed with our own psychological aggregates,

and that's what that popular proverb says:

"we are the same from the cradle to the grave",

as they say "Zebras don't change their stripes."

Master, do virtues or qualities such as courage,

have an impact on a spiritual or esoteric level? Because always

when we study this type of teachings

and one starts to read books of great Masters,

Alchemist, medieval Masters,

one reads the Gospels,

well one has the feeling that all spiritual development has to do

with our own practices, it has to do with our

-I have already said it before- with our own understanding of the path,

with a development of spirituality. But virtues such as courage, discipline

at what level do they influence spiritual progress?

Courage and discipline

are co-existential with the longings to live the path.

A lot of discipline is needed to live this path ,

one has to be self-disciplined, one has to demand oneself more each day,

this is what we call in Gnosis "voluntary sufferings"

and "conscious sacrifices."

He who does not make voluntary sufferings and conscious sacrifices,

will not create discipline.

Why? Because he never puts himself to the test.

When Master Samael, says he, wanted to eliminate laziness,

he would go then to the post office to mail his reply letters to his disciples

and, like everyone else, he would wait in line

like in every post-office, until it`s our turn to be served.

Master Samael says that when he reached the window to be helped,

immediately he would go back to the end of the line

and he repeated this several times to see his impatience.

And, of course, this is a voluntary suffering, it is a conscious sacrifice,

because he did not need to do that,

but he wanted to eliminate the I of impatience, which is a disastrous I,

that makes anger jump out, that disturbs us, that throws us off-balance., etc.

Similarly, if we are speaking about patience, let's talk about courage.

One has to have courage

to face the crises that arise from these voluntary sufferings

and from these conscious sacrifices,

because when we confront the I

by means of the knife of self-observation and self-comprehension,

he revolts like a terrible animal producing in us all kinds of crises,

moral crisis, crying, crisis of fear or fears, existential crisis,

and we have to stand firm and not fear of any consequence

because it is a passing phenomenon.

When the I is confronted, I repeat

with the help of Consciousness or self-observation and self-analysis,

it's like a dog that is furious

and with self-observation and self-comprehension what we do is to tie him up,

but the tied up dog continues howling, growling,

he keeps howling worse each time.

If we are frightened by the attitude of the dog

and we untie him so he leaves us alone or stops howling,

we lose the work.

With time, that dog will lose strength even if he growls

because we do not nourish him, we do not give him water, nor food,

and he will keep getting weaker and weaker in his own growls

until he finally dies.

Then, comparatively speaking, the Is are that beasts

that we must confront and have the courage to maintain

our stance against the I, no matter the cost.

Unquestionably, that will cause trembling, strange temperatures,

on one side of the body we will feel warmth, on the other side we will feel cold,

tinglings, we are going to feel that we cannot sleep,

we will feel like crying

without anyone having done anything to us,

it is only because we are confronting a damaging psychological state,

we are going to feel moans within us, grunts,

we are going to feel that we are very alone, we are going to feel confusion,

but all this is part of the stratagem of the I. In the end, if we have courage,

the crisis passes, the I dies and in its place comes peace

which results from one of the self-conscious parts of the Being

that came to take the place of that I in our psychological structure.

Thus, courage is very important,

one must have it till the end of the path.

Observe the life of the apostles,

they all had great courage to face their path

despite everything they were living.

Some died from stoning, others died beheaded,

others were thrown to the lion's den

for defending a path that they were following and saw that it was real.

Thus, courage is fundamental.

Master, when you founded AGEAC, you did so to try to give Gnosis

a superior type of note, more profound,

distance Gnosis from a psychological state, from the one I want to ask you now,

that has to do with fanaticism,

that has to do, let us say, with apathy

with regards to the lack of profound study of contemporary gnosticism,

the gnosticism that Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor has given us.

The question would be: what do you want to achieve with AGEAC as an institution?

Where do you want the Gnostic student body to achieve?

The idea of creating AGEAC or the Geophilosophical Association we have today,

was obviously the result of what I

had been observing, for years,

what was happening within the ranks of Gnosticism.

I was able to personally feel, experience terrible contradictions

between what Master Samael would say on the one hand,

and what the so-called Gnostics would do.

Then it was absolute chaos

in what existed and what itself called Gnosis,

without being truly what Master Samael had created.

There was competition between the disseminators of the teaching,

to see who had more audience,

there was exploitation of the people interested in our studies

by some missionaries

who had no qualms and devoted themselves to making a business out of Gnosis,

there was rebellion without a cause

in many people who were leading human masses in the name of Gnosis

and on the basis of that rebellion they would contradict Master Samael himself

in his arguments. Well, frankly all of that was chaos

and I would tell myself: «If this is always going to be like this

then Gnosis will never be seen by the masses as it truly is»

and the result was,

for many pseudo-Gnostic institutions that exist today, exactly that,

they ended up being small groups that take cover under the word Gnosis

but who devote themselves to other profane and negative things,

very different from what Gnosis really wants to present.

For this purpose, I did

surround myself with a group of persons truly interested in presenting Gnosis

as it truly is and lead by example,

and so we formed

the Geophilosophical Association of today. This involved many struggles,

many battles, many renunciations, many friendships that were torn,

but we had to decide between making a stronghold out of Gnosis

for the salvation of souls or leave things as they were

and continue with those pseudo-frienships that were not friendships,

they were people with criteria outside of logic.

So that was what we did

and that was the secret trigger that today we are an institution,

established in 47 countries of the world,

established in Singapore, Mongolia, Vietnam,

North America, South America, Central America, Europe

and that we present the doctrine without any alterations,

just as it was left by the founding President of contemporary Gnosis,

Master Samael Aun Weor.

If someone wants to know what Gnosis is, let him compare

and seek here and there and over there and then come to us

and read the books of Master Samael that we edit,

see our videos, like this one we are doing,

attend our functions, our congresses, etc.

«You shall know them by their works», said Christ. Then may we be judged,

but based on the facts, not based on someone's

dogmatic opinions or whims,

may judgement be passed on us based on the facts.

If there is drug trafficking here, put us in jail,

if there is peddling influence here, judge us,

if there are personal interpretations of Master Samael's teachings here,

slap us in the face

or let us be called ridiculous or whatever, but in the same manner I say:

if there is none of that, then value what is done.

That is all.

In general terms, what spiritual fruit are you expecting

from the members who form AGEAC at this time,

missionaries and students?

Well, the fruit is creating a great universal family,

that seeks to transform itself, because the end times,

announced by all prophets and all religions, are already here.

It's not that the end times will come, we are already living them.

It's enough to take a simple glance on the surface

of what the newscasts of all the countries of the world say

to realize, ethically speaking, what state society is in,

what state the world of economics is in, what state the governments of the world are in,

what state the climate or environmental climate of nature is in, etc.,

just by looking at this we realize that we are before an imminent disaster

of the human race and what we want is to create a select group,

a select family, that can come to serve

so that a new progeny can be established on the face of our world

after all the cataclysms

and terrible situations that we are all going to live in the coming years.

Master, do you have or can you reveal

some plans that the White Lodge may have

for the brothers who are working on themselves,

or the persons who they deem necessary to help

when the time of crisis, of war, comes,

when the difficult times for this society come?

To answer this question, there are things I can say

and things that I cannot say.

What I can say is that Master Samael himself

had already made an alliance with beings from other worlds

that currently visit us. They live here among us,

they are in our society, observing what others also see;

the chaos that we are in.

These people from other worlds have a level of being much higher than that of earthlings

and have a degree of awaken Consciousness of minimum 50%.

This plan, elaborated by Master Samael with the so-called Solar Dynasties,

consists precisely, when the critical time comes,

groups of human beings who have a percentage of Consciousness

above 30%,

originally 50% was required, but people do not measure up yet.

But those who are above 30% will be evacuated from our planet,

because our world will enter into tremendous crises,

our world will be wrapped up in a war between elements,

water against fire, fire against air, the earth groaning,


because this is what we have caused with nuclear explosions,

with the extraction of oil, with the extraction of gas,

with the hydrocarbons that are relseased into space

and that have already destroyed the ozone layer, etc.

That has been our work

and nature, when she sees herself threatened, reacts

and she is going to react by stirring the elements

to create a new crust over our world,

a new layer of organic life over our world,

and a new progeny will be brought back to our world,

when it will already be stable after the great cataclysms.

So then, this is one of the things that I can say.

There is a plan of the White Brotherhood

with beings from other worlds that also belong to the White Brotherhood.

That is one thing.

But there are also Masters who are currently very active

helping many couples in awakening the sacred Fire,

whoever wants to investigate more

about the awakening of the internal Fires of man

can read our books, because it would take very long to explain it in this interview,

and I am very happy because there are already several couples who have obtained it,

therefore, it is not a thing reserved to an elite,

each one chooses by himself, there are no chosen ones here, there are no selected ones,

everyone self chooses thanks to his work.

So I can speak for the White Brotherhood and say that

the serious Gnostic people will be assisted during its most critical time

and is currently assisted, very much observed by the Elder Brothers.

This is what I can say.

Could we say, Master, that the persons who will be helped

will be the persons who have the possibilites of doing something on this path,

the persons who will not be helped and who remain here,

do not matter for the Divine Law?

That the persons who will leave or can be helped

will be people who have the Fire awaken?

Or can people who do not have the Fire awaken be taken?

Can you instruct us a bit more on this?

Yes. Listen, divine mercy is great

and there will be people who even if they do not have the Fire awaken,

do have great longings to change.

Then, they will be taken, they will be helped and assisted.

Even more so for people who have awaken their internal Fires,

obviously, they must be given help to continue their spiritual trajectory.

There will be people, elders for example,

who do not have the Fires awaken but who have lived a very dignified life,

a life of solidarity towards others,

a life of compassion towards fellow man.

This type of material is what these humanities are interested in rescuing.

Venerable Master, we are witnessing at this time,

a person who is informed a little

on how global events stand,

of astonishing things that are happening, they are inventing

hypersonic missiles, spectacular war vessels,

as well as missiles that go to the bottom of the sea at impressive speeds,

weapons, planes, tools

or military weapons that are really terrible, frightful,

in short, we are a bit alarmed at the speed that this is going at

and all the countries are in a terrible race to arm themselves

and also to invent terrible weapons that other countries do not have.

Where can

all this take humanity if we continue with this dynamic?

Well, the conclusion we can reach from the current state of affairs at a global level,

is that we are inevitably headed towards massive self-destruction

because the facts are speaking for themselves,

not only is nature turned upside down.

But humankind has already fallen into a warlike delirium

and within this warlike delirium, there are very sinister plans,

North Korea, for example, just said a few days ago

that it already has the capacity to attack any country of the world

and they were celebrating it, this is comical

but they were celebrating it and the news showed these characters celebrating

the creation of inter-continental atomic missiles,

with which they could reach any country in the world;

as if they had discovered the eighth wonder of the world.

One has to add to this that the others

or the other powers like Russia, the United States, England,

who have always wanted to flex their military muscle as well,

do not want to be left behind.

So, as you were saying, more and more lethal weapons are invented each day

to destroy the greatest amount of people and nations.

This is what those weapons are designed for,

they are not obtained or designed to kill a mosquito,

they are designed to cause the greatest possible harm

and the psychological aggregate of politicians

who manufacture these things

or who allow or order the manufacturing of these things

is cold, they do not care at all about what happens to others.

In conclusion, as no one cares about anyone,

at any moment we will find ourselves caught up in the famous Armageddon

referred to in the Bible, in the Holy Gospels.

And curiously, Armageddon

many have placed it in the Middle East of our world

and this is where the most dangerous focal point resides

and which can give rise to global conflagration.

What is that focal point? Syria, but Syria is right next to Iran,

is next to Jordan, is almost next to Israel

and there is a lot of hatred among these nations that I have just mentioned

and behind that hatred are the great powers,

each one ready to help in that hatred those that they favour:

the United States to Israel, Russia to Iran and Syria,

China to help the nations

who do not want to make a pact with the United States in the Sea of China

or in the South China Sea.

Then the chessboard is already in place

and each power has already started to move its pieces.

And what can we do?

We have no choice but to await events

and be prepared for whatever comes.

Some will say: «No, they are not going to enter in this country».

As of now there is no safe country anywhere in the world,

because what is not threatened with missiles,

is threatened with submarines, and there are hundreds

in the waters of our oceans

that we share with all the countries of the world.

There are atomic bombs already in the possession

of countries who should not have them, because they do not even have enough for food,

like Pakistan and India.

They do not have money to feed their citizens,

but they do have the atomic bomb.

The same is happening in North Korea,

the society of North Korea is starved

and repressed by a tyrant,

they suffer terribly, but they have the atomic bomb.

This show us the irrationality of the I. The I is this way,

the I is inept, irrational,

the I does not foresee the consequences of what that may cause

and moreover, it does not give a hoot.

We have no choice but to

intensify our psychological work,

intensify our sacrifice for humanity,

intensify our alchemy and refine it as much as possible;

in short, transmute ourselves into true Gnostics,

into true lovers of Gnosis and then, maybe, just maybe

for this little group of people who want to work on themselves

there will be another prospect. That is all.

Many thanks, Master, for these explanations.

We have come to the end of this interview,

we could talk to you for days about many psychological topics

or social topics or political topics,

like the one you just talked to us about, which is very interesting,

but this is the time that we had for this interview and our time is up.

We hope that time will allow us to do more interviews with you

because that will mean that we are still here

and that there are the necessary circumstances to be able to do them.

Would you like to add anything else

as your final words in

the final part of this interview ?

Yes, I would like to say to all of humanity that

the time has come for man to re-discover himself,

that we will find nothing outside of ourselves

for our own spiritual redemption.

Everything is within us.

The only thing that Gnosis offers are tools,

tools, instruments to reach that self-redemption,

but the work must be done by each one.

In Gnosis, we do not have

gurus who are imposing whimsical things on us,

in Gnosis, any person

can enter when they want and exit when they want.

Gnosis is not interested at all

in the wealth that any person who

wants to join our studies may have, that is their life,

that is their problem.

What does interest Gnosis is

that all of us who are part of it,

develop within us the neccesary values

in order to be called Real Men and Real Women,

true creations of that which we call God.

This is our only interest.

And I give thanks for the patience of all those who have organized this interview

and all the persons who follow our studies

in the various latitudes of our world,

we send them an embrace

and our firm promise that we are with them

in this harsh internal and external battle that we are fighting.

A million thanks.

Inverential Peace!

Very well, friends,

in this way we conclude this interview of V.M. Kwen Khan Khu,

there is wisdom here that the Venerable Master has expressed

in his name and in the name of the Blessed White Lodge.

So, on our part

we simply encourage all students of Gnosis,

all brothers, friends, and companions who try to live this path

to redouble their efforts and keep fighting and working

to enable us to make Gnosis great, an AGEAC strong and profound

and spread the Gospel to the many souls that need it

on all the continents of this Earth. Many thanks.

Many thanks, Master.

Many thanks to you.

For more infomation >> V.M. Kwen Khan Khu: Revelations of Gnosis // Interview N13 (with Subtitles) - Duration: 1:46:04.


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🔴✅Enterate de los Beneficios del MANGO: Cuando sepas esto Querras comer MANGO Siempre - Duration: 3:44.

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So far this edition of easy remedies 24 do not forget to share this

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this video subscribe to our channel activates the notification bell and

especially let us your opinion in the comment box of this video see you

in a next edition thank you very much yes


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