Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 28 2017

hi guys

welcome to another fishing video, is not even 10 a.m

and the fishing is over, I made miles and got up at 4 in the morning

He arrived close to 5 a.m

He had an accident with the car

to escape a dog, he is laughing but is no joke, the front is all smashed

and needs a trailer to go home

but I can not laugh either

My rod is broken.

I slipped on a stone of these

I fell into water and got water up to my knees

I broke my rod and hurt a finger

my day is over, what do you think?

it was a good day of fishing? did you like? How many fish did you catch?

4 fish

(for some strange reason he is happy, got is PB :P )

I got 5 fish in this... what? 2 hours? even less

the day is over

fish on

looks big

no, he is not big

just fight hard at the begin

but is the first...

here he is

in the assist hook

very alive

now is bigger

now I think he is bigger

the attack was good

They're just fooling me, he is not big

he is bigger

look the diference between have or no the assist hook

both fish where caught on the assist hook

this is bigger

go go

fish on

small but is the third

here he is

Ribworm again

he is under that rock

so crazy

I am Texas fishing

I lost some lures

The bottom here is complicated

Let's see how it goes like this

Let's see if I do not lose so many lures, I've also changed the color

I'm with a more natural color

The water here is very clear

and I do not believe they have great difficulty in seeing the lure

fish on

in first cast

after I change my rig

one fish, not very big

but it's the fourth fish

you can not ask for more

Ribworm catching again

I do not know if I told you but...

this lure will be brutal for this season

for Walleye/Zander

unfortunately we are only catching small fish

but the day has just begun

there he goes

another small fish

welcome to the first "Hot tips"

at the end of the videos I'm going to try to insert what I used and why I used

I started the day in chartreuse color

and later move to a more natural color

whether in sea or river there are many similarities between the Sea Bass and other river predators

who fish at sea know that begins with a color like this

in river is the same

I'll show you how to mount a trailer hook

both two first fish where cautght on the trailer hook

and I did this because I wanted a large lure to catch larger fish

that lake has bigger fish

because he was having short attacks of small fish

and the goal was to catch them so I don´t skunk, that is the reason of the trailer

so who do we do this? we get our Ribworm

and with a double hook from Savage Gear

near the tail

like this

and this part is done, now...

we have to put the hook in a way he don´t go out

we can use a Jighead

or we can use a hook

weedless like this

like this

and now let's look for the eye o the hook

is here

we pass through the middle

and is done

has you can see even if you pull

he is not go out because is stucked in the main hook

with this you will miss less fish

you will not miss short strikes or small fish

the fish will he in the trailer hook

even if don´t hit this hook we will get the fish

easy like this

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Autumn de Forest: Portrait of a Young Artist - Duration: 2:23.

My goal as an artist is to...

is to create art that makes people look at the world in a different way.

It's kind of, it's a little bit wild, you know, being a teenager

and being able to talk to these people or share my story.

To me, I go home or I go to school and I'm just a regular kid

and a lot of, you know, a lot of these kids don't even know what I do.

I started painting in my late 5's

and then I sold my first painting when I was 6 years old.

I have never had any formal training in painting or in art,

but I will say that a lot of training comes from inspiration of different artists.

Psychology really inspires me as an artist.

A lot of the recent pieces are very much inspired by the mind.

Different theories, Freudian theories, different psychological theories.

I usually don't sketch stuff out.

Sometimes I will, but I'll just start with an abstract piece and then I can,

then I can, you know, chisel stuff away and make it more refined later.

I've had the opportunity to create a piece for the cool Pope, Pope Francis,

which I love him so much,

and I was able to create a piece for him and actually go to Rome and present it to him.

I love to hang out with my friends,

I love to go to movies, have sleepovers, that kind of thing.

I love my dog. She's a standard poodle and her name's Ginger.

Ever since I picked up the paintbrush, my parents have been more than supportive.

When I first asked my mom if maybe she could pick up some materials for me,

I thought she'd come back from the art store with pieces of paper and crayons

and she came back with huge canvases and great-quality paint

and that's just one of the ways my parents have been extremely supportive from the very beginning.

I mean, if it wasn't for that, you know, I wouldn't have, probably wouldn't have continued.

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