Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Let's go back in time.

In 2018 in Collioure we had a cultural year.

We also had a gourmet year.

And full of sport.

Our year was traditional.

And finally we had a peaceful year.

For 2019 we wish you a year as full as 2018 was for us in Collioure.

Happy New Year !!!

We present our best wishes for the new year.

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Top: 3 Best ports of famous games for Android,

Part 2! Enter inside,

Greetings to: Kav Miniverse,

Bins Kmst? Now, let's start,

As the first position we have the Undertale game for Android, the

which, he recommended it to me for a long period of time the channel

Daniel Gamer and Manuel Gamer Z, and good, for play the game on

Android, you have to install the Game app Keyboard, and the apk of

Undertale, the tutorial is in the description! Let's keep going.

In the second place we have the Hello game Neighbor Hide and Seek,

which is a new Hello Neighbor that is designed for mobile,

Android and IOS, this game came out first in IOS, therefore it is a

more stable version on mobile devices from Apple, let's see.

Finally we have the game of Bendy And the ink machine, that

recently came out on Android, but, just than the Hello game

Neighbor, this game is better developed on the IOS platform,

and remember, you can download it in the description, and now, to finish this video, do not forget

give it a good like and subscribe to the channel, go!

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

News 5 rides along with CSPD for New Year's Eve DUI patrol - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> News 5 rides along with CSPD for New Year's Eve DUI patrol - Duration: 1:59.


Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Made +$8,000+ Trading Before Breakfast | Ross' Trade Recap

For more infomation >> Made +$8,000+ Trading Before Breakfast | Ross' Trade Recap


Evangelio de hoy, Martes 1 de Enero del 2019 - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Evangelio de hoy, Martes 1 de Enero del 2019 - Duration: 4:41.


¡Feliz Año Iglesia! 🎉 Recuerden que Dios nos ama a TODOS 💝 | Eternamente Amor (En Vivo) - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> ¡Feliz Año Iglesia! 🎉 Recuerden que Dios nos ama a TODOS 💝 | Eternamente Amor (En Vivo) - Duration: 4:05.


La terrible amenaza de Letizia para la infanta Cristina en su conversación en la víspera de Navidad - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> La terrible amenaza de Letizia para la infanta Cristina en su conversación en la víspera de Navidad - Duration: 10:28.


CRES Ministries | Pastor Jorge Estrada: 2019 Año de la Conquista - Duration: 46:13.

For more infomation >> CRES Ministries | Pastor Jorge Estrada: 2019 Año de la Conquista - Duration: 46:13.


Waching daily Jan 1 2019

2018 Year In Review: International News - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 2018 Year In Review: International News - Duration: 0:31.


KARK 4 News at 10:00: DJ NYE Live - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> KARK 4 News at 10:00: DJ NYE Live - Duration: 1:33.


2018 Year In Review: International News - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 2018 Year In Review: International News - Duration: 3:07.


Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Campesino? Heeey!

Hello welcome guys to another video

Today I'm bringing you a very helpful video

Very fast vídeo, which consists in

We have to search between a giant rock man, a crowned tomato and an encircled tree

Thanks for watching!!

For more infomation >> Busca entre un hombre de roca gigante, un tomate coronado y un arbol rodeado - SEMANA 5 DESAFIOS - Duration: 1:42.


"Facturas no te recomiendo..." ¡Ángel de Brito picantísimo con...! - Duration: 12:54.

For more infomation >> "Facturas no te recomiendo..." ¡Ángel de Brito picantísimo con...! - Duration: 12:54.


"Yo no me enamoré de tu fama"【Trailer】 - Duration: 0:42.

[MALE VOICE] I remember it.

[MALE VOICE] Months ago...

[MALE VOICE] I saw you.

[FEMALE VOICE] When I looked at you,

[FEMALE VOICE] I hated you.

[FEMALE VOICE] But, now...

[FEMALE & MALE] I can say...

[FEMALE & MALE] I did fall in love of you fame.


For more infomation >> "Yo no me enamoré de tu fama"【Trailer】 - Duration: 0:42.


Prenez une cuillère à soupe de ce remède pour vider vos intestins très rapidement - Duration: 6:16.

La constipation est un trouble de la digestion très fréquent. Il affecte 1 personne sur 5 en France.

Bien que ce problème ne soit pas très grave, il reste très gênant surtout s'il est chronique.

Il existe plusieurs traitements médicamenteux pour venir à bout de ce problème, mais les remèdes naturels restent les meilleurs.

La constipation se définit comme une difficulté à aller à la selle.

La personne qui en souffre n'arrive pas à déféquer facilement et régulièrement.

Évidement, la fréquence des selles varie beaucoup selon chaque personne, oscillant entre trois fois par jour et trois fois par semaine.

Ainsi, on ne parle de constipation que quand l'absence de défécation dépasse cette fréquence et cette période et quand les selles sont très dures et difficiles à évacuer.

La constipation peut être soit occasionnelle, suite à différents facteurs, ou chronique.

Elle touche beaucoup plus les femmes que les hommes, suite à des facteurs hormonaux, ainsi que les personnes de plus de 65 ans et celles qui ne quittent pas le lit.

Quelles sont les causes de la constipation ?

Le transit intestinal est influencé par différents facteurs comme les émotions, le stress ou encore l'alimentation.

Tous peuvent affecter le côlon et le rendre paresseux.

En effet, pour un transit régulier, il est important que des contractions intestinales successives aient lieu afin de faire avancer les aliments dans le tube digestif.

Quand ce mécanisme est ralentit, il peut provoquer la constipation.

D'autres facteurs peuvent également favoriser la constipation à savoir :

Ne pas boire assez d'eau : l'eau est essentielle et intervient dans le volume des selles. Ne pas en consommer assez peut ralentir le transit.

La sédentarité : l'activité physique aide à améliorer le transit.

Les mauvaises habitudes alimentaires : une alimentation faible en fibres peut augmenter les risques de constipation.

Ces substances sont essentielles pour le transit intestinal.

Le stress, la consommation de certains médicaments ainsi que la grossesse peuvent aussi causer la constipation.

Ce trouble digestif n'est pas considéré comme dangereux et ne présente pas de complications graves, s'il est occasionnel, par contre s'il devient chronique, il peut causer des hémorroïdes et des fissures anales.

Comment traiter la constipation :

Pour soulager ce problème, les médecins prescrivent généralement des médicaments laxatifs.

Or, il existe plusieurs remèdes naturels qui aident à venir à bout de cette pathologie.

Voici une recette très efficace pour soulager la constipation :

Ingrédients : 5 tasses d'eau. 150 g de pruneaux. 150 g de dattes.

Préparation :

Faites bouillir l'eau et dénoyautez les dattes et les pruneaux avant de les couper en morceaux.

Dès que l'eau bout, versez ces deux ingrédients et laissez le tout mijoter pendant 15 minutes. Retirez du feu et laissez refroidir.

Consommez une cuillère à soupe de ce remède le matin à jeun.

Bienfait des ingrédients :

Dattes :

Les dattes sont parmi les aliments les plus énergétiques.

Contenant d'importantes quantités de nutriments, ces fruits secs nourrissent le corps et lui offrent une bonne dose d'énergie, surtout qu'elles sont très riches en glucides, considérées comme le meilleur carburant de l'organisme.

En outre, les dattes sont excellentes pour la digestion. Renfermant beaucoup de fibres alimentaires, elles aident à améliorer le transit et par conséquent à prévenir et traiter la constipation.

Pruneaux :

Les pruneaux sont de vraies bombes nutritionnelles. Riches en vitamines et en minéraux (magnésium, cuivre, fer…), ces fruits secs possèdent aussi plusieurs vertus médicinales.

En plus de leur capacité à réduire le taux de cholestérol dans le sang, chose qui permet de prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires, les pruneaux permettent aussi de lutter contre les effets des radicaux libres grâce à leur richesse en antioxydants.

Mais s'il y a une raison pour laquelle les pruneaux sont très prisés, c'est leur effet laxatif.

En effet, cet aliment contient beaucoup de fibres alimentaires, qui régulent le transit.

Il renferme aussi des composés phénoliques, la dihydroxyphénylisatine et le sorbitol, lesquels favorisent le mécanisme de contractions des intestins (péristaltisme) et aident à lutter contre la constipation.

For more infomation >> Prenez une cuillère à soupe de ce remède pour vider vos intestins très rapidement - Duration: 6:16.


Mensaje de año nuevo 2019 - Mingyur Rinpoche (sub. esp.) - Duration: 4:06.

Feliz año nuevo.

Voy a hacer plegarias para que este año nuevo les traiga...

...felicidad, salud y también...

...para que puedan progresar en su camino espiritual,

que cultiven su conciencia, su compasión y su sabiduría.

Y este año nuevo es...

Claro, ya todos lo sabemos, ¿cierto?

Nuestra vida está cambiando,

el medio ambiente está cambiando,

el mundo entero está cambiando,

pero lo importante es que necesitamos aceptar que las cosas cambian;

y necesitamos, realmente,

soltar nuestra...

...llamada «mente que se fija».

La mente que...

...realmente crea...

...una especie de prisión para nosotros mismos, como una cárcel.

Capa tras capa,


muchos juicios...

muchas ideas.

Y al aceptar estos cambios...

–ahora es año nuevo, y es un gran cambió, ¿no es así?–

Y si se permanece con estos cambios,

si se aceptan estos cambios,

eso realmente les traerá –así fue para mí– una...

...nueva perspectiva de la vida,

la cual es fresca...

...y con la que realmente se ven las cosas claras.

Claridad acerca de mí mismo,

acerca de mi vida.

Y con la meditación,

esto realmente me ayudó a ver mi propia mente,

las cualidades naturales de mi propia mente.

Y también puedes ver las cosas de alrededor...

...siendo frescas y vivas;

así que, de cierta manera...

...todos tenemos esta vida maravillosa, justo ahora.

Es maravilloso.

Y es importante apreciar esto,

apreciar que están vivos,

que están respirando;

y al mismo tiempo...

...que ya hay muchas cualidades grandiosas en nosotros,

dentro de mí, dentro de ti...

...y en este mundo.

Así que apreciénlo y permanezcan con ello,

y al mismo tiempo...


Pero soltar no es darse por vencido,

puedes soltar... mente que se fija.

Luego de soltar la mente que se fija, lo que descubrirán... la frescura verdadera... la realidad de ustedes mismos y del mundo,

Y eso...

...sólo viene de aceptar la impermanencia, los cambios.

Así que el día de hoy es un gran cambio,

para nosotros, para ti.

«Año nuevo», ¿cierto?

Así que espero que en este año nuevo se abran nuevos ojos,

una mente nueva y un corazón nuevo,

el cual sea fresco, claro,

dichoso y tranquilo.


Subtítulos: Equipo Tergar en español

For more infomation >> Mensaje de año nuevo 2019 - Mingyur Rinpoche (sub. esp.) - Duration: 4:06.


¡'Tartu' durísimo con...! ¡El expanelista de Jorge Rial más picante que nunca! - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> ¡'Tartu' durísimo con...! ¡El expanelista de Jorge Rial más picante que nunca! - Duration: 11:41.


Stefhany Absoluta chora e rebate ex: "Estava com medo de morrer" - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Stefhany Absoluta chora e rebate ex: "Estava com medo de morrer" - Duration: 6:55.


Tras su viaje a Punta del Este, Pampita habló de su reconciliación con Pico Mónaco - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Tras su viaje a Punta del Este, Pampita habló de su reconciliación con Pico Mónaco - Duration: 3:35.


Cuentos de la Wells Fargo 1960 "Un estudio en gustar" (Audio en español) - Duration: 25:12.

For more infomation >> Cuentos de la Wells Fargo 1960 "Un estudio en gustar" (Audio en español) - Duration: 25:12.


El Hij@ de Satanás 【Trailer】 - Duration: 1:01.

Life has a way of making you humble.

Day after day it's bringing you to your knees.

All's okay, then everything crumbles.

And all that you perceive is blowing away.

But while I'm tearing at the seams,

I'll apologize to anything.

I'm sorry...

Sorry, sorry...

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

 Spurs had emerged as Liverpool's most likely challengers to Premier League leaders Liverpool after a superb run that saw them leapfrog Manchester City ahead of Saturday's home clash with the newly-promoted Wolves

 However, they lost 3-1 at Wembley, while City beat Southampton by the same scoreline at St Mary's on Sunday to go back up to second in the table

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** "Obviously [it boosted us]," Liverpool star Shaqiri said

 "I think everybody when they see some teams struggle, who are behind you and coming after you, it's nice to see obviously

 "But, in the end, we look to ourselves and win our games." Liverpool travel to Manchester City in Thursday night's crunch clash knowing a win would give their title hopes a massive shot in the arm

 They have not won the league title since 1990 but appear to be dealing with the pressure well having won all of their last 10 Premier League matches

 Shaqiri insists they are not getting carried away and says they will play their normal attacking game when they visit the Etihad

 "No, for us we don't go there to take Man City out of the race, we go there for a Premier League game," he said

 "We go there to make a good performance. That's the only goal that we have. There are not other things in our minds at the moment

 "We just have to keep going, to work hard every day in training to win games. I'm sure when we keep going like this we are going to be very successful

 "Of course they're going to come after us and try to win, to grab three points. It's going to be a very interesting game, a good game

 "We're looking forward to this game to go and make a very good performance. We're also confident to try to win the game

" Liverpool are now the bookies' favourites to win the title and Shaqiri insists the squad are dealing with those expectations

 "Pressure is everywhere in your life. Even in football, there is always pressure," the 27-year-old added

 "When you are first in the table everyone comes after you, everyone wants to beat you, so every game is very tough

 "We just have to keep going, to stay at the highest level."

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Xherdan Shaqiri aims title dig at Tottenham after shock Wolves defeat - Duration: 3:20.


Man City news: Raheem Sterling sends message to Liverpool stars ahead of crunch clash - Duration: 2:39.

 City host Premier League leaders Liverpool on Thursday evening (8pm kick off). The Reds come into the clash on the back of their 5-1 demolition of Arsenal last weekend which sent Jurgen Klopp's men seven points clear

 However, Sterling, who quit Anfield for City in 2014, insists Pep Guardiola's men are ready to end Liverpool's unbeaten run

 "If we can play the way we know we can play, we can beat anyone," Sterling said. **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** "It's going to be a great game and we're all looking forward to it

" City had a wobble in recent weeks, with Guardiola's side losing to Crystal Palace and Leicester in the Premier League

 The former Barcelona boss was even forced to respond to criticism over his tactics, despite his philosophy leading City to the title last season

 Sterling and co bounced back against Southampton on Sunday in a 3-1 win on the south coast

 And the 24-year-old reckons City proved their character to bounce back from consecutive defeats

 "We knew we had to win to give ourselves a chance," Sterling added. "It's a massive step and just what we needed to do

 "We had two poor games and we knew we needed to win. "Our last two results were difficult to take and we bounced back brilliantly

 "We owed it to ourselves and as a team to bring that level we know we can bring. "The last three games we started well and scored the opening goal and then we were sloppy, but our mentality was good against Southampton and we showed a good fighting spirit

 "There was a bit of luck as well, but we played some great football and controlled the game, which we know we can do

 "It's up to us to keep that focus and go on to the next one."

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

hey guys it's Cory from and I just saw Roma

written and directed by Alfonso Cuaron so when I first for the movie reviews

that I've done here this one I watched at home at the OTA

studios here deep high above the 110 freeway in Los Angeles California and

watched on Netflix didn't have the studio experience there

didn't have the movie experience just watched it all here on the couch with

Rachel and Rob and Roxy and it was I while I probably would have preferred to

see it in the theater because it's so epic and grand and and sensational it it

it played fine on Netflix and was actually pretty good for me because it's

two and a half hour long movie so being able to like an hour and a half in our

20 minutes and just taking a little break walking away from the whole thing

and you know sort of letting the palette cleanse a little bit before the second

half of the movie was actually really good for me I would recommend as I would

for almost anything that you watch on any movie you watch on TV even at home

do your best to make sure that it's an the best possible version the best

possible viewing experience we wanted to we turned off the Christmas tree turned

off all the lights just put a backlight behind the TV we have the sound system

it's a good nice TV so it was a wonderful viewing experience without any

kind of problems and that's that's exactly what you want from a movie like

Romo so Romo follows the story of Cleo who is a maid for like this middle

upper-class family living in Mexico City and for a good that I'll tell you this

this movie takes a long while to get going it it feels like you're sort of

living within the the atmosphere more than you are living

within the plot or living within a story to be told but as the movie progresses

the the waiting that you do earlier the the contemplation that you are putting

on on you know extended long takes and stuff like that it really rounds into

form and it becomes it's it's worthy of it and sometimes when I'm watching

movies as I'm watching them I start making calculations as to what the

director is trying to do here like what is he trying to express and why is this

why is this so methodical why is it taking why are we on like the so the

opening shot of the movie is of water going across the bricks in the driveway

and you know it's three minutes long four minutes long something like that

and immediately you start saying like all right why are we staying on the shot

why are we staying here obviously the credits are playing behind or playing in

front of it but it's a rather long static shot and then the water starts

coming in the water starts going over the breaks and in the reflection of the

water on the bricks we can see the world opening up and we can see the plane

flying by which is a big thing that a nice touchstone throughout the movie is

the planes flying above and pretty early on I realized that this is all sort of

setting up your ability to to really admire the scenes that will be coming

later there are a lot of scenes that happen throughout this movie that are

all on these long single takes so there's a family discussion that happens

at dinner at one point and the camera is set up sort of like you know they're at

a restaurant so all of our all the characters we care about are sitting

around a table and what would appear to be like the next table over is where the

camera is looking in on the conversation and it

sort of sets up like you're watching this from afar and then there's another

scene later on I don't want to give away too many spoilers on this because anyone

can watch it at any time and I don't want to like ruin the defund but there's

there's a scene in the hospital later in the movie which is soul-crushing

and you're watching from it's just that the the whole take probably takes you

know three four or five minutes something like that where it's just on

the side of the hospital bed and you can sort of see everything that's going on

around it and it's I in a completely different way it sort of reminded me of

when I saw her with the Dragon Tattoo and there was a very long very hard

collage rape scene in that movie but it was all done on one single long take

where it's like you were sitting in the room watching it and quarrels ability to

translate these moments these cinematic moments into sort of putting you into

the situation gives you a it's it's really it's it's a masterclass on on how

to to raise tension and to make the audience feel what you want them to feel

and it's shockingly good another great thing about this movie is there is not

anybody in it that almost anyone would really know so the the lead playing Cleo

led a proper ratio is she she's never done anything before she has no credit

TB other than Roma but she does a masterful job she does a tremendously

great job and I feel like it's not the way in which the universe carries itself

in this movie allows her to just try and be as natural as possible and this

this is gonna be difficult for even our best actors but it's it's real

especially in this movie it is so she just seems like we're it feels like a

documentary we're just watching the story play out like we just happened to

have cameras running in this mid 70s Mexico City and I can't imagine that the

SAG Awards or the Academy are going to nominate her or give her an award

because that would be kind of offensive to all the all the trained actors who

have put in amazing performances this year but she was she was on a level all

by herself and as a first timer it was just incredibly well done and it really

I think if anything this whole the whole of Roma speaks to what an incredible

filmmaker Quran is from start to end because every little bit of it is

masterful he shot this movie himself so he was his own DP on this one as well as

ready and directing it and editing it so it was a full it was the The Full Monty

for the filmmaker but it was so like every little bit just has this touches

on it the production design is incredible the

the the things that we see in the frame are just like there's a there's a scene

where there's a forest fire and everyone's running into the forest to

try and put out the fire and the flames the the the way that the people are

really sort of gathered around the flames is is hauntingly beautiful and

it's it's the type of thing that like that's what a great production designer

does that's what an incredible team around you allows you to do that allows

you to set up this universe point the camera at it and get it all in and it's

it's III I think for any filmmakers out there it's a must watch it's it's

absolutely beautiful one last thought before I

depart so this story is deeply personal to Quran the the kid by the name of Paco

in the in the movie is supposed to be Quran this was his life and the he's

sort of writing a love letter in film to the maid who helped raise him and by

putting it in her perspective as opposed to his you get to sort of get this whole

complete picture of how a thankless and how incredible her life was even though

she never really gets the no point in the movie does she get the fulfillment

of it all like it if if we would have put this movie from the perspective of

Paco looking up on it I think it would have been a completely different film

staying with Cleo and staying on her reactions is everything and it's one

could say that the the story the plot might be lacking a little bit but it's

it's a type of film that once you let it I I didn't record this right away so we

watched it on Saturday I'm recording this on Tuesday I've had a couple days

to sort of think about how I feel about this movie and with each passing day I

find it more and more brilliant and the the choices that were made along the way

are incredible and even though there isn't a it's not you know film with car

chases and shootouts and everything like that it's it's it just speaks so point

Lily plently to how Quarren feels about this woman and the sacrifices she made

so that him and his family could live a better life and I've it's it's like

being able to read people's love letters it's it's so touching

donde esta leader board this is the first time since doing these reviews

that I have watched a movie at home so right up there home Netflix going on

to the movie leaderboard so I love this movie I really do

all around or just all star performances by not just the cast but the crew and

Quran specifically it's so hard to like exactly figure out how to properly rate

something like this because it's not it's like looking at you know

Michelangelo's and then going to a Picasso because it's it's almost a

different thing than other movies that you get but in in its own way and its

own specialty it is more beautiful than you would expect

so for Roma I give an eight point eight it'll be number two on the leaderboard

now and really it's it's an incredible piece I recommend that everyone see it

if you're a filmmaker though especially you have to you have to just see what he

did with this it's it's it's a masterpiece by Quran like and sometimes

when you you could see that this is sort of like a passion project for him and

that he is coming from a very particular place with it but and sometimes when you

give filmmakers just too much leeway to be able to create it can be difficult

sometimes you need a daddy to like string it in a little bit just to make

it make it right but then in this one he's just he's in the class all by

himself and is an absolute must sing anyway that's it for me if you want more

of me you can go to my website Cory dick a filmmaker comm facebook-dot-com

forward-slash Cory Baker at legend cd5 on Twitter and Instagram

like I had said in the last review I will be home for the Christmas holidays

I will be absolutely trying to see some movies while I'm home and do some

reviews on them whether or not they will post this coming Thursday

prior to New Year's Eve is questionable but there will be new movies new

theaters a whole bunch of great stuff for you to enjoy starting in 2019 yeah

that's it if you have anything you want me to say just send it along social

media comment below like this video if you enjoyed it and yeah I guess I'll be

seeing you in 2019 so adios

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

For Chelsea right now, they key to moving up the table remains the movement in the final third of the pitch

It still feels like they are nowhere near as fast as Maurizio Sarri would like, with that further emphasised by the lack of goals - and a striker - up front.

It means that they're having more difficulty than they would have imagined against bottom-half sides, as was the case against Crystal Palace, and as might be the case against Southampton on Wednesday.

While Ralph Hasenhuttl will be nowhere near as conservative as Roy Hodgson, Willian revealed it was something that played on Chelsea minds, as they tried to play through an amassed backline at Selhurst Park.

It took something Sarri would like more of for that 1-0 win: a sudden break into space from N'Golo Kante, and a bit of variation in pass from David Luiz.

They stayed with 11 players behind the ball and sometimes we don't have space, we have to move the ball quickly to find spaces," Willian said

Sometimes it's difficult. For example, the goal we scored was like that. N'Golo goes into the space and David did a great pass.

David has a lot of quality to do these kind of passes. Today wasn't the first time

He tried a lot a couple of games ago. He had success and we scored a goal.". That is perhaps the primary issue going into the January window: scoring, and attacking

Sarri has stated his new preference is to play Eden Hazard as the main forward, and Willian said it is very different to when Alvaro Morata or Olivier Giroud play there.

We have a lot of good players who we can play there in front. When we play Giroud or Morata, it's different to playing Hazard, for example, there

Giroud and Morata they stay more there, to be like a pivot in front of their defence

We know how to play in both situations, so we just have to continue to win.". While there will be a lot of speculation about who Chelsea bring in, Willian emphasised there should be none about his potential exit

His contract runs out in 2020, but he wants to stay.. "I'm fine, I'm fine. No rush about that

We can talk about that in the future, no problem.". Get Chelsea latest news updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing

For more infomation >> Chelsea FC news Willian admit Maurizio Sarri's side find it difficult to play through defensive team - Duration: 3:57.


WATCH LIVE: CBC Vancouver News at 6 for Monday, December 31 - Duration: 34:44.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: CBC Vancouver News at 6 for Monday, December 31 - Duration: 34:44.


Arsenal transfer news: Ray Parlour tells Unai Emery FOUR signings he must make - Duration: 2:39.

 That is according to former Arsenal and England midfielder Ray Parlour. The Gunners suffered a heavy 5-1 defeat at league leaders Liverpool on Saturday

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** After Arsenal tool an early lead through Ainsley Maitland-Niles, Liverpool struck back to go into half time 4-1 to the good

 Roberto Firmino completed his hat-trick in the second half to condemn Emery to his fourth league defeat

 Parlour says there is a stark contrast between the Arsenal defence and the teams he played in during his days at the club

 And he reckons Emery must invest heavily in the transfer market to make the necessary improvements

 "I couldn't see Arsenal winning, I really couldn't," Parlour said of the Liverpool clash on talkSPORT

 "I couldn't see them getting a point. We all know the problems, defensively they're just not good enough

 "All over the place at the back, they'll always give you a chance. "It was a real shock for me when they went 1-0 up

I was like 'wow, maybe we've got a chance of nicking a point here'. "But all of a sudden, bang, bang, bang - you've lost the game

 "I played with so many good defenders that were playing for Arsenal. They had two teams really

 "When we had the famous back four of [Nigel] Winterburn, [Lee] Dixon, [Tony] Adams, [Steve] Bould, [Martin] Keown and then you had Sol Campbell come in, Lauren, Ashley Cole

 "All four positions they've got to look at. "Defensively, if you're going to concede goals like that, you're never going to have any chance of trying to win the league

 "And that's where Liverpool have won it, if they do win it, is defensively." Arsenal will look to return to winning ways on Tuesday when they host Fulham (3pm)

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Ray Parlour tells Unai Emery FOUR signings he must make - Duration: 2:39.


✅ Breaking News - Huddersfield in talks with teenage Tottenham left-back Jaden Brown - Duration: 0:51.

Huddersfield Town are in negotiations over a deal for Tottenham's 19-year-old left back Jaden Brown

The teenager has been a regular in Tottenham's Under-23 side but is out of contract in the summer

Brown is keen to move and take the chance of regular first-team football. Huddersfield have used Chris Lowe at left back for most of this season

The Yorkshire club are currently in dreadful form, with Saturday's 1-0 defeat at Fulham their seventh straight Premier League loss

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Hi guys and girls, welcome back to the channel

This time it's the same greeting, but today I'm not going to present anything that I normally do

This time we're just going to do a recount to see what has been of this channel this year

So, if you're interested, stay to watch the video

And well, this year some bad things happened, like for example that we spent another year without muzska

Another year without bukku qui

Or for example, netflix continued to do life actions

Another year without second season of high school of the dead

Angel beats


Makoto shinkai did not take out any of the beautiful works he used to

But hey, they also passed some good things

Like for example that dross woke up With their videos to a certain channel we could see the old dross

Eminem also left his bad run of mediocre songs

Willy rex returned to the shooters

Darling in the franxx was created, that in spite of having some critics, managed to cause the same nostalgic feeling that at the time caused elfen lied

Like koi wa amegari not you nor, I manage to create the same feelings that I had with the nana anime

For those who do not see anime, they may not know what I'm talking about, but well, nothing happens

Also on a personal level, the good things that happened were that I got back in touch with friends I did not talk to long ago

T also that I met a beautiful person who helps me not to lose my sanity


And well, especially the best things that have happened to me this year was this channel

This channel celebrated one year on December 17th I think

But I did not want to make video of that since that is what this video is for

So I want to thank all the people who decided to give the subscribe button

We are already more than 6k

So, well, I want to thank each one of you to whom I always send greetings

To each person who clicks the video when the notification comes out

To all the people who comment on each video and who have been on the channel for some time

Thank you very much really

Thinking that a year ago was just a person who drew nonstop, alone in his room

And that not even his neighbor knew that he was drawing

(By the way, he still does not know)

Anyway, the fact that today that person has achieved all this (thank you obviously)

The truth is that I never thought it would happen

The fact that there are so many people from so many countries, and that there are people waiting for something that is done by me

It is something that congratulates me very much

So thank you all

Thanks for supporting this channel

Thanks to Mr. Ghostcry for helping me create this channel, And give me help when I needed it

Thanks to stick bryan for helping me so much with the discord group

Thanks to my moderators and administrators of the discord group, And also to those who at the same time are active in the channel, Like vicho or felito

Thanks to Ruth for helping me in the live shows and for making this year even better

And thanks to my little family that supported me in this project,

Like my grandmother my sister and especially my mother

Because thanks to her I can make direct and improve the quality in the videos

Because practically without the PC that gave me this would not be possible

Several times I have been asked about what my mother thinks about me doing this type of drawings And the truth is that she supports me

I'm not going to lie to you This year I had many personal problems, but when I see a comment motivating me

That gives me the energy to continue drawing

When someone who draws, tells me that he wants to do it like I do, it fills me a lot as a person

And it makes me feel complete

So once again thank you for supporting this project Maybe in the next year there will be many things that practically make me stop uploading this type of videos

Things like the censorship of youtube

Personal problems

The not being able to sustain expenses with my drawings

But for now, thank you very much

Thank you so much for making this year the best year of my life

But hey, let's see how long it lasts, let's see how far we can go

And well, if you want to know how much is what I won because you click on the links

I'll be showing you in a moment

The ghostcry channel and Ruth are below in the description

In case you want to go to say hello

So, well, I'll leave you with the video showing you how much I've won thanks to you

and good people we are already here in lion kim

that is where thanks to you I can


I can earn money from drawings

simply that you enter the link

I had done the patreon link

to create a patreon and earn money from there

but as maybe some people wanted to see the complete drawing, download it, or anything else

I decided to put them free for you

Many people say

Many cartoonists say that work should not be given away

Many cartoonists say that work should not be given away

since I'm not selling the 6 hours it takes me to make a drawing

As I said, I do not plan

hide them anything

next year if you want and if you like this video

I can do the same

So, well, here are the statistics

wait a moment

here in the statistics you can see

how was this month

the truth that this month has been the month most viewed and had

since they are 9003 views

or visits

and I started this in August

in August you can see that I had

that I had 81 views

these are cents

the dollars are counted from where zero is now

this was August

this was september

as you can see they increased

this was October

wait for it to load


this was november

1688 views and 5 dollars

and this was December

how some people could find out in December

there was a lot of growth in the channel

subscribed as 2000 3000 subscribers in one day

it was very hardcore

so thank you very much

to those who decided to subscribe

and well, right now as I show you I have 34 dollars

to be able to charge

the question is that they charge me 5 dollars

to receive any amount

so good

As I said, thank you very much, you are making this possible

and if I can get to live on this

if you enter to download the images

completely free

completely free they will be able to

help me

to continue with this channel and that you can continue to see the content that you like

so good people, thank you very much for watching this video

if you like leave your like

I will not ask you to share for obvious reasons

but they can share any other video of the channel

and so help us grow

and well, I hope you have happy year

really thank you very much to the people who have been supporting me in this project

and well, with nothing but to say hello to all

I really hope that this year will come and go better

and this time more than ever thank you very much for your support

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Suhana Khan | 01 January 2019 | 07:00 AM

For more infomation >> Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Suhana Khan | 01 January 2019 | 07:00 AM - Duration: 6:55.


Dispatch news couple Jennie x Kai 카이♥제니, 2019년 1호 커플…하늘공원 데이트 포착 (종합) - Duration: 2:27.

UPDATE: Kai and Jennie eat from the news and have fun Sky Park on November 25 update. Kai picks up Jennie by his car. And finally only after Kai Kai and Hawaii on December 2. Part 2 begins with a game from 10/2018.

UPDATE: Kai and Jennie eat from the news and have fun Sky Park on November 25 update. Kai picks up Jennie by his car. And finally only after Kai Kai and Hawaii on December 2. Part 2 begins with a game from 10/2018.

UPDATE: Kai and Jennie eat from the news and have fun Sky Park on November 25 update. Kai picks up Jennie by his car. And finally only after Kai Kai and Hawaii on December 2. Part 2 begins with a game from 10/2018.

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

This Company Makes Handbags from Old Cars

For more infomation >> This Company Makes Handbags from Old Cars


Brasil se blinda para la toma de posesión de Bolsonaro | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Brasil se blinda para la toma de posesión de Bolsonaro | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:51.


El paseo de Cinthia Fernández y Martín Baclini en una Ferrari por Punta del Este - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> El paseo de Cinthia Fernández y Martín Baclini en una Ferrari por Punta del Este - Duration: 2:04.


Dudas sobre el trato a niños inmigrantes en centros de detención | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Dudas sobre el trato a niños inmigrantes en centros de detención | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:29.


El primer día de 2019 tú podrías ser el nuevo millonario | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> El primer día de 2019 tú podrías ser el nuevo millonario | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.


31 de diciembre: 7º día de la octava de Navidad – Ciclo C - Duration: 1:51:49.

For more infomation >> 31 de diciembre: 7º día de la octava de Navidad – Ciclo C - Duration: 1:51:49.


Noticias Telemundo, 31 de diciembre de 2018 - Duration: 20:55.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 31 de diciembre de 2018 - Duration: 20:55.


Los demócratas tienen a su primera candidata para las elecciones de 2020 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Los demócratas tienen a su primera candidata para las elecciones de 2020 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.


Bye bye 2018! - Especial fin de año - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Bye bye 2018! - Especial fin de año - Duration: 0:35.


La emotiva despedida de Damián de Santo y Malena Guinzburg de "Morfi" - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> La emotiva despedida de Damián de Santo y Malena Guinzburg de "Morfi" - Duration: 4:53.


30/12/2018 10:55 (R. Benjamin de Souza, 161 - São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador - BA, 40800-201,) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 30/12/2018 10:55 (R. Benjamin de Souza, 161 - São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador - BA, 40800-201,) - Duration: 2:36.


30/12/2018 10:50 (Estr. da Base Naval de Aratu, 730 - São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador - BA, 40800-310,) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 30/12/2018 10:50 (Estr. da Base Naval de Aratu, 730 - São Tomé de Paripe, Salvador - BA, 40800-310,) - Duration: 5:01.


Hay muchos modos de atraer a la buena fortuna en el nuevo año | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Hay muchos modos de atraer a la buena fortuna en el nuevo año | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.


La reacción de Pampita, luego de que Vicuña admitió que en la separación se equivocó... - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> La reacción de Pampita, luego de que Vicuña admitió que en la separación se equivocó... - Duration: 3:52.


Sergio Lagos se suma a la triste despedida de Christian Cerpa: animó el programa donde participó - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Sergio Lagos se suma a la triste despedida de Christian Cerpa: animó el programa donde participó - Duration: 1:41.


Fans de Juan Darthés arman boicot contra Calu Rivero - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Fans de Juan Darthés arman boicot contra Calu Rivero - Duration: 3:50.


Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Science in the time of Fake News. We live in a time when any information that challenges

commonly held views is labeled "fake news" even if the information is true. Manipulation

of the media causes a significant portion of the population to distrust or question

the facts. Divergence of opinions fragments people into groups with opposing ideologies

that prevents society from solving problems in a unified way. The manipulation of opinions

is not a new phenomenon. It has been common for many centuries in politics, religion and science.

Fake news is a fabrication of false or misleading information. The purpose of fake news is to

create emotional reactions that override logical thinking. An angry person acts impulsively

without considering alternatives or consequences. Fake news confuses people, creates distrust,

and divides public opinion. The resulting divisiveness makes the population more vulnerable

for exploitation or further attack. The originators of fake news usually have a covert agenda

that is more easily achieved when public opinion is divided.

Galileo found that Venus went through phases like the Moon, but these phases could only

be explained if Venus went around the Sun, not the Earth.  This proved that the Earth

was not the center of the universe. Galileo's discovery angered the church leaders of the

time and they tried to discredit the theory by proclaiming that heliocentrism is foolish

and absurd in philosophy and formally heretical since it contradicted the Holy Scripture.

Authorities often try to silence dissenting voices through ridicule and coercion. Galileo

was sentenced to house arrest until his death.

In 1637, René Descartes published his Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's

Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences. This was a philosophical treatise that outlined

the principles of the Scientific Method. Descartes is credited as the originator of analytical

geometry. The Cartesian coordinate system is named after him. In 1663, Descartes' books

were placed on the Index of Forbidden Books and Catholics were forbidden from reading them.

The scientific method is a procedure consisting of systematic observation and characterization

of physical phenomena. The formulation of a hypothesis attempts to explain the observations.

Testing the hypotheses by experiments can confirm or reject the hypothesis. A rejected

hypothesis may be modified and tested again. The most important part of the scientific

method is that a scientific hypothesis should be testable. If a hypothesis cannot be tested

then it is not considered a scientific hypothesis.

In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book entitled "On the Origin of Species by means

of Natural Selection." The book presented evidence that the diversity of life arose through

a pattern of evolution.  Darwin's ideas were ridiculed, but they were verified many

times and gained wide acceptance as fundamental scientific principles. But even today, 160

years after the publication of Darwin's book, some religious groups are still trying to

suppress teaching of evolution and trying to introduce creationism in schools in the

United States.

In 2012, Mark Boslough and 15 coauthors published their objections to the Younger Dryas impact

event. One of the objections was that the odds of an impact on the Laurentide Ice Sheet

during the specified time period are infinitesimal. The discovery of the Greenland crater in 2018

indicates that the odds may not have been so small after all. Boslough and his coauthors

stated that the proponents of the impact hypothesis had misinterpreted some of the evidence. In

other words, the proponents of the impact hypothesis did not know what they were talking

about. This is an ad hominem fallacy that casts doubt on the competence of the opposition

as a way to discredit their argument.

Accusations of misinterpretation and confusion are commonly used to discredit opponents.

Journal editors are supposed to catch these logical fallacies and ask the authors to remove

them, but this does not always happen. In this example, the authors say that people

who propose that the Carolina Bays resulted from an extraterrestrial event are simply confused.

Scientific research is difficult enough, but some popular TV programs hosted by Ancient

Astronaut Theorists propose that historical texts, archaeology, and legends contain evidence

that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited the Earth in ancient times and interacted

with human civilization. This is pure fantasy without any supporting evidence. The programs

misguide the public because they are broadcast on the History channel whose name implies

some measure of veracity. The idea that ancient astronauts existed is not taken seriously

by most professional researchers, but the possibility of extraterrestrial technological

societies cannot be easily discarded as fake news.

Many exoplanets orbiting other stars have been found by the reduction of brightness

of the star when the planet travels in front of it. Tabby's star is unusual because it

has a long-term dimming. Many hypotheses have been proposed for the dimming, but some astronomers

have speculated that the objects eclipsing Tabby's star could be part of a megastructure

made by an advanced alien civilization to intercept some of the light for their energy

needs. Although the alien megastructure hypothesis is highly unlikely, it remains a valid subject

for scientific investigation because it is a falsifiable hypothesis.

There are several ways to detect fake news. Consider the source. Who are the authors?

Is there a date or information that it is something recycled from the past? Read past

the headline. Is there support for the claim? Is the article from a respected journal with

citations to reliable sources? Check for logical fallacies. Are the facts reported objectively?

Or, is the description distorted? Check your biases. We tend to agree with information

that confirms our own ideological leanings. Check your emotions. If the news makes you

angry, consider that it was probably designed that way. Are other news outlets reporting

the same thing? If so, check which sources were used.

Here is a list of critical thinking skills. Analysis – break a whole into parts to discover

the relationship and function of the parts. Measure and Categorize – we can get insight

into many problems by studying its characteristics. Search for Information – read relevant journals

and books to see if someone has studied the problem before. Logical Reasoning – check

what conclusions can be reached from the data that you have accumulated. Predictions – does

the data that you have collected allow you to make predictions that can be tested?

Become an independent thinker. There are many examples of how similar observations can be

used to reach different conclusions. You have to become an independent thinker to avoid

being manipulated by the popular media. How can you decide if global warming is real or

not? You can start by collecting information from reliable sources, such as the changes

in greenhouse gases, the polar ice cover changes, historical temperatures, and the relation

between carbon dioxide and temperature.

Human industrial activity that relies on burning fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum products,

has been generating large quantities of greenhouse gases since the start of the industrial revolution

in 1750. The chart in the upper left is the famous "hockey stick" chart showing the levels

of atmospheric carbon dioxide during the last millennium and its sharp rise during the last

century. The lower chart shows the monthly mean values of carbon dioxide as a dashed

red line and the black line represents a correction for the average seasonal cycle. The variations

in carbon dioxide levels are due to photosynthesis by plants and algae.

The Arctic polar ice cap is melting. Satellite images by NASA show approximately a 20% reduction

in the Earth's minimum ice cover between 1979 and 2003.  Arctic perennial sea ice has been

decreasing at a rate of 9% every ten years. At this rate, the summertime Arctic Ocean

will be ice-free before the year 2100. Some countries are already exploring the possibility

of navigating from Asia to Europe through the Arctic Ocean.

This chart shows the temperature and carbon dioxide levels over the last 450,000 years.

Do rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations cause increasing global temperatures, or is

it the other way around? Carbon dioxide seems to lag about 800 years behind the temperature

changes. This implies that increases in carbon dioxide are the result, and not the cause,

of the temperature increases. The last interglacial period from 130,000 to 115,000 years ago had

higher temperatures than we see today.

The temperature record peaks approximately every 115,000 years. From this point of view,

the current global warming is just a natural cycle of the Earth and not a man-made event.

The increase of temperature and the increase of carbon dioxide are highly correlated except

at the very end when carbon dioxide levels jump above the levels of the past 450,000

years. This jump is clearly the result of burning fossil fuels. If the Earth's temperature

rises in response to the level of carbon dioxide, humans will experience higher temperatures

than from the time they evolved approximately 200,000 years ago.

Scientists at the University of Arizona Department of Geosciences have created maps that show

areas susceptible to rises in sea level. The red area of the map shows that a 6-meter or

20-foot rise in sea level would flood Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, and the entire Florida

coastline, as well as parts of Orlando and other inland areas. A large portion of the

city of New Orleans, Louisiana is already below sea level and it is protected by flood

walls and a pumping system that failed during the passage of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Most of New Orleans will disappear under water if the sea rises six meters.

It is evident that the polar ice caps will continue to melt, either from the Earth's

115,000-year warming cycle or from human combustion of fossil fuels. Global warming is real. There

is a large amount of water stored as ice sheets over the landmasses of Greenland and Antarctica,

and when these melt, the resulting rise in global sea level will flood many coastal areas

around the world. The Greenland ice sheet contains enough water to increase the global

sea level by 7.3 meters or 24 feet, the West Antarctic ice sheet could raise sea level

by 5.8 meters or 19 feet, and the East Antarctic ice sheet could raise the sea level globally

by 51.8 meters or 170 feet.  The combined effect of melting all the ice on Greenland

and Antarctica would result in a sea level rise of 65 meters or 213 feet.

We know that this is coming.

If we are as smart as we claim to be, we should start planning for it.

For more infomation >> Science in the time of Fake News - Duration: 12:57.


Chelsea latest news: Chelsea's Willian hopeful club sign David Luiz to new contract extension - Duration: 4:10.

N'Golo Kante scored his third goal of the season early in the second half, and that's all Chelsea would need as they defeat Crystal Palace 1-0

(1:30) LONDON -- Willian said he hopes David Luiz signs a new contract to remain at Chelsea beyond this season, but added that he is in no rush to talk about extending his own deal at Stamford Bridge

Luiz, who has appeared in 19 of Chelsea's 20 Premier League games this season under Maurizio Sarri, is set to be a free agent next summer and has already signalled his desire to stay at Chelsea if a suitable agreement can be found over an extension

Chelsea's policy of only offering one-year deals to players over the age of 30 is proving a sticking point in talks, however, and reports have claimed that Luiz will leave Stamford Bridge at the end of the season if he is not offered a longer-term contract

Willian is hopeful it will not come to that."For sure, of course.I want [him to stay]," he said after Sunday's 1-0 win over Crystal Palace

We have to see if the club will want him.I think they want.For me, I want him to stay

Chelsea face contract decisions over a number of high-profile players in the coming months

Cesc Fabregas and Olivier Giroud are also in the final year of their current deals, while superstar winger Eden Hazard has 18 months left and is keeping his options open

Willian's contract is also up in June 2020, but the Brazilian insisted that he is relaxed about the fact that talks with the club are yet to begin over a possible extension

I'm fine, I'm fine," he added."No rush about that.We can talk about that in the future, no problem

Giroud was restored to Chelsea's starting XI before getting injured against Palace as Sarri reverted to a conventional striker system, having deployed Hazard as a false nine in the previous four Premier League matches

Any prolonged absence for the Frenchman is likely to reinforce Sarri's belief that Hazard is his best central attacking option, but Willian is confident that Chelsea can perform in the final third regardless of what strategy their head coach decides to pursue in the New Year

We have a lot of good players who we can play there in front," he said."When we play Giroud or [Alvaro] Morata, it's different to playing Hazard, for example, there

Giroud and Morata they stay more there, to be like a pivot in front of their defence

We know how to play in both situations, so we just have to continue to win.".Get Chelsea latest news updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing

For more infomation >> Chelsea latest news: Chelsea's Willian hopeful club sign David Luiz to new contract extension - Duration: 4:10.


Chelsea transfer news: Arsenal set to make move for Blues star on ONE condition - Duration: 2:58.

 The centre-back is currently preparing himself for a move away from Stamford Bridge

 After failing to make an impression for Maurizio Sarri, the Englishman is set to leave the Blues after eight years

 He has made just one appearance this season in the league, with his only real game time coming in the League Cup and the Europa League

 For a while, he seemed destined to seal a move back to Aston Villa, but they have reportedly pulled the plug on the deal

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Villa are still looking for a centre-back to replace Cahill's old team-mate John Terry, who retired in the summer after a year at Villa Park, and the 33-year-old seemed destined to fill that void

 Cahill came through the youth ranks at Villa, and made 28 first-team appearances, before moving to Bolton

 But Villa boss Dean Smith was reportedly forced to abandon his pursuit for Cahill after being faced with a £4 million loan fee

 And their loss could be Arsenal's gain, as Unai Emery is considering a loan deal for the two-time Premier League winner

 However, he will reportedly only make a move for Cahill if the injury situation at Arsenal worsens

 Squad depth at the Emirates is a real problem at the moment, with Konstantinos Mavropanos, Rob Holding and Laurent Koscielny all having suffered injuries

 While Koscielny recently returned to first-team action, the other two are still not ready to play

 Arsenal's injury woes were worsened against Liverpool when Shkodran Mustafi was brought off at half-time in the 5-1 mauling

 The 26-year-old was still recovering from a hamstring injury when he was put in the team for Saturday's game

 If his injury problems force him out of the squad for any long period of time, Emery could be forced to act and make a move for Cahill

 Ainsley Maitland-Niles is also a doubt for the Gunners' new years day fixture with Fulham

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

 Grupo Axo, una compañía que comercializa marcas de lujo, principalmente ropa, calzado y accesorios, concretó la adquisición de Tennix, una empresa que opera en México las tiendas de calzado casual The Athlete's Foot o TAF, así como TrueKids, operación anunciada en septiembre

Te recomendamos: Crowfunding, entre las tendencias que regirán franquicias el próximo año Hasta agosto de 2019 entrará nueva marcación telefónica  La compañía liquidó la transacción, cuyos detalles no fueron revelados, con parte del crédito que contrajo con diversas instituciones financieras, entre las que figuran los grupos financieros BBVA Bancomer, HSBC y Banorte, dijo Axo en un comunicado

"Nos sentimos orgullosos de concluir con éxito esta adquisición con la cual incluimos una gran marca global como es TAF", dijo Andrés Gómez Martínez, presidente del consejo de administración de la compañía, citado en el comunicado

 El cierre de la operación ya era esperado luego de que la semana pasada Axo anunció que ejercería el crédito bancario para el finiquito de una adquisición, además del financiamiento para gastos de capital, y otros fines corporativos

   Con esta compra, Axo cuenta ya con más de 149 tiendas en México  de las diferentes marcas que opera, entre ellas Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein, Chaps, Coach, Guess, Hollister, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria´s Secret, Warner´s y Promoda

 MCM ​

For more infomation >> Axo compra operador de las tiendas TAF en México - Duration: 1:34.


La extraña reacción de Anita Matamoros que dejó descolocada a Makoke - Duration: 1:20.

El pasado 29 de diciembre Makoke celebraba su 49 cumpleaños rodeada de quienes más la quieren:

sus hijos y sus amigos, pero con la notable ausencia de Kiko Matamoros, con quien asegura que no hay vuelta atrás.

La ex concursante de GH VIP llegaba a la fiesta acompañada por su hija, Anita Matamoros, quien tuvo una reacción de lo más extraña cuando vio a la prensa.

Acostumbrada a los focos y a hacerse miles de fotos por su faceta como influencer, la benjamina de Matamoros echó a correr,

con tacones incluidos, mientras agachaba la cabeza para que no la retratasen los fotógrafos.

Makoke, que en un primer momento se quedó descolocada por la reacción de su hija,

atendió posteriormente a las preguntas de la prensa sobre todas las polémicas que la rodean.

Dale al play y no te pierdas sus declaraciones.

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

 That's the view of former Red Don Hutchison who is backing his old side to win the Premier League this season

 Liverpool sit seven points clear at the top ahead of a crunch clash with Manchester City on Thursday (8pm)

 A win over their title rivals would give them a ten point gap with over half the season gone

 It comes despite the sale of Coutinho in January with the Brazilian moving to the Nou Camp for £105million

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** The 26-year-old consistently impressed at Anfield and helped the club challenge for the title in 2014

 However since his departure Liverpool have looked stronger and they boosted their ranks with the signings of Alisson and Virgil van Dijk in recent months

 The goalkeeper and defender have been key with the Reds conceding just eight Premier League goals this campaign

 And Hutchison believes Klopp realised he still had goals in his team after Coutinho's exit and could turn his attention to the other end of the pitch

 "Who would have thought this by the way when they sold Coutinho," Hutchison said

 "They sold Coutinho and you started to wonder where Liverpool are going here. "If they'd have kept him and bought Van Dijk, we are just talking Monopoly money, but they've done the right thing

 "They realised they lost an unbelievable player but they've got Sadio Mane, Mo Salah, Lallana, Naby Keita, guys who can score

 "They thought 'what do we really need?' and it's been obvious for years it was goalkeeper and centre-half

" Van Dijk made the switch to Liverpool in January for a record-breaking £75million

 And pundit Ian Wright believes the former Celtic and Southampton star is the best in England

 "When you look at the way he plays, he has everything you need as a centre-half," Wright said

 "I think people disrespected the Scottish game because he made it look even easier when he was there, people were saying he's too relaxed

 "When he went to Southampton he got better and when he went to Liverpool he's got better again

 "For me he is the best centre-half in the world at the moment."