Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 28 2017

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League a movie so

you can tell from the tiler thumbnail that we're going to be talking about

Darkseid and Superman within the Justice League movie and we're also gonna be

going after new details that tells us that that Justice League final trailer

will be coming early potentially based on new news so we here came across this

image of Darkseid and Superman which to me looks very real but at the same time

it might not be real but I'm gonna take it that actually is real based on the

following findings Darkseid was teased in Batman vs Superman dawn adjusted

justice nightmare scene when we seen that the future we see nightmare Batman

looking over and we've seen a different future with the amiga sign which is base

each old every DC fanboy around the world dioxide is coming Darkseid was

rumored to be appearing in the movie until the recent Joss Whedon reshoots

that guys didn't really change a lot you cannot change much in the movie in a 12

week so suppose the dark side was supposed to show the end and kill

Steppenwolf because he failed his master of CB and Darkseid but they want to make

stefan wolf more of an antagonistic villain and a dark side would just be

like his master who we don't really see but we could see it at the end a day

inside this movie there isn't really multiple just see movies at the moment

is only just to see one and just seek to this isn't the MCU whereas Tallis showed

up in the first guard in the galaxy movie I was being being Kimora's dad etc

and we haven't seen him since he's been on his little seat pedestal for so long

although he was referenced with Gamora in Gardiner galaxy 2 when they were

talking about funnels and the things that phallus did to her I think at least

if I remember correctly and I really hope we don't get a ten-year buildup in

the DC standing universe because if that happens people are gonna compare son

offs and Darkseid be in the same villain when really if you know anything about

comic books and you look him up they're not really alike so I'd rather that we

get a tease tease them at the end let us see him and then just to see - darkside

is the main villain so then we can move Ron's either know it's like anti-monitor

crime syndicate or anything like that and just get the dark side over as the

main villain because he's not the strongest DC EU kind of DC person DC

villain in the whole DC Universe as everyone knows and also darkside

everyone knows he's coming so why not show him in the first flagship DC movie

so just for fun guys who'd win in the fight out dark side of Dallas know

mother box know anti-life equation no infinity gem no Infinity Gauntlet who'd

win in the straight-up fight let me know down below I might make a bonus video

about that so last night's in America somewhere I think at least I don't know

where it was the final trailer was showed by the Messiah Geoff Johns the

head of DC the head of DC EU the Oracle he gave a presentation at the National

Association of theatre for the punchline guys cinema owners not press not media

not people to work for was why this is good right is because these cinema

owners have respects they carry themselves in such manner that they

haven't leaked anything they haven't said oh my god Batman news calm you can

never guess what happened this but you can't actually give a real source so

it's pretty cool guys they haven't said anything although Chris did tweet it

just tweeted that they'd showed a trailer and that's it you're not gonna

get any juicy information out of them so this pretty much confirms that it will

be a final Justice League trailer next week I believe it will be for the Blade

Runner movie comes out which everything it comes out on Wednesday Thursday ish

Thursday it's the first day of New York Comic Con so I'm either gonna drop it

before that as it is a Warner with the property and then you've got some people

going oh but they've not started advertising Justice League yet yes

that's because if you know anything about the movie world you would know why

would Warner Brothers start to advertise Justice League before another property

they're working on Blade Runner comes out so we still got roughly five six

weeks before Justice League so they're gonna start to vamp up promotion

massively the Blade Runner comes out which does

make sense cast members having talking about their roles within the Justice

League already they've have covers a coverlet covering it v is actually

advertising the Justice League currently they're on the front cover but I do feel

sorry for EM Rick about Superman because obviously he's dead everyone that knows

just his fake watch but vs Superman you know you're Batman Superman astray even

you know he's not dead so I feel sorry for him because he's gonna miss out on

all these interviews all these TV covers and everything I mean when he even

surely just leave premiere because he's supposed to be dead I mean I think of a

bit worried if he doesn't but everyone knows he's Superman I find it quite

funny that some people don't actually think that he's alive and they're taking

it to heart they actually think he's dead which is pretty cool so what their

marketing ploy is they're not actually advertising at all although they have

made some toys of him so guys let me know in the comment on below do you

think the first image is real because if you look at it fun phallus that's the

dark side II let simmer Darkseid looks oh gee he looks legit but the Superman

on the floor is questionable he looks nothing like Henry Cavill

but if it is a stunt double there just have someone that looks similar from

behind and see guys facing so it still could be real now I know some people are

going to go click very clickbait this is a fake image but let's be honest guys it

does lock apocalypse the dark side image does look very side to the comic book

version of him and it does look it's not an injustice 1 it's not an injustice -

it's not a video game I don't know if someone did make this up if someone did

draw this image put the game the guy's name in it and I would credit the guy in

the link in the description box down below but guys it can't be it can't be

made up look at it it just looks so legit so guys do you think this is a

real image of Darkseid do you think we'll get see Darkseid

when do you think the train is going to drop I believe it's gonna drop on

Wednesday or Thursday next week which I believe is the 5th of October and what

do you think is going to be in the final trailer everyone's saying that it's just

Whedon's final cut it's just reading this fast trailer

guys it's a Zack Snyder movie why because you can

we have one director credited on a movie so it's still going to say directed by

the boss the boss man the Oracle the best director there is when it comes to

comic book movies Zack Snyder yes I do like Marvel as well I know some people

say I'm a Marvel fan boy no they don't actually they say on the DC fanboy but I

do Marvel videos as well so doesn't make sense to me anyway guys please like

subscribe and comment if you want to that'll help channel grow massively and

it would be awesome if you want any videos ideas that want me to do just

drop them down below that would be cool and if you want to join the notification

squad just hit up oh whoa so you never miss a video and while we

miss we go I do flash arrow DC you just League MCU infinity war Thor I'm not

calling movies well that kind of stuff so if I see a comic on a channel and we

will catch you in another video guys very soon catch here no no

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Darkseid Vs Superman Image REVEALED? Final JusticeLeague Trailer Date CONFIRMED? - Duration: 7:31.


Stephanie McMahon RETURNING To WWE Raw?! | WrestleTalk News Sept. 2017 - Duration: 4:09.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

Space Mountain Milestone Last month, the wrestling world almost lost

one of its biggest living legends when Ric Flair was suddenly admitted to hospital.

An emergency operation led to kidney failure, at which point Jerry Lawler revealed The Nature

Boy had a 20% chance of survival.

In true Ric Flair style, though, he kicked out of death at two and the media is once

again talking about all the women he's slept with.

A week after Flair was released from hospital, a few details have come out from his upcoming

30-for-30 ESPN special - where the WWE Hall of Famer claims to have slept with "roughly

10,000 women" throughout his career.

Thankfully, investigative journalism site TMZ have crunched the numbers for us, writing:

"Flair is 68 years old — so if he started banging at 15 … we're talking an average

of 188 women per year (or 3.6 women per week)."

Try beating that one, John Cena.

Smackdown Live Ratings This week's episode of Smackdown pulled

in an impressive 2.54 million viewers, up from last week despite going against several

season premieres.

But far more important are your ratings.

53% of you thought the show was Smack Bang in the Middle, while 27% thought it even better

at SmackTastic.

Only 12% agreed with me at Ellsworthy.

Raw, however, has been below its 3 million average for the whole month of September - so

WWE might be bringing back everyone's favourite Monday night commissioner...

Stephanie McMahon Returning To WWE Raw?

CageSideSeats are reporting a rumor - so do take this with a pinch of salt - that if Raw

viewership continues its downward trend, "Stephanie McMahon may be brought back to television".

Because nothing says ratings like every babyface being buried by someone who gets no comeuppance.

Stephanie was last seen on WWE TV in the Kevin Owens/Vince McMahon headbutt angle two weeks

ago on Smackdown, running out to help her dad while giving KO the death stare, but before

then, she hadn't appeared since being written off Raw at Wrestlemania 33, where she was

accidentally pushed through a table by her husband Triple H.

And a Stephanie return to TV might not be WWE's only tactic to help Raw's struggling


Shield Reunion Plans Change?

As seen on Monday night's episode, the seeds are being sown for Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins

and Dean Ambrose to finally reunite as The Shield - with the reported plan being for

them to wrestle their return match at October's TLC pay-per-view, almost five-years since

they made their in-ring debut.

Going by this week's Raw, though, the big, threatening force that's going to finally

bring the band back together isn't a reunited Wyatt Family, Broken Hardy faction or called

up Sanity.

It's...The Miz, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel.

This direction was backed up by several sites, but while Pro Wrestling Sheet claim The Shield

will be reforming at TLC, their opponents aren't definitive:

"It's unclear at this point who they'll be facing, but we're told The Miztourage

being their opponents is NOT set in stone at this point."

Come on Balor Club!

Support WrestleTalk It's time to honour those who've donated

$25 or more to WrestleTalk's Patreon page with their very own Hall of Fame...rings.

So thank you: John McBride of Frankenstein

The Crafstman Blake Carpenter Paul E Dangerously Jarman

Britain's Next Top Model Phil Stopford Hard As Nails Nick Schiff

Arne K, The K Stands For 'Koolest Dude Ever' Gravestone Gary Hockin

Rollerball Rocco Bevilaque Cor Blimey Ben Stroud

What major WWE women's division plans have been leaked?

And what's the latest in the Bullet Club vs WWE saga?

Click the videos to the left to learn more, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on


I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

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