Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 29 2018

Hi guys welcome to my channel.

My name is Jú. If you are new here welcome.

In today's video, I have some groceries

to start the month of November.

I will start with the products that I need to put in the refrigerator.

I bought..... This is liver, bovine liver.

right here you can see the price.

I bought, salami.

I bought, ham.

all from the jumbo supermarket.

I bought cheese....

cheese spread...

this cheese is like butter.

I bought this yogurt, my son loves it.


I will put this in the refrigerator and I will right back.

Chocolate sprinkles, this how they call it...

We call it Dutch "Hagelslag".

And my son loves it.

I bought also the fruit sprinkels

"vruchten hagelslag"

I bought this oats. I use it for breakfast.

Vinegar, two bottles. For cleaning.

Two bottles of vegetable oil.

I bought apple juice,

for my son.

I brought bread.


two milk packages.

Coca cola, this is for hubby.

And this one is with cherry flavor

Two bottles of apple juice.

It's for all of us. But hubby is the one who like it more.

I bought...

this bottle of....

Juice. Natural juice.

This one is made of tropical fruits

I bought this seasoning powder.

I bought this oil, that Dutch people like to use to fry or cooking.

And it is with omega 3.

Kapucijners, is like beans.

a typical Dutch vegetable

Brown beans.

4 of it. Usually I buy another brand. But they didn't have it today.

So we decided to buy the small ones.


I bought tuna fish.

I didn't buy a large bag of onions because, last time I bought a large bag I had to throw away some.

And because I don't like to throw food away,

I try to buy a few, and be sure that I am going to eat it.

I bough this avocado.

arugula salad melange

paprika mix. This is pepper

I bought mushroom stir-fry mix

As you can see, it's mushroom with other vegetables.

Bananas, this one is organic.


I prefer to buy this one. Than a large bag

That doesn't taste like the one I like.

I like the taste of this one. It's a bit expensive, but I like it.

I bought, precooked and seasoned potatoes.


"ANDIJVIE" Endive, It's similar to cabbage

It's tipical Dutch.

Boerenkool, this vegetable....

Is like a special vegetable for this time of the year. When the weather starts to get colder. Winter.



I bought tea, because it's finished.

I bough some mineral water,

In The Netherlands you can drink tap water

But some times I like to drink mineral water.

So I bought mineral water.

I bought rice cakes

That I like to eat with cheese, the one I just showed you.

I bought Maria biscuits.

I bought this wafelmix, because....

I bought a lot of cookies, because we don't have cookies.

I bought sugar.

I only buy sugar when it's almost finished. We don't use a lot of sugar.

this can last almost 2 months

Or I have to make some cakes, That's when I use more sugar.

But on daily base we don't use so much sugar.

and I bought this...

Honey rings.

It's for Christiaan, but also for myself.

Honey is "Mel"in Portuguese.

I bought kitchen towels.

because it's almost finished.

I bought this toilet paper package

20 rolls

3 ply

and it was €4,99

I hope you like this video. Thank you for watching.

God bless you all.

Kisses, bye! Until next time...




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