Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 1 2018

Cress is one more of those grown foods since the beginning of human existence.

With a peculiar and spicy flavor, this vegetable is considered one of the most nutritious in the world.

And it's not just because of its macronutrients that watercress is beneficial to your health.

If we take a closer look, this vegetable contains vitamins in great concentration,

such as Vitamin K, C and A, as well as minerals such as potassium.

Consume watercress regularly can help you in several ways, such as:

Strengthen bones If you have fragile bones, one of the possible

causes may be vitamin deficiency K, since this vitamin is responsible

by the absorption of calcium by the organism, This mineral is essential for bone health.

Help to Lose Weight Cress is one of the vegetables with low content

additionally contain good amounts of fibers, which help to increase the sensation

of satiety for longer in the stomach, preventing you from consuming more calories than

necessary during the day, in addition to regular the functioning of the intestine.

Controlling diabetes The watercress has a high concentration of

alpha-lipoic acid, a compound capable of our insulin sensitivity and reduce

the blood glucose levels.

By including the vegetable in your diet, you can control diabetes, as well as prevent


Prevent cancer Experts believe that the consumption of watercress

can help prevent various types of cancers, among them, the breast, besides acting as

a kind of protective shield of our tissues during the treatment of


Combat respiratory diseases By having large amounts of vitamin C

in its composition, watercress may be useful in strengthening our immune system,

helping to prevent various types of of diseases, such as colds, colds,

other respiratory problems.

Reduce blood pressure Because it is rich in potassium and magnesium, watercress

also contributes to the reduction of arterial.

These nutrients have the fundamental function of vasodilators, which can relax the vessels


Improves digestion Vegetables such as watercress are rich in chlorophyll

and contains a good amount of enzymes that help in absorbing nutrients and

the digestive process more effectively, improving digestion as a whole.

If you do not like the taste of watercress, a more palatable way of consuming this

vegetable is through juices.

Here's how to prepare a watercress juice, excellent for treating and preventing problems

respiratory systems, as well as providing and strengthen immunity:

Ingredients 2 oranges, 1 tablespoon watercress, 1

spoon of honey, 250 ml of water

To prepare the drink, just beat everyone the ingredients in the blender and consume


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