hi everybody I'm Paula and I am going to be drawing something for Halloween I'm
going to do a cute witch I thought that would be fun and I thought we could talk
about how Halloween got started because I was looking at some of the websites
concerning that because I don't know all there is to know about Halloween and you
know maybe you don't either but I went to history.com and I looked it up
because I thought you know we kinda have Halloween every year in this country and
what's really weird is I thought seriously I really did I thought that
they had Halloween in every single country and I found out they don't did
you know that I really I really did it I should have known it I know I really
should have but look at what some of this says no you probably know a lot of
this already but I thought it would be fun just to see what we all know about
it but it says here that it's an annual holiday while we know that right on
October 31st and the ancient origins I thought were
really really neat okay but the first thing that it says this is the sum up
that it gives you it says that it was created with the ancient Celtic festival
of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off
ghosts I didn't know that at all did you know that I mean seriously
that sounds kind of weird to me in the 8th century Pope Gregory the 3rd
designated November 1st as a time to honor All Saints soon All Saints Day
incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain which apparently has turned into
what we have today like you know they have the trick-or-treating the carving
jack-o'-lanterns festive gatherings making costumes putting them on and
eating sweet treats I think that's really neat but I was looking on at some
of this like it was say and this is really weird tell me if you
know this now you probably like candy right I mean I like candy I seriously I
don't know anybody that doesn't but it says one quarter of all the candy sold
annually in the United States is purchased for Halloween
I mean think about that that is so neat I mean I know everybody goes
trick-or-treating not everybody but tell me did you go trick-or-treating this
year I mean I didn't but did you and what did you dress as if you did or did
you just go to help somebody else trick-or-treat
but I thought that was so weird I mean that's a lot of candy when you think
about it okay and when you go in the store after
Halloween they have so many good things to buy you know like special sales
because everybody's got to unload all that Halloween candy so that's kind of
cool that's a great time to buy candy I do that a lot you know pick up stuff
like that but I thought it was pretty cool but anyway okay
I'm not going to go through all this I'm just gonna hit like the highlights okay
because there is a lot up on this website about this but I thought it was
kind of neat because it said that it comes to America and came to the
colonies you know when like the pilgrims came over and everything why I guess in
New England became a big place for Halloween which is kind of cool and they
had all kinds of different customs like trick-or-treat which we still do today
right and that is from it says Irish and English traditions everybody started
dressing up this is in the 1800s even still that it became a big thing
here in the country and I think that is really cool let's see here okay
Halloween parties do you guys ever go to any Halloween parties I really don't I
can't think of any Halloween parties actually but you know what pumpkin spice
is a big thing and it sounds like that was even a thing a long time ago you
know the pumpkin and everything I mean I think of that like for Thanksgiving Day
no pumpkin pies but I guess it's a big thing for Halloween but it does say the
trick-or-treating was revived in 1920 and 1950 and it just took over in this
country and became so popular that everybody just did it every single year
so apparently they had some years where it was popular somewhere it wasn't some
people liked it some people didn't and candy corn which is weird because you
know we see candy corn a lot no you see that like it's stores
I guess that became a really big thing around this time so that's kind of cool
because I like candy corn I know some people hate it some people like it but
if it's good I like it and actually it tastes different they're not all the
same everybody that I talked to you always says all it all tastes the same
no it doesn't but what about black cats I mean do you ever think of that I guess
black cats is a big thing to do with Halloween's to Halloween's I can't even
talk but anyway they're saying that black cats were thought to be ghosts
which that is weird and that's kind of scary and I don't think there goes I
mean seriously they're like cats right and I don't believe the bad luck thing
either do you I think black cats are just adorable and I don't think they're
bad luck I think that's just a superstition seriously but anyway I was
just looking and I'm now I'm looking down here they're talking about ladders
and all that stuff and let's see here oh that looks like pretty much yet but
anyway the jack-o'-lanterns I guess that was a really big thing and it's still a
big thing today and that was supposed to ward off evil spirits you know because
it's like scary and you put it on in your front porch but that doesn't really
make any sense when you think about it because why would you have to do that
but I don't know I guess that was just their thing okay but anyway
I think Halloween is kind of neat just because I think things that are kind of
I don't know a little spooky or neat I kind of like that but I drew a witch
because I wanted to see if I could make her like a cute little chibi and as you
can tell you know I didn't know what I was doing with the hair I was just like
okay I want to use an ocean color because everybody knows witches have
ocean color hair right no that's silly I know but anyway I just thought it was a
cute collar and I gave her the purple eyes and a pink shirt which you know she
doesn't exactly match perfectly but that's okay so hopefully she looks cute
and as you can see you know I'm trying my best to shade but I'm still learning
okay so I know a lot of you guys keep saying hey I'm still learning art but
yeah so am i oh my gosh you know I hadn't done this for so long so for me
this whole art thing is just brand new but getting back to Halloween did you do
anything special in your school this year I know when I was in school
especially I think of my gues grade school and junior high I don't remember
it so much in high school but I remember them having special Halloween days where
we all dressed up in our costumes that we went like marching through town which
I don't know is a silly I guess it sounds kind of silly right but we just
took a walk and of course there were a lot of us so I'm sure it was a funny
sight you know back then but hey I was a kid I thought it was great okay so did
you do something like that I mean what did you do I remember having some
special cupcakes I really remember that I don't know how I remember it probably
because I was hungry I don't know but I remember orange and black cupcakes yeah
wonder if the black colored my mouth probably not and you know I probably
didn't care but anyway did you do anything special and did you dress up I
really want to know what you dressed up as I know I was talking to some of you
guys and you said you were helping your little brothers and sisters go and
things like that and I always liked that time of year I know when I was like in
my high school years I used to go with my little cousins and stuff I always
liked that and I used to babysit too so you know I
always had somebody younger around and it was always kind of fun and I know
some of you probably handed out candy I don't know what it's like where you live
I mean we live out in the country so I really haven't had anybody come out here
but you know when you're in town it can be pretty busy of a night seriously but
some of you guys said you already had it and I know you know maybe early I don't
know why they do that I guess I always figured they're gonna do it on one night
but I guess they do at different times which is fine you know but I thought I
think it's kind of fun I kind of miss it you know because it would be fun to do
it sometime just just to be silly but you know I'm too old for that way too
old way what in Miami no Paula blocks art there's a contest right now called
masquerade ball but it looks like a fun one and I'm looking at all the entries
and everything I think they're really cute but anyway guys make sure you join
my amino and have fun I hope you have a fun Halloween and I'll talk to you later
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