Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

For more infomation >> ¡Después de ver esto, no volverás a tirar la semilla de aguacate! - Duration: 4:03.


Lead guitar Seben Rumba - Exercise to improve guitar precision - Duration: 7:45.

And action !

Hey fam' I have decided to add devices as you can see

to record with two cameras

the close-up and... the "far-up" I guess we could say

We are going to try if it works correctly

and by the way I will give you an excerpt

of the lessons I provide in the Seben Academy. So let's go !

I want to share with you a secret to improve your precision while playing lead guitar

It is neglected by some lead guitarists

It's simply the necessity of holding chords

to play most of your solo tunes with chords hold

as long as it's possible

You can also play separated notes but in this case you need to keep your fingers close to control strings

so you avoid this kind of noise

That happens when you don't keep control of the strings with your fingers close

you get all this background noise

what we want is this clarity

Controlling all the strings

There is no background noise

The point is to practice this habit

like always very slowly. Why slowly ?

Because we need to have these motions saved in the brain

The brain need to get gradually used to those new motions

After the habits will be saved, the brain will automatically process them with accuracy

without thinking

The objective is to practice to improve your precision this way

with the same exercice I gave last time

In the key of G again

This chord is the first degree in the key of G

It's a kind of shortcut of the G chord

Then the fourth degree which will be this C shortened

Then this shortened D as a fifth degree. You can play it like this

or like this or this

These are three shortened forms of the chords, as played for lead guitar

So I use shortened chords to play solos

and it's a personal advice I give even though some guitarists could disagree with me

I suggest to practice like this to improve your precision

and to keep control of all the sound of the strings on the fretboard

Still with up and down picking style here

to master the motion again give the brain enough time to save it with accuracy

take your time don't be in hurry

You won't even realize your improvement

This kind of exercice should always be practiced non stop

Practice, practice, practice until your brain doesn't need you to think about that motion to do it

With this commitment you will become a proven lead guitarist

This kind of detail show how advanced is a lead guitarist

judged by his accuracy and his imposing presence

You need to take your time guys to reach that level

Talk and express yourself clearly

that is all that matters

That is guys just to give you a glimpse of the lessons in the SEBEN ACADEMY

As you may have understood the SEBEN ACADEMY is the online guitar class

with the Seben and Congolese Rumba approach

It's a simplified approach with no complicate music theory concepts

only the minimum required to start playing guitar and to improve

So it's just a glimpse if you are realy interested

you can drop your email adress if you want more information about the SEBEN ACADEMY

subscribe to the newsletter and you will also receive the first guitar lesson and the interval diagram

This was just a short excerpt showing the approach of my lessons in the SEBEN ACADEMY

if you are interested let's meet in the other side

And don't forget ...

SEBEEEEEEEEN until heaven fam' !!

For more infomation >> Lead guitar Seben Rumba - Exercise to improve guitar precision - Duration: 7:45.


Além de Alice - SO2E2 - Recordações | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 9:06.



I think I really wanted a popcorn

Do you want me to go and make it?

Hun, no, I do it

Are you sure?


Pause the movie!

Ok, I will

I already paused ...

Hahaha I can see

What? Do you want me to go make the popcorn?

Hum no

Who would say?

We here. Could you imagine?

Sometimes I'm afraid to wake up from this dream.

It's not a dream

It's real, okay?

It's real

It's real, okay?

And my desire to eat popcorn is real too!

Ohh hahahaha

I'm going for it!

Don't press play!

Don't press play! I'm watching you!


I thought this idea was great!

And you Alice?


Alice I'm talking to you!

Oh sister, sorry!

What did you say?

Did you hear anything I said?


I didn't hear anything you said, my bad

In what world is your head, huh?

Oh sister, I don't even know...

I don't even know in which world my head is

But talk ...

Hey, missing girl!


Hey dude!

Are you visiting here ??

Actually I came back to live here!

Ow! Really!?

I'm gonna live with my sister again!

I'll see you always!


Let's go out, to reminisce about the old days


Let's do this, I need to relax!

Yeah ! Let's do it!

I'm going up, ok Alice?

Ok, sure!

Bye Helena!



Wow, what's up? Why did you talk that?

Nothing Alice.

I just don't want you to get stuck in any more confusion! Fine!?

Let's go inside, come on!

So, are you free today?


I resigned ...

I couldn't work with Anna anymore ...

Hmm, so it means that you're free today !?

Yes, I'm! Do you wanna do something??

Yes, I do!

Where should we go?


(bell rings)

Ju, the bell rang here, I'll see who it is, and then I'll call you back, okay?

Ok! Kisses!


Can I come in?

What do you want here?

Can I come in!?

Sit here. Please...

Speak soon what you want, I don't have time.

I wanted to say sorry

for everything I did to you,

you didn't deserve any of that.

Glad you recognize that, right ?!

But we are not getting back together, if that's what you want to know.


Think about it...

We get along so well, we have such wonderful chemistry,

let's not let this fight end us ...


Ohh! Oh!



Get out of here!

Get out of my house now!

Sorry Isa, did I hurt you??

Isa, I'm sorry!

Get OUT!

I don't want to see your face ever again!

Ohh! OMG!


God damn it ! What a fright!

Fearful girl!


Come here, come here, come here!

Come watch the movie with us, come!

Yeah Heitor, come here!

Do you believe this girl is making me watch horror movie ??!

What face is that?

Oh, nothing...

just work stress.

Come here! Come de-stress with us!

The movie is great, this girl here is afraid!

No. I don't want to disturb the couple ...

You're always together now, huh ...

Hey, this girl doesn't let me go Heitor, I cannot stand this one anymore, jesus! haha

Come here Heitor!

No, really girls, thanks.

I'm dying of a headache.

I'm going to bed to see if this pain go away, okay?

Anything you need, we're here, okay?


Go relax!

He scared you! Haha

He knocked exactly the time the man was coming!

I think this guy is going to die!

Oh for sure!


When is not the protagonist.



I don't want to watch this movie anymore!

"Nothing and no one can destroy the love I feel for you.

If time is in our favor, nothing will be able to separate us.

Forever, your Patrick ".

For more infomation >> Além de Alice - SO2E2 - Recordações | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 9:06.


Os 10 melhores momentos do terceiro episódio de Inside Xbox de Global - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Os 10 melhores momentos do terceiro episódio de Inside Xbox de Global - Duration: 2:47.


😊📹 💕mi grupo de WhatsApp ( Link en descripción ) - Duration: 11:16.

Hello 💕If you are reading this.. You're beautiful and loved and deserve to be happy ❤

For more infomation >> 😊📹 💕mi grupo de WhatsApp ( Link en descripción ) - Duration: 11:16.


Así se ha despedido 'Carlitos Alcántara' de 'Cuéntame cómo pasó' - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Así se ha despedido 'Carlitos Alcántara' de 'Cuéntame cómo pasó' - Duration: 1:55.


Peugeot 2008 1.6-16v ! "De mooiste, meest complete van Nerderland" ! Vingerhoets Bladel: 600+ klante - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.6-16v ! "De mooiste, meest complete van Nerderland" ! Vingerhoets Bladel: 600+ klante - Duration: 0:51.


✅ Laurent Gerra ne veut plus parler de Mathilde Seigner - Duration: 2:13.

Sur « le Divan » de Marc-Olivier Fogiel sur « France 3 », Laurent Gerra est revenu sur sa relation avec Mathilde Seigner, et regrette l'exposition médiatique de leur couple

«Vous savez moi je tourne des pages, tout ça c'est derrière. Non pas que je renie ou que je n'assume pas, c'est que je passe à autre chose », a répondu Laurent Gerra, interrogé sur cette relation

Il explique ensuite ne pas aimer garder de liens avec ses anciennes compagnes. «Oui, je ne sais pas… Une fois que c'est fini… Dire 'c'est comme un grand-frère' … Ça a été une histoire, on tourne des pages et on passe à autre chose

Je n'ai pas de nostalgie par rapport à ça. Autant je suis passéiste autant là-dessus non », a-t-il indiqué

L'humoriste regrette surtout que son couple ait été surexposé à l'époque. « Ça, ça m'énerve ! Étaler son… », a-t-il dit avant que Marc-Olivier Fogiel lui rappelle qu'il l'avait pourtant fait

«Ce n'était pas de mon fait. Ça c'est vraiment le genre de truc qui m'horripile et ça je sais que ce n'était pas de mon fait

D'ailleurs vous voyez, je ne suis pas très à l'aise. » a alors répondu Laurent Gerra, qui est en couple depuis plus de dix ans avec Christelle Bardet

«Ça va faire plus de dix ans et tout va bien parce que justement je me suis préservé de ça et des articles idiots (…) On n'est pas obligé d'étaler partout sa vie privée », dit-il

For more infomation >> ✅ Laurent Gerra ne veut plus parler de Mathilde Seigner - Duration: 2:13.


FOTO. Lansarea partidului lui Victor Ponta, pe (aproape) toate posturile de știri. A lipsit de la An - Duration: 2:09.

BURTIERĂ LA MINUT. Pro România, noul partid al lui Victor Ponta, s-a lansat în a doua zi de Rusalii

Pe ce posturi s-a văzut și de la ce posturi a lipsit, în continuare:  Realitatea TV și B1 TV au transmis pe larg discursul lui Victor Ponta (în jurul orei 17

00), având și numeroase cadre cu oamenii prezenți la eveniment. Printre nume, Ecaterina Andronescu

Într-un cadru, lângă Daciana Sârbu, soția lui Victor Ponta, a apărut și Maria Apostol, fostul șef al comunicării Pro TV

Publicitate Contactată de, Maria Apostol a declarat că a venit "la invitația unei prietene" (Daciana Sârbu) și că nu are nicio legătură cu partidul nou lansat

"Nu sunt membru, nici nu voi fi, nu mă ocup de nimic pentru partid", a precizat pentru Paginademedia

ro Maria Apostol, care a apărut în prim-plan în cadrele de la Realitatea TV și B1 TV

La România TV și la Digi 24 au fost câteva cadre scurte. Pe România TV, după imagini a continuat dezbaterea pe subiect cu invitații din platou

  La Antena 3 și TVR 1 momentul lansării nu s-a văzut. Momentul lansării partidului Pro România a fost chiar în timpul programului de știri de la ora 17

00. Antena 3, în timp ce Ponta își lansa partidul, avea mesaje din „tabăra Dragnea", cu titluri precum: „Dragnea către Ponta: Te faci de râs!", „Dragnea: Ponta a fost activat în planul străveziu", „Dragnea își scoate armata PSD în stradă" TVR 1 avea un program de știri (în care lansarea partidului lui Ponta nu a fost știre), urmat de o dezbatere în care Monica Ghiurco vorbea despre "Informație și manipulare"

GALERIE FOTO. Posturile de știri la lansarea partidului lui Victor Ponta: Autor: Iulia Bunea iulia

For more infomation >> FOTO. Lansarea partidului lui Victor Ponta, pe (aproape) toate posturile de știri. A lipsit de la An - Duration: 2:09.


Amici 17, Gino Paoli: 'Sono venuto a molestare la De Filippi' - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Amici 17, Gino Paoli: 'Sono venuto a molestare la De Filippi' - Duration: 3:49.


Oysho lanza una colección de baño confeccionada ¡con redes de pesca recicladas! - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Oysho lanza una colección de baño confeccionada ¡con redes de pesca recicladas! - Duration: 3:03.


Supervivientes 2018: ¡La infidelidad de Isi a Raquel Mosquera! - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Supervivientes 2018: ¡La infidelidad de Isi a Raquel Mosquera! - Duration: 3:11.


Diffusion en direct de RedLine Radio - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Diffusion en direct de RedLine Radio - Duration: 11:40.


¿Te imaginas que Mia de Molina fuera tu conductora de Uber?: El Gordo le hace esta petición - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> ¿Te imaginas que Mia de Molina fuera tu conductora de Uber?: El Gordo le hace esta petición - Duration: 0:51.


LA MAFIA (@lamafia) Conferencia de prensa en México (Parte 2) presentan CD+DVD "VOZES" #EnPOPados - Duration: 15:34.

For more infomation >> LA MAFIA (@lamafia) Conferencia de prensa en México (Parte 2) presentan CD+DVD "VOZES" #EnPOPados - Duration: 15:34.


Meghan y Harry, luna de miel a 6.000 euros la noche y guiño a la reina Isabel - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Meghan y Harry, luna de miel a 6.000 euros la noche y guiño a la reina Isabel - Duration: 4:23.


✅ Minsal admite que se han perdido 38 trasplantes de órganos este 2018 - Duration: 2:13.

Durante 2018, al menos 38 trasplantes y 15 donantes efectivos se han perdido en distintos recintos hospitalarios del país, según lo que admitió el Ministerio de Salud tras un dictamen de la Contraloría que estableció que se debe respetar la inscripción en el fallido registro de no donantes, aunque los familiares expresen que la voluntad de la persona era de donar los órganos

Según explica La Tercera, el organismo estableció que los médicos que realizan estos procedimientos no podían preguntar a la familia sobre la última voluntad de un posible donante que figurara en el listado de no donantes del Registro Civil

Ese registro, creado entre 2010 y 2013, establecía la voluntad de donar los órganos cuando sacaban el carné o la licencia de conducir; sin embargo, una revisión de la normativa determinó que no era el procedimiento más adecuado, sino que erróneo también porque había traspaso de personas de una lista a otra

Por esta razón, en 2013 se modificó el proceso y se determinó que todos los chilenos son aptos para donar al menos que expresen lo contrario

En esa línea, según José Luis Rojas, Coordinador Nacional de Donación de Órganos del Ministerio de Salud, el dictamen y la imposibilidad de preguntar a las familias ha reducido las cifras de donantes y trasplantes en comparación al año pasado, cuando se lograron niveles históricos, con 173 donantes y 457 trasplantesEste año se han registrado 43 donantes efectivos y 128 trasplantes en el país, mientras que a la misma fecha de 2017 había 75 donantes y 197 trasplantes

Desde el Minsal afirmaron que de haber podido procurar los órganos de los 15 donantes efectivos que se han registrado este año en todo el país, las cifras serían de 58 donantes y de 166 trasplantes

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