Greetings to everyone attending the 7th International Congress of Education and Learning!
Unfortunately, I cannot be there with you all
in Paris, France, the land of Deleuze and Guattari,
authors who inspired me to write the book:
Re-inventing Inclusion: The Challenges of Differences
in the Teaching and Learning Process",
a result of my postdoctoral research.
Since I'm couldn't be there
i would like to greet and thank the
the Congress Organization as well as
the Scientific Committee for granting me
the 3rd International Award for Practice in Education and Learning.
It is an honor for me to receive
this appreciation from all of you.
Thank you very much!
Difference is not just a quality
or feature of some people.
The difference belongs to humankind.
Therefore, we must consider
it as an important element
during the inclusion process
egardless of their singularities,
origins, race, gender, religion, borders.
I truly hope that difference,
which is our greatest feature as humans,
in addition to love, the "amor mundi" (love of the world),
the one that has no borders,
may influence all of us
to create more positive results for new methodologies,
to develop new approaches and
a wide understanding about humankind
starting from the idea that
education is a right that is entitled to every citizen.
I would like to dedicate this work
to all of you at the congress
and also to all the children, immigrants,
and every person that is part of this "minority" group.
And I also would like to dedicate
this work to our former president Lula,
the person who invested the most
in the social inclusion of the less fortunate citizens
here in Brazil.
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