The project is financed by the European Research Council se llama 'Statistical Inference
for Remote Sensing Earth Observation Data Analysis'.
This project was born in 2015, rather recently
The field of research that includes this project but also other tasques inside
the group is the advanced prcessing of remote sensing images,
observation images of the Earth.
But not only observation of the Earth is formed by images that acquire
the sensors inside the satellites but aslo by measures that we take in the field,
in the oceans or in the atmosphere.
We try to develop efficient algorthms so that these models can provide
better predictions of temperature, of humidity or of the chlorophyll contents of the plants.
The project is based in using statistical techniques for the data treatment
of the observation of the Earth in general, so, let's say that we live in this intermediate world
between statistics or maths and the Earth observation or something more biological.
Oficially, been hired by the project right now there are three post docs
and two students, a part of Gustau who is PI; and we have to contract another student
but extraoficially the are far more people working behind because we collaborate
with a lot of people.
I'm a researcher of the project and a big part of my day I'm in front of
the board with my colleagues and then we sit and we make simulations to know
if our patterns are better to explain the information of the satellites.
That is, if they are better in predicting interesting variables. In other words: how it is
the Earth in places where the satellites are looking.
The group of research is an intermingling of many researchers who belong
to different departments of the University, from electronics, to optics, maths...
At this moment we can say that the project is divided in two big strands.
One is the one that improves algorithms automatically of prediction of climate variables, for
example the temperature, the humidity, the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere...
And also, on the other hand I think that the most significant part of the project is the fact of jumping
from some patterns of prediction to patters that try to explain things.
This project is important because not only we mix these two worlds, of the biology
and of statistics, but also it is important right now because in the observation of the Earth
there are a huge amount of information, a thousands of milions.
There's a lot of satellites above us taking pictures and all that information is very
hard to process and even harder if it is one person who has to look at them one by one.
Let's say that it is impossible, so these statistic methods extract that information in
automatic way and it help us to propose physical patterns but let's say that the
most innovative part of the project is the causality part.
The essential singularity is that we are trying to develop new mathematical
techniques that do not yet exist in literature
that try to deal with both main problems.
An essential problem right now is to trust the predictions that we are doing
for example for the temperature.
On the other harnd, many patterns are simply predictors, they estimate the climatic viariable,
the interest, but they don't explain why this variable exists.
Which are the tolerable levels or not.
Like this, what we are trying is to advance in more complicated patterns,
more complex that we call 'patterns of causal inference' which try to find links
between the variables and the mesures that we are seeing.
We are involved right now in much more risking initiatives, one of those is looking
back, not forward like the predictive factor of the patterns, but making anticausal
factors: try to predict the past on the basis of the present so that we could know
how we've arrived at this point.
Furthermore, there's another issue that we are interested in which is knowkn in the literature as
'planet bounderies' that are the limits of the Earth.
To know which are the multidimensional limits of the Earth.
To give a very clear example: maybe we could live in 2050 with 5 more
degrees in temperature, but could we live with 5 more degrees
and 5000 more millions of people living on the planet?
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