Hello, this is Risa from Anjurisa Welcome to my channel
In this video, I will show you how to make this handmade fabric flower
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Prepare a flower petal shape, any petal shape is fine as long as it has round petal
Cut the flower shape
and this is the shape that I used to make this flower
Next, use a marker to draw the shape to a beverage can
Like this
The beverage can will be a little difficult to cut, so I use larger scissors
This will be our template
Prepare the fabric, I use crepe fabric for this flower
This fabric has a unique texture as you can see
Heat up the soldering iron and start cutting with the template we just made
If you haven't watched my tutorial about cutting fabric using a soldering iron, you can see the description below
This is the shape that I use for this flower
Now, I will show you how to stiffen the fabric
Prepare fabric stiffener, paper towels, and tweezers
Dip the fabric like this
Place the fabric on several layers of paper towels
I leave the fabric dry by placing it in front of a fan about 10 to 15 minutes
Now let's shape the fabric using another soldering iron
I use round tip like this
Press each petal and they will curl beautifully
Like this
Turn it over and press right at the center
You can see the shape is very nice
Add a dab of glue and fold the fabric in half
Make seven pieces of these petals and I will show you how to assemble this
Lay the fabrics on top of each other like this
Make another one with only three pieces
Prepare stamen or pistil
Place the stamen right at the center of the flower
Use hot glue to secure the stamen
To finish this, cut
and secure with hot glue
Our beautiful fabric flower is finished!
Thanks for watching, if you enjoy this fabric flower tutorial,
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