Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

Welcome back guys!

Today's game was at this awesome jungle field

The contacts are in the description in case you want to go there

Today's game was rainy.


it's becomming a normal thing on the channel

We are going to sneak their base from this side

and flank them. Let's see how this goes.

RADIO: Hudson here. Is there any of our guys on the back of the field?

RADIO: Because I see movement towards you guys

watch your back buddy

came from up there

fall back

let's go low


above us

over there. I see something

It's ours?

the guy with desert cammo

Looks like Sanches

got him

is there anyone with me?


I'm moving

take my position

are you with someone?

I'm moving

I'm going down to the village

It's getting a little hard to see the ball because it's a blue one.

After that one ends I'll get another with a bright color. Promise.

Shit!. Thanks for catching me.

I'm going up

I'm on the middle of the field

I'm tired

Don't know where to go

I'm going down there

Contact in front of you.

did it fail?

No. Lot's of smoke ..

*taking a stucked branch out of my mask

at this moment I took a shot and I'm gone.

That's it for today guys. Like, comment and share it!

See you guys next week!

For more infomation >> Overgrown ► Vietnam | Real Action Paintball | Milsim | Cães de Guerra - Duration: 13:09.


L'huître Malpèque de Bayview | ON EST LES MEILLEURS - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> L'huître Malpèque de Bayview | ON EST LES MEILLEURS - Duration: 3:01.


Kombina | Confira como ficou o vestido de noiva da Paula! - 27 de maio de 2017 - Duration: 25:19.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Confira como ficou o vestido de noiva da Paula! - 27 de maio de 2017 - Duration: 25:19.


Kombina | Aprenda a fazer uma linda boneca de feltro com Kakal Silva - 27 de maio de 2017 - Duration: 15:25.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Aprenda a fazer uma linda boneca de feltro com Kakal Silva - 27 de maio de 2017 - Duration: 15:25.


TRAQUE VERTE - Lionel Astruc, postface de Vandana Shiva - Duration: 1:15.

Ce livre qui s'intitule Traque verte

est une enquête sur le meurtre d'un journaliste en Inde.

Il est écrit comme un roman, comme un thriller,

mais c'est une histoire vraie.

Il est difficile de croire que chaque fait que rapporte ce livre est vrai.

Il s'agit d'une tragédie

qui se déroule dans la forêt indienne : un jeune journaliste

lanceur d'alertes donne sa vie pour informer la société civile.

C'est l'histoire des dernières heures

du reporter Hem Chandra Pandey,

assassiné dans le contexte d'un vaste

pillage de ressources naturelles.

Cet accaparement des ressources nous concerne directement.

Le livre révèle ce que subissent les tribus

et l'environnement en Inde,

au nom de nos appareils électroniques :

ordinateurs, smartphones, etc.

Ces produits nous relient tous aux enjeux écologiques.

Ce livre ne vous est pas seulement destiné,

il s'adresse aussi à vos amis et à votre famille,

à tous ceux qui ne s'intéressent pas encore à l'écologie,

mais aimeront lire une histoire captivante

et découvrir les véritables enjeux de l'écologie.

Bonne lecture !

For more infomation >> TRAQUE VERTE - Lionel Astruc, postface de Vandana Shiva - Duration: 1:15.


Calculate P&L and Cost of a Forex Trade - Duration: 5:57.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to calculate the P&L and the cost of a trade based on the table of assets and spreads.

The table of assets and spreads can be found in the 'Execution conditions' section of the Darwinex website.

The columns you'll need to check out for this calculation are the following:

Pip value

Swap long

Swap short, and


Additionally, you'll need to know the number of contracts you are trading. The table indicates both the standard contract size ...

and the minimum tradeable size.

Now let's see how to calculate the trade's P&L based on pip value.

You can calculate the P&L of a trade by multiplying the pips gained or lost by the pip value and ...

the number of contracts.

A pip is the fourth decimal of the price of a currency pair with the exception of currency pairs ending ...

with JPY in which case the pip corresponds to the second decimal.

The value of a pip is determined by the second member of the currency pair, known as the counter or ...

quote currency, and has a fixed value in that currency.

For example, every currency pair that ends in USD (GBP/USD, AUD/USD, etc.) has a fixed value of $10 per pip ...

per standard lot. However, a currency pair that ends in GBP (such as EUR/GBP) has a fixed value of 10 ...

British pounds per pip per standard lot, and a currency pair that ends in CHF (such as USD/CHF) has a ...

constant value of 10 Swiss francs.

If you go long 1 standard lot in the AUDUSD - you buy 100.000 AUD- at 0.74497 and sell it ...

at 0.74989 (49.2 pips gained), the calculation would go as follows: pips gained/lost * pip value * number of contracts ...

= 49.2 * 10 * 1 = 492 USD

If, instead of 1 standard lot, you open a 0.01 lot , AKA a microlot, in the AUDUSD at exactly ...

the same price as the above mentioned example, which equals to buying 1000 AUD, the pips gained would have been ...

the same, 49.2 pips.

However, the number of the contract is 100 times smaller than in the case of 1 standard lot. Therefore, the ...

calculation would go as follows: 49.2 * 10 * 0.01 = 4.92 USD

When you do your calculation this way, the result you'll get will be the P&L in the quote currency (USD in the case of AUDUSD).

Another way of calculating P&L of a trade is based on price according to the formula

(close price - open price) / open price * nominal value of the trade.

In the second example mentioned with a microlot, the result would be: (0.74989 - 0.74497) / 0.74497 * 1000 AUD = 6.60 AUD

If you take this route, the P&L will be denominated on the base currency (AUD in the case of AUDUSD) ...

and not on the quote currency.

For displaying P&L of a trade in the MT4 terminal you may choose between points (1 pip = 10 points), ...

term currency (same as quote currency or the second part of the currency pair) or deposit currency.

'Profit' in MT4 does not include the cost of a trade. Only the amount that appears in bold in the ...

last row of of the 'Profit' column includes cost (commission and swap).

Now let's talk about the cost of a trade.

The cost of a trade consist of commission + swap.

As to commission, for currency pairs we charge 0.0025% of nominal value traded or a competitive 0.005% round trip.

The whole round trip commission gets charged at the opening of the trade and no additional commission is charged afterwards.

Calculating the commission is as easy as to multiply the number of contracts traded by the commission indicated in the ...

table of assets and spreads.

In the previous example using a microlot (0.01 lot), it´d go as follows: 0.01 * 5 AUD = 0.05 AUD.

If the AUD is not the base currency of your account, Darwinex would convert AUD into your base currency -EUR ...

in our example- at the current rate. Currently 0.05 AUD equals to 0.03 EUR as you can see on the screen.

Commission is always displayed in the deposit currency in the MT4 terminal.

As to swap, when holding on to positions for longer than a day, investors borrow a currency (on which interest ...

is payable) to invest in another (on which they earn interest). Net interest is settled on a daily basis at ...

21:00 UTC and it shows the difference between interest paid and earned. Swap settlement is positive whenever interest earned on ...

the invested currency exceeds interest on the borrowed currency - the investor gets paid. Swap is a cost whenever the ...

opposite is true. Darwinex passes its inter-bank funding costs on to customers without mark-up.

For calculating the swap to be charged for a trade in case of the trade remaining open upon daily market ...

rollover (21:00 UTC), use the following formula: swap as indicated in the table of assets and spreads * number of contracts.

The swap displayed in the MT4 terminal is the swap accumulated over the days the trade was open upon daily ...

market rollover but the rate charged each day is different. The swap for the current day can be checked out ...

in the the table of assets and spreads and is updated for the current day usually during the afternoon. Swap ...

is always displayed in the deposit currency in the MT4 terminal.

Swaps are charged daily at 21:00 UTC, in triple size on Fridays.

Happy investing and remember that Darwinex is an exchange, not an investment advisor.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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