Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 29 2018

Good morning. What a beautiful day and what a wonderful place to be to see it. I

hope you will enjoy this incredible Symposium for Strategic Leadership in

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. My name is Mary Lee Kennedy, and I am the

executive director of the Association of Research Libraries, and it is my pleasure

to welcome you here today. We would like to start off this very important event

by acknowledging and paying our respects to the indigenous communities from

Minnesota. Minnesota is home to eleven federally recognized tribes: seven Ojibwe

and four Dakota. And we're standing and sitting on what was once Dakota land. So

please, we ask for their kind welcome and learn on lands that they once called

home. This Symposium is designed to increase our understanding and capacity

among academic and research library professionals, for creating healthy

organizations with diverse equitable and inclusive climates. We hope that the next

couple of days of programming will help all of us to learn, grow, become

comfortable with discomfort, and allow each of us as leaders to position

ourselves, our institutions, and our communities to do this hard work, to

dedicate ourselves to realizing true equity and inclusion in academic and

research libraries. The program that has been planned for us represents a broad

array of perspectives, strategies, and aspirations for creating systemic change

within our profession and beyond. I would like to thank the co-hosts for our

meeting, Association of College and Research Libraries. Mary Ellen,

are you here? Please thank Mary Ellen Davis and recognizer her. Thank you. Thank you so much. This Symposium, and for those who

were here yesterday, for the pre- conference, would not have been possible

without the generous donations from the institutions that are acknowledged in

this PowerPoint. I would like each one of these institutions to stand, and then we

will hold our applause and thank them at the end. At the Friend level: Cal State

Los Angeles University Library,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries, the University of Oregon Libraries.

At the Ally level: University of Colorado at Boulder

Libraries, (thank you) University of California Irvine Libraries, Penn State

University Libraries, (thank you) University of Texas at Austin Libraries,

University of Washington Libraries, Yale Lillian Goldman Law Library, (thank you)

York University. Please give a round of

applause for all of these. (clapping)

And one more generous group of people, at the Champion level: University of Alberta Libraries,

Cornell University Library, University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries,

the University of Houston Libraries, Iowa State University Library,

University of Minnesota Libraries, and MIT Libraries, (thank you), MIT Libraries,

OCLC, (thank you) Texas A&M Libraries, Virginia Tech University Libraries.

At the Hero level: American University Library, the University of Iowa Libraries,

the Ohio State University Libraries. I honestly think this is just a testimony

of the amazing support for this type of program. I just thank you all for this

very very generous of you to do this. (clapping) So I know I'm standing between you and Mark and

the keynote so I'll... but I do want to recognize the 11 travel scholarships

that were awarded to encourage conference participation by a wide range

of individuals interested in transforming academic and research

libraries into organizations that truly embody these values of diversity,

inclusion, and equity. So if you would please stand:

Arthur Aguilera from Bay State University (hi Arthur)

- Boise - Boise! Oh how awful, sorry.

Danisha Baker-Whitaker from Bennett College (thank you, hello Danisha),

Mohamed Berray from Florida State University (Muhammad, you here? thank you),

Kevin Brown from the University of New Mexico (hello Kevin), Zayda Delgado,

University of California Riverside (thank you), Monica Figueroa, the University of

North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Federico Martínez-Garcia Jr.,

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (there you are, thank you),

Alyse Mintor, Towson University

She must be coming. Alanna Aiko Moore, University of California San Diego,

Ariana Santiago, University of Houston (thank you),

and Shaundra Walker from Georgia College.

Okay, thank you. (clapping)

Lastly but certainly with increasing appreciation for what it takes to do

this, I would like to thank the Planning Group for the week, members of the ACRL

Human Resources and Personnel Administrators Discussion Group. They

started working on this project last summer and have worked tirelessly to

pull this together. Please stand to be recognized: Jeff Banks, University of

Arkansas (thank you), Kathleen DeLong, University of Alberta, Jolie Graybill,

University of Minnesota, Melissa Laning, University of Louisville

(thank you), Laura Lillard, University of Washington (thank you), and Bonnie Smith,

University of Florida (Bonnie, thank you). There were two co-chairs of the Planning

Group: Katheryn Kjaer, University of California Irvine (thank you), and

Francesca Marini, Texas A&M (thank you),

as well as the ARL and ACRL staff who served on this group: Margot Conahan, ACRL

(hi Margot, thank you), Amy Eshgh (thank you, Amy) and Mark Puente. (clapping) So now I'm gonna pass

this over to Mark, get out of the way, and get ready for a fabulous two days. Thank

you very much. Thank you, Mary Lee. I'm Mark Puente, the director of

diversity and leadership programs for the Association of Research Libraries.

We're delighted to have everyone here this morning. You may have noticed in the

program, it's in the program, but I need to bring this to your attention that

photos may be taken as well as video may be taken—will be taken during the course

of the program. If you wish to opt out of having your photo taken, please add a

green dot to your name tag. The green dots are at the registration table.

Let us know, and if you see someone taking your photo, call me and I

will take them down (laughter).

So as we said, most sessions will be recorded. These recordings will be shared

with with all of the attendees after the Symposium on our shared Google Drive

space. In the email communication that went out to all of you, we have some

copies, probably very few, left in hard copy at the registration table, but you

will find also there the Code of Conduct that the Symposium Planning Group

created for this event. We hope that everyone here will take some time to

review that Code of Conduct, and we'll think about centering our minds and our

behaviors in such a way that creates a comfortable and inclusive and—I hope

generative learning environment for everyone attending this event. In the

event that any one encounters behavior that is exclusionary, inappropriate, or

threatening, please know that our program staff are here to help in whatever way

appropriate. Please familiarize yourself with that Code of Conduct so

that you'll know who to contact in the unlikely event that you experience or

witness behavior that is contrary to this Code. Thank you for your

attention to that. In case of emergency, attendees can dial zero from any of the

phones, and there's... they're scattered throughout in the meeting rooms, and

you'll be connected to the Marquette Hotel operator. I hope everyone here this

morning will be attending the reception this evening that's in the same space

where the breakfast seating area was. And so that begins at 5:30 following our

program in the Stars room. Also lastly, there are a number of flip chart sheets

that are posted to the windows. I'm sorry that they're blocking the view. But that

is some... we're trying to get... it's a little unconventional, a little bit

organized around the unconference sessions that are occurring at the end

of the day tomorrow. This is not committing you to doing anything, to

attending, we're just trying to get a read on who might be interested in what

topics. So there were seven topics that were identified through that online sort

of voting process. Sometime before five o'clock today, please take a look at

those topics and sign your name twice, once for round one and once for round

two, because there will be two discussion rounds. Again, we're

just trying to get a little bit organized, if that's even possible, around

that but kind of format, so we can see where we will be meeting and

having those conversations. So I think that is all. Does everyone have a seat?

Are we are logistically... everyone has a seat who wants a seat? Does anyone have a

seat by you that's free? So we have we have plenty of seats. Ok? Terrific, great.

So again, welcome, and at this time I'm just gonna turn the podium over to a

member of our stellar Planning Group. Thanks again to all of you, but Kathleen

DeLong from the University of Alberta. (clapping)

Good morning, everyone. Hello, yes, we learned that yesterday. (laughter)

My name is Kathleen DeLong, and I'm from the University of Alberta. It's my very

very great pleasure to introduce the keynote for this Symposium.

DeRay McKesson is a civil rights activist focused primarily on issues of

innovation, equity, and justice. Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland,

DeRay graduated from Bowdoin College and holds an honorary doctorate from the New

School. He's advocated for issues related to children, youth, and families since he

was a teen, working to connect individuals with knowledge and tools and

provide citizens and policymakers with common-sense policies to ensure equity.

Spurred by the death of Mike Brown and subsequent protests in Ferguson, Missouri

and beyond, DeRay has become a key player in the work to confront the systems and

structures that have led to mass incarceration and police killings of

black and other minority populations. He is also the host of the critically

acclaimed Pod Save the People, a weekly podcast creating space for conversation

about the most important issues of the week. This is season two of Pod Save the

People. Yay! I'm a huge fan. The podcast is also

about making sure people have the information they need to be thoughtful

activists and organizers. So I would now like to introduce DeRay McKesson to you. (clapping)

And as DeRay comes in, I would just like to say that, as he usually begins his

podcast, "let's go." - Yes, good morning, everybody. (clapping)

It's good to be back in Minnesota. I actually lived two blocks away from here when the protests started, so

it's like a homecoming of sorts, so that, it's sort of cool. I never ever saw the view from this height, though. This feels very different.

I used to teach sixth grade math, which was incredible. Sixth grade was the best

grade. If any of you have ever taught, you know sixth grade is it. Seventh grade is

puberty and deodorant, and it is bad. Sixth grade is like... there's still

like a lot of magic in sixth grade. Have you never been around a group of

kids that don't know they need deodorant and like they all need deodorant? That is...that's seventh

grade. But a lot, a lot of magic in sixth grade. And I taught math.

I taught 60, 90, and 120 minute classes, which is a long time to teach an

eleven-year-old anything, let alone math. And this one day, my students are like,

"Mr. McKesson, can I... can we go to gym early?" And I'm like, "Absolutely." I had them

first, second, third, fifth, and seventh period. They were tired of me, I was tired of

them. The gym teacher was one of my best friends, so I'm like, "You guys can go." So

they go, and like ten minutes later, they're back. I'm like, "Hey."

They're like, "We're back." I'm like, "Why are y'all back, like what happened?" And what I

realized that they were more in love with the idea of gym than the work of

gym. And I say that because, in this moment, I think that people are more in

love with the idea of resistance than the work of resistance. We've been trying to

think about how do we talk about the work in a way that makes sense, in a

way that actually pushes us to have an impact. I might think about how the world

changes. I'm always reminded, especially when I come back to Minnesota, which is

where I was when the protests began, that if you saw us in the street marching and

the beginning of the protest, it wasn't because we thought marching was a

particularly cool thing to do or the most effective strategy. It was illegal

to stand still. In August, September, and October 2014, if we

stood still for more than five seconds, we were arrested. And I never forget that.

It keeps me grounded in the work, because that was a history that we were told was

like so far gone, that like we saw in movies, and then we lived it. And

I always am reminded of that. But when you think about what the work looks like...

Before I talk about that, I will say that the ideas are important too, that we

know that the difference between diversity and inclusion matters, right?

That those are not just words, that diversity is often about bodies,

inclusion is about culture. You can recruit twenty more black students and have a

racist campus. You can recruit twenty more trans employees and still have a

transphobic culture. That like people have done the body work sort of well in

the past decade, that like, we're like recruiting all these new people,

trying to figure that out. The culture piece, the inclusion piece, is the harder

place to be. And there are lot of companies that have affinity groups, and

affinity groups are incredible. The black affinity group, gay affinity group,

affinity groups for life. I like affinity groups. But if the only place that gay

people feel like they can be queer and be safe is an affinity group, that means

that you have a broken culture. The only place that black people feel like they

can come in and talk about the fact that a third of all the people killed in this

country by strangers is killed by a police officer, if the only place where

they can talk about that trauma is in the black affinity group, like you have a

broken culture. Affinity groups are a role in a place, but the culture is

something bigger than that. The second is the idea about equality and equity.

Equality is the notion that everybody gets the same thing. Equity is the

idea that we get what we need and deserve. The work of justice is almost

always the work of equity. So when we think about school systems, like the

school system in Minneapolis, one of the biggest achievement gaps in urban

America is here in the Twin Cities, a city where there isn't... there's money, right?

I came from Baltimore, where, like questionable money. Is there

money? I don't know. Here it's like the fifth highest concentration of Fortune

500 companies, Minnesota is one of the only governments... it has a surplus, you know?

I didn't even know the government could have a surplus until I came here. But you

think about the problems are still so entrenched in the school system here. And

when we think about justice, it's never about equality... we're never saying that

like we want people have the same thing. We know that it costs more to educate

kids in poverty, to educate kids who are resettling, to educate kids with

disabilities. The cost is different, and we should pay the cost. That we should

make sure that we show up for people in the way they need to be showed up for,

which isn't always the way that other people need to be showed up for, and that

is the work of equity. So those ideas matter. But I think about the four sort

of big buckets about the work—the first is this focus on systems and structures.

I'll have you help me at the beginning. I'm gonna ask you on three

to turn to the person next to you and tell them something that you can buy for

$200. So again, on three, you're gonna turn to the person next to you spend ten

seconds and tell them something that you can buy for $200. One, two, three.

Okay, bring it back in five, four, three, two, bring it back, one.

Bring it back. Okay now on three what you're going to do is, to another

person you're by, you're going to tell them something that you can buy for $300.

Okay, so one, two, three.

Okay, bring it back in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

You know, this is a meta moment, but what's funny about the countdown, when

you teach young people or even adults is that you can never lose the countdown. If

you ever lose the countdown, you lose forever. So when I did five, four, three, two, one,

y'all were a little...loose. So I had to go to ten, because you can't lose the countdown.

You always have to... The moment you lose it, they know it's not real.

So I had you do that because in Virginia, theft over $200 is a felony. In Florida,

theft over $300 is a felony. In both of those states, when you become a

felon, you permanently lose the right to vote. Now it's interesting, because when

people think about felons, most people think about like mass murderers, people

blow up buildings. It's like, you have named things, like anything made by Apple, I

heard somebody say like a TV, a purse. People are losing the right to vote over

like stealing a pair tennis shoes, right? It's not, this is not some like

incredible... everybody is like a mass murderer in the world, you all shared

things that were $200, that were $300 dollars that have permanently

disenfranchised people in this country. We think about 6 million ex-felons in

the country can't vote, 2 million of which, about 2 million, 1.6

live in the state of Florida. One in four black people in Florida

can't vote, about 40% of black men in Florida can't vote. Those are choices. And it's a lot

of people who are stuck in situations because of the things that you talked to

your table partner about. And so much of this work is like peeling back the layers

so we can help people see what's underneath it. That there's like a layer

of storytelling that has actually hurt many people in this country, because, like

you, again, if I asked you, "What's a felon?" People only say the most heinous

things. And it's like, I'm not convinced that the

person who stole like a bike at 18 should permanently lose the right to vote.

I'm not convinced that like the person that stole a TV... that that is

the same thing as like blowing up a building. I don't think those things

are the same. The next thing I'll ask you to do on three, and I'm gonna pray

everybody gets this right, no shame if you don't, is... I'm gonna ask you how

many people are on a jury. Don't cheat. On three, you're just gonna

say it out loud. How many people are on a jury? One, two, three.

Got a lot of answers, it's twelve. Most juries are twelve people. There's some places across the country, they're six for some things.

with 12 is... 12 like the magic number. There are two states in the country,

Louisiana and Oregon, that it only takes 10 of 12 people to convict you of a

felony. So Louisiana incarcerates more people

per capita than anywhere else in the world, which is sort of wild. It's the

only place in the country where you can serve a life sentence without the

possibility of parole on a 10-2 vote. It's directly tied to integration in

Louisiana, so when black people started sitting on juries, we can look at the

legislature, like the records, and they literally pulled up the proportion of

black people in the state. It translated to sort of two on a jury, and they made it

so that like if those people sat on juries, then they wouldn't be able to

lower the conviction rate. Wild. Still in practice till today. They're trying to

change the law. The district attorneys are against it. And their sort of magical

argument being against it—cuz I was like really curious , I'm like what's the...

like what's the reason—and they're like it's really hard to get 12 people to

agree on anything in today's climate. Is that the best? Is that like the best, the best thing you got? I say that too

because it's like a structural thing. We talk often about systems and structures

because those are the things that impact people's lives in ways that we don't

often see and feel and touch, but those are like the most impactful things. If

there's like a push towards programs and services—and programs and services are

important—we should deal with the fact that people have been traumatized, and we

need to respond to that. That is real, that is work that people should do. I

opened up an after-school center, I worked at one of the largest in the

country. I get it, I believe in it, I was a

teacher. All... programs are important. But a couple things to remember about programs.

A lot of programs exist because the system and structure didn't figure it

out in the first place. So the only reason that we need a million

after-school programs about reading is because we didn't figure out how to like

help kids read during the school day. The only reason we need a million math

programs after school is not... they're not like enrichment programs. A lot of them

are like replacing the lack of education that happened during the school day. The

second thing is that a lot of programs are actually predicated on the idea that

poor people and people of color can't make good decisions for

themselves, so we'll make it for them. And what we want to do is change the system

at scale so people are set up to make the best decisions for themselves, so

that we can say like, "We believe that you have the capacity do this, and like we

know that some of the disadvantage you experience is actually not your fault,

it's a fault of a system greater than you." We think about the

three biggest mental health facilities in this country are not hospitals,

they're prisons and jails. Like I said, a third of all the people killed by

strangers in the countries is killed by a police officer. And when you think about

the racial wealth gap, it's projected that by 2053, the median wealth for

black people will be zero, the lowest recorded wealth since we started

recording at all, in the '20s, which is sort of wild. And I say that because four

years ago, I would have said that I think this is a broken system with bad people

making bad decisions. And now what I understand is that this is not a system

of constants, this is not a system of chance, that this is a system of choices.

And so much of our work is about mapping the choices that have been made,

understanding the impact of those choices, and in helping people see that

we can actually make different choices. So people say to me, the system... when we

say the system's broken, and then people will say, "Oh no, it's working exactly like

it was designed," the take away that we have from that is that it was designed.

That like because people made it, people can make something different. So we spend

a lot of time trying to peel back the layers so we can help people see like

this was created, and because it was created, we can do something different. So

the first bucket of the work is a, is a bucket about systems and structures. It's

about saying we're the biggest levers. How do we take apart the house not piece

by piece. We do think about this as a house built by Legos essentially,

and the goal isn't to sort of like randomly just pick apart the pieces, it's

about finding the biggest levers where like a whole thing falls, right? A

whole side of the house falls down. Because you now understand the biggest

leverage. We think that that has to be a core part of the work, this focus on

systems and structures. We often sort of organize around the loudest trauma, so

like the bigger, the louder the trauma, the bigger the organizing. People

dying is very loud trauma. So people organize around it. There's a lot of

quiet trauma that's ruining people's lives every day that we just don't talk about.

So you think about, there are six states where, if you get convicted of a drug felony, you

lose the right to food stamps. Like, that doesn't really make sense to me, but that

is real and impacting people. The largest jail in the country, the Cook County Jail

in Chicago, they don't consider... Chicago actually doesn't consider public housing

a house in many circumstances, so if you get released from jail like before your

court hearing, on your own recognizance, and you live in public housing, they still

code you homeless, so you... they won't release you because you technically don't

have a house. It's like those sort of things are like

sort of small, but they are like big in their impact. In my last visit to the

Cook County Jail, as we were walking sort of through intake, I looked and I saw

that like some of the staff was like writing one of the wrists of detainees.

And I was like what do you write... like what could you possibly... like I don't

even know what you can write on people that made sense. Right, like, what are you

writing on a sharpie with them? And that is how they, in 2018, that is how they

ordered them to go before the bail judge, like you got like a 1, you got like a 2,

on your wrist, and that's how you move them. It's like, so I'm talking to the warden

being like, "Hey, I think that sort of dehumanizing and inhumane." He's like,

"DeRay, I didn't even know." I'm like... But it's like these are the things

that are like quiet, you know? I'm not the only person who's ever seen that happen.

There's like a whole staff and apparatus that does it every day that sort of

seemingly let it happen. And like we focus on these sort of systemic things

because we think that those are the biggest levers. The second bucket is

around the importance of imagination. So I went to Bowdoin, which is in Maine. And

Maine is a special place, if any of you have ever been. But, during our pre-orientation trip, we went whitewater

rafting. So raise your hand if you have ever been whitewater rafting. A lot of people. Keep

your hand up if you fell off the raft, I'm happy to see all of you today. I

thought I was gonna die. I was like, you know, lived a good life and it's over. And I'll never

forget it because the thing about... if you've not white water rafted, the current

is actually just so strong that it doesn't really matter if you're a great

swimmer or not. If you get stuck in the current, you're sort of stuck. So I

fall off the raft and I'm like AUGH. Shout out to Brian Wedge, the guy who saved my life.

I feel like I owe him something every time I talk about it. And the thing that

I remember the most about falling off the raft is that, as I was trying not to die,

the only thing I could think about was my next breath. I wasn't thinking about

my father, my sister, joy, justice, college, it was literally like... and I'm

trying to breathe. And I think about that because that's one of the things that

trauma does to us, is that when we experience trauma we get trapped in the

present. And there are people who like their everyday is experiencing trauma, like

some sort of like confrontation or proximity to trauma. And when you are

that proximate to trauma, you're like trapped into the present, it's like a

survival thing. You see what's in front of you and you like focus on it because

that's the thing that's gonna get you to the next breath. And like that is what...

it's like a cycle. You're like trapped in the present, you're trapped in the trauma.

And the hard thing about being trapped in the present is that you can't really

imagine that you're trapped in the present. That like you lose all

ability to think about a future, to think about like what could be different,

because you're just trying to get back on the raft. You're just trying

to like level back up. And the thing is that we'll never get free if we can't

imagine, that it's hard to fight for things that you can't see, it's hard to

fight for things that you like don't think are possible. And for so many of us,

we've spent a lifetime looking at the constraints in front of us because we

needed to see the constraints so that we can like move on and get to the next day.

But part of our work has to be to log the constraints, to name them, and then

imagine a world without them. So we think about the police... so we would say that

this isn't... you know people think the protesters are sort of against the

police, and we're like not necessarily against the police, but I do think that we can live

in a world with... But this is not our response to conflict, that we believe

that there will always be rules, there will always be people who break rules, and

there will always need to be a set of consequences. So that we... that is sort of

like a part of the deal with what it means to live in community.

The question becomes like who makes the consequences and who enforces them, and

who makes the rules and what does that look like? And I'm not convinced that the

people who go like find kids who skip school need to be the same people who go

find people who blow up buildings. That seems like we can sort of

build something different. I think about, when you see kids on the corner like

just randomly in groups and like what would it look like, instead of calling

the police, people called like the after-school providers. Like, "Hey, can

somebody come sign these kids up for an after-school program." It's like a

completely different way of thinking about being a community but a completely

possible way about thinking about being a community. And we think about the

case for abolition is that, what we would say is that the police... what's interesting

about the police is that they employ a wholly negative power.

The police take, detain, arrest, they kill. They have a taking power,

that is like the power that they employ in communities. And it's the only part of

society where our response to conflict is only taking. So you think about when

kids misbehave, we don't like lock them in closets, we don't just like take

things from them. We have a positive response to the conflict that they

employ because we know that we're teaching them and we're giving them

skills so they can make different choices. We are actually saying

that like the response to conflict in communities has to be something that is

not rooted in a taking power, that it has to be about something different.

We need to push each other to imagine that. So you see things, like Stephon

Clark got killed in Sacramento, which is probably the the story that most people

know recently. Stephon got killed, and what's interesting is that

some of the response to it, it's like the Sacramento Kings and some other sort of

wealthy people in Sacramento created an opportunity fund, like a fund around

opportunity. And a reporter called me I was like, "DeRay, what do you think about

the fund?" And I'm trying to be positive because I generally think that like

money in communities is good. But I'm saying to them, like remember the lack of

opportunity isn't what killed Stephon Clark, right? It wasn't like, if he had

been in three more after-school programs, and had like been in a job force

readiness program, he would have... that isn't what killed him. It was like,

the police saying he was armed in the middle of the night killed Stephon. And when we

think about that instance, what's interesting is that you know we did the

first public database of police union contracts in the country.

In Sacramento, there's a clause that says the police officer disciplinary

records get destroyed after one year. They're written reprimands get destroyed

after two years. California is one of three states in the country that makes

all police misconduct records secret unless in a court proceeding. They're

so secret that other police departments can't tell other ones like who got fired

and for what. That is illegal in the state of California. I was in Portland,

Oregon recently, and I met with the police chief. And you know I like look

like I'm like a kid, and you know I'm sitting in the room,

and she sort of looked at me like, "I gotta be with this kid." And she's like

very very nice but sort of looking through me. And I say to her, "Hey

we should talk about your police union contract because you guys have this

clause. It's so weird." And she's like, "What's the clause?" I'm like, "It literally

says that police officers in Portland have to be disciplined in the least

embarrassing way possible to the department and the officer. And she sort

of looked at me like, "He probably just paraphrased that really dramatically." And

I'm like, "I think that's what it says." So she's like, "Let me get my contract." Then she reads it and she's

like, "Okay..." because that is literally what it says. And it's like, we say that

because it's like a pulling apart of the system. People would like

to like to paint us as like the crazy people who are against the police. It's like,

I don't know how you defend that, I don't know about your jobs

as librarians, but I can tell you as somebody who used to be the chief human

capital of school system, that we surely weren't deleting teachers disciplinary

records after one year. Parents and communities would have lost

their mind. You think about any of your K-12 experience, it's like your

disciplinary record followed you all the way from K to 12, and then you all know

there's people who did something wild as 12th graders, and their colleges

knew about it. Do you know what I mean/ But what does it mean that we create an

institution that has so much power and so little accountability. And that is a part of the work

that we think has to be on the horizon. And a part of that is about imagining a

different way of being in community, a different way of holding each other

accountable, and a difference set of standards. And a lot of us who see the

constraints and we believe that the constraints are the way the world has

been, there's some of our best writers who sort of paint a world that says that

God created like earth, the man, and white supremacy. And we will never concede that

that is sort of just a condition of the world. We want to say that like that is

sort of where we are today, but we can build something different, we can make a

different America, and we can make a different world. Now the third is about

this conversation about power. About what it looks like, what it feels like, how we

undo it how, we redo it. There are two ways that we can think about power. One

is this idea of power over. And power over is like the power that we know the

most. Power over is this idea that power is like a finite pizza pie with

an odd number of pizza slices, and some people always have

more and some people have less. And that game is about making sure that you get

as much so you're not being harmed. Power with is this conception of power that

says a power is infinite, expansive, and it is most potent when it is shared. That

is the power that we know very little of. And like what we're trying to do is we...

we're trying to like name the mentality of power over it, disrupt it, so that we

can like build a different way of being a community that isn't a game of winners

and losers, it isn't this zero sum sort of world, and doesn't create this cycle

that says the only reason that you're not being bullied anymore is because you

become the bully. We're trying to actually change the cycle so like

bullying in and of itself actually goes away and we build a different type of

being in community. When the interesting thing is about the way we think about

whiteness is that we don't often understand the way that whiteness is

about power, so when Baldwin says whiteness is a metaphor for power, what

he's really saying is whiteness is a metaphor for power over. This idea of

like domination, that we can actually build a different conception of power

that is understanding of power with. I tweeted not too long ago, "Watch whiteness

work." I tweet it often because whiteness is always sort of working its own way.

Most people think about whiteness as like lynching and enslavement,

and like that makes sense. But that is not the totality of the way white

supremacy and whiteness sort of works in our society. And I tweeted it, and this

this guy in Hollywood emailed me, and he was like, "Dre, I'm sort of disappointed in

you because you said whiteness and you didn't say white supremacy or racism."

And I was like, "Well cuz I met whiteness." He was like this long email and I was about

to eat lunch, and I was like I just don't have time to send you back a long email. So I

wrote back to him like, "Send me your phone number, let's talk about it." Sends me the

number, I call him, I don't know this guy. So we're on the phone and I'm trying to

explain to him that like the fact that nude is the color of your skin and not

mine is power. That is a choice, that is power. The fact that band-aids

look like your skin and not mine, that is power. And he's sort of like, "I don't get it."

I'm like, "Okay." So we sort of do that for a little bit, and then I say to him—he works in Hollywood—

and I say to him like, "Remember the fact that all the characters we read in text

are white until named other. Like that is power. And he was like, "I never

thought about it." He's like, "I read scripts all day and I just assume the

characters are white until..." It's like, yeah that's what power looks like, right?

The fact that like white is normative and what it means to be human and that

is baked into society. That is a function of power. And part of our work

is to help people see that power is always sort of moving in the world, that

it's always manifesting. One of the things that we do in classrooms, and we sit in the

back of classrooms observing teachers is that we can literally just chart the

negative to positive things that teachers say to students, and we can look

at the way power works in the classroom, we can look at the way that discipline is

gonna work, that way behavior works literally just by charting and saying to

teachers, "You say three negative things for every one positive thing you say and

like the balance is off in the class." In the workplace, we look and we can chart

who speaks first. So looking at like how straight white men often just like talk

all the time, like just because. And like just mapping that for people so it's

not like an emotional thing anymore on our behalf, we can just say like, "Hey, you

know that you only allow... like women always talk fourth in meetings you run."

Right? It's like a way to just help people understand that power is sort of

always moving in spaces. A lot of people that don't understand power until

it is like literally killing people, but what all of us who are in minority

communities know is that power is always sort of moving, and

you're always aware of like when you have it and when you don't, and what that

feels like and what it doesn't feel like. And part of our work is to like disrupt

the way that power normally functions. I think about my role as a teacher—I

taught sixth graders, sixth grade is amazing. I'll never forget I didn't have...

there were two sort of big rules in my class. One was that there are no real

rules, and the second is that you can always choose your seat and you don't have

to raise your hand to sort of move about the classroom. That was a big

thing. And at the beginning, it was a nightmare. But by the end, well what's

great about it is I was trying to help them understand the power over their own

body, that it's like a big deal that the only time you can move in a classroom is

when I tell you you can. That seems to me like too much power, like I don't...

you at some point need to learn how to manage your body and I don't think I'm

teaching you well how to do that if like every moment you need to

move, you need my permission. That's sort of wild. So I'm like, we'll figure this out. And it

was sort of interesting to see young people like learn how to use that power

in a way that made sense. And like they did it, and it was like definitely a

thing that we had to like learn and teach each other how to do, but like we

sort of made it work, and that was really incredible. The other thing I'll say is I

remember I was here a minute in Minneapolis. I was a senior director of

human capital, so I managed all of the hiring for all staff including our

teachers. And when I first got here, we were getting all these discrimination

complaints that I think were probably right, and it sounds like we're gonna

interview every teacher who applies. Anybody who applies to be a teacher,

everybody gets an interview. Nobody will be saying they were denied an

interview because of anything, cuz everybody gets one. And we started to ask

a set of questions, and the third question we designed then was, "Do you

think that students from high need communities can achieve the same grade

level standards as students from wealthier communities."

And that was the question. We trained people to ask it and deliver it with like no

inflection, no facial things, like sort of a basic question, right? We did a lot of

training on the like how you deliver it and then how you receive

people's responses. I'll never forget, there's this 25 year white woman who I

interviewed and she goes, "Dre, well, kids from color communities just can't help it."

I'm like, literally like like is it... am I getting punked?

And it was incredible to ask people the question because we thought it was sort of

a basic question, like do you think that kids from like poor communities can

achieve the same grade level standards as students from wealthy communities. It was

interesting, it was about 30% of the people interviewed just said no, some

version of no. They were either like the parents care more, or like you know

they just have more access, or like there are just some deficiencies en

communities, and it was one of those things that helped us see that like part

of what we have to do is actually tease out people's mindsets and beliefs in

this work, more than we often do. That sometimes we just assume that

because people sort of have certain identities or because people like lead

with their heart, especially in education, Lord knows, the things that we allow

people to get away with because they're like "good people."

And then what we realized is that like the mindsets and beliefs stuff is

actually really important and an indication of like how power will be

distributed in classrooms and in schools. And we had to do our work to like tease

that out on the front end. And it was hard, because we weren't hiring people

who like didn't believe that all kids can learn, because we thought that was

sort of like a basic... like look you don't think that like every kid can

learn, and like this doesn't seem like a good school system for you. But when we put that in place, it was

like really contentious. It was like sort of a wild thing to do. The other thing we

did hear specifically is that, when I first got there, there was no real hiring

process for principals that was real. So we did this thing that was experienced

really radically. We were like, "Everybody who wants to be a principal has to like look

at a teacher teaching and give feedback." We were like, that seems sort of basic.

And it was like 40% of people who did it failed, and then there was a nightmare,

and people were like really upset with us. And we were just like... part of the way

that sort of power is interesting is that some people have to abide by a set

of standards and some people don't. And what's interesting here is that the

people who are around our most vulnerable students were people that

grandfathered in because they were like nice people. And we were like that

doesn't make sense, right? Like if you can't talk about instruction, or like—

which we think is like basic, right, like we think that's sort of like a basic idea—

then like you shouldn't be able to be around our kids. That just seems

like a fair thing. But there are a lot of places in society where people just get

a pass and there are no standards and no rules, and then there are people who have

like a million standards and a million things put on them

every single day. And we want to name those things so we can help people like

tease it out and break it apart and do something different and remind people

that like what it means to empower somebody is like, I can't give you

power, what I can do though is help you find the power that you have. And what

good teachers do is help people find the power they have. When I think about being

in the street, it's like the thing that gives me hope and joy is like I've been

all across the world seeing people find power they didn't think they had before.

That to me is like the radical hope and like the radical difference. The

fourth thing is this question of like who are you in the world. I think that

there are three sort of big buckets of people. That there are the salt shakers,

there are the sugar high chasers, and then there are the bridge builders. Now

the salt shakers—salt shakers, sugar high chasers, and bridge builders. The salt

shakers are people who drive me like most nuts. I think they're my personal pet

peeve. These are the people who sit down on the dining room table, and they put

salt on the food before they've even tasted it. They just like shake it, they're just like it

must be awful. And these are the people in the work who

just like walk into the room being like, "We're doomed." That's just like a hard way to

plan about a future. If you like sit down at the table and you know, like you

haven't tasted it, haven't smelled it, but you just know something

must be bad. And the pessimists are sort of interesting in the moment because

what they do that is actually, I think, the most damaging is that they pre-

contaminate every solution. Because they walk into the room being like, well just

must be doomed from the beginning. But we gotta eat cuz if we don't eat,

like dying is just not cool, right? That's sort of like the way that they...

So they participate in all the meetings in a doomsday sort of spirit because

cannot participate is not okay. But like part of showing up has to be being

critical only so that we can build something else. We believe that we take

apart the house because we know a better one can be built. We don't like take apart

things just so we can destroy. If we think about freedom is not only the

absence of oppression, but the presence of justice and joy, and so much of our

work is focused on the absence of it. It's like taking down the bad systems and,

like that has to be a part of the work, but we can free everybody from jail, we

could like close the racial wealth gap, and that does not automatically mean

that the world is like just an equitable and joyful. We actually have to

build to that world. And like we have to remember that. People ask me like

why does the Right have a much easier time about messaging? It's like what Make

America Great Again isn't necessarily like a complicated idea, it's an idea

that we've sort of lived through before. So it's not hard to recall all the

images of overt white supremacy that we've endured for generations. When we

think about a world of equity, justice, and joy, we're like making it up. We've

never seen it before. You don't know what it's like to come into a workplace or

the world every single day and it's just like equitable. Like we know what the

idea is like. You couldn't explain to people your life with single-payer health

care. Like you can imagine a world where everybody has health care. You don't know

what that like looks or feels like in this context. We're always sort of making

it up on our side, and that is just like a harder part of the work. But it's hard

to make it up when they're people at the table who just are like, "Well, can't do it."

You're like... that's just not helpful. The sugar high chasers are the ones who I think are the most

interesting, cuz I like don't know where it comes from. And I was flying to San

Francisco to do a talk not long ago, and somebody DMed me and was like, "DeRay, I see

you're coming to San Francisco. Are you coming to the protest?" And I was like,

"What's the protest about?" And she was like, "I don't know, but I got my sign." You

are, you're chasing something, like I don't know what you're chasing.

You're not chasing the work, you're not chasing justice, you're not chasing

freedom, like you're chasing the high And we have to be honest and name the

people who are like the high chasers in the work. And I think about even being in

the street. You know, we were in the street for 400 days in the first wave of the protest.

And there are people whose identity was like rooted in battle. So like when the

battle stopped, they no longer understood who they were. Like when we stopped being in

the street every day, and I'm like, I get that. I also know that one of the

conditions about being marginalized, right, is that you live on the margin. And

then on the margin, you're often unheard and unseen, and in moments like this

people get heard and seen in ways they've never been heard and seen before.

So people get addicted to being heard and seen more than they get addicted to

being free, and I get that. But the reason that we name the what people chase is so

we can like help them see it and help them pivot to something else. The third is

this question about about the bridge builders. Now most people think about the

bridge builders is important because they like build a bridge and that's

sort of obvious. But the cool thing about the bridge builders is not that they build

that bridge per se, like that is important, but is if they see an open

space and they believe something can go there. And we need more people who like

see these spaces that don't have anything in them right now or have

things that are broken and deficient, and they think they can put something there

that is better, that not only services them but services a whole community, a

whole population. That has to be a part of like how we think about making the

world a better place. And when we think about the power stuff, it's interesting

because the images that you learn and like the stories and ideas that allow the

most insidious things to happen are things that we learn pretty easily... are

pretty early. You know I even think about, with the police what's interesting is

that you see... you grew up watching like decades of footage of like the police

can sort of do whatever they want as long as they catch the bad guys. So you

think about Bad Boys, if any of you remember Bad Boys,

it's like the number of communities that they just like run through like

literally just drive through crowds, shooting the crowds, knock over people,

and it's sort of just okay, cuz like they found the bad guy. If you saw

Bright, that really awful Netflix movie—did anybody see Bright, the Netflix movie? Millions of people

watched this thing. It was also bad. So Bright is this really bad movie with Will Smith on

Netflix, that millions of people watched, it's like, they are orcs in it, and then

there's like the Will Smith...(oh yeah) See, you're like uh huh, you watched it! It's like literally

first seen in the movie the orc police officer is walking to like a bodega and he

just like pushes people over, you're like this is crazy. If you saw Zootopia—did any of you see?

See remember in Zootopia, there's like a part in Zootopia where like the the

smaller police officer, I don't remember what animal she was (a bunny). A bunny, right, thank you. A bunny. She's

like, a what? (Judy!) Judy, thank you. Judy's like running, trying to get the bad

guy and she literally... they're just like running through neighborhoods, like

people like flying out of the way. And like we have been brought up on this

idea that like, at whatever cost it's sort of okay, right? Whatever cost...

even in things like Zootopia, right? Which is like a children's movie. And so the ideas that you

find that like actually create space for these things are like embedded all

across society, and we have to uproot those. And I think about the bridge

builders are the people who like see those things, they see it and are like

okay got it, gotta build something better. Now I'll leave

what this question that I heard in a sermon. I was moderating a panel between

two people you probably don't know. One is Jerry Lorenzo the designer for Fear

of God, which is a fashion label. The second, you know of him, Pastor Rich. He is

the pastor that married Kim and our beloved Kanye. Kanye, what are we gonna do about him?

But I was listening to this sermon by Pastor Rich in preparation for this

moderating thing, and he asked this question that I thought was so powerful.

He said, "If God answered all your prayers, would it just change you, or would it

change the world?" And I think so many of us, we don't understand that the work of

justice is always about having a prayer and a dream that changes the world. Thank you. (clapping)

I think we're doing questions? I think there're mics. The room is

tight enough, though, that I think you could just stand. But I don't know, I'm

not in charge, I'm just here. (laugher)

- Hi Dre, I'm Julia Swanson. I'm from the University of Colorado Boulder, and I also went to Bowdoin College. - You did?

- Yes. I was I was a senior when you were a freshman, and I totally remember you

running for class president. (laugher and clapping)

- Was it your breakfast when I... you remember that—I think you might have been a first year

when I walked away from the podium. Was that your breakfast? No? You would

remember, it's okay. I was giving this speech and I just had a really tough time with the content. I was a two-term student body president, three-term class president. And I literally, I'm at the

podium and start talking, and I'm just like, "I don't think I can do this." And I literally walk off. Every time I see somebody from that class, it's like "Hey, sorry about that..." (laugher)

- So my question is sort of about all of us here working in higher education and the

concept of bridge builders. So how can we, as people working in higher education,

sort of foster the next generation of bridge builders? - Good question. I think...

when I think about... my advice to students is always like, you need to make sure

that you leave that institution a better reader, writer, and thinker than you were

when you came in. That if the only thing you've done in four years is fight the

institution, you got a bad deal. That just isn't a good deal. And there are a

lot of people I meet who like, they spent for years fighting, so they got like a

dope statue made, they changed some cool policy, and like they get out and

can't read, write, and think. You're like, that was... you got a short end of the

stick. And I think with the best adults do in higher education is that they

help create this space where like young people not only learn information

but skills. You got here because you have a set of skills that

like are real things. You like learn a set of skills, and a lot of

activists and like young people who believe in a better world who either

come out with like a lot of information and no skill, they like can't... they

don't really know how to research, they know really know how to sort of take

apart a primary document, or like put something... Those things are

skills. People—you'd be shocked (maybe you're not shocked 'cause you work in higher education)—I'm

shocked. What did you... you were there for four years and this is all you got?

So I think that the best adults in higher education like push students

beyond the place that they think they can be, with the focus to skills. And

what is interesting about low-income communities and with people of color is

that we often sort of do the like... well love is a skill. I can't

tell you enough... I can't tell you how many after-school

programs I've been to, but like it's really like love is what they're

teaching 90 percent and then there's something else. So it's like

basketball and love, and like... white kids are going to like skiing and

science, right? And black kids are like love and love. And you're like that is...

If love was the answer, there's a lot of love in the black community already.

People... like if love could get people out of poverty, like it'd be over. But

they're sort of this idea that like, "Oh, we need to keep these kids safe..." and like

it's actually like an act of charity and it's not an act that you believe that

they can do something. It's actually a manifestation of low expectations is

how it actually translates. To not push people and hold them to high standards

and just like believe that they can do beautiful things. And you went to Bowdoin,

one of the things that I sort of loved about Bowdoin was that I was in all these

places that just like stretched me, right? I remember I took this

class called "The Bible," and I'd never ever seen somebody talk about the Bible like it

was like a piece of fiction before. She was like, "I cannot believe God did that

on page three!" I am like, "What is this woman... God is about to smite her in the middle of class." But it was such a different to read.

I think about all of those places that I was in where there

were adults who just like pushed me beyond what I thought was possible.

The best adults do that for people, especially who come from communities

where that is just not sort of the normal practice.

- Hello. I just met you! (laughter) - I was wondering... you're doing difficult work, and

it's not going to come to an end for a while. I was just wondering if you would

talk to us about how you deal with self-care, and how you deal with the

emotional labor of activism. Also I was wondering if Clint got his shoes? - I love Clint! I love that you listen to the podcast.

So, it's funny, I... you know, Baldwin has this great quote... I'm writing a book, which is

killing me, and Baldwin—this quote is in there—Baldwin has this great quote. He says,

"The impossible is the least that we can demand." And I love that. Because I'm

reminded that like... I think it can actually change in our lifetime. I

don't think this work has to be like a ten generations work, and if they can

rewrite the tax code on the back of napkins and paper towels, then like we

can actually fix all the other stuff quickly too. That it's never a matter of

like, are there resources? That Trump just gave seven hundred billion dollars to

the military. It would take a hundred twenty five billion to take every single

person to poverty. It's like not a matter of like resources, it's not a matter of

"can we," it's always a matter of will. And the question for us as organizers:

Can we tell the story in a way that like helps more people believe that this is

like possible right now? And like that I think will be the test.

We might be able to tell the story that convinces people that

it's possible one day, which is different from helping people understand that this

is possible like today. And then we can actually force like systems and structures

to do right by people right now... I feel

more confident than I can experience sort of the takedown of all the bad

things in my generation. I think if there's anything I worry about, I worry

about the rebuild. That there's so many people who like all they know is to take

down. So when you ask them like, "What should safety look like in your

community?" They're like, "I don't know." Or like you ask them like, "What does a great

school look like?" They're like, "I don't know." And we spend so much time on like all

the bad things, and I don't think a lot of people have invested enough energy in

the like, "What do you... like what would a safe neighborhood for your child look like?"

If you could just like let your kid go out and like roam the neighborhood

for two hours, like what about that would make you feel

safe and not like you needed to check on them every two seconds? Those are

imagination questions, and I don't think that we have enough spaces set up to

like imagine differently. In terms of self care, I'm pretty basic. I just

need like four walls and a door. Like I just need like simple, quiet, like that helps

me recenter, cuz I am always on the move, and that is sort of enough. In

my, my... you know, my sister—who's great— and my friends, my sister's name is TeRay.

We're not twins, we're just black from Baltimore with rhyming names. She's great, and she and I are really

close, and my father, so they keep me focused. I want a dog one day. This is

completely random. I just said that. My first public announcement! (laughter)

- Well I hope your dreams come true. - Dogs are so cool! - Thank you for your talk. One

thing in particular stuck... stood out to me and that is that you said, "If

the only place someone can talk about truth is within an affinity group, the

culture is broken." Can you expand on that, and have you helped an organization go

beyond that structure and actually talk? - Yes, I think about... there's an interesting.. so like

every time the police kills somebody— mind you, police kill people a lot—there

are all these like black employee groups that'll reach out about it, which makes

sense. Like big companies, like big like tech companies, and... it's just

like... this isn't just your problem. It's not just like the affinity... it's not

just the impacted people's problem. I'm trying to think of another way to say it. The

police kill a lot of people, and what was interesting about it, when we were in the street

in Ferguson, is that people thought that it was a problem in Ferguson, they didn't

think it was a problem in America. They were like, "Woah, those people in St. Louis..."

And then the police started killing people in their neighborhoods, like, "Oh my

God, I didn't realize bad it was." So you think about, like what

we would say is that the problem is actually coming to a neighborhood near

you soon. So like the... that... if you help us get rid

of it in general, like you will make sure that it's not proximate to you. But it's

like in these companies it's like there are the friends of black people, the

family... it's not like black people live like a vacuum, so this is

like a company... like the the way that black people feel in the company, whether

they're safe, are not safe, whether they feel like this is a welcoming

environment or not it's like a part of your bottom line, it's a part of like the way

people interact with each other, this is like a community conversation. I think

about even like the gun violence thing, it's like you know when the shooter shot up

YouTube, it like changed the way YouTube thought about the gun work, right? Because

it's like, yeah, this is like just two hops away from being an issue that

impacts you, too. I think #metoo is a great example of... like it's not just a women's

issue. We should be talking about like sexual assault and gender

equality and feminism in like companies, right? They shouldn't just be at the

women's affinity group is like, wow, sexual assault's like a bad thing. It's

like, that's sort of is like a big thing. And there are a lot of places that

I think people get nervous. I think that the inclination to put into affinity groups

comes from people's nervousness. They're like, well I don't know how to have the

conversation, I don't know how to participate in the conversation, so I'm gonna like

let the people most impacted sort of lead it. And leading is one thing, but

being confined to one place is like another thing. So in a lot of places I've

gone to, it's like just saying that is enough to like help them think.

I was at this big company, and like the senior vice-president for

"insert long title here" was like the executive sponsor for like the black

people affinity group rate. And I met him the day before, he was like

fine. And they... the employees were asking me something about some racial incident,

and I said... he was like standing next to me, and I was saying like, this guy

has like too much power to just come to the meetings, right? That's just not..

he's like the senior vice president of blah blah blah blah blah at this huge

international company. You need to ask him to do something with that power,

cuz like if he's actually gonna be the sponsor in the group, he should be

like sending a message to the whole company about how this is an issue.

He should be doing something more than like showing up at your meeting and

being like, "I believe you." Like that's just not... that's like not actually what

it means to show up. I was talking to another—a university president, actually—

he was like, "DeRay, we had this racial incident come," and he's like, "we have

forms." And it's like, what actually matters is that you tell the community that

you think this is an issue, like not that like you met with the black people.

That is sort of one way to do it. There's another thing for you to just be like,

"I think this is wrong," right? And like that is about a message for

a whole community. And when we think about people's values, it's like your

values should show up whether I'm searching for them or not. And there are a

lot of companies are like... the values only show up when I'm like digging.

Starbucks is a great example. Starbucks' first apology was

like not an apology. Then people got really upset, and then they were like, "Oh my God, we believe in

community training day." You're like well if that is true, that should have

been the thing you led with, right? Like that should have just been true

regardless of the outcry, regardless of people's asking for it. Like values show

up because they're just the right... those are the things you've committed to you

already. And a lot of places were like we are searching for the values, and like

the values can't just live in a group of 10 people like in an affinity group.

The values have to be things that just like show up. And I think about like, you

know I was a chief human capital in Baltimore, and we made some decisions

about personnel that were like hard decisions. But they were like the right

things with our values. So we're like suspending this person, disciplining this

person, people we loved, who did a lot for the community but broke a set of

values. Either the values are our values or they're not. They can't

be like person-dependent.

- Hi. Cynthia Henderson from the University of Southern California, the other USC. And I'm still processing a lot of the things that you said, particularly about statistics about the police and their, you know, history of

conflict and involvement that... I'll be looking that up. But anyway, I had a

question—two questions. How do we help people find their power? And the second

one was: How do we move people from being a saltshaker to a bridge builder?

- Yeah, I think the "how do we find people" is interesting.

Some of it is as simple as like believing it. So I think about with young

people, it's literally like... there are so many classes

at all ages with people where like we just don't validate the stories they

bring to the classroom. We sort of like only validate the stories that are in

the classroom. So if I asked a group of 11 year olds right now, "Have you

experienced racism?" They'd probably look at me and laugh, right, cuz they're just like "I

don't know what you mean." But if I said, "Do you think you've ever been treated differently

because of the color of your skin?" They're like, "yes," right? And that is...

that is my work to help like validate the way they think about the world and

the way they come to the classroom as like a real thing, like that is real the

way you did it, and then using that experience to like highlight a bigger

truth as opposed to me being like, "If you don't if you don't have the language of

racism, then you don't get in." And that's like actually a lot of

communities we're in, like if you don't get it this way then it's not real and

it's like... Some of what we have to do is say like, that your life is real,

right, like that's like a real thing. And like creating space for that is like

huge. And even if people don't communicate that it's huge, it is huge.

The second is like living in a little bit of disbelief. So like one of the ways

systems and structures work is that they are designed to make you think you

can't make an impact. So when I was at... and most of you who work in systems—

all of you, I think, have experience with this—is that when I was the chief

human capital, I was just responsible for hiring all teachers in Baltimore and in

Minneapolis. And last year, I opened in schools last year in Baltimore. We had

one classroom in the school that had 40 kids in kindergarten—a big class,

which is like too big for kindergarten. So we get an email from a parent to the

superintendent. It's like, "Hey Superintendent (inaudible), my kid's in a

class that has all these kids in it, blah blah blah, can you do something about it?" She sends

it to me cuz I'm in charge of all hiring. She's like, "DeRay, can you do something?" Mind

you, 50 people report to me, we have 11,000 staff members, it's a 1.3 billion

dollar organization, I have staff to sort of represent all the schools, all the

principals have my cell phone. This could have gotten to me a

million ways, but it got to me through this random parent, right? So because it's

one parent emailed the superintendent, Sonya the superintendent emails me, I

call her and I'm like, "I need a little bit of money, like I can do something but

like I can't afford it. Can you help me pay for it?" She's like, "Cool, got you." We

split the class the next day, like all because of this one random parent.

But the system is not designed for me to loop back with her and be like, "Hey,

thanks for emailing us." Cuz like selfishly—we can't... I can't deal with

the thousand emails from parents, like I just don't time to do that, right. But she

mattered. And like she'll never know that the only reason... the change, like the trajectory

of her kid's learning experience that year was like her sending us an email.

And there are a lot of people who like just don't believe that that is like a way to make

a... they just don't... you've never seen it. So some of it is like living in

disbelief and like doing the right thing anywhere like pushing and... because it's

like the right thing. Your second question was... give me a reminder. Oh, the

salt shaker to something else. So the salt shakers, I think, are people who are

like, "I've tried, it didn't work. I like invested before, did more." Like I think

that the salt shaking comes from a not bad place necessarily. I think that when

it gets bad is when people are like, "I'm telling the truth and you're

delusional." That's sort of one of the ways it shows up. Another way that it

shows up is this idea that like, "I'm actually the most honest because I'm the

most... that all I do is critique and because I know how to tear things apart

like that makes me honest." And what we would say is that like the critique only

matters because you can build something else. It doesn't...

the goal isn't to tear apart society and like leave it torn apart. The goal

is to like tear it apart so we can build something really cool. And that like... we

need to name that. So like the way that I've done it is like pushing all the

people are like most pessimistic and be like, "Hey! What can we build?" Like just

literally like forcing people into this build conversation. Like okay, I get it, I

get it's broken. How would you fix it? And sort of just like sitting in that and

like helping people start to like exercise that muscle, even if it feels like

ridiculous and crazy. Like that's really important, I think.

- Thank you for your comments. I think they were really helpful. But I come with a heavy heart,

given what happened to the two Native students at Colorado State University,

and given what happened to the students who are pushed off at graduation.

I say that because so often this work is motivated by a crisis. And my question is:

Do you have any thoughts on how we can make this work sustainable?

Because suddenly, there's this flurry of activity on these campuses when there's

a crisis, and we act like we're starting from ground zero,

like nothing has been done. I mean, how do we build on that? And, and maybe you, you

know... so that's just the question that I... and I hope to address it tomorrow as well. Thank you.

- Yeah, I think it's the right question. One of the things that

I'm interested in is like, how do we start to talk about race, and especially the

history of race, in like normal tones, and like less... like the facts are dramatic, so

I don't need to be dramatic, right? And I think about... I was at this

event, and I was wearing this outfit that had facts on it. And one of the

facts was that white high school dropouts have more wealth than all black

college graduates, which is true. And this guy comes up to me and he's like, "DeRay,

is that true?" And I'm like, "Yeah, it's true." And he's like, "I don't believe it." I'm

like, "Okay. I don't even know... like okay." so we sort of get through that piece, and he says to me... so I'm saying...

Anyway, he says to me, "DeRay, well the the reason that white people have so

much wealth is because there're more of us. Like that the government... just like a

log distribution." And I say to him like, "The only reason there are more of you is

cuz you killed half the people and enslaved the other half." It's not like...

it's not like there are naturally more of you. You killed everybody. But what was interesting

about that exchange is that like I delivered it like just like that, was

like, yeah but it's cuz you killed half the people, real basic, right? And it

was one of those things... I could see him squirming because he was ready to dismiss

it as passion, but I was like just real chill about it. And I start there

only because I think that some of the ways that we talk about the worst parts

of the history, we do it in a way that like I don't think conveys just how like

real it was, how crazy it was, and how persistent it was, and how like damaging.

It's just like a normal... that happened. And sort of forcing people to reckon

with the like, the fact of it and not like my delivery. And I think that so

much of the pushback that I've seen people deliver is actually like to the...

so much of the pushback that I've seen people... sort of... push, is like to the

delivery of the fact and not like the content of the fact. And I think about...

so I think that that is like really important on college campuses and everywhere, to

just be like, hey like, when people talk to me about the wealth gap, it's like we

gave white people wealth. We did. We like gave... white people didn't work hard, they

didn't have to be all small business owners, like we just gave them

1% housing loans, we gave them free education. But when we think about

people of color, literally it's like small business... everybody has to be a

small business owner, everybody has to be the most motivated... it's like, lazy black

people should eat. Lazy black people should have water, right? Like those

things are sort of real, but when we talk about it in terms of whiteness, it's like

we just gloss over just how we did it for all of them in a way that is like

really sort of wild when you think about it scale. In terms of these incidents, I

think that I'm hopeful that the public pressure from them has created more

conversation. I don't know if you saw that another person got beat up in a

Waffle House by the police yesterday, which is like crazy. So I don't know

what's going on at Waffle House's but... I'm hopeful that the public conversation

has like led to it, has led to like more examination and exploration. I'm

interested to see if we can organize in a way that like shuts down the economic

power places like that. And the last thing about how do we not recreate the

wheel. I think some of it is people feel like if the wheel works so great before,

that they're like, we wouldn't be here, right? So people feel like we should at

least be open to updating it. And the second is that, and I'll say this as

somebody who is steeped in this work now every day, is that sometimes it's hard to

find out the work that's been done before because people keep it so close

to themselves because they want to be the only conduit for the work. And there are a lot

of people are just over that. They're like, I'm down to organize with

you, but I'm not down to like be forced to do it in this one way, and not be open

to talk about how we can update it or change it. And there are a lot of people

who sort of employ this "if you don't do it with me or like me, then you're not

real," and I think there's a generation of people who are like done with that

I think these are gonna be the last two because we're at time.

- Thanks so much. I'm

curious about how you... what's your strategy for dealing with the backlash? So we had,

you know, Obama for eight years, I was living in the South at the time.

None of my white friends would ever talk about politics. We just didn't.

And then I move, thank God, to New York. And of course all my white friends voted for

Trump, and—thank God I'm not living there— so, you know, my experience is that we

have Trump because it's backlash from eight years of a black president, and so,

you know... How do we like... what do you do about this backlash? These people have

power and they want... like yesterday, we learned about this concept

of their seats. They don't want to lose their seats. So how do

we... what's the strategy for dealing with that?

- So a couple things. One, I do think that... you know, I talk about systems and

structures cuz I really do believe that we're just playing different games.

I think about like the police, we're just playing... the police don't care if we

protest every day. And like, I didn't get that four years ago, cuz they're just

playing a different game. It is so hard to indict any of them because the

structure and system mixed up, that like until we play that game, we just... it

doesn't matter, right? So like, I don't even know if that's a backlash per se,

and I tell you, like the police union contract stuff. It's like, well if all the

disciplinary records are destroyed, and everything's secret anyway, and like and

and and and, then like it doesn't matter if we win the public conversation, it

doesn't matter if it's a world-class prosecutor, like it... we're just like

playing a different game. And I think... on the Right, they're just playing a

different game. So you think about the strategy for taking over the

state legislatures isn't because they— I mean, it is partly because they

want to introduce these state laws—but they were actually trying to build a

critical mass, and Trump sort of screwed this up cuz he's just so wild. But

they're trying to build a critical mass that the states could call a

Constitutional convention, and then they can rewrite parts of Constitution.

Just like a brilliant, and just... just playing like a complete different game. One

of the biggest, one of the biggest funders of resettlement services for

displaced Puerto Ricans from Puerto Rico right now are actually the Koch brothers.

They are funding like the probably most expansive literacy, job placement,

all this stuff for displaced Puerto Ricans, because they know that they're

gonna have all their names, addresses, phone numbers in 2020. It's like

brilliant and insidious organizing. And I think that we're just not play...

I think we're just playing different games. So in terms of the backlash, I think what

happened in 2016, I remember a lot of activists being like, president doesn't

matter. Local is where it matters. Cote for

your city councilman, vote for your mayor, I've never seen the president impact

people's lives. And now it's like your friend's getting deported, and it's a bad thing.

It's like, you sort of screwed that calculation up. But it was, but it was

people like feeding that idea, because it worked... it like worked for a set of

people that it worked for. I think now people get it better, is that like just

from a raw number perspective, if the Left voted, if everybody voted, we'd always win,

just from like a sheer number game. It's why we talk about like the things, like

that $200 is a felony that you permanently lose the right to vote. In Oklahoma,

that over $50 was a felony until 2001. That's crazy, right? $50 is like... all of

you probably are felons who stole something over $50 by mistake, you know?

And it's like, I think that the, I think the backlash is not actually just like

an emotional thing, I think it is the combination of playing a different game,

and I think that what we see with Trump is like they're just playing a different... we

didn't even know the government could move this quick before, because like it's

never moved that quick. He's done things so quickly and at

such like incredible speed with no pushback from like the own party, that has

been sort of incredible to watch happen. I think if anything it's reminded that like when

the other side gets in power, we should just change like... we can like let

everybody free from jail, you know, just like one day, it's like you're into

everything, and I think that'd be like incredible, too. But I think that the

way we do it is like organize... we like tell the right story about a world we want

to live in, we like build the structural power to do it, and we fight at every

level, which is I think what they're just much better at, and then we focus our

money and our resources in a way that actually has it translate into something.

And if anything, I think that that's what I worry about, that we will either look

back at this decade and be like, wow look at all those people who worked really

hard, or we'll look at this decade and be like, wow look at all the change that

happened, and I think that we're sort of like... it's a 50/50 about where we go.

Last question.


- My name is Elise Mintor. I'm a librarian at a public university, four-year

university in Towson, you know Towson University outside of Baltimore. - I live right around the corner.

- We actually met briefly at Afropunk last year. You probably don't remember me, that's okay (laugher). So I

was going to say that (let me turn this so I can still see you while talking), I heard Renee Meyers, who is a change management

consultant, speak recently. And she says something to the effect that she talks

to a lot of c-level suite leaders who want to do the right thing and want to

effect change but they don't know where to start. And so I was wondering if you

could speak... we've talked a lot about police brutality and systemic racism and

losts or lack of equity, which is all- important, but I wonder if you could make

a little bit of a stronger connection to what that means to us who work in higher

education, at libraries, with students, but also thinking about what it means to

think about that from a organizational perspective, and how that relates to

creating policies and hiring or retention of professionals and things of that nature.

- Yeah, I think it's all... when I think about systems and structures, I

think about them at every level, not just... I use the police just because they're

like an easy example to me. But I think about being the chief human capital of a

school system, and it was never lost to me that like the way I designed that

form today would be the way that we collected data for the next 50 years.

So if any of you remember, you had to do the EOC... the most school systems have to report

data to the EOC in a certain way, and like for instance we don't collect data

on biracial people in a way that makes.. it's like you have to check white and

then something else, like that's just the way the data is collected. So people

would ask us like, what's the breakdown of whatever. It's like, well I can tell

you the number of people who checked like more than two races, is how we

collected in Baltimore. I can't tell you anything else. So like what about the

number of... and Latinos have to check more than two

races, like that's, the box is literally called "more than two races,"

and it's like that actually... that fundamentally changes the way that we

make decisions in the district, cuz we have no data on Latino employees. It

just like doesn't exist. And that's actually like a system-level decision

that is about equity and race and justice that like doesn't look like it's

about equity, race, and justice. So I think about... it was never lost to me that

we did those. I think about even being the chief, or I, like... being the senior director

here, and the way that we interview people, it's like we... it was the first

time we ever asked people mindset questions, and we thought that was like

the right thing to do, and that was like from an equity perspective. And I

think about people who work inside systems and structures, it's like trying

to think about like the levers and the decisions that you're making today that

you know will have a long... like they will be things that live beyond you, and how

can you set them up so that they actually like meaning something, or like

collect data in a way that makes sense, or push policy. Like those things I think

that we take for granted. And as... when I was in Baltimore, working back in the

school system, you know we employ as many people as a city itself.

So when I thought about like how we led teacher PD, or like how we hired people,

who we recruited, and how we recruited them, like all those things are like

sitting down and just asking the tough questions about, like did we do this

right, have we recruited in the right places, why don't we have enough teachers

of color, like why are people quitting? Being in a place that we could ask those

questions and like force answers was actually like really powerful because

like I was just a chief and like the superintendent also agreed with me. There

is also a question, this thing about like where do your values show up, is that like,

we made a lot... I was the only person who could hire and fire people. It was this

thing about like where do our values show up. And what you find in a lot of human

capital stuff is that people's values change depending on who the person is,

and like that just isn't fair, right? That's not... that is the opposite of

what equity looks like. And then like we had to figure out how to calibrate like

that the value's sort of are consistent regardless of what the outcomes were for

people, and that we like led with that as like a real thing. So when I talk about

the police and like systems and police union contracts and stuff, the only

reason that we did the police union contract project is because I used to

manage teachers union contracts.

I knew what contracts were like cuz it was my job to manage the implementation of them.

And I saw that they're all these like random things, that you know, it's like...

the lesson plan has to be turned in 30 minutes... there are all these like random

things that we agreed to you that like I don't know if they made the most sense

for anybody, teachers or students, that made me... that helped me think about like

larger systems and structures. My advice to you would be that like you

know a part of the world really well. And that you be shocked at how like you

knowing that part of the world really well actually sets you up to think about

like everything else really well, too. Like it helps you think about like the

questions, ask the levers to push, like who probably has power that

doesn't look like they have power but actually has a lot of power, like all

those things come from knowing one thing really well that you can sort of

extrapolate that out to. And that we do think about like, the justice work is

everybody's work, that like the police, safety, mass incarceration, education like

is as much your work as it is mine, whether it is like your formal work or

not. Because that you all live in communities and it shouldn't take the

crisis sort of hitting the workplace for you to understand that this is actually

like an issue that is as big as you are. So the question then becomes like, how do

you use like your unique gifts and talents to like set people up to make

different decisions, whether it is helping people like access content that

they didn't know existed. I think about... you know one of my biggest frustrations

with the academic community is that so many people have actually studied so

many of the problems that we never thought about. And like, I called this... we

did the first-ever examination of police union contracts in the

country, a hundred contracts at the hundred biggest cities, we call this

random professor that we had gotten tipped off that he had done work like

this after we did ours, and I'm like, can you send me the contracts that you

have. Mind you, we just did this three years ago, so it's not a lot of time.

And I call him, and he's like, oh DeRay, I'll send you everything I got. He sends me 800

contracts. Oh were you just like sitting on... like what were you gonna do with them?

Like, that is so crazy to me, that you had 800 contracts... like literally the single... he's the

single biggest set outside of ours, and eight times as big as ours, just like

randomly sitting in a spreadsheet. Like he sent it to me in like 10 minutes. And

you're like, whose job is it to make sure this stuff gets around to people can do

something with it, right? And like I think about all the

information that you probably have, proximity to, and know about, and see

that is like life-changing and game-changing and nobody will ever...

Like that is... that is wild to me. And trying to think about how do we bridge

that gap,that like there are people who are focused on these issues that don't

know about that study or don't know about that thing. I did a talk at Johns

Hopkins and there was this nurse who was like, she did a study on like cigarette

use in the homes, and like why people, like smoking around their kids, and she

was like one of the reasons is because people in Baltimore don't feel safe

smoking outside because of the police. Like that was one of her findings. And

she was like, I wrote it in the journal and they literally would not publish it

because they thought that was too controversial. Then she was like, the

protest started and all of a sudden they were like, it's okay to publish. And

it's like, that is a fight that I don't even know where to start,

like I don't have any proximity to waging that battle. I think

about people like you who like, you are around like these communities, are the

people in journals, and da da da, and it's like what does it look like to fight for

like different access and different stories and like sort of connecting

people who do the work with people who study the work. You just have... you

just are in a community that we don't even know how it works, right, and trying

to think about how you use that in a way that actually sets people up to make the

best decisions I think is some of the most powerful stuff you can do.

Cool. Thank you again. (clapping)

DeRay, thank you. Thank you very much. How many of you know Crooked Media and

DeRay's podcast, Pod Save the People? Oh wow, there's quite a few people in this

room. So a shout-out to Pod Save the People. I have to tell you that it is one

of my absolute favorite podcasts, and if you see me with my earbuds, and I'm,

you know, I'm usually listening. I've usually got DeRay's voice in my ear. There are a

number of podcasts of his that I actually go back and listen to every now

and then, and I just have to say that the one that I would encourage you all to

listen to, because it's something I've listened to more than once and it gives

me a lot of hope, is DeRay's interview with or discussion with Brené Brown, and

it was around joy, privilege, and discomfort. And it's something that we

all have to think about in our lives, the joy that we need and the joy that we

deserve. So check out that podcast. And thank you again to DeRay, and DeRay I

hope that in you know when you're thinking about future strategies, bridge

builders, that you think about librarians because we are important to your

struggle and to what you are trying to achieve. Thank you very much, everyone, and

I guess we're gonna have to say goodbye to DeRay. (clapping)

Okay, we now have a break, and our concurrent sessions begin again at 11:15.

We are in the Galaxy Room, and here in the Galaxy Room, we are going to be in

the session "Where Do You Work: Rooting Responsibilities in Land," and the

"Creating a Residence Program: The ACRL Diversity Alliance" is in the Universe

Room, so head there after the break if that's what you're interested in

hearing more about. Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Symposium for Strategic Leadership in DE: Welcome and Keynote - Duration: 1:25:47.


Un biombo chino de Animales Fantásticos - El elenco de 'Los Crímenes de Grindelwald' en Pekin - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> Un biombo chino de Animales Fantásticos - El elenco de 'Los Crímenes de Grindelwald' en Pekin - Duration: 9:16.


Treino de Pernas Gracyane Barbosa na Academia Treino para Pernas Pernas Grossas - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Treino de Pernas Gracyane Barbosa na Academia Treino para Pernas Pernas Grossas - Duration: 2:52.


Tras la muerte de un hondureño de la caravana, el Gobierno de Peña Nieto denunció a los migrantes po - Duration: 3:58.

Las autoridades mexicanas aseguran que los migrantes usaron bombas molotov. (Foto: EFE) La muerte de un hondureño como consecuencia de un enfrentamiento entre migrantes y policías federales en la frontera con Guatemala confrontó al gobierno mexicano con esta segunda caravana que ingresó a territorio nacional

Este domingo hubo el reporte de un migrante hondureño muerto y diez más lesionados durante un enfrentamiento con elementos de la Policía Federal que intentaron contener la entrada de otro grupo de migrantes a México, que buscan llegar a Estados Unidos

De acuerdo con información de medios, el hondureño murió al recibir el impacto de una bala de goma

Pero las autoridades mexicanas negaron la versión. De lado de Guatemala también hubo choque con la policía

(EFE) En conferencia de prensa, el secretario de Gobernación mexicano, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, afirmó que los policías federales no estaban armados ni siquiera con balas de goma, "que son consideradas no letales", y condenó con dureza el uso de violencia para ingresar al país

Afirmó además que, a diferencia de los policías mexicanos, los agresores –no se refirió a ellos como migrantes– sí iban armados incluso con bombas molotov, por lo que ya compartió información con los gobiernos de Guatemala y Honduras para detener a los responsables

Luego de destacar que México no criminaliza la migración no documentada, el funcionario mexicano lamentó que los días 19 y 28 de octubre "grupos de personas intentaron ingresar violentamente a territorio nacional por la frontera sur"

Navarrete Prida aseguró que este domingo los integrantes de la caravana migrante rompieron la reja de entrada a territorio mexicano y agredieron con piedras, petardos, botellas de vidrio y cohetones a personal de migración y a policías federales desarmados

El @gobmx rechaza las manifestaciones de violencia ocurridas hoy en la frontera con #Guatemala y reitera que la única vía para ingresar a #México es mediante el cumplimiento de las leyes migratorias

@SEGOB_mx @SRE_mx @INAMI_mx  — Alfonso Navarrete (@navarreteprida) October 29, 2018 "La Policía Federal, como lo atestiguan los visitadores de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos de México y organismos no gubernamentales que estuvieron presentes, no portaba arma alguna, ni siquiera para tener balas de plástico", detalló

Del lado guatemalteco también hubo enfrentamientos con policías y, según versiones, fueron las autoridades de aquel país quienes utilizaron gases lacrimógenos y los migrantes respondieron con piedras y palos

Una primera caravana de migrantes, ahora formada por unas 7,000 personas, partió el 13 de octubre de San Pedro Sula, Honduras, con rumbo a Estados Unidos y gran parte de ella marcha actualmente por México

En esta segunda caravana viajan unas 1,500 personas dispersas en varios grupos. El gobierno mexicano informó que, hasta este domingo, 1,895 migrantes centroamericanos solicitaron refugio, algunos de los cuales han desistido del procedimiento y decidido voluntariamente regresar a su país de origen

Además, otros 422 solicitaron la repatriación voluntaria a sus naciones y 300 ya cuentan con una cédula de identificación expedida por el Instituto Nacional de Migración, que los protege durante su estancia en México

MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Donald Trump aseguró que la caravana migrante "es una invasión a Estados Unidos y las Fuerzas Armadas la están esperando" La caravana de migrantes hondureños enfila hacia Ciudad de México en su sueño de llegar a EEUU

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