Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 29 2018

Skype Satsang with Mooji

What Remains After the Invitation? 21-04-2018

Paty do Alferes, Brazil

[Mooji] Here we go.

[Skype call sound]

[Mooji] Nice base, eh? [laughter]

[Gautam] Hello, Guruji!

[Mooji] Namaste, namaste, Gautam, Ricardo,

and all the beautiful friends who have come together today.

I am very, very happy to be here.

[Translator] Namaste. [Sangha] Namaste.

[translation into Portuguese]

[Mooji] Yes.

[Gautam] Yes. We are so happy, Guruji,

and so honoured to receive your call.

It is such a blessing for us, Guruji.

We are on a five-day retreat here,

and we are watching Sahaja Express, Silent Sittings in the morning,

and tomorrow we're going to watch the Sunday Satsang live.

[Mooji] Yes. [Gautam] Thank you so much.

[Mooji] Very good. [Gautam] I love you so much.

[Mooji] I love you so much. Very good! [Mooji speaks Portugese]


[Mooji] So good, so good. I am very happy to see you.

Does everybody speak English though? [translation]

[Sangha] No. [Gautam] Not everyone.

[Mooji] OK. Jaya is here to help me.


[Mooji] Yes, yes, yes. So wonderful.


[Sangha] Yes. Wonderful.

[Ricardo] For us it is really an honour to have you here.

We are in service to you and to Truth, so this is just a blessing.

[Mooji] Yes. Thank you. I am very happy!

I am very happy to have this moment with you.


[Sangha] We are too. [laughter]

[Mooji] Wonderful.

[Sangha friend] Guruji, this place is already very blessed

with your presence here. It is amazing.

[Sangha friend] It feels like we are in ... [Skype call interference]

[Mooji] We are having some difficulty.

[Mooji] Because the internet is not so good, I think more on your side,


[Mooji] I feel we make use of this


[Mooji] and just keep things short and exact.


[Mooji] It is good.


[Voice in sangha] You guide us.


[Mooji] What did she say? [T.] 'You guide us', she said.

[Mooji] So, you have been working with The Invitation, no?


[Sangha] Yes.

[Mooji] And you don't as yet have the audio?


[Sangha] Yes. We do have it. [Mooji] You have the audio. Achaa.

[Ricardo] Yes, we played the audio just before the Skype call.

[Mooji] Very good. [translation]

[Mooji] OK.

So when you have completed The Invitation,

the listening, and then it is finished -

the listening is finished, the guidance is finished -


[Mooji] and now? What remains now?


[Mooji] Can you hear me? Because the image has frozen again.


[Mooji] I will continue, no? [translation]

[Ricardo] Yes, please. [Mooji] Yes.

[Mooji] So when you finish listening to The Invitation,

or finish reading the book,


[Mooji] you put these away now,


[Mooji] then what remains in you? What is here now, in you?


[Questioner] What remains is space,


[Q.] joy,


[Q.] and silence.


[Mooji] Yes. And are you someone who is experiencing these?

Or is the sense of your self as a person very weak or non-existent?


[Mooji] So that, space and peace and silence

are not belonging to someone, they are just what is.


[Mooji] Yes.

[Q.] Yes. Yes, that is how it feels now,

[Q.] that there is silence, joy and peace,

[Q.] and the person appears very weak in it.


[Mooji] Yes. And what I am saying here,

is that the silence, the space, and the peace are like your perfume.


[Mooji] And they are your Self, also. [translation]

[Mooji] Yes. You see? [Q.] Yes.

[Mooji] Because normally, we feel these things

as though it is the mind that is experiencing all these things.

Normally this is how we think,

that it is the mind's experience that we are having.


[Mooji] But both the mind and the person are very small now.


[Mooji] Yes. [Q.] Yes.

[Mooji] So this is your natural state.


[Q.] Yes. Thank you.

[Mooji] OK. Now, the mind energy, the sense of the person,

will come back, will seem to grow again.


[Mooji] It may come like it is increasing in size and power.


[Mooji] But you remember that you are infinite!


[Q.] Yes. [Mooji] Yes.

[Mooji] But this should not just be a belief.


[Mooji] Don't try to define yourself.


[Mooji] Then you are like this intelligent space,


[Mooji] that has no boundaries.


[Mooji] Your eyes are everywhere.


[Mooji] So even the sense of the person and the mind are easily perceived.


[Mooji] But they are only a movement in the unmoving awareness.


[Mooji] From the mind can come the feeling that ...

it may say something to you like,

'This is not finished' and 'How can you keep this?' and so on.


[Mooji] It wants you to identify as a person again.


[Mooji] If you don't identify as a person again,


[Mooji] its power is going to fade,

the power of the mind and person is going to just fade again.


[Mooji] If you believe you are a person listening to your mind,


[Mooji] then it will feel as though you have lost the Infinite.


[Mooji] The Infinite is not a separate experience

that you as a person are having.


[Mooji] The mind cannot know the Infinite.


[Mooji] Only the Infinite can know the Infinite.


[Mooji] You are already complete. [translation]

[Q.] Thank you, Guruji. [laughter]

[Mooji] Yes. But the mind will try to get you to doubt this.


[Mooji] But you did not create completeness. [translation]

[Mooji] You are only discovering it.


[laughter] [Mooji] You see?

[Mooji] But don't underestimate the mind's cunningness.


[Mooji] Because it can only trick you


[Mooji] when you doubt what you see,


[Mooji] when you start to believe again that you are merely the person.


[Mooji] Then automatically you will feel divided and separated


[Mooji] from the real. [translation]

[Mooji] This is a delusion. [translation]

[Mooji] It is very subtle. [translation]

[Q.] Yes. [Mooji] Yes.

[Mooji] I want to give another example. Are you ready for it?

[Sangha] Yes!

[Mooji] Recently, someone stood up in Satsang,


[Mooji] a man, and he said,

'Yesterday it was perfect when at the end of The Invitation

I realised the Is-ness, the completeness'.


[Mooji] 'But today, it is gone.'



[Mooji] So I said, But yesterday you said, 'Where can it go?'


[Mooji] Where can the Infinite go?


[Mooji] If the Infinite leaves, then it is not infinite.


[Mooji] So what has happened then? [translation]

[Mooji] Then I explained. [translation]

[Mooji] Something inside says, 'I want to be totally true'.


[Mooji] But there is a little fear inside this. [translation]

[Mooji] We don't recognise that there is a seed of fear inside us.


[Mooji] Because as we are coming into the fullness of our recognition,


[Mooji] there is a fear that we might disappear.


[Q.] Yes. I can feel this now.

[Mooji] Yes. So listen to what happened. [translation]

[Mooji] In a very subtle way, [translation]

[Mooji] it is like we tie a rope around ourself,


[Mooji] and we tie the other end to what we think is the finite,


[Mooji] just in case, when we go into the Infinite,


[Mooji] we decide we don't like it, [translation]

[Mooji] so we have a contact to pull ourself back into the finite.


[Mooji] It is very, very subtle! [translation]

[M.] So that when the experience, when the seeing of the fullness happens,


[Mooji] this seed of fear is also present.


[Mooji] And this man also agreed.


[Mooji] Because he said, 'When I realised the Self, when I saw This',


[Mooji] 'in my mind I said, "I don't want anymore help from anybody".'


[Mooji] "I want to do this myself." [translation]

[Mooji] And instantly he became a self again!


[Mooji] It is like he became a seeker again

who is deciding that he wants to do the seeking himself

and to discover the Ultimate by himself.


[Mooji] So he kept the feeling of duality in him, [translation]

[Mooji] and stayed as a person,

who wanted to discover the Infinite by himself.


[Mooji] But in the pure experience, the person is not needed.


[Mooji] Do you understand this? [Sangha] Yes.

[Mooji] It is very important to really take a little time

to reflect on what I am speaking.


[Mooji] Because the mind will come up again

to remind you that you are a person who has found this thing.


[Mooji] And then you will start to practise to keep it.


[Mooji] Whereas the fact is, you are it!


[Mooji] So, many people, through the pure experience,

have discovered the Truth.


[Mooji] But they fell back into delusion,


[Mooji] because ultimately there was a little fear

that they didn't want to lose themselves.


[Mooji] But what you could lose is not your self.


[Mooji] So these are subtle things that I ask people,

Be aware of this, because the mind will come


[Mooji] to give you the sense that you have lost [translation]

[Mooji] that which you can never actually lose. [translation]

[Mooji] And we will believe it, because that is our bad habit.


[Mooji] And we will believe it into existence.


[Mooji] And the mind will take it as that is the experience,


[Mooji] that you have lost something. [translation]

[Mooji] But is any of this the experience of the Is-ness itself?


[Mooji] Is it the What-Is or the Is-ness

that is experiencing the sense of failure?


[Q.] No. [Mooji] No.

[Mooji] It is coming again from the mind, [translation]

[Mooji] from the past, from a habit. [translation]

[Mooji] This is why I advise,

Just stay in the natural experience of the Self.


[Mooji] Don't try to solve it mentally.


[Mooji] Just stay in the grace of that seeing.


[Mooji] That is your loyalty.


[Mooji] And like this, you will continue deepening in that.


[Mooji] And deepening means that

[Mooji] the ability to think that you have lost it [translation]

[Mooji] disappears gradually. [translation]

[Mooji] Do you understand this? [translation]

[Sangha] Yes!

[Mooji] Don't worry about what you will do in the future.


[Mooji] You don't have to worry about anything if you stay as this!


[Mooji] Then if something needs to happen, [translation]

[Mooji] you will spontaneously and intuitively know.


[Mooji] Trust this. [translation]

[Sangha] Yes.

[Mooji] The person is always full of decision-making.


[Mooji] But the Essence doesn't have to decide anything.


[Mooji] Everything flows from the Essence as grace and happiness.


[Mooji] So this is the heart of my message. [translation]

[Mooji] If you follow it, you will experience unbroken happiness.


[Mooji] But the mind has a tendency to raise doubts,


[Mooji] resistance, insecurity and fear.


[Mooji] But that was your nightmare,


[Mooji] your dream, not your truth.


[Mooji] Everything will unfold in a natural way.


[Mooji] You don't have to try and push the river. [translation]

[Mooji] Just let it flow.


[Mooji] Life is not what you witness outside.


[Mooji] Life is what you experience in your heart.


[Mooji] Mind is always trying to interpret what you see.

[Mooji] But it is interpreting on behalf of personhood.


[Mooji] The mind thinks, but the heart knows.


[Mooji] Heart is your Self. [translation]

[Mooji] Mind is your imagination. [translation]

[Mooji] You choose. [translation]

[Mooji] It is OK that sometimes you cannot find your mind.


[Mooji] If you stay in your heart,

the mind is losing its appeal.


[Mooji] It is losing its influence. [translation]

[Mooji] It is losing its power. [translation]

[Mooji] But in the early stages of your awakening,


[Mooji] sometimes we have some expectations about the awakened state.


[Mooji] Let go of those expectations also. [translation]

[Mooji] Just be. Stay mentally empty.


[Mooji] That does not make you into a fool.


[Mooji] You will be very, very surprised to discover


[Mooji] that as you stay in the emptiness and silence of your Being,


[Mooji] you observe that life flows,


[Mooji] that life takes care of life, [translation]

[Mooji] it is not your mind, not your person.


[Mooji] What you are discovering today,


[Mooji] is that you are entering from death to life itself.


[Mooji] In a while, you will not need anybody to confirm it for you.


[Mooji] Only if you go back to the old poisonous identity ...


[Mooji] Although there is a strong tendency

to be distracted from your original state,


[Mooji] I encourage you to just pay attention

and simply just be with the grace of your seeing.


[Mooji] Don't be holding on to many concepts. [translation]

[Mooji] In fact, don't hold on to any concepts, [translation]

[Mooji] not even the 'I' concept.


[Mooji] This should not be hard work for you.


[Mooji] But you must have that resolve inside your heart.


[Mooji] If you stay like this, [translation]

[Mooji] you will instinctively know that you are timeless.


[Mooji] You don't have to do anything to be happy. [translation]

[Mooji] Your Being is happiness itself.


[Mooji] I will only ever remind you of this.


[Mooji] I don't have to teach you many things. [translation]

[Mooji] But you must discover the one thing you need to find out.


[Mooji] And you have discovered it today.


[Q.] Thank you very much.

[Mooji speaks Portuguese]

[Mooji] If I find beings whose minds and hearts are receptive

to this kind of guidance,


[Mooji] this is already auspicious.


[Mooji] Then you will receive the grace from the Truth.

And it will support your awakening,


[Mooji] and protect you from the evil attacks of the mind.


[Q.] Yes, thank you! Yes, yes. [Mooji] Yes.

[Mooji] Meanwhile, my heart stays with you.


[Sangha] Thank you! [Mooji] Thank you, thank you, thank you.

[Mooji] Love you, love you, love you! [Sangha] We love you, Guruji!

[Mooji] Love you, love you, love you.

[Q.] We are going to put the image on.

[Mooji] Yes, it was our idea too.


[Sangha] Thank you, Guruji!

[Sangha] We love you! [Mooji] Love you, love you, love you!

[Mooji] I am very happy today,


[Mooji] having shared this moment with you.


[Q.] We are also. It is such a blessing! [Mooji] Yes.


[Q.] Thank you.

[Mooji] Keep inside your heart


[Mooji] this attitude and this resolve,


[Mooji] 'I am born for freedom!'


[Sangha] Yes!

[Mooji] Then everything is good. [translation]

[Mooji] If there are any of you, when I connect with you again,

who are struggling,


[Mooji] then you must come forward. Don't keep it a secret.


[Mooji] Sometimes you have to fight to win yourself back


[Mooji] from the delusions created in the person.


[Mooji] The person, although it is also consciousness,


[Mooji] is only the idea you have of who you are.


[Mooji] Now you are beginning to discover

the fullness of your true nature.


[Mooji] You are not going to create this.

You are going to keep on discovering.


[Mooji] Sometimes I say it is like a fruit

that keeps getting sweeter and sweeter,


[Mooji] but never becomes over-sweet.


[Mooji] Your life will become like this.


[Q.] Yes. [Mooji] Yes. Even as you are now in the heart.

[Q.] I am already experiencing it.

[Mooji] You are experiencing it. It is true. Yes. [translation]

[Mooji] You are experiencing it and confirming it also.

[Mooji] Naturally. [translation]

[Mooji] OK. Can you still hear us?


[Sangha] Yes! [laughter]

[Mooji] Whenever we go into form, we have trouble.

When we go formless, we are fine.


[Mooji] So, thank you. We are going to leave it like this for now.


[Mooji] Can they hear? [Translator asks if they are still connected]

[Q.] Yes, we are. [Mooji] That is good.

[Sangha] Thank you, Guruji.

[Mooji] Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you, love you, love you.

[Sangha] Love you, love you, love you! [T.] Thank you.

[Q.] Love you so much.

[Mooji] Love you so much. Love you so much.

[Q.] So much.

[Mooji] So, Jai Brazil Sangha! [Sangha] Jai!

[Sangha] Moojibaba ki Jai!


[Q.] So much love.

[Mooji speaks Portuguese]

[Skype broken-connection noises]

[Mooji] That is Brazilian laughter. [laughter]

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No part of this recording may be reproduced

without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.

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