Tudo sobre HÉRNIA DE DISCO - Duration: 6:21.-------------------------------------------
VISÃO DE UM CANADENSE SOBRE NÓS BRASILEIROS - 5 minutos com Ed - Duration: 5:47.-------------------------------------------
O CORPO DE CRISTO - Duration: 1:50.The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ. -Hold on. Is there gluten in it?
-What? -Is the body of Christ gluten free?
Well, there's a little bit a gluten in it.
Hmm... So, I can't have it. I'm taking a break from gluten.
Do you have soy body of Christ?
No, this is how we make the body of Christ.
How can I redeem myself from my sins
if I'm not eating gluten then?
Just a little bit is ok.
It's not. I'll get all bloated, especially in the morning.
Can we make a deal?
I'll chew on it,
spit it out and save it.
No one will ever know.
-Just to be safe. -You can't do that.
Okay, I'll have a rice cake then.
Rice cracker, I mean.
You take it, you bless it as it was the body of Christ.
It'll be a more fit body of Christ to match the days we live in.
It'll match that fit image we have of him, with his six-pack.
No, ma'am. I can't do that.
-I won't. -Okay.
I have a protein bar.
You can bless it and call it a day.
One host will not make a difference..
Yes, it will. I'd rather have a truffle than a host.
It's way better.
I have an idea.
You can have the wine.
Great! Is it white though? 'Cause the red one...
14 des plus puissants antibiotiques naturels connus de l'humanité - France 365 - Duration: 11:01.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : DEFESA DE LULA CONSEGUE REVERTER DEMISSÃO DE ASSESSORES - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : Ator Danny Glover visita acampamento pró-Lula em Curitiba - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Balotelli cerca de ir a Francia - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
David Bustamante y Yana Olina, de su apasionado debut al 'amor verdadero' - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
La meteórica carrera de Yana Olina para convertirse en una estrella: ya posa en photocall - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
El rey Juan Carlos, en silla de ruedas en un almuerzo privado - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
LE PETIT PONT DE BOIS d'YVES DUTEIL - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Antracosis: la enfermedad de los mineros del carbón - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
PAROLES DE FESTIVALIERS #OUVERTURE - Duration: 3:19.It's really an open festival that makes you want to go to the opera.
I think it's quite exceptional...
...that there is such a close connection between...
...the singers, the stage directors, the conductors.
We got to speak with Jaroussky...
...and then Patricia Petitbon but as if...
...you could almost touch them, I mean.
I asked Bernard Foccroulle...
...if I could run the Opera Creation Workshop.
And it's one of the things I really love doing which is...
...working with young people on how to make things.
I love the open feeling, like you said...
...where the artists want to relate to the audience.
I could feel that very strongly.
We go into the audience, many times we come through the audience.
And that's a special kind of joy that we don't often...
Not many theatres have you going into the audience.
Seeing children in the house...
...that's really something I'd like to see developped further.
Or at least continue as it is.
Letting us bring children between the ages of 8 and 12 for free...
And I even bring my great-grandchildren.
What I especially liked about "The Monster in the Maze"...
...was the presence of very, very young children.
I think some were only 4 or 5, really little.
And they were able to do incredible things with them.
There was a heatwave, in the middle of summer.
We had rehearsals morning to night.
But there was this dynamic, wanting to succeed and do something together.
There was a great rapport even between the professional singers and the children.
A great ambiance like a big family-- of 300 people-- but still a great family!
Certainly "The Monster in the Maze" was one of the best examples...
...of what he, what he inspires others to do...
...in making it accessible. And it changes lives!
The energy that was put into it and the children, I mean these...
It was a moment that, you know...
You could ask anybody here in this room that came with me, I mean...
...they were struck.
It's also a springboard for young singers...
...who had done Masterclasses that we'd kept tabs on...
...and suddenly we see them in the line-up.
We're happy to see them singing and expressing themselves like that.
Twenty years on and the Academy is still there...
...and its international reputation is still important.
It's very in demand, many young people want to come here.
It's incredible.
Reaching out to bring people together through music, creativity and art... bravo!
With the kind participation of... Directed by Martin Neumann
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