Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 31 2018

Hi everyone, I hope you are well. Today I spent the whole day at the show

of culinary innovation which is called SIAL, which is in Paris.

A little far from Paris, rather to Charles-de-Gaulle.

So it took a lot of walking to come so far but it was worth it.

Because I saw a lot of products many different brands

who offer vegan things. That's what interested me most today.

There are really a lot of things happening or who are already on the market

but we do not necessarily hear about it because they are distributed by organic brands

like Biocoop, Bio is good, Naturalia, things like that ...

which we do not think. We do not necessarily think to go shopping in these supermarkets there.

And yet it's worth it since there's really little marks, little wonders

to test to taste. Here we will see all this together. Little rewind of my day. Let's go !

- Hello - So you work at "Michel and Augustin"?

- Yes quite.

- which is a fairly local brand, French ... - That's it, which started in 2003

by two childhood friends Michel and Augustin. And today we are 107 to work

for this beautiful adventure. And we are present in 24 countries in the world.

That's growing every day a little bit more and it's nice.

We have vegetable chocolate mousse.

So make chickpea juice

who has this property to raise a little ... like the whites in snow, to raise this foam.

Small pearls of Japan with coconut milk, with a fruit coulis. So that's mango passion.

And we have our coconut milk to drink, mango passion. That's it, we can find it in the shops

in supermarkets Monoprix, Carrefour, Leclerc, Auchan, Intermarché etc.

- Thank you so much. - With pleasure.

- So you work on the stand "Sojasun", "True Plant" ... you have several brands?

- That's the big distribution we have "Sojasun". After now we are on the "True Vegetal"

so with organic French soy, no GMO. So we also is on the organic network with brands like "Sojade"

- It's serious, you have to stay serious. - Hello !

- Hello. - So you are "La Mandorle"?

- "La Mandorle", absolutely.

Here we are a family company in fact, French, where we make almond milk.

We actually are positioning ourselves today on rather an alternative to cow's milk.

We are vegan of course but we do not say we're completely pro-vegan,

since we also meet people who are flexitarians ...

who are intolerant or allergic to cow's milk.

with a ... a manufacturing process

which allows you to have all the nutrients you can find in cow's milk, through a vegetable milk.

- Could you talk to me quickly from Protein brand?

- So Protein + what we did is that we formed a quartet

almonds, rice, hemp and peas who is restoring this complete protein

that can be found in cow's milk.

It's super good especially for vegan

who want to have a complementation interesting in terms of nutrients.

Athletes who want to avoid, or at least, less take the animal protein

which promotes more cholesterol, which may be less digestible

and the slimming programs for er ...

- Better eat. - Better eat exactly. Thank you.

- Hello. - Hello.

- So your brand is "Probios"?

- Exactly, it's "Probios". It's a brand that's been around for 40 years.

We still try to promote good products, good quality.

And it's with Italian raw materials.

- I could taste your almond milk.

It's really surprising, I thought I saw that it was with marzipan?

- Exactly.

So you have to know that Italy is the biggest producer of rice in Europe and at the 3rd position in the world.

So we in the rice, we arrived in a really maximum quality that can happen.

They are without sugar, it does not seem. But it's really the quality of the rice.

And there you talk about the almond rice drink. Almond paste is used, not the powder.

And that's what makes the difference. - Ah yes. I can say it!

- So when we taste it we see that the mixture is very well done, because there are no flakes.

So that too is very important. And especially in the taste. Because in general the rice drink ...

we smell after the rice flour

And that's at least ... I think more than 15 years we sell that.

We have a lot of success, it's one of our best seller. - That does not surprise me.

- So we have vanilla, we have hazelnuts, you have calcium, coconut also you have tasted it?

- Oh no, I'm fine. Hahaha. Thank you so much. - Thank you.

- So you have some products, like fake meat. How do you call it? I never know how to call it.

Like, you can replace the meat like in a burger.

- Yeah it is some meat replacer. That is what we call it.

Something that can replace what you normally would use.

So if you would use some normal minced meat then you can use exactly the same.

So that's why we also place [I don't understand]. So we focus on the usage and not on the origin.

So when you take this product... We made it look like the product because first the eye buys it.

So when it looks like something that you're used to work with,

then it's easy for you to take it home, use it for your lasagna, or bolognese, burgers, everything.

Well we have the vegan spreadable which we launched in the start of 2017.

We asked our consumers on the social media because we interact very much with them.

What do they need? They need butter and they need cheese.

And then we asked, what can it contain and not contain? They came back and the palm oil was of course a no-go.

We then developed a spreadable with no palm oil which tastes and have the same melt and curve as butter.

Then we started with one type of plant-based meat, which was soy-based.

Then we introduced a pea-based one. And now we made an organic one which is based on chickpeas instead.

Which is more ideal for falafel, this one we spiced it a little bit.

And then we have also plant-based ice creams, which are based on oat.

- Wow, that's really cool. - Ya, so a lot of new items also....

... we have pasta and we have new items coming up both in the meat and dairy aera

just in the start of the new year.

- Oh, pasta is like fresh pasta but without eggs inside? - Exactly. Yes, very nice, yes very nice also.

- I think I've never found fresh pasta without eggs.

- We now have six versions which just rolled out in Denmark, so...

we didn't bring it here, but we will soon be rolling it out more...

- I would love to try! - And they're really nice!

- I hope you will sell in France. - We hope so too.

- Thank you so much! - You're welcome. - Have a nice day. - Same.

- Hello. - Hello !

- You represent today the brand "Kokiriki".

- Absolutely, so we have three brands. We have "Nature & Me" ...

"Nature & Me" which is a brand that is only on vegan cheeses,

and Kokiriki which is a specialized brand in cold cuts.

We have salami, mortadella, ham, chorizo, liver pate and rillette, and so it's a ...

- And everything vegan? - Absolutely.

So there is no animal composition and at the same time no major allergen.

So there will be no soy or gluten,

and the basis of our products it's actually based on sunflower oil,

bamboo, acacia, and chicory.

- Hello. - Hello.

- So you are part of the brand "Vegan Deli". - Absolutely "Vegan Deli" yes and that since 1998.

- And suddenly you have a range completely diversified since finally me what I know

this is what Monoprix is ​​proposing but who is ... - So of course we here you are lucky to have

the total sampling of what we do, of course Monoprix has selected some products

which seemed to him the most important for him in its radius, so the range with the finished products,

called cooked dishes. But we have cheese, sausages, vegan sausages,

in organic and non-organic of course. Today since bio is growing, we have also made organic vegan.

- Okay. Thank you so much. - Thanks, you too.

- So ... - Hello! - Hello.

- So you want to know about the range "Sojami". - Yes.

- So all our products are products based on lacto-fermented soy milk.

Which means that we use soymilk and we make a fermentation.

In fact, it's cheese technology which are applied to soymilk.

So we have a fermentation, we get a curd, draining, refining and preparation.

- It's products, well, I think, a little easier to find, that's why ...

- Exactly.

- Hi! - Hi. How' you doin' ?

- I'm fine and you? - Yea good, very good.

- So your brand is "Jealous" right ? - Yes our brand is "Jealous Sweets"

We make sweets, natural, there is no artificial flavors, they're vegan but they taste amazing

and there's no melted pigs in these. - That's amazing. Thank you so much.

- Hello ! - Hello ! - So you're the creator of the "Brave Foods" brand ...

- Exactly. - ... that produces "Smowl". - Yes.

- ... which are small things to drink, to eat, I do not know, in between.

- Ben is the idea is to have a snack that is healthy.

So in fact the idea is to have a base coconut milk, seeds and fruits,

a bit like you would do in a breakfast such as a smoothie bowl or porridge

but already ready and to go. - So it's organic products, it's vegan ...

- So we are on something that is 100% organic, we are vegan, in fact there is really no additive.

We pay attention to sourcing our products, as I said, locally,

things like coconut, we pay attention that it is picked by men

and not by monkeys. Because if we are in a vegan approach goes to the end of the concept.

It is also a source of protein and a source of fiber. Actually that's due to the ingredients we use,

where it's really things that you would find in your cooking and trying to source locally.

Okay, it's a bit for the shapers of the coup, in fact it's already prepared, there's just to taste ...

In fact it started like this. That's me traveled a lot and then I wanted to eat healthy

and I did not want to prepare myself to eat every morning. I was a little lazy.

And then I wanted to find my fibers, my proteins, my good sources of fat

who come here in this case coconut, seeds, fruit, and that's how it started.

It's pretty amazing, I hear about companies where they are 100 ~ 200. And you are all alone, you do everything alone.

- Yes, but I'm busy full time, yes. - I guess, thank you very much. - Thank you.

- Hi Fanny! - Hello !

- I'm glad to meet you. - But me too!

That's it, so we bought the company 4 years ago.

We made vegan products and products vegetarians. And we decided to keep both.

The only thing we decided, it is to let as much soy as possible.

We have been growing towards the pea. The pea is local.

It is a plant that enriches the soil, so the year after we can replant something.

Soy takes all the energy from the soil, so it's a shame for nature.

If we can persuade someone to change overnight,

go from carnivore to try the product "Flexy" to be flexitarian,

I think everyone would win.

- Would you say that being a vegetarian or Vegan is the future of food?

- It's not just a future that people want to go there, it's an obligation.

We have no choice. We can not imagine in 2050 when there are 50 billion people to feed

that everyone will be able to eat an ox or two in his life. It is not possible.

We must absolutely take distances from that.

And besides, the height is that we can eat well only herbal

and proteins that come from plants. That you even gives a lot more energy I assure you!

I always feel very good, whatever I went from carnivore to flexitarian.

It's only because I think there is all the elements that can be found in the plant.

- Great thanks a lot ! - With pleasure. Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed it.

If you want to find the name of the products and the brands I talked about in this video,

you will find all this information bar.

With that, I wish you a great day or evening. And I'll see you soon. Ciao!

For more infomation >> SIAL: What's new for vegans? - Duration: 13:25.


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For more infomation >> Lentes de sol Ray-Ban RB2448N | LentesWorld - Duration: 0:33.


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Shortfilm Day of the Dead - Duration: 5:21.

"Dead Party"

-... and in the middle of the building, he saw a woman dressed in white

who cried and moaning.

"Coopera para mi calaverita" (Mexican phrase to ask candy)

-Hi kids, sure What did you disguise?

- I as Catrina

- and I as a skull

-Good evenig -Thank you -Bye

-Jessy, finally you came. - Hello mom, I´m here

-Come in, your cousins ​​have already arrived

-Look who came, mi favorite niece.


-Come in, Come in

-Mijita, it's good that you arrived.

-Granma, it's a pleasure to see you

-How are you my little girl?

Come in, there is mole

-Thaks you, cousin

-Do you wanna a Mezcal?

-Is it so stong?

-Try it -Well, ok

-OtiliaI, I told you not to take the balls out of the bread

-But I am hungry, aunt


-Thanks aunt

Jessy, the dinner is already served

I go, mommy

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