These news anchors were really creepy on live TV.
From awkward behavior to inappropriate jokes, they weren't exactly living up to their most
professional standards.
Was no one paying attention for all these years?
Sometimes being creepy is a team effort.
Like in this example from Canadian SportsCentre, when Pierre McGuire's director apparently
told him to really scooch up next to his fellow reporter as awkwardly as possible.
And then that co-anchor said the perfect setup to a joke so stupid and juvenile, there's
no way McGuire could resist blurting it out.
"Um, but he had mentioned he's a defensemen with a long stick, is this a guy that's gonna
be traded though?"
"You're an announcer with a long stick from time to time."
"Eh, big mouth."
It's really the "from time to time" part of that comment that makes the skin crawl, as
if McGuire keeps track of his coworker's ebbs and flows.
Jesse Watters has a reputation as Fox News' frat boy pundit, but he's somehow managed
to maintain an actual career as a newscaster.
He didn't do much to change that reputation when he made a crude joke about First Daughter
Ivanka Trump in response to her appearance at a women's panel in Germany.
He went into a diatribe about respecting women, but then ended it with a comment that sounded
like he was referencing oral pleasure.
"So I don't really get what's going on here but uh I really like how she was speaking
into that microphone"
Watters came under fire, but he denied that his comment about Trump was crude, instead
claiming he was celebrating how her voice sounded like a "smooth jazz radio DJ."
But that creepy smile of his would seem to suggest otherwise.
Some guys just can't take a hint, like Good Morning New York anchor Greg Kelly, who was
repeatedly scolded for ogling a fellow reporter on the air, but he just didn't seem to care.
While reporting from a local water park, Anna Gilligan was wearing a bikini.
She was just trying to get through the segment with her dignity intact, but Kelly was determined
to make sure that wouldn't happen.
Gilligan was going to dry off and put some clothes on, but Kelly kept dragging the segment
on with awkward chit-chat.
"Hold on a second!
No not so fast Anna let's uh let's uh let's see uh this is in New Jersey right?"
"Be nice."
"How long is the trip oh wait a second..."
"I think that's smart, Anna go dry off we'll see you in a little bit."
"What is wrong with you?"
"Just relax."
When someone says they want to go put some clothes on, you should let them go put some
clothes on, no questions asked.
Glenn Beck is known for a lot of things: spinning conspiracy theories, crying on the air, and
generally being too crazy for even Fox News.
Yet few seem to remember the time he straight-up asked one of his guests if he could see her
Us Weekly reporter Dina Sansing was on Beck's Headline News show in 2007 to discuss the
leak of nude pictures of American Idol contestant Antonella Barba.
While the pundit was probably counting on some graphic details coming up, there's no
way she could have known Beck would offer to help her take some racy pictures of her
"Dina, I've got some time and a camera why don't you stop by?...No!
Ok umm…"
That's the sort of juvenile joke that would've probably gotten Beck fired if he tried to
pull it off today.
We all know Matt Lauer is a creep now, but back in 2012 he was still one of the most
beloved names in news.
That may be why he was given so much benefit of the doubt when he basically ambushed Anne
Hathaway during an interview on The Today Show.
He did so by bringing up a salacious photograph of the actress that had been making the rounds.
"Let's just get it out of the way you had a little wardrobe malfunction, the other night,
what's the lesson learned from something like that, other than that you keep smiling, which
you always do"
Lauer's condescending tone made it sound like he was implying that Hathaway was somehow
at fault for someone invading her privacy, and he even seemed to be looking for an apology
from her.
It was baffling at the time, but not so much anymore in light of the all the misconduct
allegations that have come out against him.
It's not exactly reassuring when a news anchor informs his viewers that they're about to
But that's exactly what Shepard Smith did as Hurricane Matthew barreled toward the Florida
coast back in 2016.
"And you and everyone you know are dead.
All of you."
"And your kids die, too."
Smith was certainly correct that Florida residents needed to evacuate for their own safety.
That's true in the case of any major hurricane.
The problem is that he was just a little too blunt with his warning.
But then he sounded even more sociopathic when he described how the weather could interfere
with his own personal plans.
"If too many of you perish they'll send me down there, and I need to go to this wedding,
Here's hoping that all the news anchors of the world start acting a little classier as
soon as possible.
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