Ahoy thar, Legion!
Tis the Monday after a Devstream so ya know we gotta recap n review for ya!
Before I forget, the Banshee Prime access is ending this... today, actually.
She will still drop in game, so no rush there, buuut Ash Prime WILL be takin' a trip to reaver
territory along with his Vectis and Carrier counterparts!
Any relics for him or his accessories will remain in your inventory to be used, but they
won't drop anymore in less than 24 hours.
Speakin' of limited time: the obnoxiously rare Machete is back in game for like a handful
of days.
Get ye to the market and buy a few copies of the blueprint while ya can, lads!
The stats might suck, but nobody said affinity farmin wasn't a dirty job.
Also, that huge 50th giveaway celebration is still in the works and Sir Alex is more
Since last time I've heard word that at two other Warframe creators are finally gettin'
in on the givin' action!
I can verify that Mr. DogManDan has heeded the call and will be throwin' some of the
spiffiest lookin' glyphs into the ring as well!
If YOU wanna get in on the action
I'll put a link in the description and pin a comment by
Sir Alex if ya'd like to chat with him that way instead.
Okay, what did DE's devstream dazzle us with today?
That's right!
Nothing to get ya in the mind of Warframe then mentioning another game entirely right
at the start!
DE has been not so silently working on a card-based pve shooter for some time now.
Many were quick to worry that by doing so they'll be taking development time away from
Warframe and putting it there instead.
Reports of this game date back to 2015 and beyond... and that's right about when things
started to slow down to a crawl.
So good news!
They won't be slowing down any more... because they already have XD
Any bets Umbra will release in that game before ours?
Harrow's abilities were details last devstream, but they were quick to give em a few tweaks.
Speakin' of tweaks, someone better get to Hades and check the temperature because Oberon
and Mag BOTH got some love!
Knew it!
Completely frozen over!
Mag can cast things on the move now and Crush has less dead animation time, while Oberon
got mostly quality of life buffs.
DE made mention that barring some huge event, this *is* the last round of attention ol'
Obe's gonna get.
Equinox could use some some attention of the fashion frame variety, as unfortunately the
artist working on the alt helmet trio must have tested it out a little too close to Vor
because the entire file was completely corrupted so now they gotta start from scratch.
Poor equinox.
Can we get some Fs in the chat?
Yet again DE has said they are doing SOMETHING with Operators aka 'we can't talk about it
until TennoCon but we think it's gonna be really cool' So far that's customization,
focus reworks to some degree confirmed, along with today's quote 'some very interesting
secret things' endquote.
Will they be able to deliver on that?
We got just about a month and a half to find out.
With Oberon Prime's... mixed reactions, people asked about the art direction the game will
go on in the future.
While the lead dude left to stretch his creative legs, they are working with Keith Thompson
who previously designed some original Warframes.
Is that good or bad?
Hold on.... who'd he design, who'd he design... oop!
He made Rhino!
He's got muh vote!
Speakin' of Rhino, he's set to get the next round of PBR updates...which times up
quite nicely as he could very well be getting a new lady friend!
Behold the newest concept art for a future frame designed by Scott!
While they didn't give any details about her directly, they shot down the idea she was
based on Samurai.
Also that polearm is changing into a hammer.
Now, this is just a theory and I don't fully believe it myself, but I thiiink there's a
decent chance this could be the female Rhino.
Again I don't fully believe it, but I has reasons to suspect thus.
First off, Scott was said to have a part in design and I'm pretty sure he came up with
Rhino in the first place, so that's 1.
Nyx herself is the female version of Excalibur, back when DE was aiming to do that like how
most MMOs let you choose either or, so there's two.
Next, note the color of her concept.
Actually let's get the Rhino collectable up in here.
There we go.
Does that look a little famillllliar?
Fourth up is, DE just said this stream her weapon isn't going to be a stabby stick, it's
gonna be a hammer.
Now who is often depicted wielding that.
Finally, and this is actually a HUGE thing...
Look at the codpieces.
Do you NOT see the family resemblance?!
Oh yeah, I skipped Harrow, didn't I?
Harrow got a tidy round of tweaks, most of which scaling back his abilities from what
could at first be accurately described as headshot headshot headshot headshot,
so now you'll still get the most bang fer yer buck if you aim for them, but at least
you won't get nothing at all for missing em.
Some curious tweaks are apparently only Harrow's kills themselves will provide energy to the
team with his three instead of anyone, but potentially the most likely source of concern
is his ultimate,
which will make nearby allies immune to all damage for nearly 8 seconds, and that's completely
Add in duration and...
thank-goodness DE nerfed Trinity her entire Warframe career for doin' this exact same
Happy to see they learned a thing or two over the years!
It's times like this I wonder why I haven't been invited to the Keystone beta yet.
Onto the Short Stuff!
No current plans for a helminth kavat, but maybeee
There's a bug with Kuva they fixed on PC but will take another update to reach Console
Squad, but they DID manage to tackle a dojo bug that could also interfere with trading
that has been in game for about...
a few yeaaars now so, thumbs up for the speedy fix of that one, guys!
Edge Lords prepare yourselves...
Edge Lady is in a-comin'!
Likely gonna be the star of Harrow's quest, which is apparently gonna be Lore heavy.
Simulacrum is going Multiplayer!
Its...its not the biggest deal, but cool? I guess.
Mods equipped on your Sentinel will appear grayed-out in your loadout.
Not quite the fix people wanted, but hey it's a start.
Volt cloth physics are still not in-game, not that ya particularly needed DE to highlight
that for ya XD
No news on Kingpin missions No news on any of the shotguns
...Though Rhino does have a bundle with the Sobek so make that SEVEN tie-ins with FemRhino!
And on a high note, Shield gating is a-comin' with the Earth Remaster!
Which itself might be arriving with or just after the Harrow quest.
No dates on anything, of course, but I suspect about a month from now which gives them two
weeks to tweak and fix before TennoCon,
But hey, I ain't gonna complain if it shows up sooner!
Any news ya liked or are lookin' forward to playin' with, Legion?
Let us know inna comment below!
I'm obviously curious what's goin' on with that new frame's concept art, some said it will
be similar to a fan idea, but that one sports dual energy blades and this one is a hammer so...
I dunno.
Any thoughts on Harrow or the new game DE's workin' on?
I signed up for the alpha beta gamma or whatever greek alphabet they got it setup for.
And NO I'm not gonna get the inevitable founders pack and primes.
Coop with the Misses contiues Friday though if ya didn't catch her tryin' to kill Lech
Kril last week, or the Sergeant before that, do go and give it a gander as it's blast.
But until then, thank-you for watchin' and catch you next time, Legion!
Take care!
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