Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 29 2017

Melon is a summer fruit that is ideal for refreshing, moisturizing and nourishing the body,

the various benefits and properties that this fruit contains are very important for

the proper functioning of the body.

Today in todo en salud we will tell you some of the benefits that this fruit can

bring you when you consume.

In their composition the melon contain vitamins like A, Group B, C and E, and also contains

minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium and sodium.

Its caloric intake is 40 calories per 100 grams.

These components in the melon will contribute to the body benefits such as:

- Melon to hydrate: Its high water content keeps the body hydrated and

thus prevent dehydration.

- Melon as a diuretic: Potassium and the large amount of water in the melon,

will help to eliminate the retention of fluids in the body while decreasing uric acid, thus

improving conditions such as gout or arthritis.

- Melon as antioxidant: The high amount of antioxidants in this food prevents

degenerative conditions and boosts our immune system.

- Melon for digestion: The fiber in this fruit, will help us regulate intestinal

movements and normalize the health of the colon, it also prevents gas and

swollen belly.

- Melon for renal health: The health of the kidneys is improved by the consumption of

melons, due in large measure to their diuretic action.

- Melon for hypertension: Melon is a great food to reduce

blood pressure levels in the body.

- Melon for circulation: The adenosine present in the melon prevents the formation

of clots, so it is advisable in case of having angina, embolisms and

heart attacks.

- Melon for bone formation: The combination of minerals such as calcium and

phosphorus make it advisable to keep bones strong.

In fact the melon is a fruit that is highly recommended to include it in your diet when it is

in season, in this way you will take advantage of its benefits to the maximum.

If you are a person who regularly consumes the melon tell us what benefits this fruit

has brought to your life and if not start to consume it and see for yourself.

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