Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

Personality disorders Personality disorders are a set

emotional, affective, motivational abnormalities and social that a person can have.

Those suffering from a personality disorder are generally egosyntonic, means

their behaviors, thoughts, impulses, mechanisms and attitudes agree with

his ego and his personality. Those who suffer from a personality disorder

They perceive themselves as normal and suitable society, when in fact they are not.

However these abnormal behaviors They lead to affected solve their conflicts

of maladaptive way, bringing problems social and personal services of all kinds, also

They can generate more mental problems. The difference between a mental disorder and

personality disorder It is that the person suffering from a mental disorder

such as schizophrenia, the affected He suffers from its condition as incapacitates

and does not like her condition, however, a person with a personality disorder

but feel good about yourself affects others.

It's like a person with bad breath, people who they approach him realize his evil

smell but he is not aware of their bad breath. I will quote some disorders with a brief description

• antisocial personality disorder It is characterized by not being able to adapt to

social norms, such as laws and individual rights. Numbness

and remorse. • avoidant personality disorder

It is characterized by avoiding being with other people

• Borderline personality disorder It is characterized by emotional instability,

extremely polarized and dichotomous thinking, impulsivity and interpersonal relations

Chaotic. • Dependent Personality Disorder

These individuals have a general need and excessive dealing with them.

• Histrionic personality disorder They seek the center of attention.

• narcissistic personality disorder It is characterized by a need to wonder

and a lack of empathy. • Disorder Obsessive-compulsive personality

It is characterized by a general pattern of concern orderliness, perfectionism, mind control

and interpersonal. • Paranoid personality disorder

It is characterized by a pattern of distrust. • Schizoid personality Disorder

It is characterized by the lack of interest in socialize and a restriction

of emotional expression. • schizotypal personality disorder

• It's like having schizophrenia but without disconnecting from reality. Very similar

the schizoid personality disorder

The emergence of personality disorders They begin in adolescence in most

of the cases. The causes of personality disorders

They are unknown. It is believed that genetic factors and they are related to environmental development.

The treatment of these conditions is greatly long and complex, the main treatment

for these disorders are psicoterapias as it has to do with personality The

drugs are a good help but their effectiveness It is modest.

If you think you have or suffer from any disorder Personality see where a good psychologist

How are you? I hope you liked this video, if you like click on I like

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etc. If you have any query hacerca This video below have noticed dejala

differentiating between mental disorder and disorders of any good personality

They say they are not only mental illness are personality disorders, others say

yes are mental disorders. good to After all are diseases, so some

others say yes and no good are different those who need more drugs as

schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc. these disorders (the personality)

many drugs do not need to be treated in existing psychotherapies, if

You think you have a disease of these hee sees where a psychologist to rule

the possibility. This is a brief information I will try to upload more information about each

one of them in different videos, if you believe worth here under, if it's worth

Give or like there to know if you wanted that rise each disease one more video.

Well that was all thank you very much for your attention do you also remember that

I twitter, instagram have what they I use more and tango facebook so you can

approach to the description of the video and see my social networks, thank you very much and see you

bye bye in next videos blessings and successes.

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Mazatlan Cattle Fair and its Dancers Horses - Duration: 12:31.

Horses and More

Visiting the Traditional Cattle Fair 2017, in Mazatlan Sinaloa Mexico.

You will be able to meet the farmers of Mazatlan who expose the best of their livestock.

Every year the farmers in Mazatlan enjoy this traditional fair.

Hi, how are you, my name is Anaha Esparza, I invite you to attend this fair in Mazatlan,

number 23, I am proudly representing Quelite, I invite you to come and vote for me in the red urn, thank you

Come and choose your favorite queen's candidate

Have a nice time at the village theater

Come and enjoy the fair in a family atmosphere

Hi, how are you, my name is Carolina Paez and I am a candidate for queen of this cattle fair,

I invite you all to come to know Mazatlan and our fair, my urn color is white, I invite you to vote for me, many Thank you.

Good evening, I invite you to come and meet the cattle fair of Mazatlan 2017,

come and vote in the pink urn, I represent Siqueros

Hello good evening, I am Lilia the outgoing queen I invite you to come and vote for the best, thank you very much.

You can not miss the dancers

We invite all people to come to Mazatlan Sinaloa to know our fair and the dancers we have, we have different

different breeds of horses, such as Frisians, Spanish, Iberoamerican, warlander, among others; Come and

meet us bring family and enjoy as we do, I am from here in Mazatlan Sinaloa, I am Dr. Ruben Osuna Lizarraga,

and I make a careful invitation to everyone to take us into account each May and come to know us And have fun with what we like.

I admire many beautiful horses

I hope you like them too

(♪♪♪ Song for a horse "The Marques" ♪♪♪)

♪♪♪ He was white-legged and had white forehead ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ Of 1.80 of elevation and a very elegant walk, for that reason horse friend, I will never be able to forget you ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ In the ranch of The Cardon of the port of Mazatlan ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ there is Magaña the owner of that Marques, the draft is not forgotten when he walked in the ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ goodbye cattle fairs, goodbye to regional festivities, goodbye to horseback riding, goodbye to carnivals,

Goodbye beautiful girls and I can never take them for a walk ♪♪♪

No doubt this is a good fair that leaves me wanting to return, and I recommend everyone to visit.

Month of May in Mazatlán Sinaloa, they are all invited.

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