Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 31 2018

Hello friends, welcome to all my people creative today we bring you a very project

Novelty, because normally we do not decoration for the kitchen and in this

occasion we wanted to make an accessory for decorate the Christmas season

kitchens of our homes then those I invite you to join me and enjoy

together as always making this new project

good friends for this project I'm going to use mdf wood sheet of 6

millimeters is a wood rather thin and in this we are going to transfer a

drawing that I am going to leave to you in the description of the video here is

this design is a santa with snow but then let's first draw

the saint and let's make the snow apart here as you can see I already have the

santa already drawn I do not know if they reach it notice and let's also draw the snow

I'm going to cut it on a saw machine jigsaw if you do not have this

machine can send it to cut close where a cabinetmaker or someone who has

the machine, then now I'm going to proceed to cut

good friends and so should be cut and to our figure then I proceed to

cut the other snow and we must take the edges and sand them very well, and after

that we sand them very well now we're going to proceed to cut the basis of the project

good for the base I'm going to use a pine table in this case 2

centimeters of gauge, 2 centimeters of thickness and we are going to cut a piece

you send to cut a piece of 14 for 14 cms

good friends, that's how the base is I want to recommend you if you guys

they are going to cut in this type of machines wood of this caliber

they must do it very slowly not apply too much pressure on the blade but

to let the same blade go making the cut smoothly

so that we have the right to cut through the line that we have drawn

apart from this from this base I will also use a pine stick

this is a stick of three centimeters by three centimeters is the

caliber and I'm going to cut it to a stretch of 22 centimeters I'm already to complete

what is the whole structure of our draft

well then here I have already cut all the pieces and very well fixed

we must take special care in this sand the whole piece very well by

all sides by the edges of these pieces also internally we are going to

sanding everything and apart from that the edges in we will also sand these parts

since it is a little rounded all these edges

the stick on this stick also in the part superior ready then now this base

Here I wanted to show you also that Cut the mustache piece apart with the

put nose of this character

Here I want to show you how we are going to join this talk to you the piece of

down then let's make a hole a small hole because we're going to

use a dreward screw of (1.5 ") inch and a half long then this

screw we make the hole that between a little pressure the screw and apart from

we're also going to make a small cavity so that when we introduce

all the screw this part of the head stay flush with the wood ready

then this part is going to be done Only one side of the hole

which is for the head of the screw and this then we are going to introduce

let's screw it

let's use some glue white on the other end

to join this, then here by the other side the tip in this part

we're also going with the bit to do a little bit of hole so that when you enter the

screw then we were more accurate this is so that it is well secured

this piece to the base after applying the glue there

we must apply too

let's find that the tip screw that comes out here

match the hole that we have already fact

we're going to put it this way

taking into account that we have left straight match these angles

let's continue screwing

firmly the piece of principles and it he turns us does not matter, we do it


fix this piece very well to the base

and here how can you see then the screw is flush with the wood

then here it was assured we are going to leave like this

we are going to let it dry very well glue and then we can apply a

varnish layer, if you want it stop this color or if you prefer

paint it in some color and that's your choice

Now what we're going to do is start paint these pieces and let's start

with the decorating step and here they are the paintings that we are going to use

then now let's start painting

good friends then already to begin

with the applications we are going to paint first the white color we are going to apply

The parts of are white that would be the part of the hair the beard all

this part of here the part up here this little ball and what

that is the shirt nothing else we are going to begin to apply

these pieces here in white

we are going to paint and we have to take into account also to paint the edges of the

wood here to give us a good finish

good and so these pieces are left painted what corresponds the color

white here also in the snow apply the white color where it corresponds that

it would be the feet the face the doorknob cap is for the piece we must also

paint what is the mustache of the saint and add the skin color already what

corresponds to the face and nose here as you can see also paint the

eyes and eyebrows, something you have to have account is that when the

drawing to the wood we must leave it well delimited so as to be able to paint

where each color goes, ready then that you can see that I have everything

delineated and this what we are going to do now we are going

to start painting then I'm going to paint but you guys if you want to do it

with other colors other tones then you can do it freely

they decide on the colors they like best well here I have the bases applied

are the colors on which we are going to work then these are the tones

that I applied base and now what we're going to do is to make the details we are going to

delineate for example a parts all these edges of the pants

in the shirt we are going to make some stripes the lines here in the cap I'm also going

to make some lines like that in this sense here I will make a kind of

grid with only one color then let's start decorating this

to start we must use a brush to be able to delineate

brush with a very good tip and we're going to moisten and we will use or in this

I will use colored paint green

to start making a few lines here in the santa shirt

then here can see let's make the lines another


and then we are going to do others in the opposite direction to try to do

a checkered shirt then taking into account where

Beard begins let's also do the lines

in this sense now I do them in the another way

this is a country style then no we need it to be very perfect

just like this with this we did what we do a little here here

and we continue making the decoration to do all the decoration and then

I say what colors I use and how I did it well here I will show you a little more

this part here I started decorating look in the shirt of the green lines

and decorate with a red dot on each joint of the lines look how the part looks

I made some lines of the cap orange color but then this one the

I did and not straight but as doing small lines and we are doing all

was all this figurine in the part of I also made a grid above

decorate with yellow dots and in this part decorate with orange

whenever we use the paint we must use aguada to be able

decorate the color that a little diffused this now in the beard

let's use a little gray

I made a very light gray very clear and what what we are going to do is work it also

quite watery then what we do is to take the brush

and let's take the painting

paint and we're going to work water and just to outline the edges

of the beard let's work like this in this way

up here to the bottom

we settle on a surface is better

Well, I'm working in the air to can you show them

but we delineate

and then continued we continue giving The effect

and we are giving the effect of who has the beard

brushstrokes into

this should remain so we are going to do also in what is the mustache

when suddenly they stay here very wide then we wait for it to dry

we apply again white color and we make the effect again

well here we are going to give you something more than what of the saint then and in the nose

Apply some skin color paint with a coconut with a hyssop, let's not do it

let's do the painting we apply and we're going to gently carry where the skin is

to remove that tone that is very pink this is the same thing I did in this part

then very gently we passed it and here with the red watered paint delineated

a little bit the nose so that different we stick it

so something more different is here in the trousers line with blue edges and

I did a dotted simulating as if were the seams the black buttons

What we need is to place our eyes then we are going to use the cape of

brush we are simply going to spread and make a point

in each in each eye

we're going to let it dry and then we can Give a little light using a stick

of orange a skewer stick with the point let's apply a small point

White color friends here then I finished I did

a little more decoration here the hat how can you see these ripples

white and the beard is already finished the mustache also then what

What we have left with the saint is to place him the mustache then for that we're going to

use white glue just what we go

imply for him to be fixed and that


we will not be seeing the part of down

Now let's continue decorating the snow

then for esteban first let's go to apply a shadow here on the edge of

the one of the sweater here in this part so much can for this game also

for that we're going to use a bit of darker color can be a red wine

As I mentioned before, we're going to work watery then

we take out the paint and with a little bit we are going to dissolve it

we need the color that diffused it's a bit darker then

is going to make a difference

almost on the edge of the sweater

our pain is so ready and the dotted that we're going to do what

let's elaborate with a stick skewer to decorate here the sweater

then we will start if you what prefer to the bottom

let's make a figure

well this way

additional decoration for the sweater to make it look

more cheerful

essentially what we do is a figure

in this way and then we go return to continue making the figure

followed by this parallel again let's make more points


if we are missing some points we go back and we go over them

sometimes we are missing a little bit of painting in some then this figure

we complete it and here a little higher we go back to the time of that same figure

in your arms here to show you we're going to do this


but this time we will cross

we went to complete it two figures

in this one of the arms is only once we do

not like in this we do it two followed

well here and complete the decoration and I added additional here on the edge some

small lines with the sleeves and in this part below now let's take

a little red and we're going to outline this part of the hat the bottom part

let's water the paint

and we're also going to make some lines that go from here through the hat

First make a line here in this part of


and soon we get too much for the face then let it dry

and let's fix it with a paint white this part

so now what we are going to do is draw some lines

A) Yes

these lines we are going to hope that dry and then we complement a little

more decoration in this part also we must delineate the gloves a little

It can be with a lighter green color and the white part is also going to

delineate with a little blue color all the paint you already know should be fine

gouache for the eyes then with color black and with the brush end we are going to

place the two points and the mouth we can also make it with color


I already have got marked where the mouth

well here then I finished elaborate the mouth and I did the others

effects here with blue and here in the gloves also with a little paint

guard ready then here in this vomit he also says with a little color

red as if it were a plush and Now with yellow and watery paint

as well let's work on a little more in the

hat yellow paint in this part we're going to

start making a few lines like that

the strokes as brushstrokes

down here to give you a little more of of tonality to this part

they are small lines

so and then we are going to extend them a little more up

as the painting of these beautiful girls does not will totally cover what we have

done in the bottom

something like that and now we're going to finish here in the

cap soon making about 12 points we can make them with the stick of


and it can be with this yellow color as well

let's try to make it live the colors then that's why we're

using this variation

they have dotted on the cap and we have left very well

and all we have left is to paint the eyes as I had previously told you

with black paint with the brush end

if we want to leave a little more big then we can use a

brush more than one larger cape more fat and this we're going to leave it dry and

in the end we will finish decorating this doll

with a nose shaped like a carrot They can even be made in porcelain

chrome or suddenly there are places where they sell them is simply let's apply

glue and we're going to paste it good and when it is dry now what

let's do is work on the scarf

work with white color

to delineate a little in order to order the scarf you know we take the paint the water

we are going to One last

as to give a little light to this part

the white color we give a little light

only in the bottom and then with the black paint

let's take the black tip too and I say in form

a little

be very careful when we work of not going to splash the project

a little bit we should not leave it too aguada is black

what we are going to do is in the unions of each color trace a few

lines like a seam

A) Yes

very soft

a delicate

to leave a little paint is so that slide well

and it also depends on the brush that is they work with this work

well we have left we will let it dry your eyes even more there all

they are fresh and in the end we are going to give a little light with the skewer stick

we take the color white and we put a point out

good friends how can you see then our snowman is finished

here what I did was place a nose Made in porcelain and chrome en masse

porcelain these little noses sell them if you want to elaborate it and the

they paint already come with a little glue a glue of white glue

and is ready then with our ready characters what we have left is

adhere the ones or paste them to the ready base So what are we going to do before

to paste them is to apply a bit of a base paint here we can only sand

this part of the back we can give it a line a remote with a soft line

so that we do not get smeared with paint ready above all

this character which is the one that is going to look good

then to paste it what we're going to to do is let's first look for the

side that we want that the character we're going to

apply glue in this part of here first let's fix let's let that

is very well stuck and after that already be well dry then what

we do is proceed to paste this that goes to stay behind ready then we go to

locate the feet that match here and then in this we are going to apply the

glue on the back of snow where the parts match where where

will be stuck then we are going to apply the glue taking into account

that it is here that the hands arrive are left out then we're going to

apply the glue we will center it let's paste the two characters after

of that then what we can do is Apply a coat of varnish usually

I use a water-based varnish that it is applied with a brush or if you

they want they can apply gel spray so I always recommend more

Apply an advance varnish and water to all this then you know we're going

to paste as white glue good friends here is already finished

our project this towel rack kitchen that will serve to decorate the

kitchens in holiday season ready so here I want to show you and stick

the two pieces look here is the union it was very well stuck we should let

paste enough to then proceed to apply the varnish in this part in the

base and also apply the varnish on the part of forward as I mentioned

previously it is a varnish based on water then we apply it easily

with a good brush friends and how they I say it is perfect to place the

kitchen towels and so that people who want to decorate their kitchens

in the Christmas season, do it and enjoy this project a lot

hug strong for everyone as always we come back to see you here with more

Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Christmas paper holder for Country Technical Kitchen - Duration: 30:22.



And good my people, welcome once again to a new content here on my channel

Today we will be doing another

easter egg for battlefield 1

So we're going to give

Good!! Good!! My people today will come to bring the following easter egg

That is the dog tag that is a vision of an angel

Which we will do at this moment

First we look for a server that is completely empty

As explained in the above video

We are here to filters

We select a game mode select conquest

We are going to maps and select

The river Somme

We are here to the Somme river

Here in spaces as they had we select the option of all

And we selected these two options

In regions i suggest you select all

As you can see here where i appear empty servers

In this case I'm going to find the server that has

A very good connection

Hello my people here if i advise

Go with the kind of assault

It has to equip the dynamite

That we're going to need and here

With the canon of rockets at

Already a look with this already implemented

Now we are going to deploy

Already a ves being here we have to go

To the other side

On the map

Well my people already once we have come to this building

We have to search

We have to search

This thing from here where we have to use dynamite

We threw the dynamite there

We move away so that we do not remove life

And well my people already once we have detonated

The dynamite we have to appear

This Board

With 5 pockets

Here we entered some codes

That leave you in the description and the advantage is that this code

It is free to all over the world

This code is bone can be used all over the world

Once here

Agachamos us and we have the instrument at our disposal

The first combination is the following

We will turn off all lights

Then we go here we turned off this

Once all ready already are off

We are here to the lamp

And what we act


Now we have to shut down

The first and leave the rest lit

And we are back with the lamp



We leave the first two lights on and off the last three

And we return to the lamp

Ready and now

We turned off the first two

And let the 3 latest lit

And we return to the lamp

And once you listen to that sound

Is that goes well the easter egg

Now we must return to the other end of the map

Looking for a home with a fireplace

And well my people already once

We arrived at this site which is where we deploy

We are going to this house

This fireplace

Are we going to do here first

We destroy part of the die with the dynamite

On this site

The Detonamos

Once this already destroyed

What we have to do is climb to the roof

Once here already on the roof

We have to destroy the fireplace with the launches rockets

Work by not destroy it much

I suggest to point to this corner of the fireplace

Now we on this side

And as we can see here

There is a switch which we have to operate

We're here

And what we act

How could hear again dreamed that sound


Now we turn to the panel

Where we entered the morse code

And well my people already once here

We go to the board to enter another morse code

Remember that I'm going to leave in the Description

As we can see

As the lights are of color view that means that our easter egg goes well

Now we enter the following


Well the first tells me that there are !!!!!!!!


Well my people already once here in the dashboard

We are going to enter the following codes

The first is all off

And we are going to the lamp


The other is the 3 first lit

And we are going to the lamp

The following are the first two lights on

And we are going to the lamp

This step we repeat it again

The first two lights on and off the last three

And we are going to the lamp

Again we repeat

The first two lights on and off the last three

And we are going to the lamp


Now would only be the first turned on

This step is repeated twice

We turned off the following four

And we leave the first turned on

And we give to the lamp

And we repeat again this process

The first powered on and off the rest

And we give to the lamp

And now we put out all

And we are going to the lamp

How could hear another sound different

And the lights changed color

It means that our easter egg

It was made

Now we are going to the Game menu

To ids plates to see the dog tag that we draw

And well my people already once here in the menu

We are going to the Soldier

Here we are going to identification plates

We are going to the option on the back

And we are going to the option of several

How we can observe here appears to us the plate

This dogtag is the continuation to be able to get another dogtag

I will be riding on an upcoming video

I hope you liked it

I can leave any doubt or concern in the comments box

And don't forget to subscribe to and activate the campaign

To receive more content in this and upcoming games

That i will be uploading to the channel

Until next time my people!!!!

For more infomation >> BATTLEFIELD 1 GUIA como sacar el DOG TAG VISION DE UN ANGEL (ANGEL SIGHTING) 4°EASTER EGG - Duration: 9:13.


Quand Ali Baddou parlait de tout avec François Mitterrand- NT - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Quand Ali Baddou parlait de tout avec François Mitterrand- NT - Duration: 3:26.


Hito de asilo - los siguientes pasos después de ganar asilo - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> Hito de asilo - los siguientes pasos después de ganar asilo - Duration: 8:29.


German Lorca e as curvas e as retas da cidade de São Paulo - Duration: 3:17.

Hello, how are you? This is Alan, I am a journalist and this is Ingresse na Arte, my culture channel on YouTube.

In this video, I talk about photography and about "German Lorca: Mosaico do Tempo, 70 Anos de Fotografia" art exhibition.

You can visit this exhibition through Sunday, November 4th, at the Itaú Cultural museum, in the city of São Paulo.

This art exhibition features the 70-year-career of German Lorca, one of the most influential artists in Brazil,

who has joined Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante, a photo club responsible for modernizing the Brazilian photography in the 1940s and 1950s.

The "Mosaico do Tempo" art exhibition gathers over 150 photos that show different characteristics of German Lorca's artistic journey.

In his career, he has taken photos exploring geometric shapes of spaces and objects, commercial photos

and was responsible for album covers of artists such as Vanusa and Nelson Gonçalves.

In addition, he portrayed artists and designed posters for cultural events, such as the It's All True Film Festival in 2008.

One of the highlights of this art exhibition is the photo, "Oca", taken in 1954.

German Lorca's grandmother and son appear walking towards the Oca museum, in the Ibirapuera Park.

This photo was taken during the celebrations of Sao Paulo 400-year-anniversary.

It is worth spending time in front of other photos such as "Lixo Doméstico", "Mondrian" and "Menino Correndo"

that reveal Lorca's technique and his unique artistic vision regarding the city of Sao Paulo.

This exhibit also contains commercial photos he took of Jô Soares and of models on the top of a Sao Paulo building.

Photos that he took in New York, one of his favorites cities, in the 2000s also are included in this exhibition.

In an interview published in the newspaper "O Estado de S. Paulo", German Lorca commented that he loves the constant movement in New York City.

It is worth remembering that MoMA has already bought some German Lorca's photos.

Last year, Lorca told "GQ" magazine what the meaning of being 95 years old is. Today he is 96 years. "When I was 13 years old, I almost drowned in the Tietê River.

I went swimming, swallowed water and, as I went down, my life exploded in my eyes as a flash.

The poverty in Brás neighborhood, my parents, my brothers, my cousins, my friends from my school.

At the last time, I grabbed a bush, saved myself and went ahead. This is the meaning of being 95 years old.

It is like surviving a drowning. We leave the river and we do not look back."

If you go to Itau Cultural museum to visit this exhibition, do not forget to get this kit about "Mosaico do Tempo". This is an amazing book.

There is a chronology of German Lorca's life and most of the photos that are featured in this art exhibition.

This is it. Next Friday, there is a new video on this channel. If you like this video, share this idea, talk to your friends about this channel,

follow Ingresse na Arte on Instagram (@ingressenaarte), visit "Mosaico do Tempo" art exhibition and subscribe to this channel. See you soon. Bye bye.

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