Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 31 2018

very well you bought a new phone with new number but you do not want whatsapp

again you want your old whatsapp where you have all your friends

to your friends

your family groups

etcetera keep looking I tell you how bring your old whatsapp to your new


to change our whatsapp first what do we have to do

to open our whatsapp once inside of whatsapp we press the three

dots that are in the corner top right and we go to the option

of adjustments within the settings option we're going

to the account option do not worry if I go very fast on the sides of the

I'll see the steps and good once inside the account menu here

comes the option that we seek to be call change number too

descriptive truth well, we press the option to change

of number and here it appears to us that a information notice about what is going to

happen when we change number as that for example all the chats that

we have and all the whatsapp groups that we have are going to stay in our

new whatsapp to the number that we migrate now we press the button that says

next in the upper right corner

and this is the most important step here we have to enter the previous number

the one that we no longer want to use the one that no longer we are going to use for whatsapp and we have to

enter the new number as well still in which we are not using

whatsapp but let's pass the whatsapp

now nothing else we do that we enter the

previous number and the new number one Once done that we press the button that

says ok is the one that is up in the Right upper corner

after pressing ok whatsapp we will send an SMS to our new

phone number that we enter in sms comes a code to verify that

we really are the owners of that number but do not worry you guys do not

they will have to enter the sms and see the code and paste it there thanks to

we have given him all the permissions to whatsapp that you have access

to all our private information, he it will automatically read our sms

and will detect the code and he he's going to copy it and he's going to hit it for you

here on whatsapp and that's it, that's all if it's easy and this is all that is

you need to do to change your number whatsapp very easy true if you liked

the video like it and subscribe too and do not forget to click on the little bell

of notifications like this are not going to lose any of my videos until


For more infomation >> Change Number of Whatsapp | Without Losing Conversations or Contacts - Duration: 3:25.


Além de ter ossos fortes, o cálcio pode ajudar você a perder peso - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> Além de ter ossos fortes, o cálcio pode ajudar você a perder peso - Duration: 10:58.


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For more infomation >> Demain nous appartient : le résumé de l'épisode 258 - Duration: 6:13.


Terceiro episódio de Canta Comigo terá muita surpresa - Duration: 2:29.

Na próxima quarta-feira (1°), Canta Comigo, o reality show que está encantando o Brasil com apresentações magnificas, vai ao ar às 22h30, e promete trazer um terceiro episódio repleto de momentos únicos e especiais

Cá entre nós, vamos combinar que existem alguns sucessos que são marcas registradas nos grandes karaokês de todo o mundo,ou até mesmo nas rodas de cantoria entre amigos

Por exemplo, Evidências, de Chitãozinho e Xororó, It's Raining Men, sucesso das pistas de dança desde 1980

Os participantes do programa, que variam entre cantores profissionais e amadores, aproveitarão deste detalhe para tentar embalar os jurados e atingir os maiores resultados no decorrer da apresentação

O programa, que é apresentado por Gugu Liberato, está trazendo situações bem inusitadas, o que está tornando cada episódio imperdível

Exemplo disso, é pensar que no terceiro capítulo um estudante e uma cozinheira tentarão impressionar o painel de jurados

No primeiro episódio, passaram para a semifinal a cantora paulista Francine Môh e o aposentado, da baixada santista Evandro Moura

Já a representante comercial Naheda Beydoun, natural de Berlim, na Alemanha, já está na final, justamente por ter conseguido levantar os cem jurados

No segundo episódio, os semifinalistas classificados foram a faxineira Cristiane de Paula, de Minas Gerais e a cantora e atriz de Rondônia Cyz Mendes

For more infomation >> Terceiro episódio de Canta Comigo terá muita surpresa - Duration: 2:29.


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For more infomation >> Ces 8 signes indiquent la présence de toxines dans votre corps - Duration: 7:21.


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For more infomation >> Este hambúrguer veggie de quinoa e espinafre agrada crianças e adultos - Duration: 5:53.


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For more infomation >> Veja a melhor forma de preparar feijões e grãos; e abuse deles no inverno - Duration: 8:43.


Leyendas Mexicanas EBR - Huay Chivo - Chivo Brujo - (Yucatan, México) - Leyendas de Terror - - Duration: 5:44.

Mexican Legends EBR

Huay Chivo - Chivo Brujo

This legend is originally from Yucatán

and despite having a lot of time is remembered every time that there are unexplained phenomena

throughout its municipalities

the main affected

they are cattle ranchers and owners of poultry farms

which hold that this infernal entity

continues to cause terror and losses in their own lands

Legend has it that for more than two centuries

Terror invaded the retired communities of Yucatan

when they began to be victims of a terrible beast called

Huay Chivo - Chivo Brujo

its origin was almost forgotten

except with the stories that several generations of inhabitants have

where it is said that a child

was born with special powers

in its early years

I could heal animals just by touching them and making large gardens just by walking around the place

the child of very humble origin

he never had any special treatment from his parents

so from an early age

he worked in the family garden

planting vegetables that he later sold to the errands that passed near his town

later this child would be known as Huay Chivo

a beast half man and half kid

being this animal for a supposed pact with the devil

which was trapped in that way throughout his life

this beast was ashamed of himself, for which he hid himself almost all day

in distant and dark places

and went out only at night to feed on animals from nearby farms

it is said that when this child became an adult he fell in love with a beautiful young woman

that happened in one of the many diligences that crossed his town

and while trying to start a conversation with her, the young woman went away and reproached her for her humble origin

in a mocking way he made her see that love was impossible if he did not have wealth and ancestry

the man was sad for a few days

However, that sadness became anger and anger, so he decided to go into the forest

to make a pact with the devil

when I was alone in the middle of the night

he began to invoke the devil

Suddenly a man approached him and told him your sorrows are of love

and I can not accept your soul

but if you give me your powers

I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life

close to her

to which immediately

he answered yes without thinking about the consequences

and without knowing that his beloved

he enjoyed country life with his goats and sheep

The treacherous devil made him a goat so he could spend the day near her

but he did not like it because she never noticed him and had a second encounter with the devil

where he asked him to undo the spell

the devil said that that was not part of the deal and with a mocking laugh

who said it would help

making this young

it will be with half the body similar to a goat and the other lower half with a human body

and doing this

disappeared and never saw him again

It is said that this beast

It has a large size

and that lives in the humid forests of Yucatan since then

and they assure that he is still alive

because the breeders are still witnessing strange deaths in their cattle

where large footprints have been seen with claws

marks of fangs like a wolf that tear the skin and suck the fluids of cattle as well as

strange disappearances

of farm animals

many people have gone into the forest at night in the hope of capturing it

however despite the attempts

they have never achieved it

although they have got evidence of the existence of this beast

which is still hovering around houses and farms

causing a great impression to the people who manage to see it

and you

you've seen some strange creature with humanoid form

Share your experience below in the comments Thank you

Mexican Legends EBR

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