In this episode, we cover Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE,
highlight new tax benefits for deployed CAF members,
and present a special Bravo Zulu to Leading Seaman William Hull
for his 474th blood donation.
Welcome back to Defence Team News.
I'm Captain Jean-François Lambert.
And I'm Shannon Albert.
Here's what's going on in Defence for the week of May 29th.
On May 14, approximately 5000 personnel from Canada
and four other nations officially began Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE 2017
at the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre in Wainwright, Alberta.
The exercise is the Canadian Army's largest,
most comprehensive Canadian Army training event of the year
with additional participation from the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Ending today, it culminates a busy, progressive training schedule
that began almost a year ago.
Upon completing training on this exercise,
Task Force Tomahawk, based out of Petawawa,
will demonstrate their high-readiness and their ability to operate
anywhere in the world through decisive land and air power.
This task force will assume its responsibilities
as the Army's high readiness brigade on July 1.
The Government recently announced that all Canadian Armed Forces
personnel deployed on international operations
will be exempt from federal income taxes.
This tax relief would apply up to and including the pay level
of Lieutenant-Colonel and also to police officers
deployed on international operational missions.
This announcement comes as part of the changes and new measures
included in Canada's soon-to-be-released Defence Policy.
Leading Seaman William Hull, a 50-year-old Naval Communicator
with Base Information Services,
made his 474th blood donation at CFB Esquimalt on April 10.
Despite a self-proclaimed phobia of needles,
Leading Seaman Hull`s realization that each time
he might be helping someone in need
has allowed him to reach this incredibly altruistic milestone.
After his first donation at the Canadian Red Cross
in St. John's, Newfoundland in 1984
he has made 209 White Blood Donations and 264 Platelet Donations.
Bravo Zulu, Leading Seaman Hull!
For more information about upcoming blood donor clinics
and the process of giving blood,
please visit the Canadian Blood Services website at www.Blood.ca
That's it for us. Thank you so much for watching.
See you next time…
for Defence Team News!
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