Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 29 2018

Ok! Here I am again. This is Sea Hedgehog, and you're

here again on my channel, A Jest in Sober Earnest, and

I'm here for another box opening, so if you look above,

this is very close to my last box opening, and I feel very

spoiled right now. I don't know why this happens every

single time, but I can go months without any doll

arriving, and then all the sudden, they arrive all at once.

I was considering doing one of those insecurities in the

doll hobby videos, but I feel like it would come across as

humblebragging because honestly this is one of my

insecurities is these box openings because I feel bad

because I open all these lovely dolls all at once, and it

makes me look potentially really spoiled, when really,

the reason I can do this is because I'm being paid to go

to school, and I don't have a real life yet.

This one, I've been kicking myself for years that I didn't

get in on this, so now I have. If I can get this out, oh

goodness, here we go! So I'll set this up here.

Fat. Big fat box. And I have it backwards. Ooh! I almost

knocked it off! Ok! So you can maybe…can you see that?

Oh my gosh!

So this is a doll that I've wanted for years. I saw this doll

being sculpted, and I was like, "Yes!" and then she was

not going to release it except with a body. And that was

a period in my life when blowing that amount of money

on just something I wanted the head for was kind of

ridiculous (which is why I waited to warm up on the

body). And then I realized the character I wanted this

head for wasn't going to work because it's far too big

(so this head could be a new male character anyway).

So finally I was willing to consider getting the full doll

because I still love the sculpting even though it's not

going to work for the character I have in mind.

Yeah, this head is way too big for what I had in mind. I

wanted to make this Suri, actually, but that wasn't going

to work.

Let me set this down. I'll show you everything he comes

with. So this is an LLT Ahaz. This body is beautifully

sculpted. It's kind of—it's interesting. It has a resin smell,

but not the resin smell that I'm used to.

I'm very attached to this leaf. I'm under the impression

because I was told by somebody that there's some

nudity rule in China that prevents Chinese websites

from selling things that are totally nude, so they always

blur out the genitals and this was LLT's method for

doing that. So you can see it's a beautiful little leaf, but it

has a d*ck impression in the back of it, which is lovely.

So I'm going to set this down and show you what was in

the whole box. So I have a postcard. So this would be

Ahaz and this would be Neil…or Ludwig? And I have my

lovely (handwritten) CoA. I like showing off the CoA's

because I feel like some of them are so different. This

isn't the most unique CoA, although I do appreciate the

artist handwriting the information at the bottom that I

blocked out.

But like, for example, Studio Naiko has a metal CoA, and

then I think Boypink, for her Re:Sen heads has a metal

CoA with a bead on it.

Ok! So I'm going to lift this guy up: he's massive; this

body is so heavy. What's interesting, and I'm noticing,

and I don't think that this is a thing with other bodies: he

can invert his shoulder. So I can twist it forward and

twist it back, which is interesting. I guess it's to make

crossing his arms easier. So instead of the rotation

happening at the elbow joint, which it can, it happens at

the shoulder.

And then here is arm bending, which is quite lovely, like

he can go all the way back. He can pet his own face:

"Oh, and I'm beautiful!" And then I'm noticing, so what I

love about the knees is not present in the arms: I have

to pull them (elbows) out and manually engage, which is

unfortunate. But they do have a nice smoothness here:

even though this is pretty squared off, it's not sharp at

the corners.

So then he's got a thigh mobility joint, and then his

knees are quite lovely, and I may even like them more

than Dollshe (in appearance). I love floating kneecaps,

but look at that! He's a little rough when I bend this, like

he doesn't sound pleasant, but I don't think anything's

going to get hurt.

So he's really smooth when I bend that. Look at that: he

still has a nice knee shape, and then when I bend it here,

this is only as far up as it goes—you see that. It's only 3

pieces, it's just they're put together really strange. So if

you look, look at that piece? It's that interesting? And

then this one is pretty interesting too—you can tell this

is a totally unique design.

But he's got a lovely point at his ankles. So this is

pointed, this is [up]. He doesn't go much past neutral.

It's [thigh mobility joint] got an interesting gear to it too.

Ok! So what I was trying to say about the knees is that

they're smooth: you don't have to pull out to engage.

You do have to pull out to engage this joint. It has no

grips on it but it stays pretty well.

So it [leg] doesn't stay up like the Doll Family H body,

which I've got up here, but it doesn't have a directionality

to it, which I guess is nice. So he can go in this direction

as well. But it's really only useful if you want to do that

insane ballet pose that he can't really do anyway

because he doesn't have a hip joint.

Kind of as I collect dolls, I learn more and more about

whether or not I consider something a complete

[functionally] joint or not. So this is forward. This is

back. It's kind of interesting: I wish this were flat, I wish

this didn't have a lip on it

So the head—and this is interesting—it's a C, not an S

hook, and it's wrapped so that it doesn't cut into the

head, and then he's got a little nob here. I think that's the

same as the Neil that I have.

I love the sculpting. I love--my favorite part about this

head is the nose, do you see that?

So thanks for sitting here with me! Yeah, I'm going to

put all my cr*p away. Bye!

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