Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

Hello and welcome to Early Music My name is Elam Rotem

and today we'll analyse together a beautiful madrigal by Cipriano de Rore: Amor, ben mi credevo.

In the Early Music Sources Youtube series

we have often discussed the elements that underpin early musical composition,

such as modes, cadences, solmization, durum and molle,

and the way in which these elements were described in earlier times.

In this episode we will use these tools in order to analyze one little gem by Cipriano de Rore.

If you haven't watched these former episodes, you might want to check them out.

The aim of this episode is to try and understand why Rore composed the way he did,

based on the assumption that if we better understand why he did it, and exactly what he did,

it might help us when performing the piece.

Before we can start with the analysis, we should first agree on what exactly it is that we are analyzing;

what the sources of the piece are and how we have decided

to present them for the purpose of our analysis.

The madrigal Amor ben mi credevo is found

in the first book of four part madrigals by Rore, published in 1550.

See the footnote for the surviving editions, copies and online digital reproductions.

As you know, in the 16th century scores were generally not in use and were rarely printed.

Music was published in separate partbooks, one book for each part.

However, as Rore's compositions were highly regarded,

in 1577 a score of his four part madrigals was published.

It is one of the first and rare cases from that period of score printing.

It was made to allow instrumentalists play the pieces, as well as for the study of counterpoint.

If you lived at that time and wanted to analyze one of these pieces, this print was quite a privilege,

as otherwise you would have to make your own score out of the separate part books.

However, this rare and expensive score lacks a very crucial element - the text of the madrigals.

As you will see later in the episode, most of Rore's compositional decisions are motivated by the text.

So for our purpose, and for your convenience, we will use a modern score,

with the text and with our favorite clefs, and have the originals on the side only for reference.

The first thing that Rore did, before even writing the first note of the madrigal,

was to examine the poem. Let's have a look at it.

We'll now hear the poem recited by Giovanna Baviera in its original Italian,

which you can follow in the English translation:

Amor (cupid), I truly believed that you bound my lady and me with the very same rope,

so that the desire would be one and the ardor immortal.

but alas, I see her free and liberated from these amorous knots,

and surrounded by a thousand pleasures,

while I live more tied and captive than ever,

deprived of any pleasure, full of torments,

I stay alive, yet my life is extinguished.

Rore decided to divide this text into three parts,

we know this thanks to the places he put substantial cadences in the music, as you will soon see.

In the first part we are introduced to the gloomy situation where the speaker is talking to Amor (or cupid),

speaking of what he believed to be the truth about the lady he loves.

In the second part we hear about the lady; how she is free from the bonds of love.

And in the third, the speaker speaks of himself, and how miserable he is.

Keep this structure in mind when we look at the music.

Now that we know the text, we can go on and endeavor to understand

why Rore composed the things the way he did.

As a first step, let's try to recognize the mode in which the piece is composed.

To determine the mode of the piece, we'll first check its beginning and ending:

it starts with each of the voices having E as their first note,

and ends rather weirdly, but still with E in the lowest voice.

Based on this alone, at this point we can be quite sure that we are dealing with some mi mode,

either phrygian, the third mode, or hypophrygian, the fourth mode.

If we check the ranges of the voices, one of the markers of modes according to the sources,

we find a rather perfect example of the ranges of the third mode.

The next thing would be to check the degrees upon which substantial cadences take place.

Later on we'll get into the details of the cadences,

but for now it is sufficient to show that at the end of the first part there is a cadence on A,

and at the end of the second part there is a cadence on C.

The end, as we said, is rather unusual, but closes on E.

According to most sources, cadences on E, A and C are used in pieces that are in the fourth mode,

and not on the third mode.

At this point one must be reminded of the inconsistency

in regard to modes as displayed in the sources.

And this is the case even before we get into the descriptions of the affects of each mode,

where things get even more subjective, and more contradictory.

Nevertheless however, in many descriptions the fourth mode is described as appropriate

for amourous, mournful and sad subjects, just like the poem of this madrigal.

We can only imagine what Rore might have said

if we had asked him in which mode he had written this madrigal and why.

For now, we will just stick with what we know:

the piece is in some mi mode, and, based on the text,

Rore believed it to be appropriate for sad and amourous subjects.

Now that we examined the text and the mode,

we can finally delve into the actual music.

Feel free to pause the video for a minute and bring a big cup of coffee - you might need it.

"Amor, I have truly believed that you bound my lady and me with the very same rope,

"so that the desire would be one and the ardor immortal."

For the first line of the text, the voices enter in an imitative manner one after the other.

The second line however, is presented using pairs of voices:

first the canto and basso, and then the alto and tenor.

On the word "legati", tied, there are ligature, suspensions.

And on the word "laccio", rope, there are little circular melismas, emulating its form.

As you see, word painting can sometimes be rather literal.

At this point there is also a little cadence on C, but it is a rather weak one:

it is only a tenor cadence (as opposed to an authentic one),

it is short, it is on a weak beat, and the little "laccio" in the tenor

makes sure the music goes on, that it does not stop.

The fact that the cadence is weak corresponds with the poet's intentions,

as we are in the middle of a text line,

and Rore didn't allow disruption of the musical flow in such situations.

After climactic high notes in the canto and alto on the word "ardor",

a stronger cadence arrives.

Although the bass an d tenor disappear on the finalis

it is nevertheless a rather strong cadence:

it is authentic, it is long, and it is on a strong beat.

Although also here there is a little ornamental "tail" in the alto,

the longer rests in each of the voices before the next line starts

help in defining this moment as an ending of a section.

By the way, the finalis of the canto part is a high e'' in all the sources

and not a' as written here.

I consider it to be extremely unusual and unlikely

that on the unaccented last note Rore would jump to the highest note of the range

and create something that seem like parallels fifths.

Therefore I believe it to be a mistake and corrected it to a'.

I might be wrong of course, and you might choose to perform the original high e'.

Before everything is forgotten, let's listen to a performance of it up to this point.

Now we are entering the next part:

"But alas, I see her free and liberated from these amorous knots,

"and surrounded by a thousand pleasures."

On the words "lasso", alas, Rore used suspensions.

This was a common treatment for this word, and it remained such until the 17th century.

In this case, Rore also play on the fact that the word "lasso"

is similar to the solmization syllables "la" "sol".

Anyway, The last one is the most severe of them all as it includes a major sixth

- the harshest of all consonant intervals in Renaissance terms.

The degree of harshness is intensified when the canto touches the f-sharp

and at the same time there is a major sixth between the basso and alto.

In this case, Rore doesn't interpret a certain word,

there is nothing especially harsh in the word "libera", free,

he evokes instead the harsh situation of the speaker.

After presenting a playful syncopation in all the voices

for the words "mille piacer", thousand pleasures,

there are three cantizans figures one after the other:

first in the canto, then in the tenor, and then once again in the canto.

The first two times the other voices do not "cooperate" with this cantizans figure

and create instead rather harsh deceptive cadences to F.

Stepwise movement between two major harmonies, in this case G major to F major,

was considered to be harsh.

The second time it is even harsher, as on the penultimate step there is also a major sixth,

creating a medieval sounding progression.

Such "ancient" sounding progressions were considered harsh and crude in that period,

and were used only when such harsh affects were sought after.

On the last cantizans figure, finally, all the parts "comply"

and a strong cadence to C is created.

Also here, as in other cadences, there is one voice that ornaments and leads us forward.

Let's listen to this second part of the madrigal.

Now, in this last part, the speaker tells us how he feels about the situation:

"And I, live more tied and captive than ever,

"deprived of any pleasure, full of torments,

"I stay alive, yet my life is extinguished."

As in the transition between the first and second parts,

also here there are pauses in each of the parts.

In order to emphasize the fact that now we are talking about

the lonely lover, however, the tenor starts alone: "ed io", "and I".

Then, the other voices join him and almost sing together.

In fact, the voices are actually together only very shortly;

usually there is always some voice that does not move with the other voices.

For Rore, having all the voices sing a passage together,

note after note with the same text syllables is a very strong effect,

one that should be only be used rarely.

Indeed, for Rore, this kind of movement which is almost together, is already very strong.

And for us, the listeners, this sudden slow and clear declamation of the text

draws our attention to what is about to come.

Before we can discuss the next bit,

we have to talk shortly about a special notation mean Rore is using here - hemiolia maggiore.

This phenomenon is described in many sources and is mostly interpreted

by performing three blackened semibreves in the time of two normal ones;

as big triplets if you like.

When interpreted in this way, the outcome is rather messy and foreign to the music of Rore.

Have a listen to the computer playing this interpretation.

In other four part madrigals where hemiolia maggiore is used,

it is used in all the voices at the same time,

and the effect of two simultaneously sounding meters does not occur.

While it is definitely possible that Rore meant this confusing effect,

and in this way wanted to express the suffocating feeling of "legato e preso", tied and captive,

there is yet another possible interpretation.

In some sources it says that

when such hemiolia is not applied to all of the voices at the same time,

the notes with the hemiolia should be "squared" into the meter of the piece.

It could very well be that this is what Rore intended,

and that his singers knew exactly how to do it.

This solution does not take anything from the word painting,

as ligatures are still used with the word "legato", tied.

This is the solution I prefer.

Check the footnote for more information about this phenomenon.

Now we arrive at the most fascinating point in the madrigal

which exhibits two extremely peculiar progressions:

first on the text "privo d'ogni piacer", deprived of any pleasure,

and immediately after on "pien di tormento", full of torments.

On the word "piacer" there seem to be a cadence:

there are bassizans, tenorizans, and cantizans.

But because of the way it is composed,

there is no possibility of adding a ficta to the cantizans

and making this progression truly a cadence

This quasi cadence without a leading tone is very unsettling,

but quite fitting to the words: "deprived of any pleasure".

Its continuation is even more unsettling:

on the words "full of torments", as there are some very harsh suspensions.

Their harshness is, if you will, doubled

because they appear both in the canto and alto, sixth and fourth

The first time it even exhibits a major sixth, which is very harsh.

But the thing that really "stings" our ears

is the tenor voice that clashes with the other voices.

Normally, if there is a suspension of a sixth, it is in place of a fifth,

so the fifth is not taken by another voice.

Or if the suspension is a fourth, it's in place of a third,

and then the third will not be taken by another voice.

But in this case, during the suspension of the sixth and the fourth, the tenor sings a fifth.

This is probably the harshest note it can assume on that moment.

The next note is as bad,

as the tenor is on the third while the alto is still sustaining its fourth.

Rore demonstrated how many "torments" he can express with only four voices,

but we are not quite finished.

What happens on the next bar is almost bizarre:

If we only look at the bass, it seems as if it is making an authentic cadence to E.

However, an authentic cadence to E is not really a possibility in the 16th century.

This would necessitate the tenorizans to be altered from f to f-sharp,

as well as a d-sharp in the cantizans.

Two things that are not at all part of the standard musical vocabulary of that period.

In another episode we showed that even in Monteverdi's times, half a century later,

he used authentic cadences to E only twice in his Orfeo,

and then only with very good reasons at extremely harsh moments.

But going back to Rore,

in his canto part he touches the f-sharp, the note that might have been a tenorizans,

but then, together with the tenor part,

runs away and disappears into nothing on the next strong beat.

The alto, which could have been theoretically a cantizans if altered to d-sharp,

leaps down a fifth, making it impossible for it to form a cantizans close.

The listener is left feeling disappointed and confused,

thereby entering into the depressing mood of the last line of the poem:

"I stay alive yet my life is extinguished".

Here Rore uses a typical phrygian melodic line: mi fa mi la sol fa mi.

While normally lines end and relax on strong beats,

this line always finishes abruptly on a weak beat,

giving expression to the idea that something has been extinguished.

Then, and as was common in this period,

there is an exact musical repetition of the last lines of the text.

In this case it is welcome, as it will allow us a to listen again

to the sequence of unusual and interesting progressions.

Now we only have to discuss the very end of the piece.

Very often, the final progression of pieces in phrygian modes

do not display cadences according to our definitions,

and conclude only with a plagal progression where the lowest voice moves from A to E.

This is also what happens here,

but it all goes very quickly and abruptly, and the bass and tenor end alone.

Rore took the idea of life that is spento, spent or extinguished, to an extreme.

It leaves the listener without the resolution he or she seeks,

just like the speaker in the poem.

Let's listen to this last part of the madrigal

Assuming that you are not asleep by now, thanks for watching,

I hope you enjoyed it!

Many thanks for my colleagues at Profeti della Quinta for their singing

and for Giovanna Baviera for her recitation.

Don't forget to check the special page on our website

with all the footnotes and other extra information.

Feel free to comments, share, and like. See you next time at Early Music!

For more infomation >> Cipriano de Rore: Amor ben mi credevo - Analysis - Duration: 23:08.


Cartoons in papier maché by Vicente Silva - TOP 100 - Duration: 2:50.

hola me llamo marcela gonzalves

Este es el canal y hoy comienza el top 100

el top 100 es una lista de los más increíbles artistas y arte que la gente quiere compartir con usted

y hoy la gente va a empezar por un. artista que conocemos allí en el instagram

el nombre de él es vicente silva y él es pintor y escultor de la artesanía contemporánea

utiliza reciclables en sus trabajos

y valoriza mucho la cultura nordestina

que ya ha ganado varios premios en las muestras que ya participó

y tiene esculturas dispersas en varias tiendas en brasil

y hace un trabajo singular retratando al escritor Ariano Suassuna y sus personajes

como Juan Grillo y Chicó del Auto de la Compensada y nosotros particularmente

nos gusta mucho el trabajo de Vicente y por él usar materiales reciclables va contra nuestro arte también

trabajamos con la papeleo y utilizamos materiales reciclables también

es ahí, esperamos que usted tenga gustado

deje su "disfrutar" si usted por nuevo en el canal se inscribe para no perder ningún vídeo

Y da una navegación para conocer nuestro arte también

si usted conoce a alguien que hace un trabajo muy legal

Presentes para nosotros, escribir aquí en los comentarios

gracias por haber asistido y hasta siguiente vídeo

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Guidetti: "La Suecia de 1994 es nuestro modelo" - Duration: 9:57.

La última vez que Suecia pisó un Mundial, Ibrahimovic, Ljungberg y Larsson eran sus referencias

12 años de ausencia y lejos de los mejores que se van a evaporar en Rusia tras dejar por el camino a Holanda y a Italia

"Queremos seguir sorprendiendo", confiesa a MARCA un John Guidetti (Estocolmo, Suecia, 1992) que fue uno de los guerreros que tumbó a la Azzurra en la repesca

El punta, que ha cogido impulso para el Mundial en el Alavés -tres goles y tres asistencias desde enero con los albiazules- apuesta por su país en la primera Copa del Mundo sueca desde Alemania 2006

Suecia regresa a un Mundial y lo hará midiéndose a México, Corea del Sur y Alemania en su grupo

¿Qué opciones se dan?El grupo va a ser difícil, pero tenemos una buena oportunidad de pasar

Rumbo al Mundial dejamos atrás a Holanda y a Italia, dos equipos muy duros, por lo que nadie dice que no podemos seguir haciéndolo en Rusia

Alemania es la campeona del mundo y favorita en su grupo, el F, pero, ¿cree que México será su gran rival por pasar a octavos de final?Vamos a luchar contra todas las selecciones

En un Mundial todos los rivales y encuentros son duros. Alemania es, probablemente, el equipo más fuerte sobre el papel

pero nunca se sabe. Corea del Sur y México también tienen un gran nivel.Se la podrían jugar en la última jornada ante México

Obviamente, el último partido es importante, pero si no rendimos en los dos anteriores no tendremos opciones

No sólo pensamos en México.Desde Alemania 2006, cuando cayeron en octavos ante los anfitriones, no estaban en una Copa del Mundo

¿Por qué?Es difícil clasificarse para un Mundial. No te la juegas sólo en la fase de grupos, también en la repesca

Rumbo a la anterior Copa del Mundo, tuvimos en el playoff a Portugal. y nos ganó

Ahora, hemos competido en los grupos con Francia, uno de los mejores equipos, sino el mejor del mundo, y Holanda

Y en la repesca nos medimos a Italia, que normalmente va y llega lejos en los Mundiales, y les ganamos

Para Suecia significa mucho estar en Rusia. y lo hemos logrado. Ustedes mandaron un mensaje al mundo del fútbol eliminando a Italia en la repesca

¿Cómo lo hicieron?Fue bonito, increíble. Jugamos bien, pero lo principal es que creímos en nosotros como equipo y disfrutamos mucho

Somos como una pequeña familia y nuestra mentalidad fue el principal secreto. Somos un gran equipo y siempre estamos juntos

Creemos y luchamos los unos por los otros.¿Le conmovieron las lágrimas de Buffon tras la eliminación de Italia?En ese momento no sentí tristeza, lo siento [bromea]

Es un grandísimo portero, formidable, pero si pudiera elegir un millón de veces escogería, de nuevo, pasar y que ellos se quedaran fuera

¿Cree que su clasificación para Rusia ante Italia fue la mayor sorpresa en Europa?Demostramos que podemos ganar partidos y vencer a grandes equipos

Y queremos seguir sorprendiendo en Rusia.Ibrahimovic no va finalmente al Mundial con Suecia

¿Cómo fue jugar con él?Fue genial. Es un futbolista fantástico y tuve el gran privilegio de compartir equipo con Ibra

Hace que todo sea más fácil sobre el césped y es una gran sensación jugar con él

Zlatan es un ídolo, un gran futbolista, capitán y persona.¿Cuál es el objetivo de Suecia en el Mundial?Estar cómodos, juntos y demostrar que podemos competir con los mejores

¿Es la Suecia de Larsson, Brolin y Dahlin, que terminó tercera en el Mundial de Estados Unidos 1994, su modelo?Sí, lo es

Hicieron un torneo fabuloso quedando terceros, como también el equipo de Suecia 1958 llegando a la final

Esto es fútbol y a veces las sorpresas pasan. El Leicester ganó la Premier cuando normalmente juega por la salvación

Todo es posible.Usted estuvo en la Eurocopa de 2016 y ahora repite en el Mundial

¿Está disfrutando de su mejor momento?Jugar con tu selección es el objetivo de todo futbolista

Estar en la Eurocopa fue genial e ir al Mundial es un honor. Y sueño con ganar un gran torneo con Suecia

Es difícil, pero no imposible. En 2015, usted ganó el Europeo sub 21 con Suecia batiendo a Portugal y fue Bota de Bronce -marcó dos goles y dio una asistencia-

¿Este triunfo les marca el camino en Rusia?Fue un sueño hecho realidad. Ganar con tu país es la mejor sensación del mundo

Lindelöf, Helander, Augustinsson, Hiljemark, Thelin y yo levantamos aquel trofeo y eso nos ayudará en el Mundial

¿Cómo ve a España?Es una gran selección. Esperamos no cruzarnos con ellos pronto [ríe]

For more infomation >> Guidetti: "La Suecia de 1994 es nuestro modelo" - Duration: 9:57.


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L'ex tronista di Uomini e Donne e la sua corteggiatrice avrebbero festeggiato due anni il 20 maggio, ma qualcosa tra loro si è inevitabilmente rotto qualche settimana fa, quando l'ex corteggiatrice romana ha annunciato a tutti i suoi seguaci che la relazione con il deejay veronese era giunta al capolinea

Al magazine di Alfonso Signorini, Andrea ha rivelato quale è il suo attuale stato d'animo, e cosa prova adesso nei confronti della sua ex fidanzata: In molti si sono chiesti quali siamo i reali motivi che hanno portato i Damellis alla rottura, e Damante a tal proposito ha precisato: Più di una volta però si è parlato di numerosi tradimenti da parte dell'ex tronista, che al settimanale Chi non ha né confermato né smentito: E se la De Lellis in più di un'occasione ha escluso categoricamente un'eventuale ritorno di fiamma con l'ex tronista, Andrea è convinto che ancora non sia stata scritta la parola fine alla loro relazione: Cosa ne pensate di queste dichiarazioni dell'ex protagonista del Trono Classico?

For more infomation >> ✅ 'Uomini e Donne', Andrea Damante rivela: "Sono ancora innamorato di Giulia De Lellis" | Isa e Chia - Duration: 1:28.


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For more infomation >> JE SUIS TON PÈRE. DRÔLE DE POUSSIN. Libre de droits. Free Video . - Duration: 0:28.


La noche de Marco Asensio y Dua Lipa, el rumor (que crece) de la Champions - Duration: 4:05.

8 comentariosVer comentariosEl centrocampista del Real Madrid Marco Asensio tuvo una semana llena de éxitos

El pasado lunes 21 de mayo, Julen Lopetegui anunció que el futbolista era uno de los 23 convocados para jugar con la Selección de fútbol de España en el Mundial de Rusia 2018

Cinco días más tarde, el sábado 26 de mayo, su equipo, el Real Madrid, logró su decimotercera Champions League

Tras derrotar al Liverpool 3 a 1 en Kiev, el jugador no solo celebró el triunfo con sus compañeros

Al parecer, según ha revelado la cadena CNN Turquía en su página web, habría pasado la noche con Dua Lipa

Ninguno de los dos se ha pronunciado al respecto.La cantante británica también tuvo una importante participación en el evento deportivo

Fue la encargada de abrir la final de la Champions en el Estadio Olímpico de Kiev

Durante su actuación, en la que estuvo acompañada de más de 15 bailarinas, interpretó canciones como 'Be the One', 'IDGAF' y 'New Rules'

Asensio y Dua Lipa comparten edad y situación sentimental. Ambos tienen 22 años y están solteros

Hace unas semanas, en una entrevista a la revista Elle, Dua Lipa confesó que no tiene pareja por decisión propia

"Me lo estoy pasando muy bien siendo soltera. Cuando estoy soltera, tengo mucho más tiempo a mi disposición para hacer un montón de cosas", dijo

"Creo que cuando estás soltera, y en ocasiones completamente sola, acabas aprendiendo mucho sobre tu propia persona

Cuando no tienes a nadie al que recurrir para conseguir ciertas cosas, empiezas a ser más autosuficiente y a depender de tus propias capacidades

Te desenvuelves mejor ante las dificultades y aprendes a valerte mejor por ti misma", añadió

¿Será que Marco Asensio la hace cambiar de opinión?

For more infomation >> La noche de Marco Asensio y Dua Lipa, el rumor (que crece) de la Champions - Duration: 4:05.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Oposição no Senado pede demissão da diretoria da Petrobras - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Oposição no Senado pede demissão da diretoria da Petrobras - Duration: 2:14.


✅ Grazi Massafera posa ao lado de vulcão e fãs se declaram: ''Parece um desenho'' - Duration: 2:10.

De férias, Grazi Massafera tem compartilhado imagens interessantes de sua viagem

 Nesta terça-feira, 29, a loira destacou seu lado aventureiro ao posar próximo a um vulcão

Plena, ela aparece com look confortável, composto por tênis, calça, regata e cardigan em tons de rose

Ao fundo, a paisagem vulcânica da Ilha Volcano, no Japão.  Assim que a foto foi publicada seus fãs não pouparam elogios a atriz

"Em harmonia com a natureza. Parece um desenho de tão linda", escreveu uma seguidora

"A mulher mais linda do planeta", comentou outro seguidor destacando a beleza da loira

Outros internautas comentaram destacando o local do clique: "Lindo esse cenário", "Maravilhoso esse lugar"

  LADO MAMÃE Antes de viajar, Grazi usou as redes sociais para homenagear a filha, Sofia, que completou seis anos na última quarta-feira, 23

"Os dias são sempre dela que ilumina a minha vida. Amor maior do mundo. Ela me transforma", escreveu a atriz na legenda da foto

A pequena é fruto do antigo relacionamento da atriz com Cauã Reymond. Atualmente, ela namora Patrick Bulus

_________________________________ Gleici Damasceno, vencedora do BBB, participa do novo clipe de Gaby Amarantos

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