[Tires squealing]
[Engine revs, squealing continues]
[Tires screech]
[Car door slams] Insincere! Insincere?!
Jimmy, what happened? A god(no audio) year?
What am I supposed to do for a whole year?!
Jimmy -- I can guarantee you
I'm not selling cellphones for a (no audio) year.
I'll tell you that. What did they say, exactly?
How -- How did it -- [Groans] Hard pass!
All right. And don't tell me I can appeal
because once the board hears the word "insincere," I'm screwed.
Jimmy -- Jimmy -- How do you disprove "insincere"?!
Please, Jimmy, just take a breath
and start from the beginning, please.
I was good, Kim.
I mean, I-I wasn't stuck up, but I knew my (no audio) right?
"What have you been doing during your suspension?"
and, uh, "Have you been keeping up with the law?"
Yadda yadda. All fine.
And then one of them, out of nowhere,
comes up with this weird-ass question --
"What does the law mean to you?"
That's a big one.
Huge! And I nailed it!
I talked about the meaning of the law
and I was down-to-earth and I was humble
and I was sincere and they loved it.
So they turned me down.
Well, there has to be more to it than that.
There's not.
I don't -- [Stammers]
What did they say when you talked about Chuck?
[Scoffs] What does Chuck have to do with this?
Well, so, you didn't even...
Why would I?
Okay. O-- Um...
Okay, listen, we will figure this out.
And, yes, you will appeal. We'll appeal this to the --
They're just gonna rubber-stamp -- Well, we won't let them.
They're gonna rubber-stamp whatever -- And we'll find a way to make you look sincere.
Kim, I was sincere! I know that.
I meant we will fix it. I might have been a little corny, but I meant every word.
I know that.
You don't believe me.
Of course I do. Jesus.
It's right there on your face.
You think I'm some kind of lowlife, some kind of ass(no audio)
What? ...the kind of lawyer guilty people hire, right?
No. Jimmy, that's not --
Yeah, you look at me, and you see Slippin' Jimmy.
I never said that. Yeah, but you thought it!
You want to know why the committee called you insincere?
Because you didn't mention Chuck.
What does that have to even --
They read the transcripts.
They know what happened, Jimmy.
They were waiting for you to say something about him.
So I'm supposed to make a big hairy deal
about my dead brother at my re-instatement hearing?
How is that sincere?
Ya, I don't think about Chuck, okay?
I don't miss Chuck.
Chuck was alive and now he's dead and that's that.
Finito. Life goes on. So sue me.
There it is again. [Stammers]
That's why we don't have an office. What? No!
Just, you know, do not start in on that office.
I don't want to hear another word
about that stupid office.
Stupid office? Okay. Here we go. Here we go.
Jimmy, I have been on your side since the day we met!
Who comes running when you call?
Who cleans up your messes?
I have a job,
but I drop everything for you every single time.
You confess to a felony on tape,
I'm there.
You have a bar hearing, I represent you.
Over and over again, if you need me, I'm there.
But somehow in your mind the only measure
of my feelings for you is -- is some office?!
I'm good enough to live with, to sleep with,
but God forbid you should have an office with me.
What are you t-- I just told you -- You get a little bored with your life,
so you come down and roll around in the dirt... That's --
...have some fun with Slippin' Jimmy... Oh, is it fun?
...and then it's [Clicks tongue] back up. Fun like lying to the ADA
to get your friend out of the (no audio)
Or fun like standing there with a smile plastered on my face
while you play infantile mind games on my law partner?
Oh, what a mistake it was
to take me up to your office in the sky!
You'll never do that again! Yeah, maybe I won't.
And maybe next time you call, I won't come.
There you go. Kick a man when he's down.
Jimmy, you are always down.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
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