The project is called DECRESIM, that is the acronym which means, more or less
the stands of what we are doing within the project itself.
It consists in using magnetic molecules to better understand
certaines quantum phenomenon. What we claim
is to use the molecules for, first of all study some phenomenons to be able to understand them
and from then on, try to develop the bases of future technologies.
In the project there are around twelve people working directly
let's say as researchers, but we shall also have to think
that this number can't be closed, on one hand because there are always
so many contributions and on the other hand because we couldn't work without
a range of infrastructure of secretary, cleaning staff, etc.
So, it can be twelve people or one hundred.
Laboratory work
My name is Helena Prima and I'm the person
in charge of measurig the quantum behaviour of magnetic molecules that the other members
of my team synthesize. This characterisation is based, and i use an spectroscopy technology
of paramagnetic pulsed resonance (?). It is a technology very similar to those used
in hospitals with MRI devices.
I'm doing here my doctoral preparing chemical compounds which are metal oxides.
When theorists design I prepare it. For example in solid or in solution;
in any way they want, for finally measure their properties.
I'm in charge of synthesize little proteins called peptides that thanks to
the properties of union that they have to metals are appropriate to after that be able to
be measured according to the EPR technique. We are interested in these proteins because they have some traits
that make that they could be organized structurally in a three-dimensional form.
We can establish where we want them to be in the space.
My part consists in particular, in obteining from the bacteria
because there are ways also synthetic to obtein them but this is a way
much cheaper and easy to get in the laboratory on the basis of bacteria.
Theoretical work
In the area of research where we are working, we are halfway between the molecular magnetism
and the quantum computer or quantum phenomenons. A very significant examples
of that would be what is called 'quantum biology' where, in recent years it has been known
that the photosyntesis of the plants or the compass ussed by migratory birds
to get their bearing are based in phenomenons of quantum mechanics.
Our area of researsh would be the quantum computing but inside the quantum computing
there are more subfields and in our case it would be quantum computing using
magnetic molecules. As an example of quantum computing
and magnetic molecules are still in this experimental phase.
Nevertheless the same physical phenomena, that
govern this area of knoledge that id nowadays is being investigated, are very similar to technologies that
have already been exploited at present. For example, many known cases could be
the MRI in hospitals, that are already been used commercially
and that are phenomen that are also very similar to those we want or we pretend to study.
Right now we are working on a new project that involves severals European groups
where we want a collaboration between chemicals
ans physics to integrate our molecules with other systems more used by physics
trying to combine the advantages of different types of hardware to quantum computing.
It is very important because the miniaturization of electronic systems is a thing
that has been achieved for fifty years and
we have seen that, indeed, the processors have been decreasing of size
progressively and there's a limit. This is called Moore's law; it is quite
well-known, a limit in which it is thought that it can't lower but all that kind of
studies that we are doing with those that many other
people around the world do, will allow the access to new computing storage
possibilities and processing data.
The project is important, not only our field but also in all the others
because it provides or gives rise to what we think will be the second
quantum revolution. About our project particularly it seems striking to me the fact that
being so few people involved, it is pretty interdisciplinary, so we have a very important
part of chemistry but we also have a significant part of physics and, even
if it's a few notions, also there's a part of maths. We, DECRESIM, in the future we hope
to continue with our research through the contribution of new projects
whether it is national or international that permit the continuation of the develop of this technology.
For us in particular, I would like if it is possible,
to use what we are learning about quantum proceedings,
in improving clean energies or renewable energies.
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