Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 30 2017


So, something that I dreamed of doing with this channel is introduce people to what it

means to be DeafBlind.

Now, because it's new to me you are getting a kind of like, crash course in DeafBlindness,

as I get a crash course in DeafBlindness, and I'm making these videos kind of as I'm


So, they're very 'on the go'.

And something that I've really been struggling with since the onset of my hearing loss has

been socializing.

So today, I want to talk about some of the ways I've been dealing with this.

First, I did what everyone does when they are dealing with a sensory loss, and that

was to isolate myself.

I had just moved here to NJ so I didn't really know anybody.

So, going to events where I wasn't going to be able to see or hear people was truly terrifying

to me.

And I think I started to venture out sometime in August or September when I started to work

with an orientation and mobility instructor, who taught me how to cross streets safely

and get around with my new hearing loss.

And most of the social activities for a while I did with a friend of mine, who took ASL

with me last summer.

Shout out, by the way!

Because she's fantastic.

She's been a great support helping me socialize again.

And the last couple of months I've really been working on expanding my tiny social circle.

Now, I'll be honest, I do still have some anxiety when I do go certain places.

These places tend to be when there's going to be limited hearing potential for me.

So, if I go to an amusement park, or if I go to the beach, or something where there

is very low lighting, or difficult lighting, and there is poor hearing quality.

The anxiety only gets upped when I'm going with people who don't know American Sign Language

because my fallback communication isn't there, so that means I might have to rely on Print-on-Palm

or POP.

So, for me the hardest part of learning how to be DeafBlind has been navigating these

social settings and accommodating for myself.

Something I knew how to do as a blind person but not necessarily with the dual sensory


And, I'm not going to say that everyone is always going to be super accommodating, because

not all people are accommodating in all situations.

So, this week, I went outside of my comfort zone, and went to a friend's birthday party.

And where we were all going to go out for ice cream, and then go to a bowling alley.

Now, I know, that my friends are always willing to help me and are willing to accommodate

for me, but I also know that this is a birthday party where people might get drunk, where

there will be a lot of noise, where I wasn't going to be able to hear anything.

And, right now I still get very overwhelmed and very agitated if I am not able to keep

up with what's going on, and I'm still prone to having panic attacks in specific situations.


I kind of thought bowling might be one of them.

So, I decided that for ice cream I was going to be fine and just go with my friends, and

that for the second half I was going to seek out an SSP (or support service provider) to

go bowling with me and act as a communication support.

They know ASL so even though I couldn't hear, because the music and noise was overwhelming

my hearing aids, you know, I had an ASL person there to support me and help me communicate

with my friends, to tell me what the bowling scores were, to tell me who was up next, when

my turn was, who was doing what, what the group next to us was doing.

Just all of that little bit of information, my SSP was there to support me and to give

me that information.

I was really able to be present and there for my friend's birthday party, in a way that

I found meaningful, and I had fun!

And I'm so happy that I went!

When we experience a loss in a sense, or sudden onset of disability, you know, it's not a

marathon, it's not a sprint.

It's slowly increasing our ability to do things.

Now, I've managed to get to a point where I can maintain some, a lot of my work skills.

So, I can go into work settings, meetings and stuff like that.

And that's great for me.

And where the things that have lagged behind for me is really socializing.


You know what, that's ok.

If you are supporting somebody who is going through a sensory loss, and you are noticing,

"Oh, that's weird.

They're really good in this one area but they're still really anxious in this other area."

You know what, that happens.

There is going to be an uneven amount of confidence, because you can't work on everything all at


For me the big deal was getting back to employment, so of course that's what I worked on first.

Where-as socializing took a backseat.

So, you know what, if you are supporting somebody, be that support person for them.

If they say, "Hey this might be too much for me."

Don't push too hard.

If you think that they really can handle it, say, "You know what, I'm going to go with

you, we'll be there together."

Try to make it comfortable.

But don't push them.

Because eventually, it all evens out and it does get better!

I hope you liked this video!

Please remember to subscribe, like on Facebook, follow on Twitter.

All that jazz.

And I will see you later.

For more infomation >> Femme de Chem Chats Learning to Navigate a Social Life while DeafBlind - Duration: 5:23.


Sherlock Holmes. 30. El Caso De La Torre Eiffel. 1955. - Duration: 26:31.

For more infomation >> Sherlock Holmes. 30. El Caso De La Torre Eiffel. 1955. - Duration: 26:31.


Temer se enroca en la presidencia de Brasil pese al clamor de la calle - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Temer se enroca en la presidencia de Brasil pese al clamor de la calle - Duration: 6:02.


Brazing and Soldering - 604 HD Portable Torch plus MAP-Pro Cylinder - Duration: 11:38.

hello guys how are you??

My subject here today!

It is very good for you that works with refrigeration.

And need welding,

Copper pipes and fittings.

And also aluminum.

And sometimes even

Aluminum with copper

So I'll show you today!

This fantastic igniter torch here.


from Harris!


This gas cylinder here.

also from HARRIS colled MAP-Pro

Just how easy it is set up!

And use this torch here.

first you,

Thread here!

Go to the end

Here behind you,

Close the gas or open the gas.

Here you have

The button that is the ignitor

So here you lock it. Look it is locked

Guys, this torch here does not need a lighter.

No match needed to light

Because it's auto ignitor. (Lights up by itself)

Then unlocked here,

If you want to keep the flame burning

Just lockede here and the flame is on.

So just press here,

To turn off it, just press it again and it extinguish.

Sensational, okay!

Let's see how it works!

For aluminum brazing keep the

torch all the time in the "male" tube.

If you put the flame in the fitting becomes more difficult.

And it can melt.

For copper brazing with aluminum.

Keep the flame at all times in the

Copper, the male tube and the flame a bit

Away from the connection is enough to

heating the joint and make brazing.

Do not put the flame on the fitting.

When we brazing copper with aluminum

Remains a residue on the joint.

Which should not be removed. Why?

Because it protects the joint from galvanic corrosion!

Start by heating the tube first.

Applying the flame in the male tube

Very close to the conection

work with the flame around the joint

Alternating between the pipe and the fitting

Until both reach the brazing temperature.

Simultaneously before applying the weld metal.

the "filler rod"

When a flux is used,

Which is not the case here.

It will be a good temperature guide

Heat the entire joint until the flux stops bubbling

And become a clear liquid.

Move the torch from the joint inlet to the base of the fitting

The end of the fitting and around the joint,,

Heating equally, pipe and fitting

To maintain uniform heating in both parts.

Apply the filler rod

Depositing it in the gap between the pipe and the fitting

After the joint is properly heated

And brazing temperature

At that time, the flame may be deflected momentarily

to the tip of the filler metal,

To help start the melting process.

Always keep both the fitting and the tube heated

by playing the flame over the tube and the fitting as the brazing alloy is drawn into the joint.

The brazing alloy will diffuse into and completely

fill all joint areas

Do not continue feeding brazing alloy after the joint area is filled.

Excess fillets do not improve the quality of the braze and are a waste of material.

And the use here of the rectangular "Flat" rod reduces

External run off being more efficient and economical

Important!Does not overheat the joint.

Keep the connection and tube with even heating.

The flame will help start the melting of the weld metal

But should not be kept in contact with the "welding rod"

all the time

The heat of the joint, pipe and fitting is what to do

Weld metal run into the gap.

Well guys!

another very important information for you.


Provides this serviceman's guide here BRAZING

For Refrigeration and air conditioning

This Serviceman's guide it´s very well done

It has practical information here for you to do,


In copper to copper materials

Aluminum to aluminum, copper to aluminum

And types of consumables

Which "HARRIS" recommends to do this work.

So it's worth it to have this manual here, So good!

I'll leave the link for you, then ...

There in the video description

For you to click and request this manual here.

the HARRIS sends to you.

Well, again thank you very much for watching.

If you liked it click on "I liked"

If you are not subscribed to the channel please subscribe

And please also share with your friends there

To help the channel. Once again,

Many thanks and see you in the next video, God willing! bye!!

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