Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

Pelo visto, Débora Nascimento e José Loreto estão ficando papais cada dia mais babões e apaixonados, desde o nascimento da primeira filha do casal, Bella

Ainda na última terça-feira (29), aliás, o ator voltou a usar seu perfil no Instagram, para se declarar às mulheres de sua vida, compartilhando ainda uma linda e delicada foto das duas, com os fãs

Na imagem, Débora aparece lendo um livro, enquanto também carregava a herdeira, usando um sling, acessório bem conhecido e super aprovado, pela maioria das mamães

"Minhas ternurinhas na pediatra!! Haja álcool gel para limpar o tanto que babo por elas!!", chegou a escrever o ator, na legenda da publicação

Por meio de sua própria página na rede social, Débora compartilhou uma outra foto do mesmo momento

"Mamãe sempre lerá para você, minha ternurinha", foi o que ela disse, sobre tal clique, que, assim como o postado por seu marido, logo derreteu os fãs

For more infomation >> ✅ Débora Nascimento e a filha protagonizam lindas fotos em dia de médico - Duration: 1:40.


Hand painful syndromes ▪ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & De Quervain's disease - Duration: 1:50.


I am Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar

and through this rubric I propose us to understand some medical conditions

and to be aware of the risks that may occur if they are not treated in time

The healthy advice, by Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar Plastic, reconstructive and hand surgery

Today we are going to speak about Hand painful syndromes

If you feel pain of any kind, we have the first signal that something is wrong

A pain in the hand area shows that something is going on there

that there is a pathological, incipient or chronic process

more or less severe

Among the most common causes of the pain in the hand

are nerve compressions

The most frequently we find the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Other common causes of pain located on the hand are the De Quervain's disease and degenerative trapeziometacarpal arthritis

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be diagnosed quite easily because

among pain, it is associated with tingling and numbness in the fingers of the hand

De Quervain's disease can be identified by having a specific pain located on the base of the thumb

This pain is exacerbated by the movement of the thumb

Often, the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the De Quervain's disease are misdiagnosed with rheumatic diseases

Therefore, these diseases should be clearly distinguished by a specialist in hand surgery

and I strongly recommend that you come to the consultation if you have any symptoms

Both situations can be treated quickly and spectacularly

See you next time on a new episode of Healthy Advice

Until then, if you find this information useful, you can share it to your friends

and if you want to find helpful articles, you can access my website

The healthy advice, by Dr. Vladislav Gyebnar Plastic, reconstructive and hand surgery

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