Military Aviation: Attack Airplane + Top 5 - Duration: 13:28.Although they were not designed for these purposes originally, someone came up with the
idea that "Why do not we use planes to attack the troops and vehicles that
are on land "which gave rise to the plane of attack, becoming through the
history on the most feared aircraft in the battlefield, join us to discover
its advantages, disadvantages and what are the better while ... We talk
of war.
The work of Attack on aircraft began since the First World War, when
they started using planes to support the allied forces on land, trying to
destroy specific targets in the field of battle and also attacking the vehicles
of supplies from enemy troops, what which is known as "Interdiction".
The attack operations of these aircraft included light or medium bombing, attack
of machine guns, or all of the above.
Germany was the first nation to have a aircraft exclusively dedicated to the attack
to targets on land or sea, and that was reinforced both in the engine and in the cockpit
to resist anti-aircraft fire, structure They called him "The bathtub".
The battles of 1918 on the western front, they showed that the air attack had been
become a very valuable component in the battlefield strategy, since
the tactical bombings and the attacks of machine gun towards the infantry, especially
which was in the trenches, added to attacks on supply lines, cost
to the allies about 30% of casualties.
Already for the Second World War the Germans they still had the advantage in airplanes
attack with the Stuka, (Ju 87s) that not only he was extremely accurate as a bomber
of submersion, but could also use machine guns and cannons, one of its characteristics
most notable is that it was installed siren called "The trumpet of Jericho"
that produced that famous sound (put sound) that we hear in movies and that
served to demoralize the enemies in land.
It is then the aircraft attack an aircraft tactic that has as its primary function
Perform aerial attacks on land targets or maritime with greater precision than
bombers and multipurpose combat aircraft, and that its structure has been reinforced to
resist light anti-aircraft fire.
And this is what separates it from the rest of the military aircraft, since most of
their weapons are designed to attack and destroy targets that are at a lower
height, and although in the beginning the machine guns and guns were enough, with evolution
and the reinforcement in the armor of the tanks, the attack planes of today must also
carry bombs and missiles with highly charged explosive
Its specialized design in carrying large quantity of armament to fly low and slow where
the atmosphere is more dense, it has produced aircraft that are not very attractive like
combat aircraft, but that in turn these forms are recognized from a distance and feared
greatly on the battlefield, it is like saying "I'm ugly, but your mother is giving birth to you".
The main advantage of the attack aircraft is that it can penetrate areas dominated by
the enemy to attack and destroy targets important that prevent the advance of the troops
allies, although it is also used to attack and destroy objectives that endanger
to the allies on land or sea and cut the supply lines.
Also these aircraft can be used to attack buildings or shelters not with
the intention to destroy them completely, but pursuing the goal of leaving them
unusable or that is abandoned forcing a withdrawal.
The main disadvantage of aircraft attack is that most of them to do
Your work has to fly low and slow, situation that puts them within reach not only
of enemy anti-aircraft fire, but almost any weapon
To mitigate this the attack aircraft in most have reinforced fuselage for
resist the light anti-aircraft fire and its control systems are almost always redundant,
that is, they have twice the mechanisms for do the same function, if one part is
damaged the plane can continue to operate with the rest.
This facility has allowed aircraft to seriously damaged on the battlefield can return
to the base.
The other disadvantage is that on the battlefield modern the attack aircraft must be in
constant contact with troops on the ground, obviously to know what to shoot and
not destroy targets of the same side, what which is known as "friend fire".
Finally, the specialization of the aircraft to attack targets on land or sea can
be a disadvantage, because it can not run other missions like tactical bombing, interception
or aerial combat like fighter planes multipurpose, what can convert it
in prey of this type of aircraft.
At present the attack aircraft has been become the tactical aircraft that has
to the responsibility of executing attacks from the air with extreme precision, and that is used
in conjunction with the ground forces for these advance on the battlefield.
The design of exclusive aircraft for the attack has been reduced in favor of the plane
multipurpose combat, staying only the great military forces with them, such
like the United States, Russia and recently Brazil, which also sells them to other nations.
The main myth of Attack planes is that they are comparable to other aircraft like
those of multipurpose combat, interception or combat ... when this is not correct ... the aircraft
of attack are specialized as we have said earlier to attack targets that
they are on land or sea, so that there are few possibilities they have for
fight or defend against intercepting aircraft, or those of combat.
That is why to be used in the field of battle the air superiority must have
got first.
The other myth is to compare these aircraft with the bombers, because the bombers have
machine guns to defend themselves, not to attack, and while it is true that both aircraft can
throw bombs, the bombers usually They do it from great heights.
The criteria for choosing the best five attack aircraft is defined by weapons
that can load and use the aircraft, so that we take into account the amount of bullets
per minute that can fire the machine gun main, the number of bays for installation
of weapons such as bombs, missiles and machine guns secondary and the total weight of the armament
that can load the aircraft.
Other secondary factors to consider are Speed, which obviously indicates how
can go fast, the Autonomy that indicates how far the aircraft can go without recharging
fuel, and the combat radio that is the circular area within which you can fight
The aircraft.
Finally, these aircraft must be in service, so that both aircraft
historical as the prototypes will not be considered, also so that it can be appreciated
the comparison we have put green numbers or reds that indicate in which lines it is
superior or inferior an aircraft in relation with the previous one.
So the best attack aircraft is the one that can load more amount of armament
and the one with the most powerful machine gun.
As an honorable mention and starting point we have the Super Tucano (EMB-314), plane
of low-cost attack in service in Brazil that the factory has sold to more than 15
countries like Afghanistan, Angola, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Lebanon, Nigeria, and surprisingly the United States, which
he calls A-29 and uses it for low missions cost in Middle Eastern countries, was used
For the first time in combat in March of 2018.
In fifth place we have (A-1) GHIBLI, more fast, with very or greater autonomy, can
shoot more bullets per minute and its capacity of loading weapons is much greater.
This attack aircraft was developed in between Brazil and France, and it is only
used by these two countries, this plane has been very criticized because in the process
of construction to save costs was decided protect only the internal systems of the
aircraft, leaving the cockpit without protection.
The Ghibli made his first missions of combat in Kosovo in 1999 and subsequently
in Afghanistan and Libya.
In fourth place we have the (AV-8B) Harrier II, which can shoot more bullets per minute
and can carry more weaponry, besides being slightly faster.
The Harrier II is the only attack aircraft of vertical take-off and landing of this
listing, designed to operate on very short as well as in small aircraft carriers,
large and even on ships with heliports, because of this it is still used by States
United, Italy and Spain, also offering the advantage that no air bases are needed
nearby, The Harrier was used in combat for the first time during the Gulf War
Persian, and has been used in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, However, it has its days numbered,
because due to its high accident rate it will soon be replaced by the F-35.
Third, we have the Frog Leg (SU-25), which shoots more bullets per minute
and can load more armament and Although it is the cheapest aircraft of our
listed, has titanium armor that protects its main systems and the pilot, and it
mention that your main machine gun is of the most powerful and fastest.
This aircraft has been used successfully in various conflicts during his 30 years
of service in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, in the Persian Gulf War, Chechnya, Ethiopia,
Macedonia Darfur, Iran, Ukraine and modernly in Syria, besides that it has been used in
Russia on several occasions to resolve some internal conflicts.
The SU-25 is in service in Russia that manufactures and has sold to more than 25 countries,
being Peru, the only one in America that acquired these aircraft, in 1998.
[Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Chad, The Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Czechoslovakia, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Gambia, Iran, Iraq, Cote d'Ivoire,
Kazakh, Macedonia, Nigeria, Korea North, Slovakia Somalia.]
Second, we have the Thunderbolt II (A-10), which has more autonomy, shoots
more bullets per minute and can carry higher amount of armament.
The A-10 is the grandfather who refuses to retire, and has seen action in almost every conflict
Recent armed forces since the Gulf War Persian in 1991, being also used in
Bosnia, The Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and recently Syria.
Although its original name is Thunderbolt II inherited from the P-57 of the Second World War,
but nowadays it is known more as Warthog, this plane was designed first
to blow up the machine gun it carries, which is your main weapon instead of the missiles
or pumps, and most of the weight that loads is the one of the 1,350 bullets that you can store,
exceeding by several hundred to any other attack aircraft, its redundant systems
they are triples instead of doubles and both systems main ones like the cockpit are
protected by titanium reinforcements.
First of all we have the (AC-130) Spooky II, the aircraft that breaks all the schemes,
and although it is the most expensive and slowest of all our listed, this aircraft operated by up to 13
people, has a monstrous ability to armament, becoming a platform
of attack and artillery that offers the advantage to load up to 155 thousand pounds of weaponry
of all kinds, and we refer to bullets for his machine gun and his 40 and 105 guns
millimeters, various types of bombs or missiles and systems for electronic warfare and interference
of radars.
What makes it extremely unique to AC-130 is that this aircraft can operate at
great height, not only in battles or conflicts armed, but in surprise attacks on vehicles,
people and buildings, to the point that the enemy he does not realize that he will be attacked until
It's too late
Due to this great advantage this is the aircraft that in more conflicts has been used since
his debut in February 1967 in Vietnam, with a total of more than 15 countries, including
some of latin america like Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador and Haiti.
Nicaragua, Panama, Iran, Granada, El Salvador, Somalia, Haiti, Liberia, Albania, Bosnia,
Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and France,
Let us know in the comment box which are your favorite attack aircraft and if you're
according to our list.
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Juárez: Asaltó Del Río y olvidó llaves de su auto; lo vinculan - Duration: 1:18.Juez dictó auto de vinculación a proceso penal a Jonathan T. H. de 22 años, por el delito de robo calificado, en perjuicio de los encargados de una tienda de conveniencia "Del Río", informó la Fiscalía
De acuerdo con las indagatorias, el agresor llegó a la tienda de las calles 16 de Septiembre y 5 de Mayo, fingiendo ser cliente, por lo que pidió un chip y una recarga telefónica, y al momento de abrir la caja registradora, sacó un arma de fuego y amagó a la cajera
El presunto ladrón logró tomar mil 83 pesos en efectivo y salió de la tienda, pero tuvo que regresar porque olvidó sus llaves del vehículo Charger de color negro, modelo antiguo, por lo que las cámaras de la tienda lograron capturar imágenes más claras de su rostro
De este modo pudo ser identificado y posteriormente capturado por agentes de la Fiscalía General del Estado Zona Norte
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Homenagem aos 30 anos do 1º título mundial de Ayrton Senna! - Duration: 7:14.The entire country awaits. Ayrton Senna raises his hand. Ayrton Senna!
From Brazil! World's 88 Formula 1 Champion!
It is impossible not to be touched by this, right?
When we remember of this first title, that made Ayrton Senna to be the world's champion as a Formula 1 pilot,
there comes many things to our minds.
In my opinion, this was one of the most incredible racings of his career.
The first time I saw this racing, I remember that Senna's car had a bug right on the beginning of it.
In that moment, he lost 16 positions. In a race, every second, since the start line, counts.
He lost many seconds in that racing. And only a true good pilot could manage
overcome every car in 16 positions, and get in to the finish line in the first place, as a winner.
Only by listening to his Victory's song, we all remember of him.
He used to practice like no one else. He dedicated himself as no one else did.
Every time he finished a racing, he reunited with all the engineers and mechanics,
to change the car, until it was good.
He insisted to participate of all of the process, to take care of the minimum details…
And this is something I have in common with him.
Because I also like to take care of every detail personally.
Ayrton always looked forward to be great in everything.
In one moment of his life, he lost one of his races, because it was raining.
And he didn't have the complete domain of his car while the lane was wet.
From that failure on, he started to practice in every rain that dropped in São Paulo.
He practiced and practiced and didn't rest until he became the best.
And in the moment he has become the best, no one else would control the lane like he did.
Why? Because he did what no one else did. When all the other pilots rested, he kept his training.
He practiced what he had to – and that everyone else trained too. But he also trained beyond.
What happened? He was the best. He dedicated himself to be the best. And he got to be the best.
This is a history that inspires me a lot and also gives me the wish to improve every day.
In my career, I knew I couldn't let to make a tribute to Ayrton.
Because he is too important to me and probably he is too important for you too.
Through my hands – through what I can do...
I created a painting in order to celebrate the 30th birthday of Ayrton's first world title.
His history is so beautiful, that goes through the generations.
There are many people that weren't even born in that time, but became huge fans.
I am a proof of that, because I was just a baby when he unfortunately died.
And today I am here: the baby grew up, and is having the privilege,
the honour, to make a tribute to its idol through its own hands.
Today, I give you, with so much affection, the painting I've been dedicating for the last two months.
I took care of every piece, every detail, every brush… Using many techniques, much love, and much whim.
Now I deliver this result, that means a lot in every single part of it.
This painting was thought not just to represent things that were important to Ayrton,
but also to represent how we, Brazilians, see him, even after all of these years.
He will be always remembered by us for a long time and for many generations.
The first point I approached while I was creating the painting, was to represent him
the way he comes to my mind, and to thousands of Brazilians too, when someone talks about Ayrton Senna.
We cannot remember of him without remembering of his McLaren,
the car which he conquered his first World's Champion title.
It was impossible to think about him without adding some movements to his car,
that was what he loved to do, and what he did best.
Behind the car, in order to represent the light that he was and IS for all the Brazilian...
I put some light behind his McLaren and behind his hamlet.
In the background we have a quiet and calm scenario, but still with speed in many points of the painting
especially closer to the tires.
And I couldn't paint the sky with other colors! So I selected the green and yellow.
I thought a lot while creating this painting. Not only Ayrton's presence in his Formula 1 car
should be the main focus of the painting, but also the symbol of Brazil.
This is a message to show that we were with him. That we will always be with him, wherever he is.
That's why I created the yellow and green sky.
To represent my admiration and affection; the admiration and affection that you,
as a watcher of this video must have; and also the affection of the entire nation and world.
It is with a great honor that I introduce this painting for you, for Brazil and for the world.
I hope that you, like me, feel all the love and meaning that this art has.
And that now will least for more hundreds of years.
Not only in our hearts, but also lightning some special wall somewhere.
Thank you very much!
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No te pierdas sus declaraciones.
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