Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 30 2017

I do not know who goes further, the mountain or the crab

Poor my boss think the poor I am

larara larara lararay laray ....

Who knows if leaning, it's better than the tithe ..

Poor my boss think the poor I am ...

larara larara lararay laray ....

More than gold is poverty,

the most expensive in existence ...

Poor my boss think the poor I am ...

larara larara lararay laray ....

to dominate is his way and thus no one is released.

Poor my boss think the poor I am ...

larara larara lararay laray ....

The important thing is not the price

but the value of things.

Poor my boss think the poor I am ...

What do I care to win ten if you count to six

Poor my boss think the poor I am ...

Poor my boss think the poor I am ...

larara larara lararay laray ....


For more infomation >> Cápsulas de filosofía Cabralista. - Duration: 4:04.


Chaves - A bola / Por uma mulher formosa / Grito de independência / Este varal é meu! (1973) - Duration: 28:20.

For more infomation >> Chaves - A bola / Por uma mulher formosa / Grito de independência / Este varal é meu! (1973) - Duration: 28:20.


Malgré la grogne à FO, Jean-Claude Mailly n'a pas l'intention de démissionner - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Malgré la grogne à FO, Jean-Claude Mailly n'a pas l'intention de démissionner - Duration: 2:24.


[Watch] Club de Cuervos - Temporada 3 Cpt 1 [Sub Español] - Duration: 45:14.

For more infomation >> [Watch] Club de Cuervos - Temporada 3 Cpt 1 [Sub Español] - Duration: 45:14.


10 proverbios de Go básicos para principiantes - Duration: 9:51.

Ten basic proverbs go

If you do not understand the Sicho (or steps), do not play to go.

In this situation, white has a stone in atari.

If you try to defend it, black continues to atari.

Atari back, white escapes.

Black, not here, this is a mistake, since that white escapes.

You have to play here, atari, and it builds up the stairs.

If the ladder does not work, every stone that adds the target increases the loss.

It is estimated that every white stone, in this case, entering a staircase that does not work,

They are seven points loss.

Do not try to break a bamboo knot.

A knot bamboo can not be cut, is a solid connection.

White fails to divide and lose freedoms their own stones.

Therefore, this can not be cut.

Do not make empty triangles.

This training is bad form.

If the three stones are online.

One, two, three ... Eight freedoms.

If you are like this, one, two, three, ... Seven liberties.

Less freedom therefore stones are inefficient.

In this position, for example, if black plays well, so white, black stretch, white tour,

to avoid cutting, black is required make an empty triangle, which is bad form

Do not play near the strength or yours, nor that of his opponent

If you play black, is not a wise move to play for here, it's too close

the white stones.

White could make an invasion thus taking advantage of this force.

It would be advisable for Black to play further, in this way.

If you turn white, he not interested in playing near his strength,

You can play any further, even here.

A black invasion would be no problem, because now this stone has no basis

and it is in trouble.

If still out, white will attack the corner.

Because of this force, the black stones will always be in danger.

Therefore, do not play near the force, neither own nor that of others.

No ko threats at the beginning of the game

In this position if white plays and take this ko ... where to play black does not have to look a threat,

therefore, the ko will be won by white, you can play here.

If white plays anywhere, it would be black error playing this way

since the ko is lost.

White can play here, and even try to capture the two black stones, white takes,

no ko threats, even from around here, does not answer, and white connects.

Therefore ..., the proverb says no ko threats at the beginning of the game.

The fourth line is the line of influence, the third is the line of the territory,

and the second line is the line defeat.

In this black case you can play here for stabilize their group, but when white stretch

is a mistake to play here, since it is dragging the second line unnecessarily

which is the line of defeat.

Each stone black añadiese, is increasing the advantage of white, as black only

It makes a point with every stone and white is increasing its influence to the rest of the board

The influence line, line of the territory, because here the points are quite safe,

and line defeat because with these stones only one point is made with every movement.

A ponnuki worth thirty points.

Ponnuki means rising sun in Japanese, and not by the stone has been captured,

but by the influence and the force around.

That force is estimated that ends up being thirty points, on average.

A typical case in which a ponnuki formed is when we have this training,

invades white, black above, white Hane,

short ... atari ...

If you stretch ...

It is not favorable

You can usually play here, and now white takes, and even comes here, atari, is a ponnuki,

this position is usually favorable for white, white, depending on the position, you can connect,

which it is sente, because it forces defend these cutoffs, or you can play anywhere

Furthermore, depending on whether it ko threats.

Five groups live, the sixth dies.

In this position Black has one, two, three, four, five and six groups.

It is very likely that one of the six die.

It may be this, which is quite weak, It can be the center, which has no base,

may be this this corner that can be invaded in san-san, or may be this

which is pretty weak.

The proverb says five groups live, the sixth dies.

large group never dies.

In this position the black group is very large, but still he does not have eyes.

One comes out very clearly here, but it is unclear how it will do the second,

perhaps here, but this can make false eye, but try playing here, this and this are miai,

it's false.

The proverb says that large group never dies.

Will have always escape, here ... over there ... here trying to connect,

here you are trying to connect, cutting and hunting this group…

The proverb says, large group never dies.

Defend while attacking

This move by black obliged to respond to white.

After defending black, the corner is very safe, and the target group is weak,

It has no stability.

As the proverb says defends attack, or make territory while attacking.

For more infomation >> 10 proverbios de Go básicos para principiantes - Duration: 9:51.


10 sinais do câncer de ovário, o "assassino silencioso" - não devem ser ignorados ! - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> 10 sinais do câncer de ovário, o "assassino silencioso" - não devem ser ignorados ! - Duration: 7:40.


Defesas de Goleiros Parte 27(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 4:01.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

Goalkeepers defenses part 27

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