Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

Use an end bit №5

Use a socket №32

Use a socket №19

For more infomation >> Cum se înlocuiesc uleiul de motor și filtrul de ulei pe VW PASSAT B6 (3C5) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 7:39.


Escola de Atores Cena IV - Curso Infantil - 2018 - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Escola de Atores Cena IV - Curso Infantil - 2018 - Duration: 0:33.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Temer: Quando alguns tentam parar o Brasil, governo exerce autoridade - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Temer: Quando alguns tentam parar o Brasil, governo exerce autoridade - Duration: 3:05.


El juez aplaza a la semana que viene la declaración de los cuatro acusados de encubrir a Puigdemont - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> El juez aplaza a la semana que viene la declaración de los cuatro acusados de encubrir a Puigdemont - Duration: 2:20.









add 2 cups of flour

1/2 cup of sugar

1/2 cup of EVOO

1/2 cup of vegetal milk

two teaspoons of yeast

add the grated lemon peel

mix all...

finally we put 40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees

For more infomation >> VEGAN LEMON CAKE RECIPE (EASY) - Duration: 1:27.


Obra comentada: El triunfo de la Muerte, Pieter Bruegel el Viejo - Duration: 3:59.

Pieter Bruegel was a mid-16th-century painter

and one of the great figures in the history of European art.

We could say the same about Michelangelo, Velázquez, Dürer, Goya and many others.

One of these figures is undoubtedly Pieter Bruegel in Antwerp and Brussels,

where his work was based on an extremely fertile tradition of painting.

Bruegel emerged on the art world only around one hundred years after Van der Weyden

had painted his great works, including The Descent from the Cross in the Prado,

and when Van Eyck had been one of the great figures of European painting.

It was only about fifty years before Bruegel was painting that Bosch died, in 1516.

Bruegel began his career as a new Bosch.

At the outset he was a draughtsman and above all a printmaker.

He engraved numerous scenes based on the work of Bosch.

He started to paint late in life.

When he died in 1569 he hadn't been painting for long:

most of his best-known paintings are from more or less the last decade of his life.

This painting is normally dated around 1562.

Where does Bruegel's greatness lie?

Of course it's always difficult to express these issues in words,

but he was a painter of profound humanity,

transmitting the sensation that he understood the tribulations

and problems of being a human being;

in this sense he rather resembles Goya, surprisingly.

What he painted in The Triumph of Death, the painting that has just been restored at the Museum,

is an obsession: the terror in the face of death that existed at this time.

This terror was also present in other periods but in this case

it is death as an overwhelming and constant presence in human life.

It's an old tradition, in which death implies

that in the final instance we are all equal

and that it is fundamental to live a correct life in order to face death with the hope of salvation.

Bruegel's images are based on popular traditions and on images taken from Bosch.

He devised some very strange scenes derived from the medieval tradition

in which it is difficult to perceive a formal hierarchy in the Renaissance sense.

In an Italian Renaissance painting we would expect to see large figures

and we would clearly know where to look.

In this painting, as in Bosch's paintings, it's difficult to know where to look:

it all seems like a very large tapestry in which everything has the same importance.

Bruegel went to Italy twice and we begin to see the influence of Italian art

— which would start to prevail in Europe a couple of decades later —

in the skilled foreshortening of some of his figures

and also in the six pairs of figures in the lower part of the painting

which seem to be intended to structure this vast chaos painted by the artist.

Seeing the painting on display, we had been aware for some time that it needed restoring,

for two principal reasons:

it had a very yellowish varnish which had yellowed more over the years

and was creating the effect of a veil over the painting

so that the characteristic impact of oil painting was being lost.

It also had a very irregular surface.

This was because the panels were gradually breaking up and moving,

so that the natural curve of the group of panels

which comprise the painting's support had broken,

preventing its correct visual reading.

We had been looking for some time at both the painting's support and the darkening of the varnish

as it hung in the gallery and about a year ago we decided that the moment had arrived to restore it.

We realised that this was an enormous responsibility

as it's one of the great paintings

not just in the Museo del Prado but also in the entire tradition of European art.

The result is fabulous due to the work undertaken by the Museum's restoration studio

and above all, the quality of Pieter Bruegel himself.

For more infomation >> Obra comentada: El triunfo de la Muerte, Pieter Bruegel el Viejo - Duration: 3:59.


Los planes de futuro de Alfred y Amaia - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Los planes de futuro de Alfred y Amaia - Duration: 4:02.


La comédie musicale sur Johnny Hallyday ne "parlera pas de sa vie privée" -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> La comédie musicale sur Johnny Hallyday ne "parlera pas de sa vie privée" -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:39.


MULA B vertelt over de PERFECTE DATE en DM'S van YUNG FELIX | Vluggertje - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> MULA B vertelt over de PERFECTE DATE en DM'S van YUNG FELIX | Vluggertje - Duration: 2:03.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Maia: Governo talvez não tenha dimensão do tamanho da crise que vive - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Maia: Governo talvez não tenha dimensão do tamanho da crise que vive - Duration: 4:04.


Últimas notícia de hoje : STF condena pela primeira vez político com Foro privilegiado na Lava Jato - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : STF condena pela primeira vez político com Foro privilegiado na Lava Jato - Duration: 4:24.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Greve dos caminhoneiros movimenta MPF e Dodge se pronuncia - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Greve dos caminhoneiros movimenta MPF e Dodge se pronuncia - Duration: 4:23.


Liverpool muestra que el fichaje de Fabinho tiene otros propósitos - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Liverpool muestra que el fichaje de Fabinho tiene otros propósitos - Duration: 4:20.


Luismi, el amigo especial de Joao ¿Perseguido por la justicia? - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Luismi, el amigo especial de Joao ¿Perseguido por la justicia? - Duration: 3:13.


✅ maria de filippi contro riki? dichiarazioni cantante - Duration: 1:53.

Durante il programma è stato accusato di fare solo ballad ma afferma di averlo fatto apposta per uscire con un tormentone in vista dell'estate

Così, anche se la De Filippi non era d'accordo ha imposto le sue regole da semplice allievo

Una presa di posizione che pare abbia fatto inquietare la conduttrice anche se poi, come dichiara, gli ha dato ragione: "Ma io avevo una direzione chiara in mente e infatti ho vinto tutto: Polaroid è stata un grande successo

E poi così alla fine anche Maria De Filippi mi ha dato ragione. Oggi, Riki ammette di dovere molto alle sue fan e né come consapevole come ha raccontato a Vanity Fair: "Ce ne sono tante innamorate"

 Ragazzine talmente innamorate da prendere di mira anche le donne con cui ha che fare, racconta infatti : "La modella con cui ho fatto il primo video l'hanno massacrata: Riki è mio, vestiti, 13 mila commenti di questo genere

Adesso prendono di mira anche Sara ( la sua fidanzata) ma non per cattiveria". Ora il giovane cantante è pronto per il suo tour estivo e sta lanciando il nuovo tormentone dal titolo Mal di Testa, canzone che ha anche una versione spagnola Dolor de Cabeza

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