Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 30 2017

We are truly facing a great victory (against Daesh in Lebanon).

From there, consider that on May 25, 2000, we expelled the Zionist Occupying (Lebanon)

and today we all (the Syrian and Lebanese armies and Resistance) have expelled the occupying terrorist takfiri.

This is one of the fundamental similarities.

On the border, vast and sensitive areas (mountains, hills, strategic positions) were in the hands of the Zionists,

and here also, vast expanses, mountains, heights, hills, strategic positions were in the hands of the takfiris.

At the border, across the international border, the Israelis were a permanent threat and that is always the case,

and takfiris were a threat at every moment against all of Lebanon, especially against all the Bekaa,

not only against Baalbeck-Hermel and border villages.

Lately, everyone knows they planned there, in the Jurd of Ersal, Daech was preparing suicide operations and attacks in Zahle and in the surrounding villages,

but the intelligence services of the Lebanese army discovered them before the operations were conducted.

Today we face this reality. And maybe it would come to the mind of some to say

"ô Sayed [Nasrallah] as regards Israel, it is something very different (from what happens today)." But no, it is a continuation.

Day after day, it is shown that these Daech and takfiri groups have been created by American power and fought to realize the Israeli project.

They fought (in the interest of the) Israeli project.

And what these takfiri terrorist groups have offered Israel, Israel could never get it for decades.

And more dangerous ... I do not want to classify these two dangers, because I believe that these terrorist groups are fighting within the American-Israeli project,

whether they know it or not. Their leaders know for sure. The fools are the fighters who got fooled by false and superficial slogans.

Israel is an occupation and hegemony project. Israel is an occupying project.

The United States are a project of hegemony.

Daech and other takfiri groups are an extermination project. The extermination

of all that is different (from them): Muslim, Christian, Sabean, Yazdi, everything. That is an extermination project.

The extermatnion of man, of history, of civilization, of society, of all things.

And then when our region is destroyed, its armies, its plans, its states, its institutions, its social structure,

it will be offered (on a silver platter), primed, cooked to perfection, roasted and stuffed to America and Israel,

so that they seize in and impose their conditions on everyone.

And that's why today, who is shedding tears over the fate of Daesh in Syria,

in Qalamoune and in Iraq? Netanyahu and Israeli officials! It is they who mourn (bitterly) and yell sorrowful lamentations!

Currently, their problem with the administration of Trump is that it committed itself to the eradication of Daesh as a priority,

the same administration that recognizes that this is the Obama (and Clinton) administration who created Daech.

This is why no one should come and say that there is a big difference between the Liberation of South(-Lebanon in 2000 against Israel) and this battle (against Daesh)

and that the liberation of South ranks first (in importance), and that (the Liberation of our borders) is in 10th place (for example) in any way!

(Liberation of southern Lebanon against Israel) is first, (the Liberation of our borders against Daech) comes right away in second place!

For it is a continuation of the battle against Israel.

Read Israeli (statements and press). The Lebanese and the Arabs do not read (unfortunately) much.

Read what they say, what they write, especially these days,

with the ongoing eradication of Daesh in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon,

so that you realize clearly that Daesh is a true Israeli project.

We are indeed facing the Second Liberation (of Lebanon).

The date of the First Liberation is May 25, 2000.

The date of the Second Liberation, for history, is today (28 August 2017).

I do not mean the day (to be selected for an annual commemoration of this event).

Today we have to write... Last time, today's date, August 28, 2017, was empty (of any commemoration).

But not for 2018.

By the will of God, this day and this month will be written by the Lebanese Army, the Syrian army and fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon.

This was written today (in the annals of history): August 28, 2017

is the Day of the Second Liberation, which will be recorded as a glorious day in the history of Lebanon and the history of the region.

Now whether the Lebanese government (led by the pro-Saudi Saad Hariri and his March 14 coalition, facing the motion of March 8, with Hezbollah and its allies) recognizes it or not, that's their problem,

just like what happened on May 25, 2000.

The situation was somewhat different at the time, that date was declared a national holiday, then was removed from the calendar at the time of a previous Prime Minister.

But then, thanks God, a head of government redid the occasion of May 25 a day of remembrance.

We now have an opportunity to commemorate: August 28, 2017.

I speak only of the historical event that took place on August 28, I do not write the History (and law) myself.

But today there is no longer any daechiste, takfiri, (member of) Al-Nusra Front or (any other terrorist) on the least grain of sand, any mountain or any Lebanese hill.

It was on that date (this event occurred).

After that, if the government wants to keep that date, or choose August 27, August 25, August 31 or September 3 (for the commemoration), I have no problem.

I do not precede anyone, I speak only of the historical event.

On this basis, I wish to conclude with this call:

you remember that on May 25, 2000, it is all Lebanon who won, and Lebanon was happy with the victory (against Israel),

with the exception of those who have placed their hopes in the Israeli occupation, and there were (a number) in the country,

and those who have placed their hopes in the army of Antoine Lahd.

So on that day, there was a majority (of Lebanese) happy, and (a minority) of people whose faces were darkened (with bitterness)

because their plans had collapsed.


But (in 2000), the happiest people, despite the fact that it was a national day, celebration and victory,

are southerners, residents of southern Lebanon and Jabal Amel who were the happiest of all with this victory and this Liberation.

The reason is simple: it is because the occupation took place on their mountains, their hills, their cities,

it is their sons and daughters who were imprisoned, their peasants and farmer were fired over,

and a daily threat was hanging over them.

We remember the bombing against Sidon and Nabatiye and children and schoolchildren's heads torn in the streets.

It is quite normal that the people of the South, who are those who have suffered most and have the most sacrificed,

were (more) happy on May 25, 2000.

Today, all of Lebanon won, and logically, the vast majority (of the population) is pleased,

with the exception of those who have placed their hopes on the Al-Nusra Front, on Daesh and the regional states and world powers that stand behind them.

It is understandable that they are angry, saddened and dismayed, and they offer their condolences, it is normal.

And a few days ago, 2 or 3 weeks, they have insulted, reviled, slandered us, but let them act as they please.

We understand their sadness and pain.

But with certainty, the vast majority of Lebanese are happy because without these (victorious) confrontations for several years to date,

Daech, the Al-Nusra Front and their like could seize the Bekaa, the North and reach other places in Lebanon

and we would have experienced a disaster. See what happened in the country and the societies around us (Syria, Iraq, Libya).

But it is also natural that the happiest people in the Second Liberation are our noble people of the Bekaa.

They are the ones whose mountains, Jurds and fields, were attacked with car bombs and suicide bombers,

against Hermel, Bekaa, Baalbek and Ras, and the whole area was threatened upto all Zahle and the Bekaa,

and now that this nightmare disappears from their mountains, their hills, their Jurds, their homes and their land,

they sure are going to be the happiest of all.

For they have suffered more than all, and in this battle, it is among them that there was the most sacrificed (martyrs)

It is true that our brothers, our families and the officers and soldiers of the Lebanese Army came from all regions of Lebanon and fought on this front,

but there is no doubt that today in the Bekaa, there are no villages, especially in Baalbek-Hermel, in which are not found one, two or three martyrs,

and one, two or three wounded. The Bekaa residents have also shaped this victory by the blood of their loved ones and their children, the apple of their eyes,

the best elements of their young men.

Not to mention the wounded who are still in the homes and in hospitals.

Therefore it is normal that they are happy, congratulate themselves and take pride in this victory which is a national victory in general,

but especially a victory for the Bekaa.

For more infomation >> Hassan Nasrallah : Israël est désespéré par la déroute de Daech - Duration: 10:50.


Seis miembros de una familia hispana, desaparecidos en las inundaciones de Houston - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Seis miembros de una familia hispana, desaparecidos en las inundaciones de Houston - Duration: 1:57.


Festejos y dolor en medio del aniversario luctuoso de Juan Gabriel | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Festejos y dolor en medio del aniversario luctuoso de Juan Gabriel | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:49.


El antes y el después de Houston tras paso de Harvey | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> El antes y el después de Houston tras paso de Harvey | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.


Encuentran el cadáver de una niña días después de reportarla como desaparecida en México - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Encuentran el cadáver de una niña días después de reportarla como desaparecida en México - Duration: 1:57.


Voici mon Canada: Il y a de Paix - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Voici mon Canada: Il y a de Paix - Duration: 0:21.


Fontwork (part 3) - LibreOffice Writer Course - Duration: 6:08.

In today's lesson we will learn a little more about Fontworks.

To see the previous lessons on Fontworks, click the link that appears at the top of the screen.

In today's lesson we will see how you can join two Fontworks.

The words, learn how to join the Fontwork "ABC" with Fontwork "University", creating a unique art.

Let's learn how to do?

On the screen, we have a document with a fictional example imprint "ABC University".

This logo was created using Fontwork.

In the first stage of this class, we will see how to create this logo.

In MENU bar that appears at the top of the screen, click "Insert" and then click "Fontwork ...".

Ie MENU "Insert", "Fontwork ..." option.

Among the Fontwork options that appear, select which you want to use and click "OK".

Notice that the Fontwork appears in a very large size on the screen.

So to adjust the size of Fontwork, I'll click the "right" mouse over the Fontwork,

choose the "Anchor" option, and then choose the "On Page" option.

Note that around the word "Fontwork" appear points (tabs).

I'll click on the tab that appears at the top left edge and move the mouse down, diagonally,

to decrease the size of the word "Fontwork". Then I will place it in the center of the page.

I'll double-click on the word "Fontwork" and enter "ABC".

"ABC" is the real name of the University that we are using as an example to create the logo.

Note that the document logo, "ABC" appears in red.

So let's learn now how to change the color of the Fontwork.

In MENU bar that appears at the top of the screen, change the "Gradient" to "Color", and select the color red.

Note that the color of the Fontwork "ABC" has changed.

Now, we will make the second Fontwork, which will be placed under "ABC".

For this, I will leave a big gap between "ABC" and the new Fontwork,

and work closer to the bottom of the page.

I will do this because, when two Fontworks are very close, it is difficult to identify the tabs belonging to each of them.

I'll click in the region that will be the Fontwork.

Then the MENU, click "Insert" and choose "Fontwork ..."

Now from the options that appear, I will choose what kind of Fontwork will use.

Notice that the word "Fontwork" appears on the screen with a very large size.

I'll click the "right" mouse over the Fontwork,

choose the "Anchor" option, and then choose the "On Page" option.

Now, I position (drag) the Fontwork elsewhere, to work better.

This will be our new Fontwork.

These points will show are the "guides" of the new Fontwork.

This other points are the Fontwork guides "ABC".

If the two Fontworks get too close, there may be doubt in the identification of belonging to each Fontwork guides.

Note that the logo used as an example, the words "ABC" and "University" are on different planes.

First we write the word "University".

I'll double-click on the word "Fontwork" type "University" and click a blank spot on the page.

Now, we will change the word slope "University" to equal to our example.

I'll click once on the word "University".


I'll click on the center guide the top of the Fontwork University

and "pull" down.

Note that the word "University" gets "lying".

Now, I will decrease the size of Fontwork.

I will click on the tab that appears at the top left of the word "University"

and move the mouse down diagonally.

Now, I position (drag) the Fontwork "University" near the Fontwork "ABC".

Note that is very similar to the logo that we are using as an example.

Our Fontwork is ready. Now, let's join Fontwork "University" with Fontwork "ABC".

I'll click the Fontwork "ABC"

press the "Shift" key and click the Fontwork "University" (keeping the "Shift" key).

Note that after this procedure, only eight blue tabs appear on the screen.

I will perform the procedure again note.

What this means?

It means that these two objects (both Fontworks) were united.

This tab now refers to these two objects together.

But now if you click on any point on the page, this junction is undone.

So it is necessary to group these two objects.

I will click with the right mouse button on the letter "B", click "Group" and choose the "Group" option.

Now, this is a unique object.

Note that if I click on the word "ABC" and move the mouse, the word "University" moves along.

This is because the two Fontworks became a single object !!!

If I click on the bottom tab on the right side and move the mouse up diagonally,

Both the word "ABC" as the word "University" will be smaller.

Note that we can build a very similar logo with the logo we use as an example.

I will delete the Fontwork that appears on the screen.

In the next lesson we will see how to generate some interesting patterns in Fontwork.

A hug and see you next class !!!

For more infomation >> Fontwork (part 3) - LibreOffice Writer Course - Duration: 6:08.


Desaparecen bajo el agua seis miembros de una familia hispana en las inundaciones de Houston - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Desaparecen bajo el agua seis miembros de una familia hispana en las inundaciones de Houston - Duration: 1:59.


"Los indocumentados son bienvenidos": Dallas recibe a los primeros damnificados de Harvey - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> "Los indocumentados son bienvenidos": Dallas recibe a los primeros damnificados de Harvey - Duration: 2:14.


Cómo extraer el jugo de la cebolla y cuáles son sus usos - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Cómo extraer el jugo de la cebolla y cuáles son sus usos - Duration: 4:23.


Fuerte enfrentamiento de cholitas con la policía | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Fuerte enfrentamiento de cholitas con la policía | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


El Cuarto de al Lado - Fito Páez (Cover) - Duration: 3:42.

I only know I was never good enough

I was just so crazy and you were so pure

You also used to be my little "punkie girl"

But above all you really knew how to love

Remember that morning on our way to the hospital

You were laughing like crazy, you were going to become a mom

To do some yoga you locked yourself up in the bathroom

Then I gave you my hand and we let the years go on

Life is the queen mother of immensity

The one that upsets beasts The one the makes hearts come close

Music is the queen mother, nothing to discuss Silence! she has arrived with her bullets and flowers

Blood plays too roughly Does not know how to think

It unleashes storms from beyond

Fortunately I never took things too seriously

I know well that everything is already written in the wind

And everything you do as an obligation

Takes away the happiness from your heart

But who's going to believe what the newspapers claim

I do believe that love can last through the years

Life is the queen mother of immensity

The one that upsets beasts The one the makes hearts come close

Music is the queen mother, nothing to discuss Silence! she has arrived with her bullets and flowers

I only know I was never good enough

I try to play innocent You try to play tough

In any case there's love, because no one can't stop

Our children in the room next door

For more infomation >> El Cuarto de al Lado - Fito Páez (Cover) - Duration: 3:42.


Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Trailer de Lançamento | Switch - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Trailer de Lançamento | Switch - Duration: 1:19.


Sweeney Todd or The String of Pearls (Booktrailer) - Duration: 0:31.

Dead men tell no tales...

Sweeney Todd or The String of Pearls, the novel that inspired Tim Burton's film and Broadway's musical.

Available in paperback and e-book on all amazon stores.

For more infomation >> Sweeney Todd or The String of Pearls (Booktrailer) - Duration: 0:31.


Sweeney Todd or The String of Pearls (Booktrailer) - Duration: 2:07.

He was born 124 years before...

Dexter Morgan

His biggest fan is named...

Hannibal Lecter

He terrorized London 41 years before...

Jack the Ripper

His original novel has been translated to Spanish...

170 years later

Sweeney Todd or The String of Pearls, the novel that inspired Tim Burton's film and Broadway's musical.

Available in paperback and e-book on all amazon stores.

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