Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 31 2018

hi everybody I'm Paula and I am going to be drawing something for Halloween I'm

going to do a cute witch I thought that would be fun and I thought we could talk

about how Halloween got started because I was looking at some of the websites

concerning that because I don't know all there is to know about Halloween and you

know maybe you don't either but I went to and I looked it up

because I thought you know we kinda have Halloween every year in this country and

what's really weird is I thought seriously I really did I thought that

they had Halloween in every single country and I found out they don't did

you know that I really I really did it I should have known it I know I really

should have but look at what some of this says no you probably know a lot of

this already but I thought it would be fun just to see what we all know about

it but it says here that it's an annual holiday while we know that right on

October 31st and the ancient origins I thought were

really really neat okay but the first thing that it says this is the sum up

that it gives you it says that it was created with the ancient Celtic festival

of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off

ghosts I didn't know that at all did you know that I mean seriously

that sounds kind of weird to me in the 8th century Pope Gregory the 3rd

designated November 1st as a time to honor All Saints soon All Saints Day

incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain which apparently has turned into

what we have today like you know they have the trick-or-treating the carving

jack-o'-lanterns festive gatherings making costumes putting them on and

eating sweet treats I think that's really neat but I was looking on at some

of this like it was say and this is really weird tell me if you

know this now you probably like candy right I mean I like candy I seriously I

don't know anybody that doesn't but it says one quarter of all the candy sold

annually in the United States is purchased for Halloween

I mean think about that that is so neat I mean I know everybody goes

trick-or-treating not everybody but tell me did you go trick-or-treating this

year I mean I didn't but did you and what did you dress as if you did or did

you just go to help somebody else trick-or-treat

but I thought that was so weird I mean that's a lot of candy when you think

about it okay and when you go in the store after

Halloween they have so many good things to buy you know like special sales

because everybody's got to unload all that Halloween candy so that's kind of

cool that's a great time to buy candy I do that a lot you know pick up stuff

like that but I thought it was pretty cool but anyway okay

I'm not going to go through all this I'm just gonna hit like the highlights okay

because there is a lot up on this website about this but I thought it was

kind of neat because it said that it comes to America and came to the

colonies you know when like the pilgrims came over and everything why I guess in

New England became a big place for Halloween which is kind of cool and they

had all kinds of different customs like trick-or-treat which we still do today

right and that is from it says Irish and English traditions everybody started

dressing up this is in the 1800s even still that it became a big thing

here in the country and I think that is really cool let's see here okay

Halloween parties do you guys ever go to any Halloween parties I really don't I

can't think of any Halloween parties actually but you know what pumpkin spice

is a big thing and it sounds like that was even a thing a long time ago you

know the pumpkin and everything I mean I think of that like for Thanksgiving Day

no pumpkin pies but I guess it's a big thing for Halloween but it does say the

trick-or-treating was revived in 1920 and 1950 and it just took over in this

country and became so popular that everybody just did it every single year

so apparently they had some years where it was popular somewhere it wasn't some

people liked it some people didn't and candy corn which is weird because you

know we see candy corn a lot no you see that like it's stores

I guess that became a really big thing around this time so that's kind of cool

because I like candy corn I know some people hate it some people like it but

if it's good I like it and actually it tastes different they're not all the

same everybody that I talked to you always says all it all tastes the same

no it doesn't but what about black cats I mean do you ever think of that I guess

black cats is a big thing to do with Halloween's to Halloween's I can't even

talk but anyway they're saying that black cats were thought to be ghosts

which that is weird and that's kind of scary and I don't think there goes I

mean seriously they're like cats right and I don't believe the bad luck thing

either do you I think black cats are just adorable and I don't think they're

bad luck I think that's just a superstition seriously but anyway I was

just looking and I'm now I'm looking down here they're talking about ladders

and all that stuff and let's see here oh that looks like pretty much yet but

anyway the jack-o'-lanterns I guess that was a really big thing and it's still a

big thing today and that was supposed to ward off evil spirits you know because

it's like scary and you put it on in your front porch but that doesn't really

make any sense when you think about it because why would you have to do that

but I don't know I guess that was just their thing okay but anyway

I think Halloween is kind of neat just because I think things that are kind of

I don't know a little spooky or neat I kind of like that but I drew a witch

because I wanted to see if I could make her like a cute little chibi and as you

can tell you know I didn't know what I was doing with the hair I was just like

okay I want to use an ocean color because everybody knows witches have

ocean color hair right no that's silly I know but anyway I just thought it was a

cute collar and I gave her the purple eyes and a pink shirt which you know she

doesn't exactly match perfectly but that's okay so hopefully she looks cute

and as you can see you know I'm trying my best to shade but I'm still learning

okay so I know a lot of you guys keep saying hey I'm still learning art but

yeah so am i oh my gosh you know I hadn't done this for so long so for me

this whole art thing is just brand new but getting back to Halloween did you do

anything special in your school this year I know when I was in school

especially I think of my gues grade school and junior high I don't remember

it so much in high school but I remember them having special Halloween days where

we all dressed up in our costumes that we went like marching through town which

I don't know is a silly I guess it sounds kind of silly right but we just

took a walk and of course there were a lot of us so I'm sure it was a funny

sight you know back then but hey I was a kid I thought it was great okay so did

you do something like that I mean what did you do I remember having some

special cupcakes I really remember that I don't know how I remember it probably

because I was hungry I don't know but I remember orange and black cupcakes yeah

wonder if the black colored my mouth probably not and you know I probably

didn't care but anyway did you do anything special and did you dress up I

really want to know what you dressed up as I know I was talking to some of you

guys and you said you were helping your little brothers and sisters go and

things like that and I always liked that time of year I know when I was like in

my high school years I used to go with my little cousins and stuff I always

liked that and I used to babysit too so you know I

always had somebody younger around and it was always kind of fun and I know

some of you probably handed out candy I don't know what it's like where you live

I mean we live out in the country so I really haven't had anybody come out here

but you know when you're in town it can be pretty busy of a night seriously but

some of you guys said you already had it and I know you know maybe early I don't

know why they do that I guess I always figured they're gonna do it on one night

but I guess they do at different times which is fine you know but I thought I

think it's kind of fun I kind of miss it you know because it would be fun to do

it sometime just just to be silly but you know I'm too old for that way too

old way what in Miami no Paula blocks art there's a contest right now called

masquerade ball but it looks like a fun one and I'm looking at all the entries

and everything I think they're really cute but anyway guys make sure you join

my amino and have fun I hope you have a fun Halloween and I'll talk to you later


For more infomation >> Cute Witch Drawing and Halloween Story - Duration: 10:12.



tusadivi: Guess the dance

more videos and greetings

For more infomation >> GUESS THE FORTNITE DANCE LISTENING ONLY 1 SECOND - EXPERT LEVEL | tusadivi - Duration: 3:39.



It's pre-classic, I think classic is only at 30th but it's car which from the specs that it has

I look at it today and it is in the conditions that I bought 25 years ago

even after going through for alot of situations which I placed it on NSX club of Europe

I had some conditions which didn't changed it's specs at all, only a security improvement

street legal, it was only a reinforcement which at the moment it was already removed again to stay original

because after 25 years I decreed a NO of the car in the race tracks

and at this moment it is exactly as I bought it 25 years ago

I'm and Electral Engeneer and back in the time I was a trainee in the US

and I created certain conditions in advance that is the first touch screens that is all we have today

I brought it to Portugal which means that I had to create a company which was an innovation in the country

and somehow I had to devide myself between Porto, Lisbon and Algarve to cover the whole country and also Spain

and We were advised somehow to purchase cars to the company

at the time I also had a company in Luxemburg and bought a red Lamborghini Diablo

I stayed with it for a while but it was a scandle, my neighbors started thinking that I was envolved with drugs

they don't even imagine the number of hours that I worked to achieve that

and for a new car my partners chose Mercedes

they went to Mercedes and at the time, I don't know if it is still like that but

You had to buy the chassis and then buy piece by piece to assembly the car

fot them to have the Mercedes I had a certain budged, we're talking about 91' 92'

at the time I had the first magazine that showed the NSX

September 89', I see the NSX for the first time

I started reading about it and kept tracking of the concept development

and I loved the lines of the car, nothing like a Mercedes

at that time Ayrton Senna list his red NSX to sell

It was in Sintra, I went there with my wife to see the car

I opened the car, I looked and it was missing a lot of things which would come if I buy a new one

there was some holes in the place of the buttons, the AC was manual instead of automatic

the direction was direct, it doesn't had what this one have which is

if you are stopped and turn a litle it turns a lot, it changes the course based on the speed you are driving it

if I got at 200km/h I can move the wheel that is drivable

and was missing a lot of tech things and at the time there was the 348

I saw the yellow and I felt in love with the yellow, I said "I want something different"

so I'll get one of this in yellow. It beguns a war that they only had it with the driving wheel on the right

and was an yellow that they wanted which was released in Japan

and only at the Japanese marked and it was not a plausible option because I didn't wanted the wheel on the right side

and it started to treat the situation of acquiring or not an yellow Honda NSX with the driving wheel on the left

there was no chance, they only had it Red, Black or Grey

of course was a war with Honda Motor and I threatened them "if you don't sell it to me I'll buy a Ferrari right now"

and they didn't wanted to lose the deal and they started making calls in front of me to see the possibilities

the only chance that I had was in a conversation that I had they said in Europe it won't be any yellow NSX

then I said "so what about Ayrton Senna?"

they said Ayrton Senna doesn't have any yellow car and I said "but his helmet is yellow"

I was looking for something yellow and was the only thing that came in my mind

to do that it has to remove a car from production because they were hand crafted daily

and it has to be imported from there, it was the only way, zero conditions

more expensive, but I was not worried about the price, I just wanted the Yellow NSX

so was made a request to be aproved or not

a car which the difference was the color just like the helmet of Ayrton Senna with the same exatly yellow

I already had a helmet that was a replic and they did a great job, the color is just the same

they car got an unique color code, was the first with that color

this color code was only manufactured again in 98' I verified on NSX prime

and in 98' there was a lot of requests in the US and the started producing cars with this color since then

it was the first one, which everywhere I go people recognizes me and always knew where I was because it was different

I've already had saw a Grey and a Red one before and that was the story of how I acquired this car

Honda contacted me because they were interest having pilots of various countries

there was a anual program from NSX Club which was a competiotion with various pilots with various nationalities

so we take the car to the circuits which were pre-scheduled for an year with dates and then compete

of course, there was three types of cars on the track

so this car won a LeMans, not mine but red ones that the Japanese brought

a lot of people don't know but it won a LeMans and there was people competing Modified, Standart and Prototype

so Mugen was a preparer which appeared with alot of modifications to the cars

but I never entered on it because my idea was always enjoy the car not in a competition mode

because I have an structure of 110kg, I never entered in karts because I had no chance of wining anything

and then I started to drive the car to enjoy and was the car that teached me to compete

it's a car that even if you screw up it fixes it, if was another car I may not have the same luck

but I learned to enjoy the tracks with this car so much so that I'm a member of a group of friends which is TRS

that is dedicated to prepare the cars to have better performance and has an great spirit

when they go to reaces which are not really a reace becaus they go to the race for fun not to compete

and it makes me very secure of putting this car on the racing track

these days as I said, after it's 25th birthday I dedicated it only for expositions when I am invited

I've had the car in the garage now for three months beucase it was overexposed

and after it's 25th birthday in june, everyone stopped seeing the car

because I said I'll mantain only for expositions and I show up only in some meetins when necessary because it also won't be totally stopped

now it's for mantain also because with certain age we can't still doing crazy things because we can breake something

it was the cheapest car that I had until today, changed the spark plugs at 100k, it has 110k

when I bought it, because of the companies that, problems that I had to solve

sometimes I was in Porto and receive a call to go to Algarve and back to Porto again

and in the first year I made 52k km, the maintance was only oil and filters

I didn't had any kind of problem, also it's a car made of alluminium

not only that, it was the first car ever made in alluminum, only a few years later that Ferrari developed that

but for it's weight and it's power at the time it was knowed for beat a lot of cars from it's category

this at the curves is insane, one of the best things that the car has is it's stability, it's awesome

the sensations is based as the owner wakes up, it depends how you push for it it is what it gives

I bought this car in 92' to collect in 93' in my birthday

of course I kept up with Formula 1 when it was really good

it's interesting that if you look at the suit that I had it was exactly like Senna's

the gloves, the shoes, I only didn't had the sposors patches but at this moment I have

I placed all the sponsors that he had and now I have a copy of his suit which I already used for racing

not for show-off but if I hade any accinent it won't burn, the suit has a lot of components that protects you

The NSX it's a special car why? If I compare with the Lamborghini

It has nothing like the Lamborghini, you leave the Lmborghini with your hearth in your throath

the NSX it's a car that follows exactly what you want, so as my wife drove it for a long time

the only thing that women don't remember it's how large the car is and sometimes they scratch the weels

but it's a car that a women can drive with no problems because even in low rotations it is very soft

Honda contacted me also to ask for my car to the new NSX presentation

for 1 month at Estoril, they did the world presentation and my car was chosen

there is a lot of photos in many magazines because of that event

If I don't had this one, with the same conditions I was capable of purchase the new one

but this one gives you another feelings in the racing track still

the new one is... It can fix everything that you do wrong

even if I go overspeeded it does some crazy things that you won't lose control of it

the feeling is "ok, I accelerate and everything is safe"

this one no, on this one you need to be careful

the question of driving one or another, I like more mine

I think that this is a timeless car...

not only ofr it's value, these days if we go check the prices of those cars

it's crazy, people ask 75k, 100k why? It has been less and less

and it's an Icon, it was build to beat every car at the time and it made it

in this car was placed every idea, every project that they had back in the days, all the tech they had

people don't know but this is a car with multiple ECU, it has a black box, if anything fail you can verify what failed

it has something that I can't find in any car, even the new NSX, which is the visibility

when you look around, you see everything, if you look at the cockpit

all around it's the cockpit of the F-16

me as a pilot, I looked and said "I need to have visibility"

for example when you drive a GT-R it's so little visibility

for example it's a great car for trips because if you go for a trip with it you can see everything, you see the road right in front of you, you see everything

it is absolutely panoramic and in the race tracks it makes the difference, you have to see everything

last time I left Belgium, the only reason I did not drive straight away to here was because of my wife

because she was getting crazy, she started imagine things and scream with me

and when I left the car, I did N hours, I only leave to fill up the tank and I feel great

I mean ergonomically will be hard exist a car like this which you can do everything you want

trips, races, drive slowly, go here and there

and when you drive the car, I'm exibicionist but when I drive the car everyone looks

I never used the horn, everyone goes further in any speed I go because is a very reflect color

for me, one of the best color in a car because if you are visible on the road the possibility of a disaster is smaller

I never crashed the car, I don't even know the consequences of crashing this car

and since it's made of alluminum, very hard which makes the car don't have any dint

there is no way of someone to lean against and smash the car like the newer ones, this is so much harder

and with 1250kg with it's power it still outperform some newer cars from the same category

but now the question of selling the car, I don't think so...

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