Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 31 2018

Hi everyone, welcome to another video today as we are on Halloween

I'm going to make a little video to celebrate this halloween date

I have this pumpkin, I'll set it and prepare it to make some

uses with her stay put because this video will be

very scary!

Before start cutting, I'll make a small sketch of how she's going to look

something like that more or less

It will not be a big deal, but ...

It's what I can do.

It will be another eye.

more or less. And now the mouth

In the mouth I'll cut and then I'll make some teeth to be a funnier pumpkin

Let's see how it goes.

One of the eyes is practically done

Then I'll do some tinkering, let's cut the other one now.

Okay, the eyes are already done, then I'll tweak them to get better.

I'm going to start cutting the mouth now.

Cool! I'll give some touches and I'll show you how this will be

Well folks, that's how the pumpkin got. As you see it's not a big deal, but

I just gave some touches to my eyes and I made these teeth

As it turns out this is a bit ugly but that's just the idea.

this pumpkin is also not the orange ones that are usually used at this time of year

I'm going to do some experiments with it. Let's get started!

Okay, so, since this pumpkin was supposed to be orange I'm going to use an orange smoke, stuff it in there.

Let's see if this gives it a more orange tone. so let's go

Woow! Show! Look at that!


You can not even see the pumpkin. Here's a lot of smoke!

hey so cool

Very cool! Note the air that enters the mouth, the smoke comes back in and out again through the eyes

I think I'll be intoxicated

It did what I wanted. Look at this. The teeth are all already orange

And the inside must be all orange.

A little smoke is still coming out. Hey, look! What difference!

Let's try with another color to see if it gets even better.

I will now experiment with the blue colored tube. It has 30 grams of NEC

The easiest way I think it's to light is to stick it in the pumpkin's mouth

and push it in there. I think it is better this way.

Let's see

Hey cool

You do not see anything with the smoke

You can hardly see the pumpkin now

go out through the mouth, out through the eyes, look. What a show

She must have turned blue all over now.

It even has two shades of color. It has orange and blue

Let me see the cover. The lid turned bluer than orange. And look inside

Completely painted. That's cool.

I will now experiment with a red and a green.

I'll try both the same time to see how it is

Green has 25 grams of NEC equal to orange and red 30 grams

I'll try to light the two and let's see how this goes.

WOW. How cool!

Show! Look!

the smoke is thick.

and what's in the air even more

Look into its eyes. How cool!

Painted the sky in dark black

I wanted it to come out one top and one underneath, but they went out more for the eyes

and see the color, it's neither red nor green anymore, it's already black

So many colors mixed here.

As you can see, the interior is black, but I have not yet used the black tube

I will now use it. Since it's already black, it should not change much.

maybe out here do not keep so many colors. This tube is already a little

more powerful than the others. The others were between 25 and 30 grams

see only here is 75 grams of NEC. I think it's going to be a hard-to-handle soke!

let's try it

the fuse is more powerful

I was not even expecting this one. Show!


Look at the sky. Well, this quickly dissipates.

Well folks, this one was really spectacular.

Even painted this, which was white

It was also a little off, but ended up getting in and out more by the eyes than by the mouth

now it's all black

and did not paint everything. Still has other colors

But the pumpkin inside looks completely burned

Another experience I wanted to make with pumpkin

It would be by night, so we'll have to turn out the lights. Just snap your fingers and ...

They did not go off completely, but it does not matter.

Let's try to light another here.

This time I will try a

PATUFETS. For those who do not know it is a source species, which sends things to the air

but this time it will not be big thing in the air. I'll put it in here.

And I'll light it here.

what a great effect!

What I have here is also a pack of 6 CRISPITAS.

which are known as silver glittering

Here says CRACKER DRAGON EGGS, but this is not quite it.

It also says that it is category 1. And it has 10.2 grams, to divide by 6 units.

Ref 5fs10. I've also experimented on an earlier video.

I will now experiment inside the pumpkin and see how it runs.

I'm going to put two in here. I'll try to light them at the same time.

Oh no! Oh no! It's alive! It's alive! She fell...

The ray of the pumpkin had to fall!

Now I will do differently. I'll light one,

and then the other.

Now with this backrest and pushed


they stayed out

They fell

now I'll leave them down there

They're in there now.

wow what a great effect Let's go here then try again to delete

the lights to try more things

we have less light. We still do not have complete darkness but that's enough to see

I have here a blue torch that I go use to see how it is in there

Very cool

the eyes are more prominent because the torch is turned upwards.

It looks like your eyes are on fire.

inside it feels like it's burning

Okay, now I have a green torch and a red torch.

I'll experiment with both. I hope I can light them at the same time.

There are two

The red one

And in green

The camera does not show much color, but has two colors

Even the teeth stand out

ended at the same time. How cool!

This pumpkin, poor thing, is going through so much ...

To finish I have RED STROBE. I'll try it for the first time on the channel too.

It is a strobe that has NEC 112 grams.

and should make a very intense effect.

It says here that it's 40 seconds

Send a smoke ...

I even go blind ...


is already losing strength.

At night I tested what I had to test. Inside is still boiling ...

We're going to have to switch again for the day, because we have to do something to the pumpkin. You will see what it is

Well, it's daytime now. To bust this pumpkin I'll use an FP5.

Also known as SHARK. Get ready to fly pumpkin all over the place!

there it goes

There goes the pumpkin, folks! And this was the video, if you liked it

do not forget to leave your 👍 comment what you though, subscribe to the channel and see you at next video!

First of all, I'm going to make a sketch, to know where to cut

Okay, the pumpkin is ready, but if I put the cap on it ...

What will happen?


Hold on!

Hold on! Do not fall!

For more infomation >> MY 2018 HALLOWEEN 🎃 👻🧙🏼🧟🧟‍♀️🧨⚰️🤡🧛🏼‍♂️🦇🕯️ - Duration: 17:47.





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El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1944: Fernando sale a buscar a los padres de María

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Marcela hace un registro donde se demuestra que la ladrona es Elsa. El viernes, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".

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su exitosa ficción para las tardes que deja intensos frentes abiertos de cara al próximo lunes.

Mientras en el capítulo del miércoles, Fernando se declara a María y Elsa culpa a Consuelo del robo,

el viernes, Elsa mantiene la increíble versión de que fue Consuelo quien robó el dinero y asegura que la vio.

Consuelo se defiende de las acusaciones de la joven profundamente decepcionada y Marcela propone hacer un registro donde se demuestra que es Elsa la ladrona; Matías echa a Elsa de su casa.

Entretanto, María se deja querer por Fernando sin comprometerse y poniendo a sus padres como "anzuelo":

quizás si consiguiera reencontrarse con sus padres estaría lista para replantearse su futuro.

Como consecuencia, Fernando sale de viaje a buscar a los padres de María. ¿Por qué hace todo esto?

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For more infomation >> El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1944: Fernando sale a buscar a los padres de María - Duration: 2:54.


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Law School Gunner - Duration: 5:40.

Want to know more about law school gunners?

Curious if they get better grades?

Stay to the end as I define the term and provide you with eleven characteristics that typify

most law school gunners.

Don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoy the episode and click the subscribe

button and bell if you don't want to miss any future episodes.

Hi, this is Beau Baez, and today I want to discuss gunners,

the best-known law school stereotype.

And no, it's not a person who comes to law school with a gun—that would be a gunman.

Law school gunners are a common phenomenon at law schools that utilize the Socratic method,

and they have certain characteristics.

If you meet most of these characteristics, you just might be a gunner.

First, they are almost always the first students to raise a hand in class when the professor

asks a question.

Two, they raise their hands when another student is answering a question incorrectly.

Three, they tend to raise their hands so they can publicly disagree with the professor.

Four, they participate in every class session, or almost every class session.

Five, they raise their hands multiple times each time that class meets.

Six, they tend to sit towards the front of the classroom,

so they can be seen by the professor.

Seven, the gunner will sometimes blurt out an answer, even if someone else

was called on to answer the question.

Eight, the gunner's answer tends to be longer, as they wax eloquently on the law.

Nine, they tend to have overinflated egos, believing that they are smarter than everyone else.

They accomplish this by using longer words that are not commonly used in society

or even by lawyers.

Ten, they are overly ambitious, going far above and beyond what is required.

For example, one gunner I knew would cite to law review articles that were not assigned

or even mentioned in the reading.

The gunner just enjoyed looking for additional law, which he then mentioned in class.

And eleven, they keep their hand raised for long periods of time,

even when being ignored by the professor.

This last strategy actually works sometimes because I get embarrassed for them

and I call on the gunner just to get them to put their hand down.

Now, the question on your mind: does the gunner get better grades in law school.

From my experience as a law professor, and from what I've found from doing some research,

is that gunners rarely get the highest course grades.

During my law school career, I clearly recall my section's gunner.

He came off as exceptionally well educated and he seemed to understand the class material

at a deeper level than the rest of us.

But when final exam grades were posted, he suddenly became less vocal in class as it

was rumored that he did not do as well as he had hoped for.

The person with the top grades was a student that I didn't know well

because she was so quiet in class.

Now fast forward a few years, and I became a law school professor.

In the nearly 20 years of teaching first year law students, I've paid attention to the

gunner and their course grade.

About twenty percent of the time they do end up getting the highest grade in the

class—that's about once about every five years.

Most of the time though, the gunner ends up somewhere in the top quartile.

Good showing, mind you, but just not the highest grade in the class.

First semester grades often have the effect of quieting the student down during the second

semester of law school, though not completely stopping them.

In fact, the law school gunner tends to be much more sheepish in the second semester

of law school now that the wind has been let out of their sails.

But in those years when the gunner is the top student, they continue their gunner behavior

as the grades have validated them.

One final note.

Not everyone who raises their hands all the time is a gunner.

Some students learn by vocalizing concepts.

And they actually need to repeat some of what the professor says, because that is how their

brain processes new information.

It's very hard to work with this kind of student in the classroom, because there isn't enough

time for me to accommodate this particular learning style.

So cccasionally this student is misidentified as a gunner.

Make sure to share your gunner stories in the comments below.

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Thanks for watching.

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