So I understand you want to work with us?
Tell me about yourself.
I was born in a family of civil servants.
- Inspec- - Inspector!
Tax inspector.
Tax inspector!
He will make an excellent tax inspector, like the both of us.
But growing up, even when dancing or kissing,
I only thought of becoming a top marketer.
Spare me the details.
Tell me about your education.
I left for Paris, attended college.
We were crazy. We wanted to change the world.
Then I enrolled in ISC Paris Business School.
It wasn't all fun and games. We studied days and nights.
Then I went to study in Seoul, South Korea.
There, I met the elite of the world's next marketing gurus.
We were rewriting the rules.
In just a few years, mobile phones will be used as the primary device for web browsing.
That Charles again! Back at it with the nonsense.
Your mom's on Snapchat.
I understand that you've traveled a bit.
I roam the world!
I'm trying to catch all 151 marketing best practices.
I was young...
I will work for you...
And ready for anything!
…for free !
I crossed every continent.
Life was sometimes dangerous.
Then I searched for real marketing projects where I could prove my worth.
I was finally ready.
What can I do for you, gentlemen?
We think that your idea for the exploding baby commercial is a bit too violent.
Why don't get the hell out of here and come back when you have grown some balls.
I had become an arrogant asshole.
So I joined the event planning business in Singapore.
Hi everyone!
Anything you might have wanted, all your dreams, we turned them into reality.
That French guy's parties truly are the best!
I had no limits.
But then, the tide started to change.
I couldn't stand myself anymore.
I needed a fresh start back home.
I went freelance again, selling my services around town.
Then I created a popular Facebook page where I promoted local businesses with cool videos.
It is going to change the way you sell.
Your revenues will double!
I started teaching in several schools, including ISCOM Rouen.
And so the marketer says...
« Well, market that! »
But now, I'm looking for a new challenge.
Once more.
Like always.
What are your strengths?
No one handles pressure as well as I do.
I never sweat.
And I always arrive on time.
Needless to say, I do master business English.
Tell me about your weaknesses.
I can't seem to be able to disconnect.
Without LTE, I feel like I'm dying.
And I work way too much.
That can sometimes undermine my colleagues.
I also have a surprising ability to see dead people.
It can disturb my work, sometimes.
What do your ex-coworkers have to say about you?
Charles, you truly are the best of us all!
Boss, you are extremely efficient,
but you also are a paragon of generosity.
Sir, we don't know you...
But can we tell you how much we admire you?
Where will you be in 5 years?
It makes no doubt that I'll have your job.
Where will you be in 10 years?
I'll probably be totally washed out.
But that's another story.
What motivates you in life?
I only swear by human relationships.
And changing the world through ethics and generosity.
Is there anything else I should know about you?
Nothing comes to mind.
For more infomation >> Mon CV de freelance Social Media - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
El futuro de la desigualdad, por Adrian Wooldridge - Duration: 7:04.
Technology and Inequality
A future perspective for inequality
How can the rage against the establishment threat an egalitarian world?
Management editor and Schumpeter columnist at The Economist
Which options have the people displaced from traditional jobs?
Where will capital go in the nearest future?
Whan can we do to archieve a more egalitarian distribution of money?
Do you think we are succeeding in empowering people?
How is affecting the evolution of our economic system to low-income countries?
El papel de los emprendedores en las economías en desarrollo, por Iqbal Quadir - Duration: 5:31.
Technology and Inequality
The role of entrepreneurs in the developing economies
Which challenges are facing new technologies in terms of helping the developing economies?
Founder and Director Emeritus, Legatum Center at MIT
What can the emerging countries give us in terms of innovation?
How can entrepreneurs change the future of developing economies?
Penetración de Internet y brecha digital. Conferencia por Soumitra Dutta - Duration: 8:56.
Technology and Inequeality
Internet penetration and the digital gap
Dean, Cornell College of Business
Una nueva perspectiva en el cuidado de la salud. Conferencia por Uschi Schreiber - Duration: 8:56.
Technology and Inequality
A new perspective on Healthcare
Chair, Global Accounts Committee and Global Vice Chair, Markets at EY
Impacto de las tecnologías en el Mercado Laboral y la Asistencia Sanitaria, por Uschi Schreiber - Duration: 7:03.
Technology and Inequality
The impact of Technology on the Labor Market and HealthCare
How can we tackle the gender gap in countries of a strong pathriarcal tradition?
Chair, Global Accounts Committee & Global Vice Chair, Markets at EY
How can data help people in developing countries?
How is technology affecting the Labor market?
How the new technologies facilitate HealthCare?
Pack Menuario. Mejora la planificación del menú de tus hijos - Duration: 0:31.
Reinventando el gobierno a través de la tecnología . Conferencia por Philip Lader - Duration: 13:54.
Technology and Inequality
Reinventing Government through technology
Senior Advisor of Morgan Stanley and Trustee of Fundación Innovación Bankinter
Desarrollo de negocio y financiación. Conferencia por George Overholser - Duration: 9:59.
Digital Health December 2016
Business Development and Finance
CEO & Co-Founder of Third Sector Capital,
El nuevo método para crear innovación. Conferencia de Henry De Sio - Duration: 8:44.
Technology and Inequality
The new game to build innovation
Global Chair Frame Change at Ashoka and Former Leadership and Organization Propelled Barack Obama to the White House
El poder de los emprendedores . Conferencia por Iqbal Quadir - Duration: 13:22.
Technology and Inequality
The power of entrepreneurs
Founder and Director Emeritus, Legatum Center at MIT
El desigual acceso a servicios de salud. Conferencia por Richard Kivel - Duration: 7:54.
Technology and Inequality
Health inequality
Senior Manager: Bridgewater and Chairman Rhapsody Biologics and Trustee of Fundación Innovación Bankinter
Comportamiento Individual del paciente: la influencia de la comunidad. Conferencia por Esther Dyson - Duration: 10:25.
Digital Health December 2016
Individual Behavior: the influence of the community
Founder of Way to Wellville
Reacciones políticas: una dosis de realidad. Conferencia por Vicky Seifert - Margolis - Duration: 21:05.
Digital Health December 2016
Policy Reactions: A dose of Reality
CEO & Founder at My Own Med
Singapur como ejemplo de crecimiento sostenible. Conferencia por Tan Chin Nam - Duration: 13:41.
Technology and Inequality
Singapur as an example of sustainable growth
Senior Corporate Adviser abd Former Permanent Secretary and Trustee of Fundación Innovación Bankinter
La relación entre educación y salario: El reto de la tecnología. Conferencia por Ángel Cabrera - Duration: 9:29.
Technology and Inequality
The relation between education and earnings: the Tech challenge
President George Mason University and Trustee of Bankinter Innovation Foundation
LIderazgo contra la desigualdad, por Henry De Sio - Duration: 6:05.
Technology and Inequality
Leadership against inequality
How are we promoting leadership in developing economies?
Global Chair of Framework Change and Former Chief Operating Officer (COO) in the 2008 Obama for America presidential campaign.
Which solutions could face the problem of inequality?
Which is the role of the youth in the construction of a better world?
How could we get them into leadership?
Should we all aim to become leaders?
La relación de pacientes y personal sanitario con la Salud Digital. Por Vicky Seifert - Margolis - Duration: 1:40.
Digital Health December 2016
The relation between patients and medical staff with Digital Health
Which are the benefits of Digital Health?
CEO and founder at My Own Med
Do you think that Digital Health could help to improve the engagement between citizens and their treatments? How?
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